Why me?

By MarshyMellowXoxo

3.4K 17 11

Heather is a typical nerd. But she knows she could be popular if she wanted to. Aaron is a typical player. He... More

Why me?
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 17

128 1 0
By MarshyMellowXoxo


SOOOOO.... I'm not completely better.... but I'm OK i guess.... I was looking through my E-mail and saw a few new Fans and i have to say i felt utterly loved and motivated! so here it is!!! PLZ COMMENT AND VOTE... it makes me  Happy:P This may Short and have Typo's x) Soooooooooooooo................................. Plz don't complain. I don't have Word anymore :(( and on this weird notes thing..... it's EXTREMELY HARD TO WRITE A LOT 0.0


BTWWWWWW that picture is Aaron waking up and thinking of his dream ;)

Sorry.............................................................................. again :)



~Aaron's P.O.V. ~

She laughed. God, i love her laughs. Smiling she leaned in closer to me.

 "And what if i do what to kiss you?" she whispered.

 "Then you'd do it." I answered.

 "At the park...? Filled with people? And kids? And the elderly? And-" I cut her off with a chuckle.\

 "Are you really gonna let them stop you?" I said in a low seductive voice.

She grinned and said, "Tell you what, We'll run... if you can catch me, I give you a kiss."

 I smirked.

She was being funny now. We both knew I was way more athletic, therefore I was faster. "Ok... when do we start?" I asked, going along.

"NOW!" she suddenly bolted up and darted off into the trees. I laughed loudly and chased after her.

Being with her was just so much easier and it made me laugh and smile and be myself. She was WAY different than i thought her to be. she wasn't boring or weird or what ever. She has a hot personality and is very cool and nice to hang out with.

I saw a glimpse of her turning at a tree. I quickly caught up with her petite figure and pinned her to a tree she was trying to turn. We were both breathing heavily, I mean DANG this chick could RUN!!

"Ok, ok. I get a kiss now." I said once we stopped panting. She smirked and wrapped her arms around my neck and I put my hands on her hips. " Do really want me to kiss you or are you just teasing me?" she asked quietly. "I don't joke about kissing you, Heather." I whispered, my lips just brushing hers. She leaned up just a bit more and our lips were just about to touch...


BBEEEEEEEEP!!! BEEEEEEEEPP!!!!!! BBEEEEEEEEPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEEEEP!!!!!

UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i slammed the alarm button on my clock. IT JUST HAD TO RUIN A PERFECTLY GOOD DREAM?! Wait.... i dreamt of HEATHER!?!?

WHATTTTT!!!???? And i was so happy to! I don't get it.

Told you, you like her.              It's WAY to early for this.

I got up from my very comfortable bed and groggily rubbed my eye. Bleh. Morning.

I got some clothes and took a shower with cold water. Hopefully i'll look awake by school time.


Kieth looked at me funny. "What?" I asked boredly.

"You're eating here??" he asked with 'IM VERY CONFUSED' all but written on his face.

"YEAH....so?" What's wrong with eating in my own home. On my own kitchen table? Honestly, geez....

You know what he means...                  GREAT! YOU AGAIN.

HEY! I'm trying to help here!!!              Ughhhh...

FINE! SCREW YOU!                                Why am i actually feeling guilty for being mean to... well, me.

Cause you luuuuhhhv meh!                   SHUT UP!

"What?" I ask annoyed. Kieth was looking at me like I had a tail and 3 heads.

"You NEVER eat here... Ever...?" He gave me a DUH-look.

"So?" I took another spoon full of Lucky Charms. MARSH-MELLOWS... YUMMY.

"Nothing." he grabbed himself a bowl and  we ate in silence.    Fine... ignore me....

I felt like we were bonding. I had never been this peaceful with him. Maybe it was time to forget the past. i did miss my brother... a lot. DARN I SOUND LIKE A CHICK!!! WHAT THE...?

Well he was your best friend for a while.... when you were shy...                      SHUT UP


...Fourth...                          UGHH

Well anyways yeah... we were really close. Until her.... No... no thoughts of the Girl.  Just enjoy the peace with you brother. I took a deep breath.

