Under The Moon | Lydia Martin...

נכתב על ידי quinn_giuntoli

68.6K 1.7K 117

Tyler Adams was never that interested in making friends, or joining sports. He was all about finishing school... עוד

•1• Tattoo
•2.1• Chaos Rising
•2.2• Chaos Rising
•3• Fireflies
•4• Unleashed
•5• Frayed
•6• Motel California
•7• Currents
•9• The Girl Who Knew Too Much
•10• The Overlooked
•11• Alpha Pact
•12• Lunar Eclipse
•book two•

•8• Visionary

3.3K 106 3
נכתב על ידי quinn_giuntoli

Following Allison and Scott into the hospice Tyler fidgeted nervously. He didn't know how he would react to seeing Gerard after what he learned. He still had yet to find an anchor. He only ever half shift and never needed one to come back since the first full moon.

"Tyler you can wait out here I'll tell him you didn't want to see him if you don't want to go in there." Allison says. "No I want to know about that day. Even if he somehow can trigger the memory. Deaton said it was probably to traumatic for me that I suppressed it. I need to know. We'll have to see if he's lying first though." Tyler says.

"You haven't found an anchor yet what if you get angry?" Scott asks. "Knock me out." Tyler suggests. Scott shook his head at the boy and glanced at Allison. "We don't tell him Tyler has shifted pretend he is human." Scott says. Allison nodded and opened the door to Gerard's rooms stepping inside.

"Did you bring them?" He asked. Hearing Tyler and Scott step inside Gerard turned the chair rolling up his sleeve. "Oh, come in, Scott, Tyler, and give an old man a little something for his pain." He says. "You don't have to do this." Allison told them.

"If you want me to talk, this is how it's going to happen. How about you Tyler?" He asked. "He can't he's not like me. If I do this, you have to tell us everything you know. Everything." Scott says stepping up while he rolled up his sleeve. Gerard gave him an unimpressed look and Scott took his hand taking the pain away.

"So they found a third body?" Gerard asks. Tyler moved to lean against the window with Allison while Scott fixed his jacket sleeve. "Another doctor, right after Scott and Tyler found Deaton." Allison says.

"Right after? Almost like it was expected he'd survive." Gerard's says suggestively. "What's that supposed to mean?" Scott asks a little offended. Deaton was like a father to him.

"How do you know your dark druid isn't your wise veterinarian himself? Maybe he knew you'd find him. Maybe he planned it that way." Gerard asks. "He would never let anyone innocent die." Scott argues.

"Don't be so sure. You'd be surprised how far some people would go to get rid of someone like Deucalion." Gerard states. "Or someone like you?" Tyler asks. "I don't go easily, though, do I? You know, Scott, you've made me something of a celebrity here." Gerard says.

"I'm a medical mystery. The cancer is now virtually undetectable, but the doctors have no clue why my body keeps producing and ejecting this bizarre black fluid." Gerard says. "Black like your soul." Tyler muttered. Allison stifled a giggle with her hand making Tyler smile a little despite the situation.

"I did what you wanted me to do. Tell us how to beat him." Scott says stubbornly. "You can't. I've tried." Gerard says. "Then this is a complete waste of time. He doesn't know anything. Sorry you did this. Let's go." Allison says moving towards the door Tyler following for effect.

"Wait. I can tell you one thing. Deucalion may have lost his eyes, but he's not always blind." He says. Tyler looked over his shoulder at Gerard as he spoke the next words a growl build in his throat. "I can also tell you about the one person who knows Deucalion the most."

"Who?" Allison questions. "Tyler's father." He says. "He died the day all the packs met in beacon hills. Poor man was so heart broken he lost his baby boy, he was so consumed in revenge he couldn't fight properly." Tyler felt his eyes start to glow and Allison placed a hand on his shoulder in comfort glaring at their grandfather.

"If your just going to torment him about his family were going to leave. We'll find a way to beat him on our own." Allison says. "Get on with Deucalion. That's our priority Tyler knows that." She says. Tyler turned once he was sure he was ok glaring daggers at the hunter.

"There. You see it? They dragged him here, an arrow in his throat, and they hung him and cut him in half. They killed one of ours." Ennis exclaimed. "One of yours. Why should I care about one of your pack?" Kali asked.

"Cause the hunters don't discern packs, especially the Argents." A female beta says. "But they do discern motive Ennis, why did they kill him?" Deucalion asked.

