Loved From Afar (On hold. Ple...

By Seraphina10

109K 2.1K 281

Ana smith loved her history teacher with every fiber of her being. He was sexy and irresistable. She wanted h... More

Loved From Afar Chapter 1
Loved From Afar Chapter 2
Loved From Afar Chapter 3
Loved From Afar Chapter 4
Loved From Afar Chapter 5
Loved From Afar Chapter 6
Loved From Afar Chapter 7
Loved From Afar Chapter 8
Loved From Afar Chapter 9
Loved from Afar chapter 10
Loved From Afar Chapter 11
Loved From Afar Chapter 12
Loved from Afar Chapter 13
Loved From Afar Chapter 14
Loved from Afar Chapter 16
Loved From Afar Chapter 17
Loved From Afar Chapter 18
Loved From Afar Chapter 19

Loved From Afar chapter 15

3K 88 11
By Seraphina10

Thanks to everyone who ever commented, voted, fanned, and read my story! You guys are awesome :)

Chapter 15

I found myself standing in front of my History class, Erik's room. The door was closed and I couldn't remember how I got here, but found myself uncaring.  I looked around, half expecting to see students running about. However, the seniors' hallway looked empty and deserted. In fact there were no sounds coming from any of the neighboring classes. Not a single person walking around and that was odd, but shrugging my shoulders I looked at the door again and proceeded to open it. Wanting to see if anyone was inside, but what I was really hoping for was to find Erik.  I missed him. The last time we saw each other was ages ago it seemed. He told me he loved me then disappeared.

Grabbing the door knob, I twisted it to open the room. However as I entered the class, I was greeted by a beautiful scene that made me freeze in my step. The room was transformed into one of those breathtaking romantic scenes you read about or watch on TV.  There were no desks, books, or any school related things insight. The class was cleaned and polished, but most of all it was altered into a dreamy inviting panorama that had my knees buckle a little. The windows opened to let the moonlight shine through, which poured in like fairy dust turned liquid silver. The room's atmosphere was seductive and sensual. It was magnificent! As I farther walked in, my gaze fell on the single bed that was in the middle of the room. It was draped by a beautiful canopy, all in red lace and white silk sheets. Following the red and white rose petals that were entwined from where I stood a moment ago at the entrance to the where the bed lay, I gazed around the room, trying to take everything in at once. I almost missed the scented candles that added the extra considerable feel and charm needed for a set up like this. Giggling, I took a sniff of the room, and realize the picked fragrances were like an aphrodisiac to me. I was in awe. Whoever did this must've done it to seduce their lover. Nevertheless, I couldn't help but admire the beautiful view that decorated my favored class.

"Do you like it?"

Gasping, my hand fluttered over my pounding heart as I swiftly turned around. I gasped again when I saw an immaculately dressed Erik. The stark black suit he wore highlighted his sexy physique well. His beautiful black hair was put in a tight ponytail that allowed no lock to escape. As always, he held my attention the moment I spotted him, causing my knees to tremble and my heart to pound for a different reason.

I blurred out. "You startled me!"

A slight smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "I'm sorry." He walked to me and cupped my face with his big hands, "You look beautiful tonight."

I blushed at his compliment. Then realize what he said. "Wait! What do you mean 'tonight'?" Then remembering the moonlight, I mentally slapped myself. "Don't answer."

Laughing he bend his head and placed a very gentle kiss on my head. "Tonight is a very special night."

"I don't understand you," I said, shaking my head.  "Why are we in school during the night?"

Ignoring my question, he said "Ask me why I haven't had sex with anyone in these past three years?"


He continued. "I could have very easily, you know. This one night, for example, I was at this bar and this big breasted blondie who was sticking her tongue in my ear wanted me to fu-"

"I don't want to know about that."

"When I very firmly told her I wasn't interested she called me gay and a fool. I left the bar and came home, thinking about you the whole time." Giving me a slight smile, he added "You know why I didn't tumble her?"

I shook my head.

