The Horse in the Prince's Sta...

By Firecat057

4M 83.8K 14K

She's cursed to remain as a horse for the rest of her life. Her coat is colored black for her mother's transg... More

Chp. 1
Chp. 2
Chp. 3
Chp. 4
Chp. 5
Chp. 6
Chp. 7
Chp. 8
Chp. 9
Chp. 11
Chp. 12
Chp. 13
Chp. 14
Chp. 15
Chp. 16
Chp. 17
Chp. 18
Chp. 19
Chp. 20
Chp. 21
Chp. 22 (pt. 1)
Chp. 22 (pt. 2)
Chp. 23
Chp. 23 (again)
Chp. 24
Chp. 25
Chp. 26
Chp. 27
Chp. 28
Chp. 29
Chp. 30
Chp. 31
Chp. 32
Chp. 33

Chp. 10

117K 2.3K 356
By Firecat057

this dedication goes to one of my best and oldest friends because she is just awesome. read her stuff. its good :)

so i made one alteration.. the "gray haired" guard, well now he's the brown haired guard with gray flecks. you'll see why. :o

oh, and the clip on the side? i just watched that movie and pretty much died of happiness because i love that movie and it was the best inspiration for my story. and i thought the song kinda fit. :3

and to make up for the last painfully short chapter, this one's going to be "painfully" long. enjoyyyy :)




          I awoke to find myself riding a galloping horse. Each stride the horse took jostled me painfully. I sucked in a breath as my new bruises complained at each new movement. The strong bindings around my torso didn't help either...

          Wait, what?

          Glancing back over my shoulder, I caught sight of the brown haired guard sitting right behind me. Being so close to him, I realized his dark brown hair had many silver strands. His arm was wrapped around me to keep me in place.

          "Ah, you're awake." His gravelly voice spoke into my ear. "Pretend you're still unconscious." 

          "Why?" I demanded, not wanting to follow his orders.

          "There's something you need to know," he pulled me closer, leaning forwards so his mouth was right next to my left ear. "If I'm caught revealing this to you..." He gave a humorless chuckle. "Well, you know what Drake is like."

          "Tell me then," I uttered just loud enough for him to hear me. I focused on falling limp in his arms, hoping that I could fool the others. 

          For a few moments, all I heard was the sound of hoofbeats thudding against the ground in a steady rhythm. Keeping my eyes opened just a slit, I took in the sight of green grass and trees. It was a nice change to the scenery. The sun had started to sink a little in the sky, the blue barely had tints of purple and pink. 

          Then the man spoke again.

          "We didn't come upon you and your servants by chance," he began in a low voice. "We'd been hired by someone else to capture you." My body stiffened at the news.

          "Who?" I didn't have any enemies, at least none that I knew of. Who would want to get rid of me? Had I offended anyone accidentally? What could be gained by taking me out of the picture?

          "I don't know. Only Drake knows that. But with you gone, this leaves an open door that leads straight to war. That's something these lands don't need."

          "And what do you gain by telling me all of this?" Suspicion flooded my mind. Should I even trust this man?

          "My family... they would be right in the center of the war. I can't let that happen. I lost my first family once, and I won't let it happen ever again. That's why you have to-"

          "Kurtis! Is the prisoner awake?" A voice shouted from behind us. 

          It was then I realized I had abandoned my feigned unconsciousness act, and had sat up straighter on the saddle. Our conversation was over. We slowed to a halt, and Charles turned his horse around to face the others.

          "Yes sir." The guard named Kurtis replied. "He has come to. Shall we put him back on the other horse?"

          "Yes. Do it quickly, we only have a few more hours until we reach Carter's Bay." The crossbowman replied. "Drake is waiting for us."

          The other guard dragged me down and forced me back up onto the brown stallion. The ropes were fitted once again on my neck. I stole another glance at Kurtis. I wanted to believe him, but was he really telling the truth?



          The coast was dark and cloudy, and plain depressing.

          I wish it hadn't been so gloomy. I have never been to the ocean before, and this didn't seem like a good introduction.  