"Because your young, naive beta killed one of them." Marco, Deucalions beta says. "Marco." He warns. "He killed a hunter, didn't he?" Marco asks. Ennis took a threatening step towards the beta. "Accidentally." He growled out.

"They were all there... Ennis, Kali, Deucalion... each with their own packs, before they'd killed them all and decided to form their little all-star team." Gerard says. "But they didn't all live here, did they?" Allison questioned questioned curious.

"No, but there was an exceptionally powerful Alpha who did live here, and her best friend was in town visiting. She had a capacity to shape-shift that was rare among your kind. It made her something of a leader, the kind of person that they would go to for advice and guidance, Talia Hale and Jacob Hurst." Gerard says.

"Jacob was your father." Allison says to Tyler who nodded in answer. "One of the only memories I have of him is the day he found me and my mom. She told him that the werewolf gene could skip me but he wasn't so convinced. Said stuff about me being the packs future alpha but I had two older siblings and I'm not like them." Tyler says looking back to Gerard to finish his story continuing the lie.

A loud howl sounded through the night and everyone in the distillery turned to watch a wolf approach them, with a man running beside it. Both shifted back in front of the packs excepting the robe handed to talia as Jacob looked towards the chains hanging from the ceiling in anger.

"It's his right. We're not the only people to adhere to rituals thousands of years old." Talia says. "Which is no excuse for not evolving." Deucalion says. "They ripped his claws right out of his fingers. How is that evolving? Useless debate. I'm done with it." Ennis says moving to the doors of the distillery claws extended from his fingers.

"Ennis don't. Don't make us part of a historical cliche. With two such powers, it never ends at an eye for an eye. A skirmish becomes a war. A murder becomes a massacre. And we end up no better than our enemies." Deucalion says.

"I know better than anyone that when Gerard is in charge of the argents hunting the code goes out the window. He slaughtered most of my pack because he was upset with his daughter for being happy with one of us. He killed innocent children.

"Two of my own and took the other one away who was killed because of his doings. I can understand your pain Ennis. I lost more than one and my children but this isn't the way to avenge his death." Jacob says. Ennis didn't listen as he carved the spiral into the metal door looking to the wolves.

At the nematon Gerard and Chris made their way down the stairs into the root cellar. "What is that?" Gerard asks looking at the symbol on the roots of the tree. "A Celtic five fold knot... It's a druid symbol. The air's different in here. Do you feel it? I think I know what this place is." Chris comments.

"Is that blood?" Gerard asks looking at the red stands roots. "Sacrificial blood. We're in a nemeton. It's a sacred meeting place. Ancient Celtic druids would usually choose a large, older tree in a grove. It would represent the center of the world.

"There was a belief that cutting or harming the tree in any way would cause serious problems for the surrounding villages." Chris said shining his flash light around. "What sort of problems?" Gerard asks. "Fires, plagues, strife... death and destruction of all kinds." Chris says.

"How does he know all about Celtic symbols and druids?" Allison asks. "Know thy enemy, Allison. The older wolves had a relationship with the druids. They called them emissaries." Gerard says with distaste. "Like my boss, Deaton." Scott says leaning forward.

"Do you know the myth of Lycaon?" Gerard asks standing up and moving to a book. "I know it's where we get the word lycanthropy." Scott says. "How about you Tyler? Do you know?" Gerard asks.

"According to myth, some Greek citizens believed they owed their lives more to Prometheus than to the gods of Olympus. And some followers even took names to honor the titans instead of the gods." Tyler says.

"Like Deucalion." Scott says. "The son of Prometheus. Lycaon didn't just refuse to honor the gods. He challenged them. He invited Zeus to a banquet and then tried to serve him the flesh of a human being. Angered, Zeus blew the place apart with lightning bolts and then punished Lycaon and his sons by turning them into wolves. The part that's lesser known is how Lycaon sought out the druids to help turn him back to human." Tyler says.

"Why druids?" Scott asks. "The belief was that the ancient druids knew how to shape-shift. They couldn't make Lycaon and his sons human again, but they did teach them how to shift back and forth. And so the druids became important advisors to the packs." Tyler says.

"Smart boy. Like your father. He always was one step ahead of the game he taught Deucalion that. At a time his pack actually aligned with and helped our family stop a pack hell bent on killing all the hunters. That's how he met your mother." Gerard says. "You were obviously the end result." He adds glaring at Tyler.

"I wasn't really surprised when Deaton came to arrange a meeting with Deucalion. As William Blake said, any sinister person who means to be your enemy always start by trying to become your friend." Gerard says. "How do you know he wasn't going there to make peace?" Scott asks. "Because I'm not an idiot. Do you know the sanskrit fable of the scorpion and the turtle?" Gerard questions.

