Unwanted ** A Short Story**

By FantasyLuvr96

32.9K 684 99

He makes her feel rejected. Makes her feel like she is nothing to him. Makes her feel unwanted. <><><><><><>... More

Marie and Kevin

Unwanted A short story

24.3K 347 44
By FantasyLuvr96


 Werewolf / Romance

hey guys! So here is a short story I put together! I hope you enjoy and vote a bunch and comment!You should be seeing a lot more uploads from me.

WARNING: there is sexual Content in this story.








"Mom." I finally spoke up. The dead silence was killing me in this car. I couldnt take it anymore. Tears began to sprawl down my face as the fear over took me. " I dont want to do this mom!"

She glanced over at me and painfully sighed. " Baby girl..." Her hand squeezed my own and she linked her fings with mine. " Dont cry."

" I cant help it.." I blubbered foolishly, wiping my eyes with the back of my free hand. " Im scared to meet him."

" I know you are sweetie...but I promise there such a nice family. Amy was my best friend when I lived here. We used to hang out every single day." Her words comforted me a small bit. I knew she kept in touch with her oldpack, especially Amy. A few times I had picked up the phone to her calling and had a nice chat while I waited for my mom to come and get the phone. On the phone Amy sounded like one of those out going , and unique people.

I started talking fast, my palms getting sweaty, " How are you sure Im his?"

" I've told you this so many times Katie.." She looked at me pointingly, before turning her attention back to the road. The sky was on the edge of wanting to rain but still covered with gray sky, and a heavy breeze.

" I know Ma' but I- I .."

" Look at your mark," She spoke. " Its the same mark that Amys son has. You know that , that is the base to your bond. Its what proves that you two are mates."

" Bu-but what if his changed?" I said panicking. " and I get there to find out that he isnt my mate but some other, skinnier prettier girl is...or what if he already has a girl!"

" Katie. I dont want to here this. You're tired and nervous." She spoke soothingly. " Trust me...when you meet him , you'll be glad. A mates relationship is the strongest. "


I woke up to the pounding of a rain hitting the window. I love rain. Theres something about it thats so soothing and comfotorable. Wrapping the blanket tighter around me I looked to where we were. Dark green trees covered everywhere, rocks and gravel was the road we drove on.

" Are we there?" I asked timidly.

" A few miles up the road." Mom answered a smile on her face.

I groaned, and started to complain. " You didnt even let me get dressed." I was wearing not exactly a 'dress to impress' outfit. It consisted of black yogo sweat pants and my pink pull over cheer sweatshirt from sophmore year only an entire year ago. I had wripped it near the neck in a V shape, the color already fading from abusively wearing it. See? Not exactly attractive. To top it off, my hair was up in a pony tail, half of it down from the wavy peices already falling, my made up had not been done that morning so my tan face was naked from all.

" Your beautiful... its not like your trying to impress anyone." She smirked and teased me with her next sentence. " Your mate is gonna love you with or without perfect hair. "

I shook my head and pulled my knees to my chest, cuddling with in my own warmth for the next few miles.


" Come on Katie....."

" I cant." I mumbled. " Its raining."

" Katie..." She warned

" Mom.." I mocked back.

" Dont make me drag your ass out of this car young missy."

Damn it. One thing to know about Mama Kim was when she swore , she ment buisness. She uses it all the time, whether its about cleaning my room or getting the groceries. No matter how old you are, the mommy dearest always over powers yah.

Slolwy I stepped out of the car, my mom linking her arm with mine as we ran up the rest of the driveway onto the huge wrap around porch attached to the great country house. The cold rain hit my head, seaking through my thick coat of hair.

A weird urge for me to shift bubbled inside of me. The thought of running in the rain in my wolf form through open feilds was so tempting! I knew though the only way I will be able to shift for the first time was to have my mate there of the full moon after he claimed me.

Oh god... this is gonna be hell!

We were pulled inside, the squeels of my mom and the familiar voice of Amy as they embraced eachother in a hug. Amy was petite, wide , and curvy hips with a soft flat tummy. Her face was beautiful and kind, no wrinkle whats so ever, yet still showing her age of forty. She had tanned skin, and bright green emerald eyes, that stood out beautifully. Surrounding her face was dark , thick ringlets of black curls pinned half up and half down.

" Oh my god! Is this her Kim?" Amy gasped and took my face in her soft hands for a quick moment, before sliding them motherly down my arms. " Just like you! So beautiful!"

" Thankyou.." I laughed softly my cheeks blushing as a million thoughts ran through my mind.

What if he doenst think im beautiful?What if he is watching me right now!? Where is he?

I knew my body was shaking slightly and I toyed with my fingers nervously. My eyes were wide in fear and I wanted to cry! To much pressure was on me right now. I wish I could go through the mating ceromony like the other girls, it was more traditional than knocking on someones door and saying ' hey. Your my mate. How do you do?"

Amy leaned down , hugging me gently and whispered lowly in my ear. " Dont be nervous sweetie. Hes not even here yet."

Letting out a big breath was an understatement. I thought I was gonna faint from relief! " Thank goodness." I huffed.

Laughter erupted behind me and I swirled around to see a bunch of people in the open doored living room, staring at their visiters. On the couch was a young couple in there very early twenties , (mates of course) , curled up together. A boy around five sat beside them, his hands in the womens hair who was sitting on the ground against him. A man in his late forties sat in the large cushioned rocking chair, a little girl with long curls pulled up into pig tails and a pink dress on his lap.

Last but not least a teen boy, a few years younger than me sat on the floor, bouncing a baseball against the carpeted floor.

I smiled and waved, biting my lip as myembarassment crept up my neck revealing itself as red blush. They all finished chucking and Amy began introductions. The man and the young girl sitting in the chair were her husband and daughter, along with the boy on the ground. The women and small boy were Amys sister and nephew, following the couple on the couch who were Amys God children from her best friend -that she mentioned was in the bathroom. She came back soon after though , welcoming me immedietly.

" Are you guys hungry? Must of been such a long trip!" Amy exclaimed.

" A bit." Mom answered. " Ill help you whip up something small while Katie gets her bags."

Nerves bunched my tummy at the reminder that I was staying here the whole summer..

I nodded to mom, turning around towards the front door.

The impact hit me hard and quick, fortunetly missing my face as I cowered and sheilded my self with my arms turning away. I shrieked as the door slammed my side , making me stumbled back into the wall, thankfully not falling.

A growled followed and I looked up, as the smell overwhelmed me. It was husky and similair to the stong scent of after rain in the forest. My hormones flamed and heated as I became dizzy with it. My eyes met the large block of muscled, covered only in a gray cut off shirt, and black sweat pants baggy at his waiste.

This was him.I knew it. They way I felt the pull tug and yank inside me, didnt give me any doubt. I didnt know what I expected, for him to freak cause he hit me with the door, for a dozen kisses to smother my cheeks, I know what I didnt expect was give me the nastiest look.

Confused, I stepped back looked timedly up at him. His brown eyes, matched his short, yet shaggy locks on the top of his head. The orbs glared and sneered down upon me and I felt the swirl of the unknown whirl around me, giving me nothing and no information.

" Out of my way.." He growled and I was just able to stumble back before his massive shoulder hit me. With out looking I heard his heavy steps up the stairs before finally fading away.

I was stunned and appauled. Hurt and pain grabbing my heart as I realized that my mate didnt react the way I hoped he would. I was given the worst night mare. Tears prickled my eyes, and I curled my nails in the palms of my hands.

" Amy?" My mother asked alarmed. The horrified tone in her voice shone through like a flash light in the dark.

With a quick glance at Amy who looked just as upset and maybe a little more angry began to speak but I couldnt hold it in any more as tears spurged out and I started to run outside.

My shoes hit the gravel as I just ran, not really caring where. The rain had watered down to a light sprinkle, and the sky had become a darker shade of gray, no doubt a thunder storm on its way.

God, did my body feel like a thunderstorm. Already I was hurt by my mate, I hadnt even gotten to learn his name before I was hurt. Everything just sucks!

I stopped running and wiped my eyes with my sweatshirt sleeves, bitting my lip to keep from another sob. I knew I should of stayed home and just neglected having a mate. Stayed a Daddys girl forever!

I knew I'd regret it though. So many stories of how you never feeled empty or alone when your mate was around. Everything was perfect, even if there were bumps and stop signs through out the way.

How can all those be true though?

The way he looked at me , so angry and cruel. It didnt add up or make sence that 'HE' was suppose to be the one who made the stories true for me!

" Sweetie." My moms voice wrapped around me at the same time her arms did. " Come back inside.Amy said its nothing...come on."

" No!" I blubbered." Hes a big jerk."

" Dont say that.." She coohed and kissed my forhead, wiping my wet cheeks off. " Lets go meet him."

I looked up at her, mortified! Was she crazy! I did.not.want.to.meet.him!

Lieing to myself was impossible and I knew it. But still.........that didnt mean I had to admit it to myself.

" I said no." My voice was harsh and I knew it. Maybe to mean or cold but I wouldnt take those words back. Not in a million years.

She sighed and took my hand in hers, pulling me back towards the house. " You know what?" She spoke,her tone changing. " Its been a long day. How bout you go up to your room and rest. Ill bring you up the bowl of chicken and rice. Amy is amazing in the kitchen!"

I didnt answer but oblidged as I covered my eyes, with my sleeve covered hands letting my mom lead me through the living room and up the stairs. " Wher-where is his room?" I sniffled.