"Hey um... can u pass the milk...?" I asked him very awkwardly. This was the first time in a long time I had said anything to him without sarcasm.

"Yeah..." i saw a hint of a smile when I grabbed it. Baby-steps right?? I finished my second bowl and headed for school.... Weird morning right?? OH AND i gave a ride to my brother! Who, just so you know, doesn't own a car. Even with the bucket of money just being waited to be used. We wnt seperate ways as soon as we entered the building.

So.... Awkward.

I spotted my locker... OH EHM GEE! ITS VENI!!! YAYYYY!!!! (Yeah... i wish i was that happy to see her...)

"Hey..." Notice my Great lack of enthusiasm??

"Have you seen Mason, Ash?" she asks not even glancing in my direction. Yeah... sureee. SHE COMPLETELY FORGOT MY NAME. (See my sarcasm?)

"What no hello?" i asked not metioning the name thing.

"I didn't see him by his locker...?" and she walked away.

UMMMMM.....BYE!?!?!?!?!?!?!                 Rude.

~Heather's P.O.V. ~

I looked over at Mason to see him starring at the road ahead. As I looked out the window my mind went to this morning....

I had woken up to Mason's moving around. I'd opened my eyes just in time to see him close the door to go downstairs. Daily routine? Usually I would get dressed while he ate and then we switched and we went to school. I'm not sure why I had felt disappointed; why I'd expected the routine to change. I don't know.

In that moment I'd decided to ignore my questions as I got ready for the day and put on some bright white skinny jeans and a white t-shirt with  "Don't read this." written in light purple. And different shades of purple paint splatter on it. I'd thrown on a black hoodie and looked in the mirror. Mehh.... ok. After some light make up and hair-straightening, I had stepped into my converse and went to go eat.

As soon as I came dowstairs, Mason bolted upstairs. Ummmm....??? HOLY CRUCHY PEANUT-BUTTER... is he avoiding me? Am I wearing Mason-repellent?? He hadn't even gotten me a bowl of cereal like he usually does. Oh gingerbread man... I don't know. I'm starting to think maybe that kiss last night was a bad idea.

Just as I took my last bite of mini-wheats, Mason walked down with his hair disheveled like he had run his hands through it repeatedly. His red shirt held onto him in a good way, not too tight, but tight enough to show his muscular form. His jeans were a loose fit. How did he look? Hot.

I realized I'd been checking him out and imeadiatlly turned red and put my bowl away, my eyes everywhere but him.

Luckily was tieing his sneakers so he didn't notice my looky-eye-drooling-ness.

Now we were on our way to school and let me just say one thing... AWKWARD. We hadn't said A SINGLE THING AT ALL!!!! ALL MORNING!!!! WHAT THE UNMENTIONABLES!?!?!

 I was just about to ask him what was up when he cleared his throat VERY LOUDLY. I jumped from the sudden noise and he chuckled at my reaction."Heather.... um... about last night, we're going to have to keep it a secret ok?"

I looked overe at him. He looked so cute. He was blushing and his hair was still all messed up. I thought about like his words. If we wanted keep this Aaron thing up, we would have to keep it secret. "Yeah... I agree... I mean if Aaron found out the whole plan would implode." I said.

"Yeah. Aaron." he said, but I'd known him long enough to detect the malice in his voice, notice the tensed jaw, and see how he stared at the road like he would murder it, not to mention his tightened grip on the steering wheel.

"Mase... Are... Are you jealous?!" I burst out laughing.

"No..." he grumbled and went even more red. AWWWWW SO GOBBLING CUTE!!!!

"HAHAHAHA!!!! Ohhh..... Oh Mason you're HILARIOUS!"

"I can't help it, Heth... You get to be all flirty with him in public when it's not real, but not me even though we actually like each other. So Yeah... I am a little jealous."

Awwwww he's adorable. When he said this, it reminded me of the Mason I first met. Good- looking enough to date some people who were 'Out-of-our-league' but super-sweet and gentle.

"You have nothing to worry about Mason, we already put limits on Diana so it'll all be ok." Wow. and I thought he had started to regret taking my first kiss.

