An Ardent Vow

Da anonymously_anon

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Aairah Sharma is helplessly in love with her best friend - Viaan Mehra. Until the playboy comes into the pict... Altro

[ Chapter - One ]
[ Chapter - Two ]
[ Chapter - Three ]
[ Chapter - Five ]

[ Chapter - Four ]

844 67 182
Da anonymously_anon

Check out the media, I hope it shows this time. :)

Let me know what you think of the cast!

Enjoy reading. :)


The beats of the music were thumping throughout the house as Aairah made her way downstairs and headed straight to the bar corner.

It was just by the kitchen, where Aairah spotted two people serving drinks - supposedly Aadil's servants. She didn't bother ordering her drinks, this was a house party and the fake bartenders were just exaggerating the whole scenario for her.

When Aairah served herself tequila shots, she felt the familiar burn in her throat as soon as she gulped it down, but slowly it soothed her nerves. Vodka, Tequila, Beer, Whiskey - all of them were on Aairah's hit list tonight.

She wanted to drink till the time her thoughts stop making sense, and this new pang of heartbreak that she was experiencing would go away. She knew it wasn't right, Aadil had accepted her after knowing the truth and she should do the same, yet she couldn't find it in herself to give him a chance. For once in her life she was dating someone she admired, not really love - but admire. This was the same guy who didn't even bother himself to go after her once she left his room in anger.

She had known about Aadil's playboy moves but he had fooled her by making her believe that he actually held feelings for her - feelings that her best could never reciprocate for her.

Best friend.

Viaan was another story going on in her mind as she debated with every single thought that tried to overpower her. She loved him - well, she wasn't really sure if it was love or infatuation but whatever this feeling was, it was too strong which always pulled her to him.

Tonight, she wanted to get drunk and forget about all the shit that has happened in her life since last one month.

Viaan, on the other hand was surprised when he came back with drinks in his hands only to find Aairah disappeared. When Ruhi informed him that Aairah had gone looking for Aadil, he felt the recently familiar burn of emotions.

At this point, he wasn't even denying the fact that it was indeed jealousy. He had gone through everything over and over again after he came back from Aairah's place. He tossed in his bed whole night, finally making a sense out of his feelings and it hit him like a truck that all this while he actually liked his stupid best friend.

At first, the thought left him more than happy, escatic even but as soon as realisation dawned upon him that Aairah was not his to claim anymore, the happiness disappeared in seconds.

In that moment, he wanted to call up Aadil, accuse him of the fact that he was dating his girl, the girl who was supposed to be his but then his thoughts striked him that no one else, but he did this to himself. He had voluntarily placed the girl he had feelings for, in the hands of his best friend.

"Viaan?" Ruhi snapped her fingers in front of him to catch his attention and he was caught off guard.

"Um - yeah?" He looked at her.

"You zoned out, what's on your mind?" Ruhi asked, concerned about him. They both were close due to the fact Aairah liked to hang out with two of her best friends.

"Nothing, just a lot going on." He mumbled, more to himself.

Ruhi nudged their elbows, "Care to share?"

"Nothing important, really. I'll go look out for that idiot until she loses herself." Viaan said in a hurry and went to look for Aairah in the crowded house.

He looked for her face between the intoxicated people dancing, but couldn't spot her so he made his way upstairs, cautious of the couples making out. The door to Aadil's room was wide open as Viaan stood in front of it, Aadil was sitting on the edge of the bed with his phone in his hand, typing frantically.

"Where is she?" He asked his best friend.

Aadil jumped at the sound of his voice but quickly recomposed himself, "Who?"

Viaan frowned, "Your girlfriend, who else?" The word girlfriend left a bitter taste in his mouth, but he ignored it at the moment.

"I don't know." Aadil shrugged in reponse.

"What the hell do you mean by you don't know? She came looking for you." Viaan said, panicking.

"Yes, she did and then she left the room like a madwoman." Aadil replied, annoyance dripping from his tone.

"Why did she leave, something happened?" Viaan questioned, worried.

"Yeah, we had a fight." Aadil said, not being able to meet his best friend's eyes - someone whom he had promised that he wouldn't hurt Aairah, ever.

"Damn! And you didn't bother following her Aadil? What the fuck is wrong with you dude? And what fuck did you do which made her mad in the first place and leave her room?" Viaan yelled at him, completely losing his senses.

"Will you just mind your own god damn business Viaan? It's our relationship and we can handle it on our own." Aadil screamed back, exasperated.

