Cinnamon Buns (Camren)

Bởi shadesofcool22

856K 18.8K 26K

(Completed) Lauren is a recently divorce bakery owner with two young sons. In need of a new baker Lauren hire... Xem Thêm

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fourteen Part II
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two(Last Chapter)
Thanks Guys

Chapter Ten

39.8K 883 1K
Bởi shadesofcool22

Lauren's POV

"Mommy, mommy wake up." I hear my son's voice jolting me out of my sleep.

I rolled over wanting to get more sleep. "Baby its Saturday lets sleep some more." I said to him.

I feel little hands pushing my hair out of my face. "Mommy, wake up." He said cupping my cheeks; I felt the roughness of his cast.

I hadn't opened my eyes yet wanting every ounce of rest I could get. "Please Zach, let mommy sleep." I begged him.

He lets go of my face then I felt him pulling up on the bed and he sits right on my back and lays down on it. "Mommy why are you so sleepy?" He asked.

"Because your mommy does a lot of stuff in the week and it makes me sleepy." I explained.

"Okay, you can have three minutes." Zach offered.

I laughed a little. "That's plenty of time thank you baby." I said.

"You're welcome." He said and then he lies on my back silently.

Knowing that I only had three minutes give or take I lay there with my eyes closed feeling the weight of my son on my back. I felt his fingers playing with my hair absently and I hear him humming softly, I smiled contently I loved this little boy so much.

"I love you Zachary." I said.

"I love you mommy." He said sweetly. "What are we doing today?" He asked.

"Aunt Ally is getting married today remember your going to be a ring bearer." I said.

"Oh yeah, is daddy going to be there?" He asked.

"He is going to be there." Unfortunately.

Nick was one of Troy's groomsmen and this is where us having the same friends conflict. I didn't really mind that we have the same friends at least I know who he brings my kids around. I just have a problem with him still so present in my life; he would always be invited to things that our friends throw so it was annoying.

I was already so reluctant about today because I'm Camila's date for the wedding and Nick would be there and I didn't want him in my business. Another thing was that I had to walk with him down the aisle because we were paired together despite my protest.

I decided it was time to get up I had to be at the church at noon and I know with my two little ones I had to get a head start lessen I'll be late. I definitely was going to try my very best to be on time because Ally would go all bridezilla on my ass. I thought that the raging bride thing was fake and dramatized for TV but boy was I wrong, I was so happy I wasn't her maid of honor because she was very demanding and I know Mani was having a time with it. I wasn't like that when I got married, I just wanted to be married to Nick and I didn't care about all the intricate details that went into it. I literally let my mom and Nick's mom do everything and I just sat back and told them when I liked something and I spoke up when I didn't. But Nick's mom being a wedding planner I had no problem and my mother knew my taste, the only thing I really was involved in was my wedding dress and my wedding cake.

I heard my phone chime on my bedside table Zach was still on the back so I had to reach over to grab it without him falling off my back. I looked at my phone seeing a text from Camila and I smiled then I read it.

'Wake up and smell the cinnamon buns :)' -Camila

I smile at the text.

"Get up baby." I said to Zach so that I could sit up.

Zach got off of my back and I sat up leaning against the headboard, Zach found his new spot on my lap.

"Who is that mommy?" Zach asked curiously.

"It's Camila." I answered.

"Oh, I like her she's really nice." He shared.

"She is nice, let me message her back." I said to him.

I stretched my arms around Zach so that I could compose a text; Zach was looking directly into the screen I was so glad that he couldn't read. Some of the older text between me and the beautiful brunette were very suggestive.

'Thanks for playing with my emotions there are no cinnamon buns here to smell.' -Lauren

I replied.

'Well I smell cinnamon buns, there hot out of the oven.' -Camila

I believe Camila tortured me purposely.

'Why would you tell me that you evil, evil woman?' -Lauren

'Evil huh, well I guess I'm not going to bring them to you like I planned.' -Camila

I smiled and texted her back quickly.

'No you're not evil, you kind and selfless and beautiful. Now please bring me the cinnamon buns and I will shower you with more compliments.' -Lauren

'Okay I'm on my way and I would love some more compliments I would also like some coffee from that amazing machine of yours.' -Camila

'Great I can't wait to see you. You can have as much coffee as you want.' -Lauren

'I need at least two cups. I can't wait to see you too. ;)' -Camila

"Mommy you're smiling big." Zach said looking up at me. "Are you happy?" He asked.

"I am happy baby, are you happy?" I asked him.

"Yes." He said cuddling into me.

I wrap my arms around the three year old hugging him tightly. "It makes me so happy that you're happy." I kiss him on the forehead.