"Because I'd rather wait for you million years than sleep with someone I don't care about. The mere act of holding your hand, or kissing you, or being near you gives me more pleasure than bedding hundreds of women."

I felt a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes, but I took a deep breath and pointed behind me with my thumb. "You did all this?"


"For me?"


A second later, I was pulled into his arms and held tight, so tight, I could hardly breathe. "I need you." Erik whispered low and fierce into my hair. "Now!"

I reached out and pulled his face to mine. "I'm yours."

Erik's POV

Three hours later.

Damn, damn, damn!

Time had gotten away from me. I needed to accomplish few things like scoring essays and doing a little planning for the upcoming week; however I was completely content lying in bed with Ana. For the past few hours, I held her to my side until I forgot everything, my work included.

I hardly slept; as soon as my eyes closed I was awoken by Ana's phone. Her mom called her again and again, but I couldn't pick it up for obvious reasons, so I carried it to the living-room and turned it off. Then I went back to the bed and tried to maybe dose off for a little while, but I was hopeless, because a minute later Ana started moaning and turning in her sleep. She was restless and hot. I tried to ease her, but she grabbed my arm and suddenly screamed. I stared at her dumbly, not knowing what was going on. Holding her shoulders down, I called her name, "Ana!"

However she thrashed and shook her head from side to side. Then without another warning, she tightened her grip and arched her body half way off the bed. A cry spilled from her lips, it sounded pained and blissful all at once, and then she collapsed with a last tremble and curled her body against me. I stared at her in shock before the realization she was probably having a wild wet dream settled in. Relaxing a bit, I lay my head next to her and smiled, wondering if I was in her dream. I badly wanted to know what she was dreaming about."It must be good!" I thought.

Looking down at her, my gaze fell on the content smile she wore on her pink, plumped lips. She looked happy and safe, just the way I wanted her to be. Slowly I traced my fingertip over her delicate nose. She murmured in her sleep and burrowed deeper against my side. I chuckled softly, careful not to wake her. After the wet dream she had, she needed to conserve her energy.  I brushed a strand of hair from her temple and placed a gentle kiss on her head before I rolled out of bed to do something.

 First, I needed a long cold shower before I sat down to grade papers. Walking to my closet, I grabbed the closest shirt and boxers I could see and headed out. At the door, I paused to make sure I had not disturbed my woman. Her eyes remained closed, lashes casting shadows over her rose-colored cheeks; the perfect picture of a content angel.

Ana's POV

I don't know how long I slept, but when I woke up nothing seemed familiar. For a second I panicked then suddenly memories and recognition of where I was and with whom flooded back into my head and I relaxed. Closing my eyes, I smiled. That was one of the best dreams I ever had! It felt so real and vivid. The way he made me feel was incredible. Every moan and shudder seemed to connect me to him.

"I was about to wake you up, but you beat me to it."

Yawning, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and looked at Erik. "Hey."

"How was your sleep?"

 "Good." I threw my hands over my head in a happy stretch.  More like amazing!

My mind was fuzzy, the last remnants of the dream were being chased away by the comprehension that it was unreal and my mind made it up. It was a nice dream; something about getting ravished by Erik in where it all began was erotic and altering. I got up and walked toward him. I wanted to jump on him and make the dream become reality but refrained myself. "I, uh, need to use the bathroom."

"I'll help." He scooped me up as if I weighted nothing and walked toward the bathroom. I wrapped my arms around his neck, his strength and warmth amazed me .He carried me past the threshold and stopped in the center of the bathroom. Suspecting his crazy-ass meant to stay; I shook my head. "Okay I got it from here."

That mischievous smile I so liked on him was back on his face "You sure?"


"I could help you wash thoroughly."

Maybe, but knowing that he will only tease me and not take it all the way made me decide to kick him out. "I've been washing myself since I can remember so thanks but no thanks."

His expression was doubtful as if he was skeptical. "Shout if you need me. I'll be nearby." He slowly inched my body down his hard one until we were face to face then kissed me fast and hard. My feet hit the cold service of the floor and my knees almost crumpled. I reached around him and grabbed the doorknob. "Go, Erik."