Viaan scowled at him, "It sure looks like it bud, you're handling it pretty well."

With that he turned to leave the room and search for Aairah but Aadil's words made him stop in his tracks, "Do not make me look like a bad guy here Viaan, if anyone who has hurt her is you not me." He spat.

He looked back at Aadil, whose eyes were wide just like his own, "What do you mean by that?" He asked slowly.

"Nothing." Aadil said, shoving Viaan to the side so he could exit the room without another word.

Viaan thought of following Aadil and getting answers out of him but then the image of the most beautiful brown pair of eyes stuck in his head made him stop from doing that. He needed to find Airah first, Aadil could be dealt with later.

Viaan went and looked for her in each and every room only to find them either empty or occupied with couples. She was nowhere to be found and with every minute that passed, his nerves picked on.

This party in the first place didn't strike him as a good idea but he agreed to it for the sake of Aadil, but now when Aairah had disappeared he couldn't help the negative thoughts that tried to overpower his thoughts.

What if she's drunk and some guy tried to take advantage of her? Aairah and liquor never works together, and om the top of that the way she's dressed - the fucking little dress which I repeatedly told her not to wear but she wanted to look good, fuck, she looked hot enough but I don't trust anyone else to keep their hands to themselves when it comes to Aairah.

His jumbled thoughts then striked him, Aairah could be only at one place when she gets hurt - where the liquor is. He stepped down two stairs at a time as he made his way to the bar corner and much to his satisfaction he caught the sight of Aairah's blue dress.
His smile disappeared as soon as he caught the sight of another guy beside her, she was almost leaning into him while his hands were set on Aairah's hips. Viaan didn't stop though, he made his way to her and when the guy's face came into view he scowled even more.

This guy was a stranger to him, a complete stranger which could only mean one thing - trouble.

"Aairah." Viaan called her name softly, and placed a hand on her shoulder to turn her around in the seat.

"Viaan." Aairah grinned at him and then continued, "Meet him, he's Ayush and Ayush, this is my best friend Viaan." She giggled at the end of the introduction.

Viaan's head snapped to the table where there were four empty tequila shots, two beer cans and Aairah was holding a cup in her hand which from his sight looked like was filled with Vodka. This sight was enough for Viaan to know that she was intoxicated beyond his imagination.

"Viaan, don't be rude, say hi." Aairah pouted like a baby at him and he sighed, looking up at the guy who still hadn't stepped back from her.

He gave a boy nod to the guy just for the sake of Aairah, if it wasn't for her, he would've punched the guy in the face for laying hands at his girl.

"Are you fine?" Viaan asked Aairah, his voice soft and calm. He was trying not to lose his temper at Aadil for hurting her, this stranger guy for taking advantage of a drunk girl or at Aairah herself for being so irresponsible.

"Nope, I am Aairah." She giggled and Viaan smiled at her lame attempt to joke.

Ayush again rested his hand on Aairah's waist and that did it for Viaan as he gritted through his teeth, "Get your hands off of her."

"If she doesn't have a problem, then who are you?" The guy smirked.

"Dude, trust me I am not in the mood to fight right now because she is drunk and I need to look after her, otherwise I would kick your fucking face till the time you bleed yourself to death." Viaan spat at him, trying harder to hold onto his anger. He ran a hand through his hair, gripping it on the roots, "Fuck! Just leave us alone, go find some other slut to flirt around with."

Ayush's eyes went big for a second but he composed himself and left the place.

"I can't believe you just said that." Aairah scowled at him, tears forming in her eyes.

Viaan looked at her with confusion stretched across his face, "What? You wanted him to stay?"

"No, the fact that you just called me a slut." Aairah spoke out, completely annoyed as the tears refused to held in. She could tolerate the hurt Aadil caused her, but this, she couldn't.

"What - wait, Aairah I didn't mean it for you. I would never call you names, it wasn't for you baby, I swear." He begged as he tried to hold onto her, refusing to let her wander around alone again.

"Sure." Aairah huffed.

Viaan regretted his words from minutes before, he was losing his temper but he wasn't implying to call Aairah a slut, he could never do that.

"I am sorry." He plead.

Aairah had too much to drink to keep her senses so she just nodded her head to save the drama, "I want to dance." She announced to no one in particular and made her way to the centre of the room where drunk people, like her were dancing.