" Dont worry bout that.."She soothed leading me forward.

I could hear the rock music though blaring through the door towards where we were walking. The wooden door was covered with stickers and pictures of friends. I didnt get a close enough look but I could tell it was his room. I couldnt help but wonder what he was doing in there...if he even cared that I was here?

We entered the room, and I immediatly raced for the bed collapsing into the comfortable material. I snuggled undernneath the blankets, the only noise from the out door critters through the open window and the faint noise from a radio blaring . Mom set the bowl on the dresser a while ago, and it was left untouched proving so much more how I wanted to just be alone.

I woke from my short nap to see the night sky tinting a light foggy shade of blue. Twisting out from the sheets, my feet hitting the floor I crossed over to the bathroom-that was attached to room. A yawn was escaping my mouth , and that moment of silence and decrease of sences overwhelmed me. I turned the cold door knob , and walked onto the tiles.

Putting together the steamy air and thick scent of shampoo was enough to guess what was coming next. But I didnt get any chance to back out of it as I stood there, stunned at the visual infront of me.

He had just stepped out of the stand up shower, his only towel drying of the hair on his head, leaving everything else exposed. I couldnt help but linger at his body infront of me, from the hard planes and cuts of muscle dipping through out. He was thick muscle covered in olive skin, that went over six feet tall. Sexy wasnt enough to describe him. My first real look at the man who is supposingly my mate , he was nude...and it didnt bother me one bit.

His head whipped towards me, eyes narrowing as he slowly stood up yet not making an ounce of effort to cover himself.

" I-I" I blurted out, unable to speak.

He didnt say anthing except a low grunt, from amusement or anger I didnt know as turned his muscular back towards me , walking away. My eyes dropped down below and I couldnt help the small grin tip my lips as I stared at his cute, little firm bum.

" Ohmygod." I mouthed to myself, out of breath as I slumped against the counter, now alone in the bathroom.


"Drew looks..at me..I fake a smile so he cant see.." The words hum from my lips as I fold the clothes into the dresser from my duffle bag. My eyes were rimmed red and I felt dry and nasty when I had woken up this morning. The first thing Ihad done was take the hottest shower ever, washing my self raw. Mom and I had another fight late last night. I begged and pleaded to go home, but she didnt budge. I was here for the rest of the school year and things would be decided after that. One: I was scared shitless. Two: I had to be with a big jerk. And three: I.Hate.Being.Alone.

The school year had only two months left and I prayed that it'd go by fast. My life sucks right now and the thing that would top it off would be to have it stretched out and last forever.

The last tee was shoved into the drawer, and I sighed in relief. Now that had taken forever. You love getting the clothes but in the long run they're just a pain in your ass. Standing up from the floor I stretched my limbs, moaning as they cracked in release. I was dressed in my favorite tight dark jeans wripped at the knees and thighs. Ive had them sence I was a freshman and have been the comfiest thing ive worn sence. The white shirt I threw on was loose and hung off my shoulder perfect for the windy , damp weather. My hair was just braided back, out of the way and unbothering. A few swipes of blush and mascara I was done with my mornin' routine.

As I stood there, lost and unwanting to move forward my stomach began that deadly battle with me. Food..or stay in my room all glum. "Damnit..." I mutttered and turned that evil door knob. Dragging my polk-a-dot covered socks across the hallways rug I wrung my fingers together. The nervous butterflies fluttered in my stomach at to who was downstairs.


OH god..oh god...

One step , two...okay ten to go.

Turning to the second flight of stairs, my feet kept down I felt the hit of other feet making its way up. Panicked and scared I looked up to see who it is. As luck has it and I wasnt the least bit suprised as I met gazes with him. Jeesh...he still even look incredibly sexy with tired eyes and tossled hair. As he passed, he kept his head down, the strain in his neck making the thick vein pop. I watched his huge muscles seem even bigger, as they clenched and hardened... Just looking at his appearance was the biggest turn on. I wanted to be claimed by him, stroked in places that have been untouched...God did I want him.

Red flushing through my neck and face , I hissed away my embarassing fantasies quickly making my way down the rest of the stairs.

" Amy?" I called softly.

Mom had left early this morning before I woke. She had to get back home by noon to be there for a meeting.As much as I disliked her, I wanted her right now.

" In the kitchen sweetie."

I followed her voice and entered the large country home kitchen. I made my way over to the large stools near the counter, sliding my bum onto them. " Good morning..."

" Mornin' hun. You sleep okay?" Her voice leaked with knowledge of my mom and I fighting last night.

Shrugging I looked down becoming suddenly interested in the counter top. " Yea.."

" Here." She said, piping up a bit. " Its almost noon, so how bout I whip up some sandwhiches for you to eat.''

" That would be amazing.." I said smiling up at her. Food was no doubt something that would make me feel better.

I watched as she put together the yummiest looking ham and cheese sandwhich, her voice chatting away about random things, and I happily listened. " There you go."

Smiling I thanked her, and bit my teeth into the object of heavan! Mhhh ... no dinner nor breakfast kills your stomach!

" So today I have to take Ashley to the store for some new clothes.." As if on que the little girl I saw yesterday came running in dressed in pink ...well everything! She was adorable and I couldnt help the grin that spread on my lips as I watched her skip in. She was followed by who I am guessing is her father, Amys husband that I saw yesterday.

" Im gonna have to have a talk with our boy later,Amy." His voice was deep and authoritive, but soft as he spoke to his wife. " But I have to go down the pack house for a bit.."

" Mhkay. But makes sure your home for dinner." She warned playfully. He kissed her cheek soflty, stroking her hair back before pulling away. It was the sweetest gesture and my hear fluttered at how adorable and close they were.

He turned and looked towards me for the first time. His lips turned into a kind, welcoming smile the wrinkles near his eyes comforting in a fatherly way. When Mr. Harnes left, I continued with my sandwhich as she continued speaking. " Did you want to go or..."

" I think I'll stay here..." I replied kindly.

" Alright... you can walk to town. I bet Kyle will bring you.."


His perfect image popped in my head and I ached for him. The mate bond wouldnt go away , even if he was a jerk!

" I dont think he likes me very much..." I weakly chuckled, placing my sandwhich down, not really hungry anymore. " Or at all."

" Oh stop!" She laughed and rolled her eyes. " He's a teenage guy...and a big jerk at that one. But trust me...he'll be beggin' on his knees soon."

" I an't nothing special.." I muttered.

" Now thats a lie..." She said seriously. " And to my Kyle. Your are the only special thing.."

About to object she put her hand up to stop me. " Mating is the strongest bond in the world. Never before has a mate objured his own and not taken it back. I know for a fact that my song would never do that."

Her words did make me feel better. Alot, alot better actaully. But the question was still left unanswered. " Then why isnt he talking to me?"

" Now that... is something I wish I could answer."


I was alone in the kitchen after Ashley and Amy left. My sandwhich was only half gone and I stilll didnt have the appetite to eat the rest so I wrapped in in a sandwhich bag and placed it in the fridge.

Outside had gotten clearer, the sun showing, and the wind thankfully staying the same perfect flow. I sat outside, my legs hanging off the edge of the porch staring off into the woods, a path way there tempting me to take it.

My mind never left the subject of mates. More specifially mine. I felt that ache of need and want two simailar yet different things toward Kyle. I wondered what he looked like when he smiled..or how is laugh sounded. I wanted it to be directed towards me. On friday nights I wanted to cuddle up and watch a scary movie, so I can have him protect me. It all sounds silly but I wanted it. To have him run with me when I shift would be amazing. To have him there when I shift would be even better.


If the couple didnt walk out of the woods at that moment im almost 100% sure I would of ran into the house and straight up to his room. I dont know what I would of said , but I would of gotten something out of my mouth.


I watched as the couple came towards me, and saw that they were from yesterday. The two who were snuggling on the couch when I arrived. The girl looking in her real early twenties had short black hair that curved in under her chin, with eyes that popped out against her pale skin and dark locks. In her arms, a figure was curled in a blanket sleeping peacefully. The baby couldnt be more than a few weeks old, and she was beautiful!

The man beside her, no doubt her mate had his hand hooked behind her back holding her and his baby close. The women , spotting me first smiled and said Hello. Answering back, " Hi." Smiling and averting my eyes, not exactly in the mood for small talk.

"Katie , right?" She asked, stopping a few feet infront of us, handing her baby over to her mate.

I nodded in responce and she continued. " Im Jill and this is my mate Charles.. and our baby Sarah.."

I giggled and spoke towards them. " Shes beautiful!"

There was something about their aura that just changed my mood around totally.

" Thankyou.." Jill smiled and patted my knee. " You hanging out with Kyle today? Hopefully he isnt a jack ass to you still?"

A low rumble of laughter came from Charles, and he spoke with amusement." The little Dickwad' always actin that way."

" Charles!" Amy gasped, but a smile was tugging on her lips as she tried to hide it. " Dont say that!" She looked at me and assured me he wasnt.

I laughed and shrugged. " Its whatever.." I whispered. Lie!LIE! I wanted to scream and yell ' No, its not okay! I am gonna stick my foot up his ass and shout out him unitl he nice!"

" Ugh." Jill rolled her eyes. " You know... hes gonna beat himself up for how he acted towards you. Dont worry. He is deff. gonna come around.They always do." She looked pointingly at Charles while I look bufuddled at her.

" Ill tell you that story some time Katie.." And with a smirk they waved goodbye and continued onto the path.