          If the prince and I ever escaped, someday maybe we could come back to the ocean on a better day. Maybe not here... exactly, but a place on the beach where I could feel the water lap at my hooves in a peaceful setting. 

          Small shacks and buildings dotted the hills around the beach, orange lights presumably from fire places flickered in the windows. The wooden structures all were raised about five feet off of the ground and had small porches that wrapped around them. Some men sat outside on these porches and smoked a pipe, or drank ale from big jugs. All of them appeared mean and cruel. Very few of these men didn't have thick muscles or visible scars. 

          They must be sailors...

          The moon twinkled high above us, hidden occasionally by a passing cloud. I still had maybe an hour or two before I transformed. I needed to act quickly then if I were to rescue the prince and escape. Luckily for us, most of the men seemed to be inside, while only a few drunken stragglers wandered around outside. 

          We were led out onto the beach, where I stopped short in surprise. A few corrals had been set up, each filled with many horses. There had to be at least a hundred total, if I remembered my numbers right. I had never been very good at those...

          The sand felt extremely unusual underneath my hooves. Each step sunk into the ground slightly, and I felt like I had to push against this strange dirt harder to get where I wanted to go. 

          This will not be fun to run in...

          A wall sat on the beach, blocking access to the water's edge. It stretched a fair distance, leaving lots of space between the end of the wall and the corrals. It however, did not connect to make a loop. The corral closest to where we entered the beach was the one they placed us newcomers in. I searched among the men to see if I could catch a glimpse of the prince. There! They tied him up to a post next to one of the shacks overlooking the beach.

          I only had a little bit of time left before I had to spring into action.

          Tonight, my prince. We will be free of them tonight!



          The salty ocean breeze chilled me slightly, but I was too enveloped in my thoughts to really notice. According to the guard, someone had hired Drake and his men to capture me and take me across the ocean. This would probably be blamed on someone... perhaps on King Lucas? And then my father would try to get me back...

          Kidnapping one of royal blood called for serious consequences. If my father suspected that the other kingdom had taken me, then he would call for war. Maybe not immediately, however if I wasn't returned soon, then he wouldn't hesitate any longer. There didn't seem like there could be anyone else to place the blame on.

          There was no use dwelling on this. If I didn't escape tonight then these lands were done for. Chaos would rein instead. I had hoped that Kurtis would save me, and I kept an eye out for him. The only time I did see him though, was when he entered a one of the wooden shacks. He briefly caught my eye, and shook his head, as if apologizing. He couldn't do anything to help me, and he was the only one who had the power and the will to do anything about my situation.

          All alone again...

          I listened to the waves lapping against the shore, slapping at the stone wall that protected the corrals. It was a peaceful sound. My eyelids started to droop. Memories began to play out in my mind, turning slowly into dreams.

          The first time I had come to Carter's Bay, I was only six years old. The beach itself didn't have any buildings of any sort here. Mother and Father had brought me here as a little vacation from royal life. The water flooded over my feet, startling me with it's cold touch. I remember racing the waves, running away from it, trying not to let it touch me. Laughter from everyone... It was a beautiful day. Then my father took me exploring the cliffs that rose up suddenly from the sand. They were tall and full of caves. For awhile we played hide and seek. Then he showed me the tide pools that were here and there around the cliffs. As the sun set, he placed his heavy hand upon my little shoulder... Then he would say I love you... 

          I awoke as I actually did feel someone's hand on my shoulder.

          "My prince!"



          I waited for a few moments to see if I was safe once I had changed back into a human. Then I crawled between the fence slats, moving slowly, adrenaline coursing through my body. Thankfully the corral wasn't as crowded as the portable fence I had been trapped in during our journey through the plains, but it was nice to be free of any sort of imprisonment. Finally I could act upon my desires to escape! But there could be no mistakes tonight.

          I stayed low as I crept through the long grasses by the huts. I had to do a few things first before I set the prince free, so I needed to do them quick.

          First, I needed a change of clothes. I couldn't wear this bloodstained dress anymore. If I could, I would find some food, a knife... 