Just as she stepped in there, the beats of the songs picked up and much to her liking, Aairah was one hell good of a dancer. She wiped the small amount of tears that had spilled down and started swaying her hips to match the beat. Her hands went in the air as she danced with full energy, she was vaguely aware of her dress slipping up from her thighs but her intoxicated mind ignore it as she enjoyed herself.

She felt two hands tugging at the end of her dress and was suprised to see Viaan by her side, she was a little disappointed it wasn't Aadil. Viaan was glaring at her but she just rolled her eyes in return.

"Aairah, your dress is short enough.. stop giving people a nice show." He said in her ear through gritted teeth, Aairah could sense his annoyance but it didn't bug her like usual.

"Stop being a party pooper." She replied, yelling through the loud music so that Viaan could hear her from behind.

Viaan turned her around which caught Aairah off guard and she ended up leaning on his chest.

"I told you not to wear this dress, yet you had to wear it and now you're just teasing me by this dance of yours." Viaan said in a husky tone as his hands went to her hips, holding her in place.

Aairah felt his breath fanning over her face as she tried to hide her flushed cheeks behind her hair, "Shh, just dance, alright? Or you can leave." She responded.

Viaan gave out a full on grin at Aairah's failed attempt at come back but he none the less agreed with her. Viaan wasn't that good of a dancer himself, but he managed it anyway.

Aairah tilted her head enough to get a good look at Viaan's face and to her surprise, he was already staring back at her, despite the alcohol running in her veins she couldn't avoid the sparks tingling at her back where Viaan's fingers were drawing circles on her bare skin. Viaan himself was trying to be calm but the frantic beats of his heart weren't really cooperating.

"Aairah?" He called her name.


He sighed before asking, "What happened with Aadil?"

Aairah's hands which were resting on his shoulder got stiff as she tried to gulp down the pain that came along with the name of her so-called-boyfriend.

"I don't want to talk about it." She said, refusing to meet his eyes.

Aairah wanted to blame Viaan for everything, because somewhere or the other all this crap happening in her life was related to him, but she couldn't find it in herself to do so.

"Okay, but just let me know when you're ready."

Aairah nodded her head but then she felt a hand shoving her arm away from Viaan's shoulder, she looked back to find Aadil with a smug look on his face and bloodshot eyes, which she was sure matched hers. She stepped away from Viaan immediately.

"I see you found a new company." He smirked at her.

Aairah's body got rigid as she saw Aadil's state, though the music was loud enough she knew the three of them were standing close enough to hear each other that was until people caught their sight and someone turned off the music.

"Let's not do this now." Aairah pratically begged Aadil, her voice filled with plead.

"Why? So that your oh-so-lovely-best-friend doesn't get to know he's the cause of this fucking shit happening between us?" Aadil yelled, catching the eyes of people around them.

"What is going on here?" Ruhi stepped out of the crowd and took in the scene in front of her. She panicked at first but then her senses kicked in, "Let's talk about all this in the backyard, don't spoil other people's time." She spoke calmly to the three people standing in front of her.

Viaan and Aairah immediately nodded but Aadil was drunk and stubborn, "Nope, let everyone know everything."

"Aadi, please, let's just talk in the backyard." Aairah said with pleading eyes, tears finally rolling down her cheeks.

Aadil wanted to argue but the rational side of him knew it was right not to cause a scene any further, so he just nodded his head and followed them in the backyard, without uttering a single word.

As soon as they stepped outside Viaan was the first one to speak first, "What the fuck is happening here?"

"Viaan, don't!" Aairah spoke.

"Don't what?" Viaan yelled at her and she flinched at his tone, "There's something going on that I know I should be aware of, but I feel like I am totally blinded and being kept in dark."

Aadil was glaring at Viaan when he spoke, "Aairah, can we talk alone?"

"No, she isn't talking to you alone who hurt her in the first place, then don't even bother to look out for her and after all this you have the nerve to insult her in front of everyone out there." Viaan shouted at his best friend, the anger he was trying to hold in finally coming out.

"Viaan!" Aairah snapped at him.

"What?" He snapped back.

"Don't talk to him like that, apologise now." She was shocked her voice was coming out straight, without stuttering.

"What? You cannot be serious, you two are just so fucked up seriously Aairah!" Viaan spat at her and went to the order corner of the backyard, cussing the whole way.

"Ruhi, just look out for him please." Aairah begged to her best friend and she quickly nodded before following Viaan.