Within the next twenty minutes I relexed and my thoughts still targeted Kyle. To 'what ifs' and "when". To know that this is who you would fall asleep with everynight..who would be the one that kisses you and calls you theirs. I'll be carying his children..we'll be making children. He'd be the one and only to touch me..Id fall for him ..

Then I thought about what if that doesnt happen. What if he just doenst.want.me?

Jumping off the deck I make my way to the front of the house. Noises begin to pick up and I look around ti'll I see what the commotion was all about. More than 200 feet away a football game was going on between a bunch of teenages. Majority of them were guys but some were girls. Others were sitting on the ground watching and talking , and I started my way over there. There were about fifteen twenty kids, so I didnt really make a big entrance. settling down on the ground, leaning against the wooden post of the fence I scanned the area.

It was shirts against skins, the few girls who were playing on the shirts side. They looked old enough to be mated so Im sure they either didnt have anyone to impress showing off there skin with sports bras or there mates didnt like the idea. The protectiveness of a mate is sweet and gives me a longing. To have someone care about everything-big to small about you is just the best thing. The feeling of being wanted by someone is fufilling.

Yelling and screaming in the amusing way shouted on the feild. Back home, there was a few games like these and I always loved watching them amazed by the quick reflexes and moves of the weres.

" Do you mind if I sit with you?"

I looked up to see where the soft, sweet voice came from. The girl was dressed in a pretty, casual flower summer dress her skin toned and tan topped with unruly curls.

"Sure!" I smiled and patted the grass beside me. " I was gettin' lonely."

She laughed and sat down cross legged. " Im Marie.. Ms.Amys neice. Are you.." She was hesitant like she didnt know whether to finish or not. " Kyles mate?"

I looked down, not wanting to meet her gaze. I was embarassed by having to explain that my mate rejected me with out even getting to know me. A bond that was done before birth wasnt even enough.

" Well... yea. Or Im suppose to be ." I muttered and played with the strands of grass. " He-I dont think he likes me much." I ended with a weak laugh, sounding pathetic all the way.

" What do you mean?"

Thankfully the noise rised, catching our attention. On the feild a pass was being thrown long and hard. You would think that because I was watching the ball I'd see how it was coming straight towards us but no... they guy catching the ball had to lose his footing and run straight into me. Just Had to.

Now everyone knows Im here........

I curled up, protecting myself as the large mass of body tumbled over me. A manly yelp filled my ears as the guy twisted his body thankfully not landing fully ontop of me. My shoulder was hit, pushing me to the ground painfully. Tightening myself closer waiting for the weight to get off, I stayed still. My heart was beating faster and I squeezed my eyes shut.

The sound of a painful grunt and a huge thump had me looking up. Standing over me was a huge,wild eyed werewolf, skin glistening with sweat, and hair plastered to his forhead. His muscles clenched angrily as he growled up ahead. Kyle was fuming and as scary as he looked It was incredibly sexy at the same exact time. My eye traveled the sweat that dropped, eyed the thin trail of hair that traveled from his navel down to wonders that I would love to visit.

" Touch her again." His words held so much fury that it could shake the earth." Ill kill you."

I turned my head to see who he was so angry at. The guy who had tumbled over me sat on the ground, football tucked under his arm. He was around sixteen-seventeen, thick red hair and a mature, handsome face masked with confusion. " Dude- I did-"

" I said. " He spat the words like venomn. " Touch her again.. and I'll kill you."

The red head scowled and looked at me, his eyes asked for answers. " What the hell man!" He shouted. " Its not like I wasnt gonna apologize. I didnt fuckin mean to!"

Suddenly Kyle was movnig fast towards the guy , eyes ready to kill. I gasped and felt Maries hand squeeze my arm. Just as Kyle was a few feet from him, guys swarmed around, tearing both of them apart. Yelling and shouting increased and I shakily stood up leaning into Marie as we backed away slowly.

" What the hell is up with you , Kyle?" A guy around the same age as Kyle shoved Kyle back with his hand on Kyles chest. <AuthorsNote- sorry! That sentence sounded really incorrect. Kyle..kyle..kyle>

" He touched her.." Kyles voice was dripping with shaking emotion. " He fuckin touched her Joe!"

" Calm down. " Joe- the tall muscular blonde demanded. " Tim didnt see her. Stop over reacting."

Kyles chest heaved up and down as his muscles were hard and his jaw twitched. The body reaction in him couldnt be described enough. It was like his Wolf was begging to take over and violently attack.

'' I dont want her." HIs words were low and barely audioble. But...but I heard them.

"Kyle...." Joes voice warned and the confusion in it had everyone silent.

I couldnt believe this. Please no...no!

" I dont want her." His voice was louder, thicker.

All eyes turned to me, and I could feel my body shaking uncontrollably. My heart ached and I found this so unreal. He cant be doing this...Please! I shook my head, beggin him not to do this.Tears fell from my eyes and I covered my mouth , thick racking sobs exploding out slowly.

" Go back home." He turned to me. Stepping closer ti'll he was powering over me, making me cower below him. Hunching my shoulders , trying to dissapear. " I dont want you...ugly, distgusting bitch."

I broke then. Those words killing me. I pushed past spitting the Devil words out of my mouth before running into the house. " Go to hell!" Up in the room, I fell to the floor , grabbing onto the pillow from the bed and just sinking away. I just falling away... wanting to drown in my sorrows. I needed to just..just sleep all night in a hole.

I woke to a knock on the door, and the latch opening. Lifting my head, I found myself on the bed. Blankets were loosely wrapped around me. As conftorable as I was, the break in my heart was still there.

Amy and the girl from yesterday , Marie were entering the room. It was like as sooon as I saw their faces my contorl broke and I began crying all over again. They comforted me and tried to give me smpathetic words but nothing helped. All those days sitting with my friends, goofing off and planning what name our mates would be. What they would look like and how they would treat us. This! This never ever was brought into those conversations.

Finally I calmed down to the point where I was actuallly comprehensive. Wiping my eyes I looked at both of them shaking my head. " He ..he- What did I do to make him not want me?"

" You didnt do anything!" Marie gushed. " You arent any of those words he called you!"

Amy was rubbing my back soothingly, and spoke up, " His father is having a talk with him. We'll find out what is going through this boys mind."

I shrugged. " Doesnt really matter at this point." I pull at the loose string at the hem of my shirt. " Its pretty obvious he made up his mind."

It was silent for a while. We stared off into space thinking ..about me about him. My mind felt like a movie put on replay. His words going on and on repeating in my head. Almost getting louder each and every time. He was so angry..his handsome face twisted into something horribley mean.

" Then you'll just have to show the dumb ass what he is missing.."

Amy said the words with so much confidence, that I could feel it inside of me. He's deffinitally gonna be begging on his knees for me.




Marie invited me to her house for a sleepover that night. I automatically responded yes, loving sleep overs and knowing that back home they always got me in a better mood. Plus school was the next morning and she was going to help me get prepared. It was around four when I decided to get ready for the night. Putting my book down on the table beside the porch swing I raced upstairs, scruffling Ashleys hair on the way up.

Kyle wasnt home and thank goodness for that. Sence the morning Ive been reading and even doodled a bit with Ashley. I felt a bit better, with the outside hair nice and wood-sey I didnt feel so .......unwanted.

Throwing in PJs, a tee and jeans with extra necessaties I throw my bag over my shoulder and pulled out my cellphone, telling Marie I was on my way.

Her imediate text gave me the quick and easy directions towards her house. I said a quick goodbye to Amy and her husband and headed out. I had yet to make it to the town, but Marie lives a few blocks in past the coffee house which were the instructions.




" Bye Katie!" Ashleys little voice called from across the yard. She was swinging on the swings, her cute little pigtales blowing in the wind.

I waved goodbye and giggled at how cute she looked. My mood had sky rocketed as I hid the hurt down below. I was good at that. Just to pretend to forget. They say if you look like your happy , sooner or later you will.

The walk to town was nice and quick. All I had to do was walk down the dirt road ti'll I went over the bridge. I was so tempted to stop and stick my feet in the river but wanted to get to Maries house. Alot of people were walking on sunday, going to shops, lunch evening movies. I easily could spot the weres, unknown to the human eyes. It was a good thing for all these woods, the Alpha of their pack owning the majority of the territory so his wolves can run.

I'd have to meet the Alpha soon. Sometime this week when hes not as busy. I was told he was nice, just a regular guy.

An abrupt laughter had me looking to the side. Coming out of a shop was a bunch of guys I reconized from yesterday.Including Kyle. My scent was wafting in the air and I wasnt suprised to find Kyle immediatly pinning his eyes on me. Taking in a deep breathe I continued forward like it was nothing.

The stupid-ness inside me figured he'd move, but No, he didnt. I ran straight into his chest, not bounding back but staying right against him. His exotic smell filled my nostrils, making me still. I was afraid to move. I was afraid for more objection..more mean words to come out of the kind looking face.

With the biggest amount of courage I had I mumbled an apology, side stepping his huge, muscled body and through his big group of friends. I could feel their eyes peircing my shoulder blades, and I shrunk my shoulders in wanting just to hunch over and become nothing. If only things went the other way...if my mate wanted me as much as I wanted him!

" Ma'm..." A voice came from beside me and I jumped, my thoughts having taken me away from reality. " Were those guys bothering you?"