I looked at my son noticing his hair hanging over his eyes, maybe it was time for him to get a haircut but I didn't know if I was ready for that because he was still my baby. I pushed his hair out of his face and gave him another kiss.

"Let's go get your little brother." I said to him.

"I need Moose and Cinnamon Bun." He said referring to his stuff animals.

"Well where are they?" I asked.

He pointed to the other side of the bed he had them tucked in, he must have done that before he woke me up.

"You tucked them in?" I asked.

"Yes." He said picking them up and securing them in his arms.

I lifted him up and placed him on the floor then I got out of bed and we both walked to Skylar's room. Skylar was never a fussy baby and I never knew when he was awake because he didn't cry when he woke up. He was just a very mellow baby; Zach on the other hand was the complete opposite.

Zach and I walked into Skylar's room and like I expected he was wide awake playing with the stuffed animal that Camila gave him. That's one thing my boys have in common they loved stuffed animals.

"Sky, get up! Get up!" Zachary said excitedly.

Skylar lets out a coo of excitement at his brother's voice; he pulls up on the side railing of the crib to see us. He starts bouncing up and down on the mattress excited to see us.

"Good morning little one." I said to Skylar picking him up out of the crib.

"Mama." Skylar said.

I kissed him. "Let's go get you guys some breakfast."

"I want strawberries and yogurt and grapes and a banana." Zach stated.

"Okay then." I laughed a little and my sons resoluteness. "You want that too Skylar?" I asked my youngest, he nods his head up and down like he knew exactly what I was talking about. "Okay, yogurt and fruit it is."

I take my sons downstairs to the kitchen I sat Skylar in his highchair then I put Zach in his booster seat at the table. I went to the fridge to get breakfast for my sons I pulled out all the fruit that Zach named and some plain yogurt it's bland but they loved it.

I take out a plate the ones that had the sections, I washed the fruit and I started chopping it up into smaller sizes especially for Skylar who didn't have all of his teeth yet. The moment I placed their food down in front of them the doorbell ranged.

"I'll be right back." I said going to get the door.

I opened the door to see Camila standing there with a container in her hand and a bright smile on her face.

I smiled at her. "Good morning." I said, stepping aside so she could come in.

"Good morning." She said as I closed the door.

I immediately pulled her to me placing a warm kiss on her lips that she gladly reciprocated. I smiled into the kiss I was just so happy to see her. It was so crazy how she had this control over me it was unexplainable; I craved the young bakers presence often I never grew tired of her. She had this lulling caliber about her that I love so much and I found tranquility in her.

Camila breaks the kiss at least one of us was showing restraint. "I have your cinnamon buns they are still warm." She said.

I gave her a thankful smile. "Thank you, it's good to know that you're thinking of me." I said.

She kisses my cheek. "I'm always thinking about you."

"Mommy I want some more." Zach yells from the kitchen.

"There is no way he finished that food that fast." I said taking Camila's hand and leading her into the kitchen.

"Mommy I want-Camila you're here!" Zach yells excitedly when he sees Camila.

"Hi buddy how are you?" Camila said walking over to him.

He smiles widely and raises his shoulder. "Good, I'm eating breakfast."

"Is it yummy?" She asked.

He nods his head. "Umhmm I want some more."

"Coming right up baby." I said to him taking his plate and I walked over to the island to place more food on his plate.

Camila walks over to Skylar and he smiles at her while putting a piece banana in his mouth.

"Hi Skylar, how are you doing little guy?" He coos at her warmly and she smiles. "I glad your doing good." She replied.

I give Zach his food and Camila follows me back over to the island with the cinnamon buns in hand and she sat them down.

"Now for that coffee." She said.

"Help yourself." I said only concerned about what was in the container.

I see her grabbing a mug from the cabinet and she placed it under the Keuig, I grabbed a plate to deposit one of the cinnamon buns on. I opened the container being enveloped by a smell that never gets old; I pick up one and sat it on the plate.

"Do you want one of these Camz?" I asked her.

"Yes I do." She said.

I took out another plate and placed one on it and I grabbed some strawberries and put them on the plates. When I see that Camila is done with her coffee I take the plates to the table where the boys were and placed them down. Camila was kind enough to bring my mug that was sitting on the counter and we took a seat next to each other at the table.

"I'm taking good care of my dump truck Camila." Zach's little voice stated.

She smiles at him. "I'm glad you're taking care of it, do you like playing with it?" She asked.

"I do it's one of my favorites." He said. "Guess what?" He said to Camila.

"What is it?" She said giving him her undivided attention.

"Mommy read me a book last night about trucks going nite nite after working hard and there was a dump truck in it." He responds animatedly.

"I bet that was a really good story." She says, picking up her coffee and taking a sip.

