Sink or Swim

By InThisDeathPunch

791 20 5


Sink or Swim
What's The Point Of Living Life If It Just Contradicts
Bios (SKIP ME)
I Just Wanna Kiss Your Lips, The Ones Between Your Hips.
Hi, My Name Is Ronnie, and I'm An Addict
How Does It Feel?
I Wrote This Song To Make You Smile
Feet, Don't Fail Me Now

What If The Devil Was Alive?

67 2 0
By InThisDeathPunch

Welcome to the next chapter, lovlies (:< ....Evern though only 2 people have read the last chapter... ); Am I that bad of a writer? Essentially, this was for kicks, but still..! Suggest to your friends.... maybe? D; PLEEEASEE... For the love of Fearless Racords? Pwetty pweasee! well anywhoo, let the (good) story rolllll! ~Juless<3

Derek, Ryan, and whoever they were all scrambled into the carand left as almost as quick as they came. It still bugged me that I had absolutely no idea who these people were, but at the same time, I felt like I did. 'They seemed so familiar,' I said blankly to Cody as he stared at his only car in total disgust.

'Whoever they are, I hate them,' He said with venom saturating his deeper tone than usual. It was an easy fix up, but Cody was drowned in enough shit as possible already; Likewise, he's too caught up in music to care about the rest of the world.

'Cody, I'll fix it,' I said, and he looked up at me like I was a complete nutjob. 'My dad and I use to work on cars for fun when I was younger, so dont get your panties in a wad about an easy fix.' That seemed to put his mind at ease. We both got back into the car, and everything just kinda fell right back to where it was. We were on the road to turn off to Cody's house when Cody stopped everything. He turned off the radio and looked at me in eyes, well, in the sunglasses.

'Anything said or done in my house, stays there, okay?' I didnt know what to say. I was more frightened than anything. What was Cody going to do?

'What are your plans?' I giggled a bit, 'rape me?' He started to chuckle that low laugh of his and he shifted the mood just by smiling.

'Only if you dress up as a cake with a side of french fries,' I laugh. Cody sure loved his greasy food, but yet, he was tall and stick skinny. HOW?! 'No i mean the shit were running through,' he said, 'I dont really want anyone to know about it, okay?'

I looked back him and nodded with an eye brow further up than the other. I was still confused as to what we would be running through.

When we reached Cody's house, he threw me his keys and ran around to the back of the yard. He likes climbing up the side of the house and through his window to his bedroom. I never got it. I opened the door with his keys and walked to the stair case. I saw his mom coming down the stairs with a load of laundry in her arms. 'Hi Mrs. Huff,' I said as I passed her.

She said the usual, 'Hey Alex. Remember, feel free do whatever here. You're family.' And i continued up the stairs to Codys messy room. Cody was tuning the guitar as I timidly knocked on his bedroom door.

I took my usual spot at the piano and played scales A through G. Once upon a time, Daddy got Daddy's little girl piano lessons for a week before she hated her teacher. She taught herself after that. Cody finished up the E string and handed me a sheet of paper.

'The pink is what you sing and the blue is what i sing,' he said, 'Green is when were together.' I started to flip shit. Im not a singer. Im a pianst, drummer, and anything else, but not a singer.

'Cody,' I said, 'I cant sing.' He knew I was uncomfortable with singing.

'I promise you, nothing will come out of this room, and i just need to here the female vocals to see if any pitches need to be changed.' I contemplated it, 'please?' He was starting to beg and pout. Damn you, Cody.

'Fine.' He smiled and started the song out on a  E major chord. I've never had the finger tips to play guitar. Whenever I would at least try to hit an E major, my first finger would alway cover G AND E.

He strummed a steady beat and the song seemed to have a depressing vibe.

'Were standing here

as you hold my hand.

I whispher softly

you are beautiful.' His voice was amazing and soft. Almsot as if he was in gentel pain. The emotions added so much more to the lyrics.

'But why,

why cant you see

Im tied to them

I promise you

we can still be friends.' Well isnt this a shitty character im playing...

'Why cant you see

you are the love of my life?

you're the air i breath.

you're the life i need.

Everyone has told me

to just let it be,

but why do you love them

and not me?' We sang that part together and he stopped.

'That's all I got for now,' He said.

'I really like it,' I said with enthusiasim, 'are you going to record this professionally?' I asked. He pulled the equiptment out of his closet. Ohh I see..

 'Well, we ran through all of that, so to the party awayy!' Essentially, I felt like Buzz Man, but most likely, I looked like a retarded monkey.

'Hey, Alex?' He pulled me down for a quick minute.

'Yeah?' I was siting right next to him. I looked into his warm hazel eyes. Slowly, he started to lean in, but quickly, he backed off and ran to his window. He tripped on the window ceil and fell out the window onto the platform thingy. What was that all about?

Awkwardly, I got into his car, and we headed over to the party. I have quite a feeling this will be a long night. I hope I dont have to call Hazel to come pick me up..

Soooo watcha thinking about the whole Aldy thing goin on? (; (Alex and Cody hahaha see what i did there?) Well if you love it, keep reading. If you dont, too bad. Suck my (invisible) dick and read it anyway (:< ~Jules

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