Hugging my arms to my chest I looked up to see the man talking to me. I noticed his beauty quickly, almost taken away by the pale skin that contrasted his dark hair that hung straight in one eye. His rosy lips moved as he spoke words I wasnt paying attention to. I trailed my gaze up to his eyes, so patiently waiting..

" Hmm?" I hummed, finally coming too.

A smile crossed his face and he chuckled. " I said, " I can make sure they dont bother you again.."

" Oh!" I smiled and shook my head. " No, No its fine." I assured. " Its just my ma-boyfriend ..sort of...He uh..doesnt like me much anymore." I twisted the lie slash truth managing to -well hopefully looking like I knew what thehell I was talking about.

" Well...thats not someone to be with.."

" Yea..well ...sometimes I wish I had that choice.." I muttered, a sick feeling whelming my stomach at the thought of not having him even around. "But thankyou. It was very nice of you to ask."

" Its no problem..a pretty lady like you. I was the lucky one to have the chance to talk." He smiled warmly and did a cute little flip with his hair. His hair slipped up, showing his covered eye before falling right back into place.

The blush creeped up my neck and I rolled my eyes. " Please. . . now your just lying."

He laughed-not chuckled but laughed. " A women who doesnt even see her beauty...how...cliche."

Mixed with amusement and offended I laughed and swapped at his shoulder. " Oh!"

Our laughter died down and he asked to walk me to my destination. I oblidged and thanked him. " I probably should of said no to a stranger walking me to my friends house..." I told him.

" Eh...if it was anybody else I'd say so..but no worries with me.."

I eyed him and mumbled. " Better."


" Thankyou..." I let the sentence run waiting for his name.

" Will..Names Will Van."

" THanks Will." I grinned and waved as he departed down the steps.

" No problem Katie." I watched him as he dissapeared down the corner, away into the shadows.

How did he know my name? I thought...

Confused but forgetting it as Marie came out side, pulling me inside. " Who was that?" She asked.

" Um..Will I guess?"

" Hmm. Never seen him." She said looking down the street to the bare sidewalk. No evidence of a handsome man walking down there.

" Come on.." I said , now the one pulling her in. " He walked me here. Just being nice."

" Mh hmm."

She suddenly turned with an exited frin plastered on her face. " So...I have brownie mix, oreos, ice cream , everytype of movie thinkable and .........the house is empty."

I stared at her, and suddenly the same burst of exitement in her burned in me. Squealing loudly I took her hands in mine. " Im so exited!"



Three hours later, covered in blanketes and stuffed with food we sat like zombies watching ' The grudge.' Everyonce in a while when the girl popped up on the screen, our hearts with jump and we would jerk up only to end in pop corn falling and an abrupt hysterics.

I exused myself to go to the bathroom and call Amy about half way through the movie. Sitting on the kitchen counters stools, I spoke in the phone. " No. You dont have to pick me up. I can just walk tommorow. Plus I passed a book store and I wanted to check that out."

" Alright hun. Do me a favor and stop my the cafe too! You have to try the Double chocolate chip mocha there.After school. Its to die for!"

" Haha! Kay. That sounds good. I will."

" Good. " She chuckled. " Have a good night. Good luck tommmorow!"

"Thankyou! Babye!'' I heard the click on the other line and went to press end on my own phone but the sound of breathing had me pausing. I dont know how..or even why but I knew who it was . Him.

The one who was suppose to love me. The one who ..maybe I'd be in the arms of his instead of the box of chocolates.

" Goodnight." I whispered. Hoping he would hear the pain..want..fear in my voice.




I waited on the steps for Marie. I had gotten ready an hour before she woke up. I couldnt deny the butterflies that kept me from breakfast. As I got dressed, throwing on a light purple v-neck and my skinny jeans I kept thinking about how would Kyle act in school. He was a senior- I a junior. Was he gonna just ignore me likea t home? What if people ask?

What happens if he has girls hanging around him every second? How bad is it gonna hurt to hold my feelings in?

I felt a pull on my pony and looked up to see Marie. She smiled and I returned in half heartingly. "Ready?"

" Not at all." I said and jumped up

" Kay. Neither am I."

I laughed and linked my arm with hers. " Miss Marie. I know nothing about you..did you know that?"

She looked at me and winked. " Im mysterious.. batwomen at night..I party with the devil."

" Wow." Feighning to believe her. " I knew you were..different. But not a total bad ass."

" Yea...I know. Im awesome."

Silence echoed our words, before we split into laughter , giggling at how stupid we both sounded.

" No really! We have a twenty minute walk. I wanna know as much as I can. Your my only friend."

" And your mine." She whispered, amusent sucked out of eyes.

" What do you mean?"

" I started in the beggining of the year for my sophmore year." She said telling me she was a year younger. " I moved here cause my ..my uh mate Kenny goes here."

" I dont understand ...how dont you have friends?"

" Cause no one wants to be friends with the girls whose Mate is a killer." Her voice snapped harshly.

It was silent for a while as I let her words sink in. What could she be talking about?

" I-I am sorry. Please dont be mad at me. I just..I get so upset when I think about it." She said shakily and tugged me closer.

" Tell me how Marie." I said gently.

" No one really knows..He doesnt talk to anyone besides me and thats barely. Between the two hour longs visits a week and his guilt I barely manage to get a convo going."

" Oh Marie..." THat was so sad..and horribble.

" It was human hunter.. he was hunting off season for deer." She spoke slowly. " Kenny was taking his little brother on a run when the hunter...the hunter mistaked his brother for a deer. I think..Kenny was so angry as he watched his brother die..somethign came over him. Like a madness fueled by anger."

She looked up at me and shook her head. " They found the bodies a few hours later. It just looked like the hunter shot a small boy playing the woods by accidnet only to have karma jump him and be atttacked by a wild animal.

" Kenny told the Alpha what he did.. and they put him away." She cried. " For how long , I dont know. They just took him away only a few weeks after I met him!" She cried.

"Shh...Marie..its okay." I soothed and brought her in a hug. She cried for a while as I held her, neither of us speaking but the silence was to what was helping.

" Ugh.. now look at what you made me do!" She teased and gave me a weak smile as she wiped her eyes, fixing her make up.

" Come on." I laughed. " Lets get our minds off of things and get to my first of school and your first day with a new bestie."

She grinned and nodded, her mood sky rocketing and showing in her eyes. " Deal."



The school was one of those one floor in the front but in a the back it was a two story. The parking lot was huge for such a small town and so was the school. Surrounded by woods and nothing else, the house after house pattern ending a half quarter mile before. By then other students were walking around us, laughing and not noticing the new girl. As we got closer to entering the school I felt my heart begin to beat faster. Eyes were on me, the new girl.

" They sure like to stare." I mutter to Marie.

" I know how you feel." She whispered back.

Marie went with me to get my schueldule which wasnt any thing spectacular. Art, English Lit, Chemisty, Gym, lunch, free period, History and then last but not least Health. I had Gym and everything after and including lunch with her. It wasnt bad and I deffinately wasnt going to complain. I've yet to see Kyle and I was scared as hell too. Even when I didnt see him at Amys I still had the comforting thought of having him right beside me in the next room. I just liked seeing his face...

Art went by quick, the teacher was friendly, young and very pretty. She was a were, like a little less than half the teachers at the school. The whole class I drew sketchbooks that the other students had done through out the quarter so I can catch up. English and Chemisty was what lagged on and on . The teachers were blah, the English teacher a bald round headed man - a were, and chemisty was taught by an old, clean cut women who looked like she needed to be in an old home instead of a classroom.

The only good..or bad, depends on which way your taking it about English was a certain someone with big muscles, and eyes that made my knees go week. He sat in the back of the room with a few of his buddies, and as soon as I walked in I spotted him. Every inch of skin on my face and neck was painted red, as the blood in my body heated. His eyes were on me no doubt...no doubt at all!

I took my seat, near the window and about the middle row. I ...was ...about..to ...go ..crazy!!!! I fidgeted ,sweated, all but screamed. I looked back everyonce in a while just to meet his oh so amazing yet sinful eyes. He hates me ...but I freegan love him!

Worst feeling in the world. To love this man..who gives you the worst when you've barely had any encounters.

Gym - I knew with out even experiencing that I was gonna hate it. Just cause I was a wolf, the only physical ability I had was running. Nothing else. Dont think I am just saying that because trust me. Its sad how bad I am at kickball.

The gym outfits were just shorts we brought from home, and a given gray tee with the schools mascot and logo on it. Slipping my maroon 'soft' shorts on and the gym tee, I walked out the locker room with Marie. I hadnt seen her all day, but automatically felt better knowing she'd be in my after noon classes. Thank goodnesss she was super smart and put into accelerated subjects...if she wasnt I wouldnt be just screwed. I'd be alone and screwed.

Hopping up onto the bleachers following Marie, I climbed to the top, using my hands and legs not paying attention to where I was exactly heading.


I've become someone to think at what they were doing at the time since I was a little girl. I think its just something in me or whatever.. But as soon as my hand hit his knee, something inside of me begged for more touch, but at the same time to make him beg for my touch. My hand slid over his knee, brushing his nike shorts, before I slowly stood up, my body infront of him, between is legs. My chest paused infront his face and as subtly as I could I slipped past him leaving him wide eyed and restless.

My body was heated and drunk. I couldnt believe I had shoved my body up agaisnt him like that. I didnt take it back though...I wasnt obnoxiously out there, but enough that he knew I did it all on purpose.