"It was." Zach looks at me eating. "Mommy what is that?"

"It's a cinnamon bun Camila made." I said.

"I want some, please." He said.

I smiled at him. "Sure." I tore a piece of my cinnamon bun and put it on his plate. "There you go baby."

"Thank you." He says picking up the pastry with his right hand.

"You're welcome."

I watched to see if he liked it he took the first bite, his brown eyes widen at the piece of cinnamon bun in his hand and then he scarfed it down not knowing the meaning of savoring. His eyes shot up to me and his tongue hung out of his mouth licking the remains of the cinnamon bun that was left on his lips.

"Can I have more?" He asked.

Camila's addicting cinnamon buns have claimed their next victim; my three year old was now hooked. I gave my son another piece slightly bigger than the one before he looked at the bread in wonderment before digging in.

"Slow down son, I know that they are good but you need to slow down." I told him.

"It's so good mommy." He said with a smile.

I looked over at Camila who was smiling at Zach. "You have my son addicted now." I said.

Camila laughed. "You're the one who gave it to him." She said.

I laughed a little. "Sure blame me."

She smiles at me. "So what time do you have to be at the church?"

"I have to be there at twelve to get hair and makeup done, Ally wants us all uniformed." I said popping a strawberry in my mouth.

I see Zachary eyeballing me for some more of my cinnamon bun I just gave him the rest of mine. I had no idea where he was putting it all because he had two helpings now he was eating my food.

"What color are the dresses?" She asked.

"Coral." I frowned because I wasn't too fond of the color it was way too close to orange.

She giggles. "I'm sure you'll look lovely in it." She said.

"The style of the dress is very becoming it's only the color that's puke worthy. But please don't tell Ally I said that she'll murder me." I said.

"So it's true that she's a bridezilla." She stated.

I nod. "Yep the definition actually, she even had Troy make her wedding cake." I said.

"Troy makes nice wedding cakes but there nothing compared to yours." She complimented.

"Thanks but I'm actually glad she didn't ask me it was my night with the boys and I just wanted to be with them, instead of spending all night on an elaborate cake that has to meet every one of Ally's standards. I love her to death but I just wasn't up for the task." I explained.

"I get it, I'm not going to stay long I still haven't found something to wear and I know that you have to get the boys ready." She said.

"Why don't you have something to wear yet?" I asked her.

"Because I want to look good for you and I haven't been able to find that perfect dress." She said a bit shyly.

I loved when she got like that it was so adorable. "You look perfect in anything."

She blushed. "Thank you but you're just saying that."

"I don't say things I don't mean." I said to her with a smile.

She gives me a small smile.

Skylar started to whine, I got up from my seat and I picked him up out of the highchair and grabbed the bottle I had waiting for him and I went back to my seat and handed it to him and he pops it in his mouth. I looked down at Skylar he was getting so big he was ten months already and in two months he would be a year old I just couldn't believe it.

"Did you want boys?" Camila asked.

I looked at her. "I did want boys I know that boys are more attached to their mothers and my boys are definitely mama's boys. They're very energetic so you never have a dull moment, my boys love to cuddle and I love that. I'm sure a girl would be fine but I am in love with my boys and I wouldn't want any differently." I said.

"They are amazing boys I see why you love them so much." She said genuinely.

I gave her a smile and we ate the rest of our breakfast, Camila didn't stay too long after but I wasn't too sad because I was going to see her a little later.

I cleaned up in the kitchen while the boys played then I moved upstairs to make up the beds. Then I put the boys in a bath so happy that I washed their hair last night because it took forever for it to dry. After their bath I just put them in a simple tee-shirt and shorts I was not about to get them ready right now the wedding started at four fifteen so it was no sense in dressing them now. I put down Skylar for his morning nap I told Zach to stay in his room while I took a quick shower. After my shower I put on some yoga pants and a tank top, I went to get Skylar's diaper bag ready and Zach followed me foot to foot. I packed a bag for them earlier because the boys would be staying the night with my mother; once everything was finished I loaded the boys in the car along with our things and headed to the church.

I pulled up to the church after a twenty minute ride a quiet ride I might add Zachary fell asleep after about five minutes of riding. I see Nick standing outside he must have been anticipating my arrival, and he knew that I would need help with the boys. I turned off the car and took my keys out of the ignition and I got out of the car Nick walks right up to me.

"Hi Lauren." He says.

"Hey Nick." I said to him.

"Do you need help?" He asked.

"That would be very helpful yes." I said.

He laughed a little.

"Zach is asleep." I said.

"Okay." He opens the back door on the side where Skylar was in his rear-facing car seat. "Hi baby did you miss me." Nick said to Skylar.