Mason suddely slowed down and pulled over. he sat there and starred at the road. "Uhhhhh.....Mason...? HELLO!!!!!!!!! We're going to be late..." he didn't answer me. Holy Staples Center! HE'S GONE DEAF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CARPET STAINS!!! I DON'T KNOW SIGN LANGUAGE!!!!!!

"Ma-" but his lips on mine cut me off. It was slow and passionate. For a moment the radio drowned out and it was just me and Mase. What was the kiss for...? I don't really care. Our lips mingled and he pulled away to soon. I could still feel the tingles running through-out my body. "I regret nothing about that kiss, Heather." He said.


My eyes widened, "Did i say that out loud?"

He smiled. "Yeah. You do that alot." Oh.... "Mason... I never knew you actually liked me...?" He scratched the back of his head sheepishly and started the car. We headed back on our way to school. Ummm...? Ignoring my question much??

"Heather, i've had a crush on you since the seventh grade... I kept dating girls infront of you and telling you how much i like them just to make you jealous..." he said quietly. "I know better know. you're not the jealous type and that was wrong of me." he added the last part quickly as if the initial would have angered me.

It was actually pretty sweet. Kinda... to me in anyway. I blushed as he said,

"But, then you left and I realised I never got to tell a chance to tell you I lo-...liked you. So I changed. I changed for you, in case I saw you again... I changed because of you Heth. I felt you needed better than a boy... so i became a man." he blushed apple red.

"I'd had a crush on you too. And I was just a bit jealous..." I admitted looking back out the window.

We soon lapsed back into silence. Comfortable silence.

~Aaron's P.O.V. ~

I'm sitting in first period now. Heather has a weird dazed dreamy look in her eyes.

She's thinking of me. I just know it.

In all honesty, I'm thinking of her too. i was day dreaming of taking her out on a date. A DATE!?!? I know right?? Aaron Lake.... On a date...? Never. He's wayyy to sexy for that!!! But yeah.... I kind of want to know what it'd be like to take her on a date...

SO, I, Aaron Lake, will ask her out to dinner or a movie.... Why am I so nervous? It's not she can even think of turning me down. If anything... I'm out of HER league. huh. weird. Yet... I'm hesitant. Hmmm? Oh. She's looking at me. I feel my face heat up and i look away casually. What's wrong with me?!? I sound like a CHICK.... A FRIKIN GIRL!!!

With a crush...     WHAT THE-!?!?

Yeah!! Face it man, you LIKE her!!    Do not.....

Aaron and Heather sitting in a tree......     REALLY!?! Are you that immature!? Gosh.

HEY!!! NOW LISTEN HERE BUDDY!!! I'M YOU!!! SOO.... So.... sooo..... so YEAH!       Ughhhh.

"You alright?" Heather asked leaning over to me.

"Y-yeah....." I'm so suckish.

"I'm sorry..." she leaned closer into my bubble... I SWEAR SHE POPPED IT!!! "Is this too close for you? Am i making you uncomfortable?"

"As a matter-of-fact it is. You're just too cute for your own good.... and mine. But don't you worry, I'll learn to get used to it." I plashed her a smile that would make ANY GIRL swoon. She swallowed, blinked, and sighed in defeat. but.... SHE DIDN'T SWOON!!! EEERRGGHHH!!!!

Once she turned around I let out a silent breath I didn't even know I was holding in. Since when could she do this to me? My heart was beating WAY too fast and i couldn't focus right. UGHHH.... This bites.

K-I-S-S-I-N-G......                    SHUT-UP!!!!!

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Ok!! So there you have it :3 PLZ COMMENT!!!!! Vote if you like.... and Fan if you LOVEEE!!!! ;-D

I'll try too upload soon. but school's getting worst and i have ALOT of SERIOUS family drama Going on.... Like.... i hug my pillow now 0.0......................... I DIDN'T TELL YOU THAT.......

Or did I? ;-D


 (By Panic! At The Disco)

I'm going to try and start doing Uploading questions.... Soooo First Question................

Whut's your Favorite Song, Band, or singer..... ;) THX!!!!!! Luv all my fans!!!

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