Levels To Your Love -Magcon

By dementormendes

1.9K 263 99

yeah there's levels to your love and I keep on climbing up More

Chapter 1: Kayla's POV
Chapter 2: Kassidy's POV
Chapter 3: Mallory's POV
Chapter 4: Sophie's POV
Chapter 5: Kayla's POV
Chapter 6: Kassidy's POV
Chapter 7: Mallory's POV
Chapter 8: Kayla's POV
Chapter 9: Sophie's POV
Chapter 10: Kassidy's POV
Chapter 11: Mallory's POV
Chapter 12: Kayla's POV
Chapter 13: Sophie's POV
Chapter 14: Kassidy/Kayla's POV
Chapter 15: Mallory/Sophie's POV
Chapter 16: Kayla's POV
Chapter 17: Kassidy's POV
Chapter 18: Mallory's POV
Chapter 19: Sophie's POV
Chapter 20: Kayla's POV
Chapter 21: Kassidy's POV
Chapter 22: Mallory's POV
Chapter 23: Sophie's POV
Chapter 24: Kayla's POV
Chapter 25: Kassidy's POV
Chapter 26: Mallory's POV
Chapter 27: Kayla's POV
Chapter 28: Kassidy's POV
Chapter 29: Mallory's POV
Chapter 30: Kayla's POV
Chapter 31: Kassidy's POV
Chapter 32: Kayla's POV
Chapter 33: Sophie's POV
Chapter 34: Mallory's POV
Chapter 35: Kassidy's POV
Chapter 36: Mallory's POV
Chapter 37: Sophie's POV
Chapter 38: Kayla's POV
Chapter 39: Kassidy's POV
Chapter 40: Sophie's POV
Chapter 41: Mallory's POV
Chapter 42: Kayla's POV
Chapter 43: Kassidy's POV
Chapter 44: Mallory's POV
Chapter 45: Kayla's POV
Chapter 46: Kassidy's POV
Chapter 48: Mallory's POV
Chapter 49: Kayla's POV
Chapter 50: Kassidy's POV
Chapter 51: Mallory's POV
Important A/N
Chapter 52: Kayla's POV
Chapter 53: Kassidy's POV
Chapter 54: Mallory's POV
Chapter 55: Kayla's POV
Chapter 56: Kassidy's POV
Chapter 57: Kayla's POV
Chapter 58: Mallory's POV
Chapter 59: Kassidy's POV
Chapter 60: Kassidy's POV
Chapter 62: Kayla's POV
Chapter 63: Mallory's POV

Chapter 47: Kayla/Kassidy's POV

47 3 1
By dementormendes

Kayla's POV

Nash has still been so upset lately. Crying uncontrollably, not leaving his room, and eating everything in sight. He barely wants to leave our room.
The other day Kassidy wanted us all to go shopping for dresses. The dresses are for a prom we are going to crash in two days. It's for a high school, but since we missed ours we thought it would be a good idea to go to someone else's. Anyways, all us girls were gonna go shopping, but Nash insisted I stay back and watch tv with him. I don't know why it's been so bad lately, it happened so long ago and he just can't handle it.

"Nash, we need to talk." I said, sitting down on the couch next to him.

He poked his head out of the blanket he had wrapped around his body, and sat up. He looked at me, waiting for me to continue.

"I think we need a break. This is too much for me and I just need to be by myself for awhile. I love you, I really do. I think we just need to break up."

Nash looked at me, shocked at what I had just said. His face filled with sadness, but soon turned to anger.

"Good. I don't need you. I have thousands of girls who would love to be with me. BRITNEY IS WAY BETTER THAN YOU SO YOU KNOW WHAT? IM GOING BACK TO HER! I NEVER LOVED YOU!" Nash screamed, getting up and running out the door.

Kassidy's POV

"Nash and Kayla have hit rock bottom." Shawn said, once their yelling stopped.

It was so horrendous. Nash blew up and said some very hurtful things to Kayla. He yelled so loud Shawn and I could hear him from our apartment. Katey was asleep on the couch, while Shawn and I were sitting at the kitchen table.
We couldn't hear what Kayla had said, but we put it together.

"I hope we don't end up like that." I sighed.

Shawn put his hand on my thigh under the table, running his hand up and down my thigh, assuring me we weren't.
We could speak with out even saying anything, it's all in our body language.

"Let's go for a walk." Shawn said, standing up grabbing my hand.

"I'll go see if Mallory and Hayes will watch Katey." I said, letting go of his hand and heading to their apartment.

I knocked on the door and Hayes answered.

"Hey, you and Mallory need to come with me. It's important." I said, dragging them to Shawn and I's apartment.

Once we got into the apartment, I saw that Katey had woken up and she was talking to Shawn. She was talking a mile a minute.
Shawn stood up one he saw us. He walked into our room and returned with my purse in his hand. Along with his wallet.

"You two are going to watch Katey for us while we go to the mall." I told them, taking my purse from Shawn.

"Okay, sounds good." Mallory replied, sitting on the couch next to Katey.

"Thank you, now let's go try to find a Tim Hortons." Shawn said, dragging me out the door.

In the lobby, we saw Nash saying something to the receptionist and leaving.
With Britney.

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