"Dada." Skylar said.

I didn't even know that Skylar started calling him that. "When did he start saying that?" I asked him.

"He first called me that on Monday; I thought that he was just doing his babbling but then he only said it when he was looking at me." He said smiling as he unhooked the carrier from its base.

"What was your reaction?" I asked.

"It was heartwarming it made me feel like there's no place I'd rather be than with our boys." He said authentically.

I smiled. "You really came a long way Nick." I said never thinking Nick would end up being this awesome dad to our boys.

He just smiled at me and I went to get Zachary from the other side and grabbed the rest of the stuff and we went inside the church. Nick showed me where the bridal party was I told him to come back and get the boys in a little bit.

Dinah was sitting in a chair getting her hair done by a professional stylist that Ally hired. Ally was going over some last minute stuff with her mother while rocking her daughter in her arms. Mani was sitting on one of the couches her son wallowing all over her she was laughing at his antics. After placing my things down I lift up Skylar's carrier while supporting Zach in my other arm and I placed it on the floor next to the couch and I took a seat by Normani.

"How was your morning Lauren?" Dinah asked.

I smiled because I had an amazing morning. "I had a great morning thanks for asking what about yours." I said.

"It was very productive I have no idea what got into Jacob this morning but girl-'' I cut her off right there.

"Thanks for sharing Dinah." I laughed a little.

"Mama?" I hear Miles little voice calling Normani.

"Yes sweetie." She said giving him her undivided attention.

"I want gummies." The curly headed boy asked.

"I'm sorry baby I didn't bring any gummies, I have a chewy." She offered.

I watched as the little ones lip poked out getting ready to catch a fit. "I want gummies." He mutters.

"I packed some Mani just go into Skylar's diaper bag there should be several in there." I said to her.

Her shoulders slump in relief. "Thank you so much Lo you're a lifesaver." She said getting up to grab a pack of gummies.

"Lauren is the person you have been secretly seeing coming tonight?" Dinah asked nosily.

"Why must you insist on knowing my love life?" I asked playing in Zach's hair as he slept.

"We're your best friends Lo it's our covenant." Normani added in handing Miles the fruit snacks before returning to her seat.

"Okay but how do you even know that I'm seeing someone?" I tried playing it off.

They both gave me knowing looks. "Lauren you are so happy like all the time, like on your own without your boys being present." Dinah made her point.

"I'm just in a good place right now." I defended.

"You can tell us Lauren you don't have to hide from us." Normani pointed.

I looked at her and gave her a warm smile. "I promise I'm not hiding, but just how Dinah kept Jacob from us I think I'm entitled to some privacy. It's just this person is so amazing and I want to be sure that this is the real deal before telling anyone about us." I explained.

"That makes sense Lauren; tell us when you're ready." Normani said sincerely.

"I will I promise." I said.

Zachary woke up and the room was suddenly live because he and Miles were very hyper together it's like they fed off of each other. I finally let Skylar out of his car seat and he crawled around the room pulling up on things. It started getting really rowdy with the boys so we decided it was time for the men to come and get them. Nick came and got Zachary and Skylar he was getting them ready for the wedding and Masi came and got Miles. The room was immediately quiet boys should definitely not be confined to a small area that was torture.

Once everyone's hair and makeup was done it was almost two and we all got dressed because we needed to get ready for the photographer to take pictures of the wedding party. I went to go find my boys because I wanted to see them in their outfits. I found them in a hallway with Nick they were sitting on the floor Nick's back to the wall holding both boy is his arms. I stayed back for a moment watching him with them, that's all I ever really wanted, was for him to be there for them and he is and I was happy for that.

I walked up to them and they all looked up at me. "Hey Lauren what are you doing?" Nick said.

"I just wanted to see the boys all dressed up." I said.

"Mommy look I have on a tie." Zachary said.

"It's a bowtie son." Nick said.

Zach nod. "Yes, bowtie."

I looked at Zach he was so handsome he had on a tan suit but without the jacket just the vest, he had on a white button up and a coral bowtie. On top of his curly little head sat a tan cap that matched the suit and he had some dress shoes on his feet.

"You look so handsome baby." I said to him.

"Thank you mommy you look pretty." He said.

The dress was beautiful save the color it was sleeveless long and flowy with a plunging neckline, the top half of my hair was braided into a bun and the rest of my hair flowed down my back.

I smiled. "Thank you baby." I look at Nick. "Mind if I sit with you guys?" I asked.

"Sure." Nick said.