"Aairah, I - "

Her head snapped at Aadil, her drunk-self long gone now, the last ten minutes were enough to sober her up. "Just because I defended you in front of him doesn't mean I forgive you." She told him, honestly.

"Will you listen to me once?" He asked, trying to keep in his senses.

"What do you want me to listen Aadil? That you fucked up with my emotions just to make him realize that he has feelings for me by making him jealous when he has none? And while I was trying to give up mine for him by moving on with you, you had me fooled.. you guys are so unpredictable seriously."

"Aairah, it's not like that. Yes, I lied to you in the beginning but I eventually started liking you. I liked you when we first went on our first date, I liked you back then."

Aairah flinched at his loud tone but then it was her time to speak, she raised her voice even futher, "Here goes your lies again, Aadil! If you liked me then how could you lie to me? I confessed everything in front of you a week back and I expected the same loyalty from you but then I find out that this whole fucked up shit started with a lie." She yelled at him, tears flowing down her face but she didn't care, not at the moment when she wanted to let out all the emotions she was feeling.

"But I accepted you after knowing the truth, cannot you do the same?"

"The truth? What truth are you talking about here, the fact that you knew from past one year that I like him, yet you asked me out, got into a relationship with me and then you practically made out with me. Is this the truth we are talking about here Aadil? I had heard so many shitty things about you, so many bets, so many flings yet I tried trusting you, looking past all the bad boy aura you carried but I was wrong, I should've trusted my instinct more than I held my trust in you!" She bend down on her knees, covering her face in her palms as the warm tears spilled from her face to her neck.

"Aairah, I truly like you, why can't you see that?" Aadil asked, his voice low as he tried to avoid the constant throbbing of his head.

"Aadil, you are a play boy and you'll always remain one unless of course a decent girl comes in your life but I am sorry I cannot be that decent girl for you, I thought I could be but not anymore. I cannot pretend any longer that you flirting with your ex during lunch doesn't bother me, you cannot even see past the fake smile I let on." Aairah sobbed, trying to hold in the hiccups that left her mouth.

"Aairah, you've got to be fucking kiding me, alright? Why the fuck can't you accept it's not my lies that you can't see past, but it's your love for Viaan that stopping you from solving this shit!" Aadil yelled at her, he had listened enough.

Yes, he was a player! He wasn't going to change anytime soon but it was also true that he liked this girl, but he could see that Viaan's love was blinding her. He also knew she wasn't the only one wrong here, despite how much he tried he was used to flirting with other girls. He never knew Aairah noticed, but now he did and was well aware he couldn't do anything about it.

"I am not going to deny it Aadil, I tried and tried to forget him, but it's not possible for me to stop loving him. I like you, more than I've liked any other guy but I cannot love you like I love him neither can I forget him. I'm playing with fire here, no matter what trick I try on, I'll lose so it's better to end up now than drag this game with no motive at all."

Aadil nodded in understanding, he saw this coming but not just so early, "Aairah, I am sorry for all the lies." He apologised for one last time.

"I am sorry too Aadil," She sobbed, "I am sorry for leading you on, for giving you false hope."

Aadil nodded at her but Aairah took in a deep breath before speaking, "I am sorry that I cannot unlove him."

Aadil took cautious steps towards her, kneeling down beside her and embraced her in a comfort, she returned the hug but then stood up and turned around to leave the house and get away from all this.

Aairah's head was hung low as she walked towards the door that was until she banged her head into something, someone. She looked up to find Viaan standing with his eyes wide in shock and his jaw hanging low in air.

It took a minute for Aairah to comprehend that Viaan had actually heard the conversation between Aadil and her. She met his eyes as she asked, "How much?"

Viaan was cut off from his thoughts as he looked down at her, "Wh- what?" He stuttered.

"How much did you listen to?" She asked, her voice too low and soft.

"I, um -" He was saved from speaking when Ruhi cut in.

"He heard everything." Ruhi told her best friend with sorry eyes, "I tried telling him to give you guys time, but you know how stubborn he gets when he's mad."

"Yeah, it's fine. Can you take me home Viaan?" She asked, trying to avoid the headache that was growing.

"Um, yeah. Sure." He responded, frowning at how calm Aairah was being.

"Ruhi, come on, we'll drop you first." Aairah told her best friend and Ruhi nodded walking along eiyj them.

When they entered the main living room Aairah told them to meet them outside and she quickly went to the bar corner, she was oddly calm at the moment but she needed to boost up her confidence to confront Viaan later.