Sitting down beside Marie, out of breath I heard her whisper harshly to me, " Dont tease him."

I didnt answer but let my strands of my hair fall as I looked down, embarssed that not only she but his friends had seen me too.Why did I do that? To just be close to him..touch his warm skin.. Try to test the bond that should be there.

" Alright Ladies and Gentleman." An easy going man came into the gym , his voice silencing everyone. " Its time for the fitness tests!"

Are you kidding me.......the day I come to this school they have a freegan fitness test! I can barely do a few push ups! Lifes a bitch right now and Im just drownin in it.

" Count off in twelves!" The gym coach hollared and every one groaned, dissapointed that they couldnt chose their own partners. Oh..please..oh please...

" Seven.." His deep raspy voice sent shivers down to my toes like every other damn time.

" New girl.' My eyes snapped up fearfully at the coach and I listened intently at his words. " Looks like your paired up with our big shot football player."

" Huh?" The sound I make could even of been called a whimper. I was afraid...nervous of who the 'big shot' was. And of course life had to step up a step from being a bitch to a complete ass wipe I already knew who it was.

The coach had already moved on though, Marie walking down the steps to her partner, a nice looking girl with glasses. I tried to catch her eye but she was already long gone. Looking down I saw Kyles eyes on me, hard and emotionless. As slowly as I could I walked down the bleachers, making my way towards him.

Could any body else be as gorgeous as him? His muscles....oh there so yummy. The color of his eyes.... the soft looking lips that make me wanna cry out. Oh god...did I want him to make me cry out. A single intimate touch..for him to kiss me in places that have never been kissed.

I felt my foot hook on the side of the bleachers as my mind started to wonder to fantasies deep within. Gasping, my arms flailed out and reached for whatever would hold. It wasnt a second later I felt strong arms wrap around my waiste and his familiar smell surround me.

" Hmmph." I let out as my body tumbled securley into his.

Looking up, I met those hypnotic eyes, wanting him to lean just a bit closer..The way he looked at me was so gentle yet held a handful of emotion.

" Watch your step.." He suddenly growled, tearing away.

" Sorry." I softly murmered, lagging behind as I followed him to our mat.

Stupid hot jack ass...with bipolar problems and way to sexy for his own good. And that grin thats almost always on his face...well thats just not neccasary! With all the words that I said, I knew that pain inside that I felt wouldnt go away. His cold, cruel daggers, words they hit me like a bullet each time...killing me slowly.

"Alright. Kids. Your partner will time how many Sit ups, push ups you can do in one minute.When both of you are done give your results to me and you can go out onto the track."

After given instuctions the class finally erupted into chatter, and I looked at where Kyle sat on the mat, his arms hanging over his bent knees.

" Sit ups first?" I asked.

" Obviously." He scoffed and layed down on his back, in the sit up position.

I clenched my jaw-angry at the tears threatening to spill and at the jerk infont of me. Kneeling down, ontop of his knees to prevent him from moving, I watched ti'll the clock it the twelve with the second hand before saying, ' Go."

He easily went up, and I closed my eyes as his breath hit my face, warm and making me tingle each time he went up... " one..two.. ' He grunted, becoming faster and faster. Hmm.. how I would love to hear that sound for something else.

I wanted him so badly. For him to say that he was sorry and was being stupid. He made my heart thump and my stomach jump as i thought of future fantasies. I was beside the man who I was destined to live with the rest of my life...have children..make love with! I know I've thought this millions and millions of times they just keep coming back. Teasing and taunting me with what I am being rejected.

Forcing open my eyes I looked at the clock, seeing it only five more seconds, I looked at him the pain I felt inside showing on my features with out any try to hide them. ' Times up."

He stopped, easily switching positions with me. I felt his hand rise to hip, guiding me to the mat before falling off. It was like the best and worst feeling in the world for the mere seconds I was what he was touching. Please..happen again.

My wishes were being answered in the tiniest ways as he held my sneakers down the same way I did for him. " Go."He spoke.

Slowly I rose myself up and then back down, repeating it until I could feel the tired wave wash over me. I began struggling up, my mid section hurting as my embarassment glowed.

" Get your chin of your chest." He said roughly , total opposite of his gentle hands lifting my head up. '' You need to breathe."

" Sorry.." I murmered. " I suck.."

Suddenly his eyes snapped towards me and he grinned, a delicous smirk plastered on his yummy face. '' And I bet you suck pretty darn good.." He said huskily.

I gasped and flames heated my body as I looked immediatly down flustered at his words. " I -- I"

' Already got something stuck in your throat.." He chuckled, a deep desire coming out of his mouth.

" Please stop!" I cried out softly, unable to take how he could be joking about such intimate stuff.

'' Oh , but thats not what your body says ... I can smell it all on you....'' He spoke the last words slowly, emphasising so much more in them.

Angry and flustered I quickly stood up, unable to take it any more as tears fell thickly from my eyes. " Your such a jerk." And with that I ran as far as I could away from him. Pain rolling off me and I wasnt able to stand it anymore. " I thought you were suppose to be my mate!"






" Katie!" I heard Maries voice as she came into the locker room.

Hurrying, I wiped my eyes and jumped out of the stall, trying to erease any trace that may show I have been crying. " Um. Hold on!" I call, rubbing my eyes and taking a deep breath.

I came out of the bathroom, a fake smile plastered on my cold, dry face. " Whats up?"

She walk towards me slowly, her head tilted as she stared at me . ' The bell had rang for next class to start already, and I rushed to gather my bag and things together.

" Katie.. what did he say to you?" She asked, coming up beside me.

I froze, his words repeating in my mind, feeling so much worse! " Nothing." I whispered. " He said nothing."


Her fingers placed around my elbow, and she spoke, " Obviously he did."

" Just let it go." I muttered, tearing from her grip only to have her grab hold of my hand.

" I said let go!" I tore from her, a rising anger building in my chest and just as quickly dying down as I saw her stumble back. Set to apologize million times she cut me off before I could.

" No! Just-just stop Katie! I know we really dont know eachother completely but please just trust me! You cannot give up on him. You can never give up on him.. no matter how much he ignores you. Pretends he doesnt see you. Or ........screams and shouts at you! You cannot ..ever give.up."

Her voice held as much as her eyes. She knew this feeling. Her mate, in jail away from her..ignoring her on her visits..

" Im sorry." I whisper. Emotions, swirling and taking advantage over my weak self. ' Im so sorry."

Twirling around on my foot I walk as fast as I can out of there, my breath hitching as I fought the never ending tears that wanted out. I could see the door, and I quickened my pace to a jog, wanting to get out of this stupid school. Breaking through the doors I hit the parking lot with my shoes, heading straight towards freedom.

I wanted just one day where it could be a little normal..I didnt have to thing about why my life was falling apart. Why I was wanting somthing who obviously didnt want -

" Where you goin?"

His voice had me falling into his large arms and I shuddered with his warmth surrounding me.His smell made my tummy burn with desire and ach with need. " Away." I said to him.

" Why?" He whispered just as lightly in my ear.

I clenched my jaw. I hated this! He was acted so sweet and kind for a few moments then he suddenly became the biggest ass hole in the world! I wouldnt take any more!

I jerked away and spat directly in his face, my cold eyes beaming at his. " Cause of you."

He reached for me again, this time a hand on my face. " Please-"

" The lady made it clear she doesnt want you touching her." Arms snuck around my waste pulling me towards a slim,hard muscular side. I reconized the voice before I saw the face as Will, the man who walked me to Maries last night.

There wasnt a responce from Kyle, just heavy breathing until a growl lowly escaped his throat and he whipped away burning anger steaming off him. A stabbing peirced my heart as I watched him dissapear , leaving my sight like he was never there at all. The only evidence was the pleasurable sensation of my cheek, where his calloused fingers had just brushed.

Cliche? Isnt it? Love can be so predictable. Whether its destined or based on lust.

" Thankyou Will. but you didnt need too." I told him truthfully. Kyle hurting me was a thought that could never come true.Its what I would like to believe anyway...

" He looked to be hurting you." Will spoke, confusion in his voice.

" No." I assured hurriedly. " I was skipping the rest of the school day and he was just wondering where I was goin." A little stetched but not too bad.

His handsome face nodded, then a pondered for a moment before he spoke. " If you havent yet decided where, your welcome to walk around with me?"

I hesitated. Walk around with some one I met once for almost a whole day? Its most deffinetaly against the whole stranger danger deal..but what the hell.

"Sure. Not like I have anything better."

He chuckled lightly. " True.. we'll probrably end up telling our life stories to eachother.."

" And become BFF's after we but slushies at the nearest gas station." I finished, a smirk on my face, matching his own.

Okay.. so maybe this stranger isnt bad. I mean every one starts off as someone you dont know right? You have to get to know them some how.





I had skipped dinner that night, tucking myself into my blankets around seven, quickly falling asleep. I was content. Not overly happy. Not even really happy. But not sad. i was just ..okay. Will walked me around the town, showing me places and always having a history imput on what happened years ago relating to what he showed me. He was a history bluff no doubt, and I enjoyed that. He kept me good company, making me laugh and not dwell on things I should be dwelling on.

It must of been because I fell asleep early that I woke around midnight, not able to fall back asleep. Slipping out of the covers I grabbed my thin blue hoodie, pulling it over my bra and panties. The night was to hot to wear anything thing else in bed.

I was walking to open the window when suddenly a crash had my heart stuttering with fear. Painful grunts followed and I rushed out my door, Amy,her husband and children-besides the obvious one were running in there night gowns worriedly down the hall.