I bunched up my dress a bit in my hands before sitting beside Nick; Skylar crawled into my lap almost immediately. I stood him up on my lap so that I could get a look at him; Skylar wasn't in the wedding because he gets shy and very clingy around big crowds so it wouldn't be the best idea for him to be in the wedding. He had on a powder blue button up tucked into some khaki shorts suspenders holding them up and on his feet were little tan loafers. On the top of his head sat a white cap his tiny curls peeking through and around his neck was a little white bowtie.

"You boys are going to take all of the attention away from Ally." I joked my boys were so handsome.

"Your mom is still getting the boys?" He asked.

I looked over at Nick. "Yeah, I think she wanted to take them toy shopping. Grandparents spoiling their grandkids is an understatement when it comes to her." I laughed a little sitting Skylar down on my lap.

He smiles. "How are you doing Lauren? We never talk." He said.

"I'm doing good Nick, what about you?" I said.

"I'm good I miss my family though." Nick said I couldn't talk to him without him wanting us to get back together.

"Not right now Nick please, can you just let it go." I pleaded to him.

"Baby I'm not ever going to let it go, you wanted this I didn't there is absolutely no way I could let this go. I want you no one else Lauren, I want the mother of my children. I've changed and you know that I have I even took my old job back for you for our boys. I know that I screwed up but don't you think I suffered enough Lauren let me come home, you and the boys are my home." He said calmly with longing in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Nick but what we had between us is now gone and it has been gone for some years now. I can admit you were the love of my life at one point and if I still loved you Nick we would be together but we're not. If it weren't for the children we share I would've loosen all ties to you. I didn't want any of this to happen Nick; this wasn't suppose to happen we had a plan and you changed it. It hurts me to see you hurting, but it hurts me even more to see you longing over something that just isn't there anymore. I'm saying this to you Nick as the father of my children and the man that I use to love, let me go." I said holding back tears; this whole thing was so hard for me. I realized that I wasn't the only one hurting Nick was too but I can't change what's already happened. Nick was hurting but it was made worst by the longing by him gripping tightly to a relationship that no longer existed.

"I can't Lauren and I won't as long as there is still breath in your lungs there's a chance. I will wait for however long it takes; I know that we were meant to be together I put that ring on your finger for a reason." He persisted.

I didn't want to but he pushed me. "I'm seeing someone Nick."

I didn't know that heartbreak could be so apparent because I could see Nick's heart breaking.

"What?" He said trying hard to hold it together.

"I'm seeing someone Nick." I repeated.

His face was unreadable and he pulled his gaze from me sharply. "I'm going to take Zach and Skylar back with the rest of the guys." He said standing Zach up then standing up himself and he takes Skylar from my hands. "I'll see you later." He said plainly before taking Zach's hand and started down the hall.

"Bye bye mommy." Zach waves.

I wave back. "Bye sweetie."

I watched until they disappeared and I sat for a moment letting what happened sink in, I didn't want to tell him like that or at all but he pushed me to it. The only thing I was worried about was his reaction, I know that he was hurting but he hid it well. All I was wanted was Nick to move on but his stubborn ass wouldn't do it making this whole thing harder than what it should be.


Walking down the aisle with Nick was so awkward especially since I dropped the news that I was seeing someone to him. But overall the wedding was beautiful Ally did amazing, but I think the best part about it was the kids, Zach was the ring bearer and he brought the rings down the aisle while Miles in a matching outfit came down the aisle a moment later pulling Ally's daughter Madelyn in a beautifully decorated wagon.

Ally and Troy wrote their own vows which were beyond touching and I shed a tear or two. I found Camila eyes several times during the ceremony and I gave her a subtle smile she looked unbelievably stunning she definitely picked out the right dress.

Once the ceremony was finished we made our way to the reception venue which was amazing. It was on a waterfront the ambiance was elegant and there was a great view of the ocean. Ally's wedding budget must have been vast because this place was immaculate.

The guest was served champagne while we waited for Ally and Troy to show up so they could be introduced as husband and wife for the first time. I stood alone at the window looking out at the ocean because Dinah stole both of my boys away, Nick was still upset with me but I seen him with his best friend Demi who he must have invited as his plus one so I wasn't too worried about him. Camila hadn't shown up to the venue yet and I wondered what was taking her so long.

"Lauren." I heard my mother's voice.

I turned to look at her. "Hi mom." I said.

She gave me a look a look that I was so familiarized with she was about to get onto me about something.

"What is it mom?" I said just wanting to get it over with.

"Nick told me that you were seeing someone, is this true?" She asked.

"Would I tell him that if it wasn't true?" I stated.

My mother shook her head. "Why do you insist on playing these games with him Lauren? The only person you're fooling is yourself. What you are doing now you're going to regret later on down the line. You were so in love with Nick once he wasn't willing to try then to get you back but he's trying now and it's worth a shot. He is a good man and the chances of you finding another guy like him is slim to none, just give him another chance and stop with these games."