"Yeah, the scorpion asks the turtle for a ride across the river." Scott says. "And when the scorpion stings the turtle, dooming them both, what does he say to explain his behavior?" Gerard asks. "It's my nature." Scott quotes. "I know a werewolf's nature. I knew exactly what was coming... a trap." Gerard says.

"I think it's quite fitting that we are meeting in a distillery. You know, the process of distillation is the separating of two substances by pushing them into their different volatile states." Gerard says. "Volatile is exactly the state I was hoping to avoid." Deucalion says as Gerard moved to a valve on a machine.

"Ooh. Then this is going to come as quite a big disappointment." Gerard says spinning the wheel causing a mist to steam out. Gerard quickly injected something into his leg to protect him. "What have you done?" Deucalion coughs out.

"They attacked you?" Allison asks astounded. "It was an ambush. Your father and Deucalion. " Gerard told the group of teens sitting in front of him looking pointedly at Tyler. "Deucalion got away but your father was shot down." He said. Tyler smirked inwardly, they caught him in a lie. Deaton had told him that his father was alive. Tyler would be an alpha if he wasn't.

"One of the earliest weapons used by man was the spiked mace. i've made one of my own. I'd love to get your opinion on it." Gerard says hitting two people. "Your own people..." Deucalion says. "They wanted peace too. Look what you did to them." Gerard said turning and following Deucalion as he crawled out of the distillery.

"Don't. Don't do this." Deucalion said as Gerard stood over top of him. "I had a vision. A vision of peace." He added. "A little short sides wouldn't you say." Gerard says as he pulled out two flash arrow holding them above his head before stabbing them down into Deucalions eyes making his scream in pain.

Later in Deaton's clinic he unwrapped the bandage around Deucalions eyes. "I'm sorry. The eyes will heal physically, but... your sight..." Deaton started. Deucalion let out a roar leaning on the table in sadness. "Leave me alone." He asks. The two alphas and the vet left the room silently leaving him with his beta. "Marco, I said... leave me alone." Deucalion says.

"You are alone." Marco says hitting him in the stomach. Deucalions eyes started to glow and he saw Marco with his claws raised to strike him but Deucalion attacked first killing Marco.

"He sees as a wolf?" Scott asks astonished. "He's not always blind." Gerard says. "Maybe we can use it against him." Allison says. Everyone moved to stand up and leave but Gerard stopped them. "Scott." He says holding out his hand.

Scott took more of his pain before pulling away. "Oh, I think about you sometimes, Scott. I do. I wonder, what if I'd done things differently? Getting the bite to cure my cancer. And I wonder when it became my nature to believe most things couldn't be asked for but had to be taken." Gerard says.

"I don't believe you. The whole time that you were telling your story, I was listening to your heartbeat. It never went up. It never went down. It was steady the whole time and we know for a fact you lied at least once."

"How's that? I was telling the truth." Gerard says. Tyler smirked as he let his eyes glow his brilliant gold. "If my father was dead when I turned I would have inherited his alpha status." Tyler says. "You're a really good liar." Scott says before leaning down and gripping his hand. "But if you lied and it gets people hurt... I'll be back to take away more than your pain." Scott says threateningly before stepping away.

"You'll never find him Tyler. He's to deep in hiding." Gerard says angrily. "I don't need to find him." Tyler says turning back to face him. "You may know a werewolves nature but something you won't ever understand is a pack. You only care about your own survival.

"We link to others like us, especially my father but you know that. That's why you wanted me to shift. To use my power but now that I have, it also means my dad knows. He knows I'm alive and when he gets here I'll make sure he comes and pays you a visit." He says.

"Even if he doesn't come. I have this pack now, I'm not going to be manipulated into being your weapon of mass distraction. I'm going to be strong and I'm going to fight for what I believe in. My friends and my family, because that's what's most important to me." He adds.

"If I die saving someone I love it would be worth it. You were wrong about me too. I'm not an abomination, or a burden. I'm just a normal teenage werewolf. I have a girl who likes me, friends and family who don't judge me for what I am." Tyler says looking over to Allison.

"It's looks like I didn't need you after all." Tyler says turning and leaving the room Allison and Scott in tow. Tyler shook his head to him self as they left the hospice and headed to the car. He knew he couldn't trust Gerard so hopefully his dad will come and answer the questions he has because he has a lot.

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