          Ducking under one of the porches, i wormed my way over to where I could get a good look at my surroundings. The sand felt soft and cool against my skin. Fascinated, I scooped up a small handful and watched it trail between my fingers as it fell back down to the ground. I froze as the boards creaked above me as someone walked around. By the sounds of it, only one person occupied the little shack. I crossed my fingers, hoping that that person would leave.

          By a stroke of luck, I heard the man inside open the door with a loud creak, then walk down the squeaky steps and head over to another one of the cabins, his feet making pfff sounds from the sand. As he opened the door, a bright yellow light illuminated engulfed him and he began laughing and greeting his friends loudly.

          Once he shut the door of the shack he entered I darted out and quickly entered the dark little hut that he had just vacated. Coals from a fire provided a tiny bit of light, so I stayed low, hoping no one could see me from the small windows. A traveling bag sat in the corner, and I pounced on it, hurriedly digging through it's contents. 

          I found a spare shirt and pants, which I changed into swiftly. Both were a bit big on me, and I realized that the shirt hung a tad low on my chest. Blushing, I pulled the ties over the v-neck tightly to close the gap. Emptying the sack completely, I found a scrap of rope, which I promptly tied around my waist to act as a belt for my pants, and a small amount of food. Searching around the rest of the shack, I found a small knife. I felt extremely pleased for finding pretty much everything I needed in one cabin. Maybe fate wanted us to succeed! 

          Grabbing my bloodstained dress, I darted out of the shack, and jumped off the porch and crawled back underneath to my previous hiding place. I began to scoop out a little hole in the sand, a sense of wonder came over me as the sand gradually became even cooler and slightly more damp. I placed my wadded up dress into the shallow crater and pushed sand over it.

          Sorry Matilda, but it was ruined anyway. You'll have to make me another once I return...

          Once I felt safe, I rushed out again towards the prince. Once I found him, I realized he was asleep. I placed my hand on his shoulder, and shook him gently.

          "My prince!" I whispered.

          He jumped slightly, and glanced around, his gaze finally settling on my hand. Then he turned his head as far as his neck would allow, his eyes widened when he saw me.

          "A-Aurora?" He stammered.

          "Shh! I came to get you out of here! Hold still while I cut the ropes..." I commanded, instantly feeling  horrible for ordering a prince. That should never be done. Hopefully he will overlook it just this once.

          Once his bonds were severed, he rubbed at his wrists and started to stand. I grabbed his shoulder and jerked him back down, putting a finger over my lips. I tugged at his shirt gesturing him to follow me, and I led him back down to the corrals. Together we pressed ourselves against the smooth stones and hid in the shadow of the wall.

          "Here, it's not much but I grabbed what I could find. I don't have a whole lot of time my prince." I began, taking a peek at the moon and then back down at him. "You have some food, and a knife in there, and I will get you a horse-"

          "What about you?" He cut me off. "Where have you been? And you will need a horse too!" The prince reached out for the sack, but in the darkness he couldn't see it at first and placed his hand over my own. Slight chills ran up my spine. "Oh, sorry," He then grabbed the fabric.

          "Uh," I lost my train of thought for a moment. "Don't worry about me, my prince. I will find you. How do you think I managed to get here? Please, just wait on the other side of this wall and I will get you a horse."

          "Couldn't I just take any random horse now and leave?" His hushed tone rang with skepticism.

          I swallowed nervously. I didn't know what to say.

          Voices could be heard from up the hill.

          "Go! Quick, behind the wall! Hide! I'll draw them off. Don't worry, I'll take care of everything my prince." I practically shoved him to get him to move. He crawled slowly and finally I lost sight of him as he turned the corner. I myself just sat there, waiting for my time to be up. I didn't have too long to wait.



          So Aurora popped up again.

          I couldn't believe it when she spoke to me. I thought I'd never hear her voice again! It was quiet, and seemed sort of... musical. A sound I wouldn't mind hearing more of.

          Crouching on the other side of the wall, the waves coming in and out, slapping against my legs, soaking quite a lot of me. I held my bag over my head so it wouldn't get wet. 