I stood there is silence for a moment because I had to calm down; I wouldn't trust what would come out of my mouth. One thing I didn't like is people telling me what to do especially if it involves my personal life, that's from anyone that includes my mother.

After taking a few moments I decided to speak. "I love you mom and I respect you, but please don't come and tell me that I'm doing wrong because you have no right." I voiced.

"I do have a right Lauren I'm your mother." She said.

I looked at her for a moment then I turned my gaze upon the beautiful ocean view, while my eyes fixated on the waves my mind went to something. There was something bothering me and it has been for years and years but I just kept my mouth shut. But I didn't want to anymore going through my divorce has opened my eyes to a lot of things, and a revelation was clear. "Why did you stay with dad?" I asked her simply not turning to look at her, but I didn't need to see her reaction.

"What are you talking about Lauren?" She said with confusion.

I finally turned my gaze from the view to meet hers. "Dad was never there for us mom he still isn't." I said.

"What are you talking about Lauren, your father has taken care of us your entire life?" She defended.

"Growing up I always said if I got married it would be to someone who wasn't anything like my father." I shared.

"Lauren what are you talking about?" She asked obliviously.

"I see how lonely you get mom I seen how disappointed you would get when family trips had to be cancelled. I remember the arguments over the phone when he missed a dance recital or softball game. I remember hearing you crying at night because you went to sleep alone every single night. I also remembered how you just sat there and took it, I know that you think you did the best thing for me Chris and Taylor but you didn't. I hated that he wasn't there mom and I don't know how you could stand it. I left Nick because I wanted what was best for my children. Nick now sees his children and interacts with them and he loves them and they know it. I vowed when I got married that if I had children I would always have their best interest and I do and my boys are thriving. What you fail to understand mom is that you didn't have our best interest. Taylor can be completely unstable at times and she always runs to me when things get out of control. And do you remember how Chris use to pick fights just so he could get dads attention. He was only concerned with work and you were only concerned with keeping him. I won't dare make the same mistake as you, so I suggest you drop the subject for good because everything I do I have my children in mind. Give up on my ever getting back with Nick because it's not happening." I said firmly before walking away from her.

There is always drama at weddings so I wasn't surprised, but I have learned not to let things bother me, something I picked up when I was younger. I searched the room looking for Camila I finally spotted her she appeared to be looking for someone also. Our eyes locked from across the room I smiled then made my way to her. Once I reached her I took her in, the dress she chose to wear was perfect and it took everything in me to not pull her to me and attach her with kisses.

"You look amazing Camila." I said my smile not flattering.

She smiles. "So do you Lauren, coral really becomes you."

I laughed. "That's bullshit and you know it, I only look good in darker colors."

"Okay I have to agree with you there." She said.

"So did you like the wedding?" I asked.

"Yes it was nice, Zachary was so cute." She said.

"He was wasn't he; he was really excited to do it he likes attention." I said talking about my very social son. "I know that this is suppose to be a date Camila but my kids are going to be here for a while and I don't want you to think that I'm ignoring you." I shared.

"Lauren do what you have to do okay, I'll have you for the rest of the night right." She said.

I nod. "Right, you'll have me for the rest of the night."

I heard feedback from the mic at the DJ booth and I turned my attention. "Alright everyone if you could turn your eyes to the entrance, I would like to introduce for the first time Mr. and Mrs. Ogletree." The DJ said.

I watched as Ally and Troy walked in smiles etched upon their faces they were the definition of happy. They walked to the dance floor and they came together for their first dance as man and wife.

After that food was served and I hunt down my children so that I could get them fed. But they both were so excited about everything that was going on around them so they only ate a small amount.

"Mommy, can you dance with me?" Zach asked.

I looked at the dance floor there were several people there dancing I looked at my son. "Sure, I'll dance with you buddy." I said to him. "Dinah can you hold Skylar for me while I dance with Zach? I asked Dinah who was right beside me.

"Sure give me the little guy." She said and I handed him to her.

"Come on honey let's dance." I said to Zach taking his hand and leading him to the dance floor.

Zach and I danced to the upbeat song the little guy had some moves I smiled at him dancing happily.

"Look at me mommy." Zach said dancing.

"I see you, you got some sweet moves." I said with a smile.

I danced with him for a little while people dancing around us were saying how cute he was, all that was doing was making my sons head bigger than what it already was.

After the cake was cut it was time for Ally to throw the bouquet I didn't want to go up there but the time they called for all the single ladies to come up I felt myself being pulled by Dinah to the dance floor. I saw Camila up there she gave me a shy smile and I smiled back. I watched as all the women prepared themselves to fight for the bundle of flowers. I didn't want them I just got out of a marriage I sure as hell wasn't about to jump into another one.