" Kyle?" His father boomed, trying the door knob and failing to open it.

" Honey! Open up the door!" Amy held on to her husbands arms, and helped him push through. Ashley was softly crying, her small body shaking as she held on to her big brother, Justin scared.

Please dont let him be hurt.. please..

A harsh growl came from the room, just as the door was torn through.

' Kyle." Mr. Mills shouted. " What happened son?"

Immedietly I ran in the room, scared at the tone of his dads voice Scared at what it ment. " Kyle." I murmer.

He was with out clothes, hunched over holding his rib cage, one shoulder sagging futher down than the other. Blood stainned his body, his lip, forhead, legs. The big, tough guy looking so vunerble and hurt. All I wanted right then was to see if he was okay. A big wash of protectiveness came over me and I bit my lip nervously as I silently watched him.

" What.Happened?'' He repeated.

" Did you get into a fight again Kyle!" Amy screamed, appauled. " I told you no more!"

" Mom." Justin said. " Those marks -'

" Shutup." Kyle suddenly threatened. " Throwing death eyes towards his brother.

" Oh my dear god." Amy ran a hand over her face fustratingly. " I cannot take this right now." She turned on her heal walking towards the bathroom, the sound of water pouring into the tub.

' Get him in here." She called.

Kyle didnt object as his father half carried him in the bathroom after directing Justin and Ashley back to bed. I followed behind, nervous and wondering if I should do anything.

" Katie.." Amys hand wrapped around my elbow and pulled me closer. " I need you to care of him. Whatever he did.. he probrably deserves it.'' She scoffs. " I need to get up in two hours for a work trip and I cannot deal with my horrible son at this moment.'' she directed her words towards her son meaningly.

Key word. Mean.

And with that his parents were gone, leaving me alone with him.


Naked Kyle.

Naked, pissed off, Kyle.

Ohh shit..

I kneeled next to the tub, keeping my eyes any where besides his body. Finally I brought my gaze to meet his. His face showed hard lines of anger, but his eyes.. they were so intense. Staring deep into mine.

" Are you okay?" I asked taking the damp wash cloth and patting it down with my palm. He didnt answer, and I didnt expect him too. Taking a deep breath I dipped the wash cloth in the tub, giving my nerves time to settle.

Wringing out the wash cloth, I look back up towards Kyles face. I touched his face gently, bringing his bruised and battered head closer to my reach. His eyes closed, as I wiped the wash cloth lightley along his bloodied lip.

The next hour consisted of silence beside a few grunts, and groans when a sore spot was hit. In different ways than one. . . .

I stroked his chest clean, washing the dirt out of the cuts with soap and water, before I shakily moved to his legs. His breathing became more raggid, as I glanced over his man hood. Attractioin , undeinable between us. A growl erupted and I gasped, my face becoming red with embarassment.It didnt stop me tho I continued to clean the dirt of his powerful thighs rising higher and highere until I felt the heat from his fully erected man hood.

It was a great build of sexual desire and I couldnt help the soft moan that whimpered out of my lips. He was beautiful to look at, every where and anywhere..

As subtly as I could I grabbed a big shower towel and placed it on the edge of the bath. Unable to take the build withing my core. If love was going to be made, Id want it because of love.

He was already standing himself up, hardly able to keep steady but managing barely.

Quickly I grabbed his arms, pulling him to me as I wrapped the towel around his hips.

" Off. " He snapped and shoved me a little with his elbow.

I quickly backed away like I was hit by a bullet. " I just wanna help you..'

" Dont need your help." He said un-emotionally. " Dont need you.''

He began walking away, limping out of the bathroom like I was already forgotten. Anger rose and I could feel it bubbling as hot like it was on a stove. God! I just wanted to..

" NO! I dont need you!" I yelled angrily and running towards him. My fists made contact with his back, pounding half heartingly as I began to cry. '' I hate you."

With that I ran to my room, locking the doors and grabbing my cell phone and calling the first person I could think of.

" WIll." I cry. " I know this is really stupid to call you but Marie and I arent talking and I just need someone .. ''





WIll was gonna meet me after school the next day, which had gone by unbelivably slow. I hadnt had gym today, and kept to myself. Marie wasnt in school, and the gutch ratched guilt inside my stomach twined tightly giving no evidence of letting go soon. Kyle had came in during lunch, having rested all morning from his raw injuries.

Going to my locker I slid on my black hoodie over my tee, getting a few books I needed for homework before closing the door. I kept my head down as I jogged down the stairs, towards the lobby exit.

Kyle was there today.. no dout about that. I felt him, heard him. Physically and ...well the other. He was always in my mind, never one thought not relating to him.

Whether it was fantasies on how I wish he treated me. Where I wished he take me to dinner..why he wouldnt pull me out to study hall to have some alone time behind the bleachers. Why he wouldnt show me his wolf form... let me ride on his back as he ran.

Oh I would love to feel his fur against me, run my fingers behind his ears.

As quickly as these thoughts came I forced myself to stop. I knew Kyle was my mate. I feel it, and felt the moment I laid eyes on him. It was like an invisable string that I held and it reached him.

Now all I am waiting for is for him to grab it.

Its hard to chose what hurts the most. When he had those few moments of where I thought maybe he regrets his mean actions but then suddenly all trace of kindness and love is gone.

Or when he didnt even seem to acknowledge my presents. Forgetting me like I wasnt even any thing worth to remembering. As one was happening they seemed to be the worst possible but I can never truly, reallly decide. I cant even think about to long before I feel sick and disturbed.

I could feel him, my heart speeding up like always with out even having to see him. I out my head down and continued waking, determined not to look around to make eye contact. I knew if I did , i'd be taken in just by his presense.

" Kyle." One of his friends spoke to him as I passed.

" What?" His voice was snippy, like he was interupted.

" That girl.. the new one. She's part of the pack right?" He asked, obviously not thinking that I could hear him. " Shes yours?"

My feet automatically slowed down, coming to a very slow walk. I needed, needed to hear his answer.

" I dont think thats any of your damn buisness." He growled, and I could feel the anger radiating off of him. A big 'clonk' followed and I spun around to see what was going on.

Kyle was vivid, having his buddy against the lockers, holding him by the front of his tee shirt in Kyles clenched hands. I reconized his friend as Hayden, who was in my study hall. Just as my insticts told me to run I female voice cried out softly.

I looked to see a girl my age, dressed in a softball uniform, and from her movement and aura I knew she was human but also Haydens mate. " Let him go Kyle!" She squeezed her way between the two of them and almost automatically Kyle stepped back.

" Whats going on!" She screeched, and took Hayden into a huge hug. " Why are you two always getting into fights with everyone and eachother! Just cause your both big ass wolves doesnt mean you can stomp on everything."


" It wasnt me." Hayden growled , taking his mate and putting her behind him." It was this Dick hole who flipped shit."

" This is why you need a mate to tye you down!" She grumbled and what looked like it would be effective wasnt at all, punched Kyle in the arm before storming off, pulling Hayden with her.

" Damn it...My hand"


,.,<><><>., .

" Will?" I turn around the schools building, confused on why he wasnt there.

' Over here.'

I turned suprised at his familiar voice to see him in.......

A freegan black sleek Cadillac .

" Oh my god."

And suddenly I was a squeeling teenager again.

" This.is.you.car?" I say astonished. "Are you rich!?"

He chucked and nodded towards the passanger door. " Get in."

" Dont have to tell me twice." I mumble and grin as I feel the soft enterior against me. " Oh...please tell me you'll let me ride in your car a bunch of times."

" Now that..." He said laughing. " Is something you dont have to ask twice."

" Oh." I grin. " Is it now?"

He puts the car in reverse and pulls out of the school parking lot, the school bus's just exiting also keeping us from the annoying traffic. As he stops at the stop light, our laughter died down from the quick story I had told him relating to one of the stories of his own he had told me the other night. I turn my head and almost lose breath.

Kyle was in the car beside us, a big run but run down pick up. His windows were up along with Wills tinted ones. He was a wolf though I knew he could see me through them.. just hopefully he wouldnt catch my sent. As soon as I forced that thought in my head I knew it was a lie. If he saw me I wish he would get angry..possesive. Grab me out of this car and show me who is mine and whose I am. But that wouldnt happen...

Silently I watched as he slid his shirt over his head, the huge bare muscles making me shiver even two glass windows away. They way they bunched and rippled with moment.

This damn green light needs to come now.

Like the heavans were answering me I felt the car pull from under me and we continued moving. " So where too?" I asked wanting to talk about something even if I couldnt get him out of my mind.

" My house."

I froze.

His house? I dont know.. I only met him a few times before this and Im deffinatly not 'interested' like that with him in any way. Should I just say no.. or make it clear. I mean he seems nice.

" I just gotta check a message. You can even stay in the car if you want." He said, like sencing my fear.

" Oh, alright." I said, relieved. " Then where?"

" Hmm.." He glanced at me and then like making up his descision said. " We can go back to your house if you would like.'

I shrugged. " Sure." Thinking further in I quickly added. "We can sit on the porch."

" Fine with me.. "

I looked up and smiled at him. " Same here.''

Suddenly his hand was touching my cheek and I flinched. His touch felt cold...but it wasnt. It felt cold because it made me feel cold.

" Sorry.." He murmered.

" Its fine.'' I said thickly." I just had something on my cheek right?"

