My Three Mates

By RockStarzzz

2.5K 49 34

"There's three of you?" I asked. "That's right, baby." One of them said. "More fun for you to have." The seco... More

Chapter 1: Realization

2.5K 49 34
By RockStarzzz

(Above is Ember.)

~Ember's POV~
"Ember! Get your lazy ass out of bed!" My dad shouted.
I sat up. My side and private area aching. My dad stormed up to my room. And yes, my dad rapes me. Only if I do something he really doesn't like.
"Good. You're up. I thought I was going to have to punish you." My dad said, his hand on his belt.
He ripped it off. And started hitting my arms and my back with it. By the time he was done, it was ready for me to leave. I ran to school. Happy to get out of my house.


I opened the double doors to the school. I limped in. I smelt the air.
'Mates!" Clair, my wolf, shouted.
I sighed. I saw the three most gorgeous men in my whole life. They looked at me, their eyes wide.
"Mate." I heard the three of them say. Oh great. There's three of them and I can sense their power. Lovely. All sarcasm.

So I did what any scared female would do. I ran. My brain went into fight or flight mode. I chose flight. I heard low, threatening growls behind me. I ran into the woods. Well as fast as someone limping would go. I tripped on a tree root and fell face first into the ground. I coughed. Yuck.

Leaves do NOT taste good.

Just in case you were wondering. A midnight black wolf, a dusty blonde wolf, and a chocolate brown wolf stood in front of me.
"Mates!" Clair shouted.
"No! They're going to hurt us! Like everyone else!" I shouted.
"Wrong!" Clair shouted.
I growled at her.
Next thing I know. I am now Clair. Well I'm still in control but I'm in wolf form. I growl at the three wolves, a 'back off' warning.
"We will not hurt you." The midnight black one said.
I snarled at him. He was big. So my guess is he was the Alpha.
"Mate..." The dusty blonde one said.
I growled at him.
"You're pretty." The chocolate brown one purred.
I backed away from them, taking a fighting stance. Huh. They didn't advance nor back away.
"What do you want with me?" I asked.
"You're our mate. Isn't it obvious?" The midnight black on asked.
I got into my super fighter stance. No more running. My wolf is a charcoal grey color.
"Back down." The midnight black one commanded.
Yep, he's defiantly the Alpha. I lowered my head in submission. I whimpered.
"You see what ya did, idiot?" Clair scolded me.
I ignored her. What a great first impression on my mates... Huh? I'm smart. The dusty blonde one lifted my head up with his snout. His nose cold under my chin. He had a warm look in his eyes. I looked away, causing him to whimper. I heard it. I heard him.

"Ember! Where the fuck are you?! Your teachers called! You can't just skip school! You're in for the biggest punishment of your life!" I heard my father shout.
My mates took their fighting stance. Yep. They're defiantly my mates. The midnight black one growled. My dad stepped out and looked at them. Then at me.
"Ah. Your mates are an Alpha, Beta and Delta." Father said.
I lowered my head. Whimpering.
"Don't submit to him!" Clair shouted.
"Do you want him to hurt us?!" I shouted.
The dusty blonde one rubbed his cheek against mine. I felt the sparks from his touch. The midnight black one licked my forehead. Felt sparks from him too. And the chocolate brown one rubbed his head on my back. Feeling sparks from him too.
"Get off of my pun-daughter." Father corrected himself.
"Not going to happen. She stays with us." The midnight black wolf said.
"She's 16." Father said.
My mates didn't seem fazed at all by my age. That's a relief.
"She belongs to us now." The dusty blonde one said.
"Leave my territory." The midnight black one commanded.
Father had no choice but to submit. My mates were from the strongest pack in the world. And with one last growl to me, he left. I released the breath I didn't know I was holding. They switched to human form.
"I'm Ace. The Alpha." Ace, the one who was the midnight black wolf, said.
"I'm Tobias. The Beta." Tobias, the one who was the dusty blonde wolf, said.
"I'm Drake The Delta." Drake, the one who was the chocolate brown wolf, said.
"I-I'm Ember." I said.

"Ember..." They all said in unison.
I didn't realize I was purring until they looked at me weird. With their eye brows up. And big smirks on their faces.
"Uh... Well anyway..." I said.
Ace started scratching behind my ear. Sparks flew through me and I started purring. I closed my eyes in contentment, slowly leaning into his touch. Tobias started scratching under my chin. And Drake started scratching my back. I could get used to this.
"You enjoying this?" Drake asked.
I purred louder. Hoping that gave them the signal. It did.
"You're soft." Drake said.
I looked at him.
"Uh... Your fur." Drake said, backtracking.
I looked at him and then my back. He smiled and started scratching it again. I laid down on the ground. Still purring at my mates' touch. I could get used to three of them. After all, I have three mates. Might as well make them work for my love. I slowly fell asleep.


I woke up in a huge bedroom. And on a king size bed. Still in my wolf form. I wandered the house until to I got to my mates' office. I used my right paw and opened the door. I nudged the door open with my snout and walked in. My mates' looked at me.
"How did you...?" Drake asked.
I sneezed.
"Bless you, baby." Ace said.
I sneezed again.
"Bless you again." Tobias said.
I looked at Ace and then his lap. He smiled and patted his lap. I laid down on him.
"As much as I want you to be... You are not a lap dog." Ace said.
"Well duh. I'm a wolf. I'm not exactly tiny." I said.
Ace kissed my forehead. Tobias and Drake sat next to us. Drake was playing my tail and Tobias was petting the top of my snout. I sneezed again.
"You getting sick on us?" Ace asked, concerned.
"This is the longest I've been in wolf form. And I uh, don't know how to change back." I said.
"Think of yourself being a human. It helps." Ace said.
I concentrated as hard as I could. I closed my eyes. It helps me concentrate more. I opened my eyes and had my arms back.
"Yay! It worked!" I shouted.
I hugged Ace as tight as I could.

~Ace's POV~
Ember hugged me as tight as I think she could. Then as if realizing what she did, she jumped off of me and fell on the floor. Doge, my wolf, whimpered at the loss of her touch.
"Baby... What happened? Did we hurt you?" Tobias asked.
She shook her head.
"Did Ace hurt you?" Drake asked.
Again, shook her head.
"Did someone hurt you?" I asked.
She curled up in fetal position. I got down on the ground and went to hug her. The girl almost jumped out of her skin.
"Baby?" I asked.
She looked at me for a split second them looked down.
"Did someone hurt you?" I asked, a little louder.
She looked like she wanted to say, but was too scared. I kissed her forehead. That's when I smelt it. She smelt like another male. A mated male. I knew my brother smelt it too. We didn't feel the pain of her cheating on us.
"Baby? Did someone... Sexual hurt you?" I asked.
She flinched. Doge growled in my head. And with that she leaned against the desk. And fell asleep.

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