She gulped down two tequila shots which she immediately regretted because her headache grew twice as much as before. She shook her head to get rid of it but that only made the scenario worse.

She took in deep breaths after which she made her way to Viaan's car, Ruhi was already in the backseat and Viaan was in driver's seat when she managed to open the passenger's door without stumbling.

"Hey guys." She beamed at them.

"Damn! What the fuck did you do after we left?" Viaan asked, panicking at the sight of her.

"Two tequila shots!" She answered in a robotic tone.

"I didn't fucking leave you there by yourself to get drunk again." Viaan scolded her.

"Why the hell are you saying 'fucking' in every sentence of yours? Cussing every second doesn't suits you." Aairah frowned at him and closed her eyes in the hope of getting rid of her thoughts.

"Sorry." He mumbled a quick apology and then drove to Ruhi's place.

When they reached Ruhi's house Aairah got out of the car to bid her best friend goodbye, "I love you, thank you for handling the situation today." She hugged her.

"Aairah, I hardly handled anything and I love you too, but I didn't do anything. And, I do hope after all this you will tell Viaan everything, he deserves to know the truth." Ruhi tried to make drunk Aairah understand but she just dismissed it with a wave of hand.

"I'll figure something out." She said.

After Ruhi entered her house, Aairah got into the car.

"I cannot go home in this state!" Aairah announced to no one in particular.

"You're anyway staying at mine." Viaan informed her and she nodded.

The rest of the drive went in an awkward silence, both of them occupied with their thoughts. Aairah and Viaan had so much to say to each other, but they couldn't find the words to express what was going on in their minds so both remained shut.

When they reached Viaan's place Aairah stumbled out of the car and Viaan helped her to the staircase, his arm circling around her waist.

Viaan's mother was asleep when they reached and they tried to be as quiet as possible. Aairah had stayed in Viaan's house many times but today her nerves got the best of her.

"Can you show me to the guest room?" Aairah whispered to Viaan who frowned at her.

Aairah had never stayed in guest room before, they always shared the room with Viaan and Aairah taking their turns to sleep at couch each time she stayed.

"I am not letting you sleep in the guest room." Viaan informed her with finality in his voice.

"But - "

Viaan cut her off, "Shh.. just come to my room, we've a lot to discuss."

Aairah snapped her mouth shut and nodded her head, stepping inside Viaan's room. The usual comfortable feeling she got in here was thrown out of the window as her nerves started picking up the pace.

"I'll get you clothes to change then we can talk." Viaan said and before Aairah could respond, he turned on his heel towards his wardrobe to take out clothes for her.

He threw a white tshirt and his shorts at her and she picked them up quickly making her way to the bathroom. After pulling on Viaan's clothes Aairah removed her make up with wet cotton, which was the only thing she could get. When she was done, she stepped out of bathroom and Viaan had already changed in sweatpants and a black tshirt.

"Do you have a rubber band or anything that I can tie my hair from?" Aairah questioned which made Viaan aware of her presence in the room.

"I'll go get something from the bathroom downstairs, my mum keeps such stuff there." Viaan said and left the room.

Aairah could sense the tension growing in the room even in the absence of Viaan but she was ready to have a talk about whatever he heard, she had gone through it ten times in her mind now.

Viaan came back with a rubber band in his hand along with a glass of water and Aairah after tying her hair in lose pony tail took a seat on the bed.

"Drink the water." Viaan ordered.

"I am not thirsty." Aairah said in dismissive tone.

"Yeah, but you are drunk out of your mind, drink the water if you don't want to get sick." Viaan scolded her and she couldn't even argue back because she knew he was right.

"Will you explain whatever happened today?" Viaan asked, sitting across her on the bed. He wanted to have this conversation when Aairah was sober, but he couldn't really hold back.

"Um, yeah.. where do you want me to begin from?"

"Why did Aadil and you had a fight?" Viaan asked, curiosity getting the best of him.

"He lied to me about something." She told him.

"Aairah, I want details! Enough of hiding shit." Viaan snapped at her, she flinched which immediately made him apologise.

Aairah nodded and told him about everything Aadil had told her that happened between Kunal and him, Viaan immediately caught on but stayed quiet.

"Okay! Why was Aadil saying that he accepted you after knowing the truth and all that shit? What truth was he talking about?"