I felt him hesitate and then silently agree.

It was a ride filled with a bunch of different roads, and twists and turns almost to the point where I wish I was alone. It was silence me for the akwardness, but maybe anger from him.. I wasnt sure.

He stopped infront of a house on the outskirts of town, just up the moutain. It was one of those big, huge abandom ones that looked like repairing hadnt been done.

" Ill be back." He said and dissapeared inside with out other words.

It was only five minutes later when I started to feel antzy. Getting out I leave the door open and just start to wander around. A Old bird fountain, and a well was beaten up and tattered. Beautiful in an odd way..

Some how I had taken myself to the side of the house, only a few hundred feet away. I passed the vines and bushes, a waiste length metal fence something catching my eyes a little bit ahead. Squatting down I brushed my hand across the stone , dirt and rocks covering it all.

And I read the words.




What the hell..


" Katie?"

Startled I abrubtly stood up and quickly shuffled to the side of the house, locking the small gate as silently as I could behind me.

" Hey."

Jumping I stuttered out, " Your pond back here. It had little birdies.'' I quickly lied. " You scared me! I hope you didnt mind.."

" No ..just next time. Not.Alone." He said sternly. " Wouldnt want you wandering."

I forced a laugh, a weird feeling in my stomach as he pulled me back to the car. Im just over reacting. I told myself. Its probably his grandfather or something..

I laughed to myself and shook my head. Gotta stop watching the Sci Fi movies.

" What are smiling at?" He asked.

" Nothing." I assured. " Silly things...alot of silly things."

Skeptically he raised an eyebrow before turning his attention on the road.



I knew the house would be pretty much empty besides Ashley and maybe Kyle. You can guess why I wanted to keep inside.

We sat on the swing, my legs criss crossed as he leaned back softly rocking us with his heals.

We talk aimlessly for quite a while. Not really staying on a subject to long, and even though I felt bad for not really putting much into the converstation I didnt even try. What I truthfully wanted was to see what Kyle was doing..

When a rustle and Ashleys laughter came out of the trees I felt Wills leg tense along with mine. Oh god.. how could I be so stupid. Im on wolf land.. territorial and free for us wolves to run. What if he sees a big ass wolf come out of the woods only to shift!'

How do you explain that!?

As I held my breath watching what was soon to happen, I racked through my brain for different explanations. A total illusion! Suprise! Its a whole new type of animal constume! slips right on and right off.

Ashley came running out followed by a fullly human Kyle chasing her playfully. He picked her up, and spun her around before stopping harshly as our scent reached him.

With Ashley still in his arms, he bounded up the steps and into the house with out looking at us.

Somethings up his butt further than usual.


I woke the next day later than usual. I quickly threw on the simple pink flowered spring dress and a gray cardigan, my hair in the braid I slept in all night, strays coming out at the side. Grabbing my shoulder bag, I ran out the door. Speeding walking the walk to school.

It was as I was passing through the parking lot I caught her eye. Turning my direction I continued to walk towards her. She had on an over sized hoodie, and a sad expression on her face, along with tiredness.

" Marie." I spoke first

She smiled weakly, sitting on the bench.

" You alright?" I asked, sitting beside her worried.

" I just couldnt sleep last night." She mumbled. " Nothing big.."

"You mean nothing..new." I corrected. '' Tell me Marie..what happened? I know somethings wrong."

She shook her head, averting my eyes. Taking her hand in mine I pulled her to look at me. '' I know were not-" I hesitated not knowing the right words. " Maybe I can help."

" No." She murmered. " No one can..."

" This about your mate?" I asked. I knew the answer way before she answered. " Did you fight last night at a visit?"

"No." She scoffed. " He just didnt even talk to me...'' A tear slipped down her cheek. " Just turned his back the whole entire time..He's so ashamed he didnt even look at me."

" Oh Marie.."

" Its fine... I still have today." She wiped her face and stood up, trying to cover all the trace of her being upset. " Ill see you in gym I guess.."

Just as she started stepping away I called her name. " Marie. Please dont be mad at me. I cant have you mad at me..I need a friend right now just as much as you do."

She looked at me for a while before stepping closer and wrapping her arms around me in a tight hug. " We're all good." She whispered. As she pulled back she added. " Save me a seat at lunch?"

" Of course." I smiled and we parted our way to Homeroom.


"You ugly distgusting bitch.." Those harsh words echoed in my mind as I replayed the day I met him from now. I gripped the edge of my chair begging my self to stop thinking about it an focus on the homework in front of me but it didnt work.

His face floated in my mind...so maculine..sexy...making me want him in different ways than one.

Standing up I walked to my free periods teachers desk, asking for a pass for the library and computer room. Thanking her I made my way to the quiet library , all the way to the back and taking an one of the many empty comuters in the back isolated from everyone else.

Tapping my pencil against the key board I considered... Kept on thinking and thinking... I dont know if I should or not. I mean is there really anything to find out? It would get rid of this creepy cold feeling thats somethings wrong ...

It would make me a feel a bit like ' Melinda Gordon' from Ghost Whisperer . I thought a bit childishly.

I traveled the mouse so the arrow can click the search engine bar and put my fingers on the key. Okay... here goes probably nothing.

Will Van





Will Van

1926 -1925

Will Van wasnt heard of until he had hit his seventeenth year. The mother and father of Will Van lived in the grand house out in the west woods. Kept alone most of their life, the townsmen unsure of how the family were able to survive due to the rare visits into town.

A group of teenagers found what was to be truth of the Van family. Dissapearences of men and women through out the town had been occuring at a high level. It was thought to be families moving, hunters being captured by their prey. The teenagers report when they saw the Van family doing the unforgivable fact was documented and put into investigastion.

It was said that Anna & Tasmin Van were dead for quite a while. Their bodies buried in the containments of a small gated area a few feet from the Vans house. The son, Will Van was found with the remainments of bodies who were alledged gone or dissapeared.

Will Van was a 1900's killer at the seventeen. He was hung and burried along side his parents where their property was cut off to the public.



2003- No more facts based on the Will Van case has been found. It is shut and some information isnt allowed to be shared.


Will Van has no children or family known.







Shaken and disturbed wishing I could find more information I stared befuzzled at the document infront of me. How weird is it that Will lives in the same house a man lived in with the same first and last name as him.

Its so freaky and odd! How is that even possible. The chances of something like that happenening is obsurd!

Just forget about it. I told my self. Its nothing.. it has to be.

I still couldnt help to think of the stories I have heard. Faeries...wizards..shifters of different kind. And the complete evil. Vampires.


No one was home one night, or so I thought. Ashley , Justin, and Mr. Harnes had gone to a meeting a few towns over to meet Amy. Kyle was MIA again. With friends, running in the woods who knows? All I thought was that I had the house to myself. It was almost ten o'clock at night, everything pitch black outside. I wanted to take a quick shower before I sat down to watch 'I know what you did last summer' . Stripping down in the bathroom, I cleaned and rinsed. Shaved my legs and under my arms, my hair smelling of tropical loving-ness.

After I turned off the shower, I reached for my towel finding nothing. "Crap." I mutterered, it dawning on me that I forgot to get one.


Tip toeing, completely nude and wet I slowly opened the door to Kyles room. Across his room was a clean laundry basket full of clothes and towels. Perfect I grinned.

----- Kyles POV ------



I took the longest run of my life and it felt damn good. Cold showers were doing shit now, not even helping me a bit. Everynight I have to listen to her moans and thinking about her alone! Fuck...that had me so..


There I said. She made my want to beg on my knees ..her body was what my body craved!

It was like hell! Her room next to me.. I could hear every time she stripped, a few feet away and wearing nothing. The worst though was when she was in the shower, her hands over her body...everywhere. Cleaning and stroking.

It didnt matter what time during the day she was in the shower, my hand gripped my length pretending it was her. It wasnt long when I shook and exploded after that. Her moans and cries enough for me.

My wolf was just as angry as me for the damn bastard who prevents me from being with her. Everytime I see her with him I just wanted to tear his throat out!

What I could have with the beauty..the pain that wouldnt be here. The pain I couldnt believe I caused her! Hopping up on the wooden stairs outside my window I climbed in. Her smell lingered in the hair strongly and I felt the swell in my groin once again.

This girl.....

Holy Shit..There she was walking across my room, with those long..naked legs..torso..everything. Sexy wasnt even enough for the perfect visual infront of me. I needed her... my wolf and I wouldnt taken no other.

Screw the bastard.

Everything in me had gone away besides one thing. Her. She would be in my arms tonight. Id take her... I couldnt hold my self back any more. Everyday having to pretend to not love th one who was destined for me. One who was perfect in everyway for me...

And I was forced to hate her... which I could never. Just to act like I do, deny love between us was horrible. I was buring to crisps being so close to her but not being able to have her. Not any more. I cant.

Tonight she was mine, and I'd fight for whats mine after that. Screw whats better and easier. Shes mine.

Stalking towards the door I pushed it closed, leaving us in complete darkness besides the stream of the moon coming in.

I saw her outline in the dark as she turn, a soft , suprised gasp coming from her inviting lips.

Like a predator I was I aimed towards the sexy peice of prey I targeted. Vunerable, and weak to me.. Just the way I liked it.

Her curvy , yet tiny little bare body was pressed against the corner wall, her hair wet and dipping.......exactly how I wanted something else too. Groaning at my own hard on, and I was suddenly pressed to tight against her air wouldnt be able to pass through. And yet.. I needed more.