Ally tossed the flowers up in the air and everyone's hands were stretched in the air, mine weren't though. My eyes trailed the bouquet in the air and I watched as a hand clutched it effortlessly, that hand belonged to Dinah Jane.

"Great catch DJ." I congratulated her.

She smiles. "I knew this day would come." She said dramatically and I laughed.

I went to go get the boys because my mom was ready to leave, she seemed a bit distant but I didn't care I voiced something I wanted to say for a very long time. Nick helped me load them into my mother car and we both kissed them goodbye then we watched her drive away.

"I want to meet them Lauren." Nick said out of the blue.

I looked at him. "What?"

"If you're bringing someone around my kids I want to meet them." He said a bit firmly.

"Are you out of your mind, since when do I answer to you?" I said.

I could see him getting angry. "I have a right to know who you let around my children, so you're going to let me meet this guy Lauren." He demanded.

"Last time I checked they were our children and I'm not letting you meet anyone, I am not putting our children in danger. I keep my relationship separate from my parenting so no I will not appease to you because I'm not doing anything wrong. I was being considerate by telling you that I was seeing someone, but it honestly has nothing to do with you Nick." I said to him.

"If I was dating someone you would want to meet them." He debated.

I pursed my lips then I fixed my gaze on him. "I wouldn't Nick and you want to know why?" He was shocked by my answer but I continued. "I trust you Nick and your judge of character you are the most honest trustworthy guy that I know. The boys mean so much to you and you wouldn't bring someone toxic around them because you don't allow toxicity anywhere around you. I would respect your wishes to date Nick because you're a stand up guy, and I thought that you trusted me to do the same." I said to him.

"I do trust you Lauren I just don't trust this person whoever they are." He stated.

I took a breath and gave him a sympathetic look. "The ugly truth is that you'll never trust the person I'm with it's just an insecurity that you need to get over. I'm moving on Nick and you're just going to have to accept that." I told him straightforward.

He looked at me for a moment before looking away. "This shit is hard Lauren it has only been a couple of months, it's just going to take a little longer for me to move on." He confessed.

"You take as longs as you need that's your right, I just don't want it to cause drama between us when we have been co-parenting really well." I voiced.

"I'll keep my feelings in check." He says.

"Okay, well I'm going to go back inside." I said.

"I think I'm going to find Demi and we're going to leave." He said.

Nick and I went back into the building where the reception was still in full swing, we parted ways and I immediately look for Camila she was over at the bar talking to a girl. The girl was flirting relentlessly and I could tell that Camila was trying to be polite but she didn't want to give this girl the time of day.

"So what do you do?" I hear the chick say as I walked up.

Camila fiddled with the rim of her glass. "I'm a baker." She said with no enthusiasm in her voice.

I didn't want the woman around her any longer so I intervened. "She's an amazing baker." I said standing right next to Camila.

"Is she now?" The girl said looking me up and down ready to challenge me. "Well I was just about to ask the amazing baker if she wanted to get out of here." She said boldly.

My blood boiled. "She's not going anywhere with you." I said firmly glaring at her.

She scoffed. "Am I suppose to be intimidated by you 'mama' why don't you run off to your husband." She spat.

I could have snapped her neck. "I'll show you intimidating you bi-''

"Okay Lauren calm down." Camila said the looked at the chick. "I'm not interested." Camila said before downing the rest of her drank and her eyes met mine. "I want to get out of here do you think you can take me home." She said to me.

"Yes of course let's go." I said to her the bimbo long forgotten.


I pulled up to Camila's house and I parked next to her convertible and turned off the car.

"I'm sorry we didn't get more time together, it was a really lousy date." I said to her.

She smiles. "You said that I had you for the rest of the night Lauren and as far as I'm concerned the night is far from over." She said lust laced in her words.

"What will this night entail?" I asked teasingly.

"Baby I can show you way better than I can tell you." She said then she leans really close to me. "And you're going to want me to show you." She whispered her brown eyes tantalizing me.

My breathing picks up anticipating what was to come, we were both adults why delay the inevitable.

Camila and I made it into her house and the next thing I know I'm being pushed up against the door and my neck is being assaulted with kisses. I tilt my head back surrendering to her touch, my fingers tangled in her silky hair. Camila suddenly stopped her assault and she looked at me, her brown orbs filled with lust and desire. She takes my hands and led me to her bedroom, I slipped off my heels and she did the same. Camila pulls us back together and she kisses me slowly excruciatingly slow giving me an intoxicating feeling. I feel her hands fumbling with the back of my dress and she unzips it her fingers caressing my skin sending chills through my body. Camila slides the dress off of me and it pools at my feet, I proceeded to take her dress off next thing I know she pushes me on her bed and climbs on top of me. I run my fingers up and down the length of her back as she kisses along my jaw line.