When he stood outside, I closed the door and locked it just to be sure. "You have everything you need." He shouted. Sweet, thoughtful man. With a silly smile on my face, I rinsed off as best as I could and used the toothbrush he left for me to clean my teeth. I brushed the tangles from hair, and realized after checking my pale reflection in the mirror, that there was nothing more I could do for my appearance without makeup. I dried my body and hair. There were a plain black shirt and grey sweatpants neatly folded and I put them on. They were baggy on me but smelled like Erik, exotic and intoxicating. I gathered my clothes on one arm and got out and headed to the living-room. Casting a glance out the window that exposed a dreamy view of the city, it was obvious night had fallen. I could see the twinkling city lights. The moon was full, bright and clear.  Shit! I must've slept for a long time. Embarrassing!

"Feeling better?" Erik asked. His deep voice sounded rough and husky.

"Yeah. Thanks."

"No problem." Then he added, "I'm guessing you wanna go home."

Not really, but it was a good idea, because suddenly I was feeling awkward and nervous. "Yes."


As we headed out, I reflected over my time with him before and after I slept like a dead person and realized my relationship with Erik took on a different flight. We weren't strangers anymore. He was a man I loved and he loved me too. Now, how can we act normal around others without slipping? I don't know about him, but when I see him in class on Monday I'll act weird and screw this up for us. I just knew it. Shit! I was never good at acting or pretending, and this definitely required some killer performance.

"What's on your mind?" He said as he opened the car door for me. Thanking him, I got in and he closed the door after me like a gentleman.

"I was thinking about what we gonna do in the presence of others."


"You're joking right?"


Unbelievable! "We can't just do nothing, Erik! They'll know!" I shouted.

"Know what, Ana?"

"I swear to god. You're the most frustrating man I know."

"That's not an answer."

Shaking my head, I looked at him with accusing eyes. "You know, you prefer to jest at wrong times."

He had the audacity to wink at me before he said, "How about we don't think of that right now and just enjoy this time together?"

I was reluctant but nodded my head. "Fine. What do you wanna do?"

"Let's have a little fun."


"I was thinking about quizzing you on five history related questions. Every time you get one right, you earn an answer for a question of your choosing."

My mood shifted dramatically as I clapped my hands like a little spoiled girl. "Hell yeah! Bring it on."Finally, a chance for me to find out more about him.

Laughing he shook his head. "But you didn't ask what will happen if you don't get it right."

I was too ecstatic to think about that. "Okay. What will happen if I answer wrong?"

"Each wrong question has a penalty. If you get one wrong I earn myself a pass to one of your questions. Two wrong, and you'll have to stay after school for a whole week and grade papers with me. Get three wrong, and you'll have to go on a dinner date with me. Well if you miss four questions, you'll let me have another pass. I hope this doesn't happen, but if you incorrectly answer all of the five questions, you'll have to write a very lengthy essay on a subject of my picking. Understand? "

Damn, I knew it sounded too good. However, I'm very confident I won't miss anything. After all history was my favorite subject. "Like I said bring it on."

"Okay. Let's start with an easy one. Name two of the first Triumvirate?"

"Caesar and Cassius."

"Correct. In 1895 William Randolph Hearst bought his first New York newspaper. What was its name?"

"The New York Journal." This was easy; I actually did a project on William Randolph couple years ago.

"Good job. You'll be surprised how many people get that one wrong. Okay next one. Which China's dynasties only lasted fifteen years?"

Oh crap! Son of a gun! "Not fair!"


"You know I'm not good at Chinese dynasties and you're taking advantage of that little knowledge."

He gave me does eyes and said. "I didn't know that."

Bullshit, but I didn't argue because I was too busy trying to figure out which one it was. I knew it was either Qin or Xin.  I bit my lower lip and thought hard, but came up with nothing. "Whatever. I don't know it. Next."

Stopping at red light, he looked at me with a surprise. "Come on, Ana. This is very easy. You can do it."

"I don't wanna guess and get it wrong.  Ask me another."