Our bare bodies were scarred with heat, and I bathed at the softness Ive never felt before. " Your skin.." I breathed heavily. I watched as she shivered under my breath and a swell of proudness knowing I had done that claimed a spot inside of me.

" Please.." She pleaded... for what ? I wasnt sure..

The same thing I pleaded for...

To be together?

For me to let her go... rid her from the pain I have caused..

My grip purposley tightened on her, and I slid my hands down her body wanting to feel every soft part, curve, tender place she had.. I roamed her back, soothing her until I felt her body relax in my arms.

" Kyle...dont tease me.'' She begged, turning her pain masked face away.

My hand slid lower..and lower as I stared amused at her. "You tease me... "

" No.." She shook her head. " I try to love you!"

Her eyes down casted and slowly closed. She wasnt talking about foreplay...

" Katie.." I spoke her name, it felt just as good as the physical touch.

" No. Dont do that.." She trembled.

" Do what?" I asked confused, stroking her forhead lightly.

Katie weakly tried to push me away, giving up soon after though as she knew I wouldnt let go. '" Act so sweet....so loving. I know its all a lie."

Anger and passion were the worst and best mixed emotion one can behold and I learned that as I pinned her to my bed, pulling the covers over us like a tent. " We are mates." I said clearly. " And tonight I am going to prove it to you.''

I trailed my eyes down her body,her rounded breasts swelled, and the strong scent of arousal enough to keep me on edge. ' Make you- us forget of the pain.''

She wimpered as I leaned down, never objecting.

" No ones gonna stop us."

I leaned in and took her lips, gasping them open. She cried out, breaking up for air as she panted heavily. " Dont.." She shaked. " Dont let them.."

And with that we were lost together.. Her moan was mixed in with a slight flash of pain, gone quickly as I began a rhthym inside her. Every whimper and cry of pleasure she made only made the sensation between spark brighter.

I felt her hands pull at my back and I growled with hunger.

" Harder.." She groaned.

Oh god..




He layed above me, our breath raggid and uncontrollable as we rode through, pleasure and passion escaping our bodies. He rested his head against my chest, his arm wrapped around my torso as the other was tangled in my hair.

The warmth and closeness had a sensation bubbling in my stomach, and I burried in deep with him. Just as he was still buried deep within me.

He made me feel so good.... so special.The way he made love to me.. slow and steady each thrust another spark of love passing through us. Oh..and the sounds.. those beautiful sounds he made...the ones he made me make. So amazing...

" Claim me.." I whispered. '' Prove to me that im yours.."

It was silent for a while...thoughts in each of our minds. I was deathly afraid right now, not knowing what his answer would be. Hoping with every ounce of me that he would say yes.

" I cant..I cant claim you.."

I shook, trembling as I curled away, becoming a lone ball, not wanting his touch. I cried out as his shaft slid out of my core, the huge man hood that had caused me so much pleasure only minutes before. He doesnt want me..

I gave him everything...and he doesnt want me. Is it cause Im not pretty to him? I am annoying... was I not 'good'. Oh no,, please. please let this not be true.

" No!" He suddenly was rocking me in his arms, holding my face up so I had to look at his beautiful eyes. " I want too... baby. I'd give anything to mark you mine. Show the world that you belong to me as I do to you."

" Then do it..." I whispered. " Just do it!" I tangled my fingers with his strong thick ones, wishing they were running lightly over my body again.. " I dont wanna stop feeling you.."

" I cant." He said roughly. His voice was miserable..so damn thick with an emotion deeper than sadness. " He'll kill me. And then I truly cant be with you.. to love. protect."

Confused...it made no since. Who was he talking about? WHO!

" What?" I asked, my teeth clenched as I tasted my tears.

" Will. The blood sucking leech."


I bathed as I sat in his arms, him telling me everything. He told me how Will wanted revenge on him because of what Kyle had done. I was afraid to but I needed to know.

" What did you do?"

He told me that Kyle had taken a run one day and found the old victorian house Will lives in. Caught the vampire scent but no vampire. Kyle tore apart the grave of his parents which explains why the vines and dirt were everywhere and I only saw one stone.

Vampires were hated by every creature. They were un souled and cared for nothing but feeding. I shook at the thought of how many times I was alone with Will. Oh god! What could of happened!

" Shh.. baby. Katie. Im so sorry." He kissed my temple and letting his lips linger there.

" But why would he try to take me away from you?"

" Because." His grip tightened against me and I snuggled with his warmth. '' I shattered his 'love ones' as you could call it. Besides feeding they care about their coven.."

" Like how we care about our pack?" I asked.

" Yea.." He smiled slightly, rubbing my back. " But somehow he knew you were coming to meet me, your mate. He caught me one night when I carelessly running." Fustration seeped in his voice like he was strained and found himself stupid for getting caught.

" You didnt know.." I tried to help.

" I should of been careful! If i am going to have a mate.. I need to be more careful!"

" Shh...just tell me the rest." I said shaking him out of it.

" He told me that if I was with you..he'd kill you."

I shook my head. "No!"

" Yes .. I know you're scared. And so was I." He shook his hed, unbelieved. " I hadnt even met you yet and I ached to protect you."

His words made me smile and I pressed a kiss against his chest, right over his pounding heart.

" But I cant stand it anymore. I know theres a chance but as soon as I saw him with you. Taking you from me! " He shifted us so we were lieing on the bed, him protectively over me.

I closed my eyes, feeling him against me was so amazing I wanted us to stay like this forever and never leave. " Im always gonna be with you." I whispered. " I dont care about Will. I care about you."

" I still need to get rid of him." He said sharply. " He's knows how to protect himself. I tried before.."

" Was that when you came home all battered!" I said fearing for him.

" He got a witch to help him." He said with bitter anger. " A spell for protection. So subtle I couldnt even sniff it out.

I cant tell the others cause if even one of them gets hurt It'll be my fault. And I cant risk that for their mates and family."

" Shh.." I soothed." We will figure this out."

" Baby.. " And then he brought me into the most passionate kiss. Our tongues dancing as our lips swam over eachother.





" I knew you wouldnt last long." The deep chuckle brought us back from our fantasy world. A shouting cry running out of my mouth. Still un clothed I grabbed the sheets from where they had fallen to the ground and covered myself up as my Kyle crouched low in a protective stance infront of me.

" Go away!" I cry and cling to my mates strong back.

" No. Stay. I can kill him here." Kyle growled. " Theres no protection spell a bitch put up for you."

I trembled at the angry words coming out of his mouth. I wanted all this to be over entirely so badly.

" Looks like we both have little bitches." Will smirked and I could feel his eyes on me. The way they were was so distgusting and I felt repulsed.

Hiding deeper in the sheets, away from my shaking werewolf mate against the head board. " If . You. Keep. Looking. At . Her. " He spoke harshly with a bunch of power. " One more time. Your arent going to be able to blink before I tear you're head off again."

The booming laughter of the vampire shook the whole room it felt like. It was all it took before Kyle lunged and attacked.

And thats when the beasts were unleashed.





" Hey." The bark came from above and I jumped, shivers runnning up my body as the voice scared me. Looking around , ti'll my eyes met the dark orbs I let out a shaky breath, whimpering a bit as tears spilled down my face slowly.

" Get up here." It wasnt a question, nor was it a demand. He leaned out the window resting his elbows on the ledge as he stared down at me. I should of said no just to be a jerk like he was to me, but instead I walked over towards the porch.

Walking up the connected stairs I got closer and closer towards him, his eyes straight towards me. Slowing down as I reached him, I finally looked up from where I was finding the wooden floor boards so interesting.

With a big mental breath I walked into him, his arms wrapping around me as he lifted me inside his room. I shivered at his touch, letting him take me away.

" Your crying?" He stated, his eye brows bushing together in confusion as he held my face up to his, forcing me to look at him.

" You-you were mean."I whispered pathetically. Why was I so under his control?

He didnt speak instead his hands ran down my sides so slowly and agonizing my breathing hitched. But oh..did it feel so good. My eyes closed as I leaned agaisnt his chest absorbing the feel of his touch. " Kyle.." I gasped, the feeling of pleasure taking me whole. " My shifts coming up."

He moaned and closed his hips to mine, making me gasp. " Im claiming you then..." He murmured. '' Make you fully mine forever. "

" I already am." I told him and sank us to the floor, crawling onto his lap. Straddling his waiste with my legs, cluching us together.

" So does that mean you fogive me?'' He asked, hope in his eyes but a teasing smirk plastered on his lips.

" If you promise not to get so mad at me again." I said, playing with his fingers absently. " I like it that your possesive, and care for me so much but if I wanna get a puppy for a little bit I am gonna get the damn puppy."

He growled. " You have me."

I couldnt help but laugh. " I know I do.. but you're not a puppy."

He nuzzled my jaw and mumbled against my chin. " I am alot better than a puppy.."

" Im only watching the puppy for a month until Casey gets back from summer vacation." Casey was Haydens mate and went to Italy for the month of August.

" Just be happy its not a vampire im with."

" Oh.." He groaned and captured me beneath him, pinning me against the floor. " Thats a nice thing to say."

I giggled at his sarcasm, grabbing his face in my hands. " Oh you know I would of chose you over any guy any day..." I kissed his lips. " and its not just cause we're destined .."

" Oh.....your killing me." He said, a feighn look of hurt on his face.'

" You're heart will keep pounding for me." I whispered. " It will always. Just like mine."

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