          I began to wonder how she had found me. After all this time... she appears out of the blue and frees me? I know she promised to rescue me, but it felt like it had been ages since I first heard her voice. 

          Well, it has been ages.

          And how would she be able to find me again? I didn't even know where I would be going. Just anywhere far away from here. And she acted weirdly when I brought up the fact of picking a random horse. She was definitely a strange one. I would have to be a little careful around her. I didn't know if she always wanted me to be gone... I felt so confused.

          I looked out over at the high cliffs that rose up ominously from the beach, blacker than the night. Maybe we should head over that way. If they gave chase, I'm sure we could lose them in the caves. I didn't want to think about being hunted. It had been years since I set foot in those caves. What if we were caught again. I don't know if I could handle that.

          A heard a quiet snort above me, and something heavy brushed the top of my head. I looked up, and found the black mare staring at me expectantly.

          Aurora picked this horse??

          With a sigh I stood straight and slung the bag over my shoulder. Lifting one foot on top of the wall I heaved myself up and eased myself onto the mare's back. I felt a little wary, wondering if riding her would hurt due to the wounds Drake inflicted upon her. She didn't seem to mind. I wove my fingers into her mane, enjoying the coarseness of her hair. I haven't felt that in awhile.

          Slowly she moved forward, sometimes tilting her head towards the shacks on the slope as if making sure we were still in the clear. We finally made it to the edge of the wall. As she took another step past it, I heard a slight snap. In the moonlight, I could barely make out a line... straight and unnatural looking... leading straight up to the shacks. 

          A figure rushed out one of the shacks and hurried out onto his porch, looking down at the beach. 

          "HORSE THIEF!! WAKE UP!! SOMEONE'S STEALING A HORSE!!" His shouts sounded unbelievably loud in the stillness of the bay.

          "Go! Go!" I urged the mare desperately.

          She bolted, heading straight for the cliffs.



          We were so close! We could've gotten away without a problem!

          A stupid little trap, I stepped right into it. I couldn't believe it.

          I pumped my legs hard, hating the sand. I felt like I couldn't get a good grip on the ground to push myself forwards. Philip gripped my mane tighter, and hugged my body tightly with his legs.

          He's depending on me, I can't let him down!

          I steered towards the ocean, thinking maybe I could obscure our tracks with the help of the waves. To my surprise, the ground became more firm and I felt my speed increasing. Once again the pure joy of running flooded my senses, the wet sand and salt water kicking up and splattering against my legs, the wind blowing past me... I lost myself to the love of the gallop.

          Over the sound of the waves, the angry shouts and cries and the pounding of hooves over sand reached my sensitive ears. I quickened my pace. The cliffs drew closer and closer...

          "The tide pools!" I heard the prince's surprise, and it became my own.

          What are tide pools?

          With the next step I found out. My leg didn't hit the ground, it fell into a shallow hole filled with water. It took all of my strength and concentration not to fall. Rocks littered the ground everywhere. I surveyed the area quickly and began to move forwards once again. My pace was much slower, but safer. I wondered if Drake and his men would slow down.

          The sharp rocks and trenches of water only grow more numerous as we crossed the treacherous area. I couldn't speed up, even though Philip was begging me to. He kicked his legs into me, and spoke in worried tones, trying to urge me on. I had to disobey though. This would be safer. In the dim light I had to be extra cautious of where I placed my hooves.

          Drake and his men were getting closer. I knew when they reached the tide pools when I heard the screams of pain and terror from their horses. Some men went flying and crashed into rocks, or splashed into some of the shallow pools. My heart clenched at the thought of my fellow horses being injured.

          "Hiya!" Drake's voice cut straight to my heart. He hadn't fallen. And he was coming for us.

          I began to hurry then, trying not to slip and fall, or trip.. I just wanted to get away! Finally we reached the end of the dangerous path and I began to gallop away again.


          I froze as the sound of the whip echoed across the beach, coming to a perfect standstill. That accursed whip!