"You know," She stops kissing me to look me in the eyes. "we don't have to do this, we could just bake something."

I laughed. "You're practically naked on top of me we are doing this, plus your horny as fuck what has it been two years." I joked.

"It has not been two years." She whined and I smiled at her.

"Then how long has it's been?" I asked.

"A year." She said shyly.

I touched her face. "Then we are definitely doing this, just don't lie to me and tell me I'm good when I'm really not." I quipped.

She buried her head in my chest from embarrassment. "Why did I even fucking tell you that?"

I looked at her with her head buried firmly in my chest she was so adorable I don't think I've wanted someone more in my life. I lift her head up so that she could look at me and I pulled her in for a kiss she leans into it. I wanted to incorporate how much I wanted her into the kiss how much I needed to feel her touch. It must have translated because she began moaning into my mouth, our tongues already meshing perfectly. She began to get eager and she quickly eliminated the rest of the clothes between us.

Camila paid special attention to every inch of my body completely taking charge of things. It's like she was taking her time to find out everything that made me moan or whimper or purr like a kitten. Once she found those spots she teased them relentlessly building me higher than the empire state building. She builds me up to the point of madness it wasn't until I was begging her to do something that I felt her fingers plunge into me. It was official Camila wasn't only talented with making tasty things.

Her fingers found my core over and over again I have never felt such pleasure in my life. I felt an orgasm building up in me begging for release and as much as I wanted to, I didn't want what I was feeling to end. But Camila has proven too skillful she slowed her pace before kissing her way down my sweaty body, before I knew it I felt her tongue flicking against my clit. My body arched and I gripped the sheets tightly wanting some sort of release, she began moving her fingers faster within me her tongue working wonders on my bundle of nerves. I couldn't take it anymore and I let it go and my body trembled from the aftershock of the orgasm jolting through my body.

"Holy fucking shit." I said trying to catch my breath.

Camila makes her way back up to me and kisses my cheek. "You're so hot Lauren."

I smile at her. "You're really good at that."

"Yeah you liked that?" She asked her voice low and still laced with lust and I could feel myself building up again.

I pull her closer. "I don't know if the moans and screams of pleasure weren't enough for you but yeah I liked it." I said sarcastically.

"You are such a fucking smartass." She said with a laugh.

"Yeah I know I can't help it." I replied.

She lowers her lips until they're hovering over mine. "I really like that about you." She captures my lips in hers.

The kiss heated up really fast and I could feel Camila maneuvering and I had no idea what she was doing but I just went with it. She breaks the kiss and she situated my legs, I watched as she lowered herself onto me until our privates were touching and she moved a little on me and pleasure immediately flushed through my body.

"Is this good?" She asked.

I grip her hips encouraging her. "Yes, don't stop please." I begged.

Camila began to grind into me and I matched her pace the sensation was unbelievable, I felt myself reaching my peak again and I never came that fast she was just amazing. I dared to open my eyes so that I could see the girl on top of me filled with pleasure, she was in rare form and I enjoyed seeing her this way. I lift myself kissing her neck and chest tenderly she lets out symphonic moans and they're like music to my ears.

We both reached our peak and instead of being exhausted I was more energized than ever. I flipped us over and I straddled Camila she was shocked by this but a smile peered on her face. I had no idea what I was doing but I knew what I liked, I began pleasuring her my confidence through the roof. I looked at her for conformation and she seemed to be enjoying herself and she started screaming my name so I know that I'm doing something right. Camila and I enjoyed hours together afterwards we lay wrapped in each other's arms perspiration coating our bodies.

I should be tired or worn out but I'm not I was invigorated I felt lively.

"How are you not sleepy?" Camila asked me her eyes hooded.

I smile at her. "I don't know I should be sleepy though shouldn't I?"

She giggled cuddling into me. "Yeah you should be you're a bit of an animal Lauren."

"So that's a compliment, tell me the truth was I good." I teased.

"As if you couldn't tell from my moans and screams of pleasure, you are more than good babe." She laughs warmly.

"I could really go for a cinnamon bun right now." I admitted.

She looks at me and smiles. "Just your luck you just happen to be in bed with someone who makes the best cinnamon buns."

"Are you saying that you'll make me some?" I asked.

Camila kisses me warmly. "Anything for you, come on."

I followed the beautiful baker and I smiled in content sweets after sex this is something I could definitely get use to.


--Thanks to everyone who has been reading.

KSJ: )

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