Aairah sighed, now was the time, though she was still drunk as hell she needed to get it done as soon as possible, "About that Viaan, I actually lied to Aadil about something because I really didn't like him that much. I wanted to break up with him so I told him I have feelings for you, thinking he'll leave me but he didn't and then I got to know he lied to me as well so things got pretty heated up! I had to give him some reason to leave him right? So, that's why I said all that shit." She took in a deep breath as soon as she finished.

All this was a lie, a complete and an absolute lie. She wanted to confess everything in front him, she wanted to tell him how much she loves him, how much she had loved him from the past one and a half year. She wanted him to know how much affect his dimpled smile had on her, how every time he was near she felt butterflies all around, but instead she kept her mouth shut.

Viaan gave her an odd look as he procesed her words, the slight hope of Aairah liking him slipping away with every second. Aairah was an extremely good liar, that was the reason her feelings were still hidden away from this boy sitting in front of her.

"So, you don't really have feelings for me?" Viaan asked, looking at Aairah carefully as she gulped.

"No, I am sorry I said all that though." Aairah looked into his eyes and was confused when she saw something she never expected to see, disappointment.

"It's okay, I understand." Viaan nodded and went to couch to lay down.

When he had heard Aairah saying all that stuff to Aadil, he was confused at first but then his hopes had gone all the way up when she said the only words Viaan's ears were dying to hear.

I cannot unlove him.

Aairah knew it was her chance to sleep on the couch but she couldn't find the words to speak anything else, she was on the verge of breaking down and one simple word slipping from her mouth would be enough for tears to flow down again. She had missed the most perfect opportunity to tell him everything, and she was busy self loathing herself at the moment.

Viaan, on the other hand was confused by this whole situation. He knew Aairah from five years, he had to know when she was lying or not but this time he couldn't figure out what was the truth - this Aairah or the crying Aairah confessing that she loved him, not to him, but to someone else, which one was telling the truth?

Those thoughts were enough for Viaan to know what was the truth. In seconds he was on his foot and the second later he was sitting next to Aairah on bed.

"Aairah?" He called out.

She had blanket over face and she quickly wiped her tears before facing him, "Yeah?"

"Why were you crying while confessing all that in front of Aadil?" He asked, his fingers brushing over her cheekbone.

Aairah tried to think of a quick excuse but Viaan's hands on her skin worked as a distraction for her and he knew exactly what he was doing, but Aairah anyway stumbled out the words, "Um, those were the tears on guilt!"

"You sure?" Viaan asked, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Yeah." She squeaked when Viaan's thumb traced her lower lip.

"You sure that you don't like me either?" He asked, amused at the sight of flushed Aairah. His own heart was thumping frantically but he didn't let it show.

Aairah could feel the tingles on every part of her skin as Viaan continued the mental torture on her, "Yeah, I am sure." She sighed as she closed her eyes, lying to him again.

Viaan didn't want to waste another second so he leaned down and pressed his lips at hers. Aairah was caught off guard, which made her snap her eyes open.

But when she realized what was happeneing, that Viaan was really kissing her, she closed her eyes and kissed him back with all her will. Though she was well aware of the fact that her mouth tasted of liquor, she couldn't care less of that at the moment as she tried to get enough of minty taste of Viaan's lips.

"Viaan." She moaned his name as he adjusted himself on the bed, lying on top of her as he put his elbows on either side of her face, resting his weight on them.

"Tell me you don't like this either, and I will stop this moment." Viaan said between the small kisses that he placed on her lips.

"Viaan, I - " Before she could complete her sentence Viaan sealed her lips with his. He licked her bottom lip, asking for entrance and Aairah, who had waited for this day from an year and half quickly obliged. She felt electricity shooting through every vein in her body as their tongues moved in the most fluent sync. Her hands went to his hair as she gripped on his brown hair, pulling him closer to her.

For one nanosecond the thought of what she was doing striked her and she put her hands on his chest, to stop his movements. He looked at the girl in front of him, the girl he had grown to like more than he ever thought he could.

"Viaan, this is wrong." She mumbled, her cheeks flushing deeper colour of red.

Viaan rolled his eyes, "Shut up baby." He spoke before pressing his lips to hers again.


I am so sorry again, for this late update! :/ I am really really sorry, I have just a lot going on in my life right now. I hope you guys understand.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Yay for Viaan and Aairah! Viaarah shippers, this chapter is dedicated to each one of you!

And sorry to those who shipped Aadil and Aairah. Yes, you can now lash out on me now!

Loads of love to each one of you. <3

Please, please vote and comment. :)

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