          "It's ok, it's ok," Philip's voice was strained as he recognized my fear of that sound. "I won't let him touch you! Just please, keep running!"

          I shook off the stupor and took off running again, fear and desperation fueling me on. For the first time tonight I felt Philip pull on my mane, trying to guide me. Until now, he had just been hanging on for dear life. We finally had come amidst the cliffs which were dotted with dark holes.


          Trusting my prince's guidance, I let him steer me to the cliffs. I hit the loose sand again, having to put forth more effort to stay ahead of Drake. I heard his horse behind me, closing in. The whip giving an occasional snap. It took everything inside of me to not halt again. Lots of driftwood were scattered in the sand in front of the cave, and I stumbled slightly as I ran over it. I slowed as I entered the blackness of the cool cave.

          My eyes hadn't adjusted to the instant darkness, so I quickly shuffled over to the side to hide in the shadows. It would be way to dangerous to charge straight through the caves. I tried to quiet my breathing so I wouldn't blow our cover. Philip slid off my back, and patted my back soothingly. 

          Then Drake entered the cave.



          He came in alone, leaving his horse at the cave entrance. His tall figure passed in front of us, I could see him because of the moonlight seeping in. Drake had a death grip on his whip which gleamed dully in the light. He stopped short, before entering the utter darkness.

          "I know you're in here little prince!" He called into the caves. "You and that stupid horse!" Drake cracked the whip loudly, and the mare tensed under my hand, but she didn't make a sound. Slowly I reached down and grabbed a jagged edged stone. I licked my lips nervously, my heart thudding against my chest. I wondered how Drake couldn't hear it.

          I took a step forward, and a pebble skittered across  the rocky floor. Drake whirled and stared right into my eyes, his hand jerking forward. My neck was on fire, and suddenly I was jerked forward. His fist connected with my face, leaving my mind spinning. I never let go of the rock though.

          Drake grabbed my shirt and pulled me close, sneering at me.

          "Thought you could escape, huh? Well guess what. I received word that I don't need you alive anymore. So you're gonna die, in this cave, alone." He laughed evilly, relishing in this fact. He pulled out a wicked looking knife, chips missing from the blade, and pressed it against my throat. 

          Time to act.

          I smashed my rock into his face, right into his eye. He screamed loudly and unusually high pitched. It rang in my ears as he released me. I scrambled backwards trying to conceal myself once again in the shadows. Drake clutched at his face, cursing and screaming at me. He snapped his whip at me, over and over, mostly hitting the stone walls, occasionally striking me. I sucked in a breath each time the whip cut my skin.

          A loud whinny  joined Drake's yelling as the mare charged. She reared and struck at Drake with her sharp hooves. He changed his target to her, hitting her multiple times. She was an easier target, and I felt some wetness spray on my leg. 

          Her blood.

          I joined the fight again and started punching the bastard, and kicking him hard. He collapsed to the floor, defeated. His knife shone brightly on the ground, reflecting the moonlight. I quickly grabbed it and pricked his throat with the tip, creating a deep enough cut to release a thing stream of blood.

          "Don't come after us again. I'll kill you Drake, I swear I will!" I hissed at him.

          "I'll hunt you down, Philip..." His voice sounded weak through his clenched teeth. 

          "Stay away!" I threatened, before giving him a solid kick to his head. His body went still. I panted, and leaned against the mare. She nickered softly, and swung her head towards me. Patting her, I felt a sense of trust between us. She came to my rescue. Maybe Aurora did know a thing or two about picking horses.

          "Ok mare... Let's get through these caves. We'll find a way out I'm sure..." Searching through Drake's pocket, I found a flint. I grabbed a few pieces of driftwood. I ripped up Drake's jacket, and tied it to the stick, and placed extra strips into my pocket. It was a horrible makeshift torch, but it would have to do. We needed to put as much space between ourselves and Drake's men as possible. 

          After a comforting pat on her neck, I led the way through the twisting tunnels of the caves.


oh my goodness that took forever! whew! -wipes sweat off of brow- i hope that was filled was enough action and excitement to please you all :) haha.

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