"Don't you wanna know the answer?"

"No. I'll research it later."

Giving me a prideful smile, he asked his fourth question. "Because I feel bad, I'll ask you a very simple one. Who built Taj Mahal?"

I didn't even hesitate as I answered, "Emperor Shan Jahan."


Crossing my arms over my chest, I shot him a menacing glare. "What?! How am I wrong?"

His smile didn't waver at all. "The emperor did order the building of Taj Mahal as a mausoleum to the memory of his favorite wife, Mumtaz Mahal, but that doesn't mean he constructed it with his own two hands. Over twenty thousand men made it."

All I could say was "Oh hell nah! You tricked me!"

Laughing he shook his head at my childish reply. "I didn't trick you. You didn't pay attention to the question. So far you got two wrong. Are you ready for the last one?"

 I shifted in my seat to face him. "I'm ready."

"Get this one wrong and you own me dinner date."

Gritting my teeth, I said angrily "Ask Erik."

We were almost at my house. I must get this one, or otherwise I'll be ashamed of myself. How could I get two wrong?! Two! I was pissed to the max.

"Ah. Do I have to remind you to watch your tone, Ana?"

To his surprise, the corners of my mouth twitched in a mocking smile. "Are you gonna ask me the question or what?"

By now, we've arrived at my house and Erik fell in silence as he stopped the car and parked it. "That's it. Come here." Reaching over, he quickly unbuckled me and pulled me onto his lap. My only response was a small yelp as I was man-handled.

"I have to ask myself," he said "whether you're a brave girl or plain bold."

I didn't say anything.

"I believe I warned you enough times not to take that kind of tone with me."

Finding my voice, I asked. "What are you gonna do?"

"Oh you'll know when it happens. Right now I have a final question to ask you but before..."

His mouth covered mine, slowly, confidently. As my lips parted in offering, he took it, taking the kiss to a dangerous level that melted my bones and made me weak with passion. He caught my bottom lip between his teeth and sucked on it before releasing it only to change angles and deepen the kiss. He pushed his hands in my hair and pulled my face even closer to him. Erik ran his tongue along the soft skin of my lower lip again, and I lost all power to think as I only felt. My skin tingled all over, though he barely touched me. I sighted and sunk into his inviting heat, letting him make love to my mouth. My hands descended in his hair and marveled at the texture of it. I wanted him more than I'd ever imagined, and more than I'll ever understand. It felt like we were about to do something we've never done before; however, Erik abruptly drew back, muttering something, his breathing fast and uneven.  I blinked in confusion, not understanding and feeling utterly unsatisfied.

After a short while, he said "What's the name of our eleventh president?"

Lust, hot and carnal pumped through me, and suddenly I had the suspicious idea that he kissed so naughtily because he knew what it'll do to me, which was playing unjust. At that moment, I had a difficulty remembering my own name; forget about the eleventh president of this great nation.

My passion filled head tried to come up with an answer but it was no fail. Clearing my throat I lifted my eyes to his lips and tried hard to think. I really did.


"I can't think." I whined.

"Does that mean I'm taking you to dinner?" His voice was so hopeful, and I was sure dinner with him was not a bad idea; however what I'll hate is knowing that I couldn't answer three of his questions correctly.

I gave him a clipped nod. "I guess you planned this out carefully, Erik."

He flushed a little and muttered something. I wanted to laugh at his guilty look, but my eyes caught a strange car next ours. It was black Rolls Royce Phantom I've never seen before around here. It looked out of place. A car this expensive didn't belong around this poor neighborhood.

Sensing my distraction, Erik asked, "What's wrong?"

I shook my head "Nothing. Are you coming in?"

"Yeah I have to make sure you're okay, besides you've yet to ask me your questions."

"Well you better be ready, cause I aim to be rude and crude to you mister."


I was thinking if you guys want me to write an explicit scene for the dream Ana had, I could totally do that; however it'll depend on how many comments and votes this chapter gets. So please, comment and vote. It'll be worth it, I promise. :)

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