Product of Disasterology (Vic...

By LexusRat

44.9K 2.6K 1.5K

Kellianne Soto is a 17-year-old girl who just finished the academy for becoming a professional maid, like all... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 - FINAL CHAPTER

Chapter 2

2.5K 144 118
By LexusRat

yesss this is finally taking off. hope you guys will enjoy it! love you all loads!


"Yes nana, everything is going just fine. It's a huge house, but I'm managing. It's really quiet, though; no one's ever here. But there's a cute puppy to keep me company, I have yet to name her since I have no idea what the poor thing's name is." I happily told my grandmother. We had only been on the phone for a few minutes and she was littering me with questions.

It was true though, I had been here a few days now and miss Vivian and her husband were rarely home. I'm pretty sure I had only seen them once. If it weren't for my distinct maid outfit and my daily chores, it almost would've been like this was in fact my own house.

That idea was ridiculous though.

If this were my own place, I would probably completely refurnish it. This kitsch-y stuff wasn't my style. Plus, I'd be blasting music all day. Which technically I did now too, but only through my headphones while I was sure that I was alone and doing something trivial like vacuuming.

I wasn't entirely alone though, besides having Mike's puppy around, there was also a gardener. The garden around the house was insanely huge! I would probably get lost in it if I went out there on my own.

I had talked to the gardener once or twice, it wasn't much of a conversation and more like an exchange of hello's and what not, but he was kind. I think his name was Jaime?

My grandmother was excited about how happy I seemed to be here. However, she still ushered that I should come visit sometime, if I could. And I promised I would, if I'd ever have a day off.

I had only been here less than a week so I wasn't going to push my luck by asking a day off already.

After finishing the phone call, I quickly went back to my chores. I still had quite a lot to do that day. There were so many rooms in this house, I couldn't possibly do everything in one day, and so I had a schedule.

By the time that I had finished with the last room, I could start all over. One would think that if there rarely were any people in the house, how would it get dirty? But no one being around didn't stop dust from settling.

I just finished up dusting the insanely big chandelier that hung in the center of the round, double staircase in the main hall, and made my way upstairs to do the ones there.

I hummed to a song that was stuck in my head and happily did my job, until I got distracted by the puppy's soft barks. I smiled and sighed, climbing off the steps that helped me to reach the chandelier, and followed to where the barking came from.

"What are you up to this time?" I laughed softly once I entered the hallway.

I recognized the little black ball of energy sitting in front of the same door as the one she sat before on my first day here. She barked again and then whined, looking at me with those typical sad puppy dog eyes.

"Do you know what's behind that door?" Of course I knew the puppy wasn't going to answer, but talking to her just happened automatically. "Is that where they hide the doggy treats or something?" I said with a smirk.

She cocked her head sideways and whined again. She really wanted to go into that room badly. And damnit, I kinda did too. I was way too curious for my own good.

I knew I wasn't allowed in there. But what could possibly be in there that I wasn't allowed to know about? Did miss Vivian and her husband have a secret second life or something?

Were they master criminals and was that their base of operations?

Or were they secretly totally kinky people and did they have a play room filled with toys, ropes, whips and what not?

Oh eww. Why did I even think of that?

I laughed and rolled my eyes at my own strange thoughts. I wanted to convince myself that it was just another uninteresting, empty room, but I wasn't buying it. Especially not with the little fur ball acting this way.

I walked up to her and picked her up into my arms, setting her back down facing the other side of the hall. "Go on, get out of here." I told her, waving my hand dismissively. She just stood there and cocked her head, her cuteness never once faltering.

"Damn you and your cute face." I murmured before taking the skeleton key that Victor senior had given me out of my pocket. "Should I really do this?" I asked myself, getting a bark from the little cute tart in response.

I rolled my eyes and faced the door, sticking the key into the hole and turning it until I heard the familiar sound of the door being unlocked. "Well look at that, he wasn't kidding." I murmured, impressed by the key before sliding it back into my pocket.

I nervously bit my lip and slowly opened the door, really not knowing what to expect at this point. I had only opened the door a few inches when I peeked in to the left, noticing the room was entirely empty there.

I sighed as I simply swung the rest of the door open and walked inside, by now really not understanding what the big deal was, until my eyes trailed to the other side.

My heart shot up to my throat when I came into contact with two eyes staring right at me. Two dark yet beautiful chocolate brown eyes, holding so much confusion.

I then finally managed to focus on the entire sight before me. The room was indeed empty, besides a single plain bed, a bedside table and a small dresser. And on the bed sat a boy, he had tanned skin and brown curly messed up hair. It was whom the distinct eyes belonged to.

I had no idea who he was, but he looked so familiar.

"I-I'm so sorry." I blurted out, stumbling over my words. I quickly turned around on my heel, marching back towards the door, until the sound of his voice stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Don't leave." He pleaded, his voice sounding somewhat raspy and hoarse.

I slowly turned around again to face him. "I-I'm not supposed to be in here, I'm sorry." I told him honestly. Who was he though? Was I right when I said that miss Vivian and her husband were criminals? Was this boy a hostage or something?

No, come on; don't be an idiot Kelli, that's just insane.

"I know." The boy said, scrunching his nearly black eyebrows. "But I haven't seen anyone in- I don't even know, really. I lost count. But, please?"

I sighed deeply, staring down at my feet like they were the most interesting thing in the world and already regretting coming in here. Damn my curious nature.

"I'm Vic, by the way."

My eyes went wide as I looked at him again. Vic? As in, Vic Fuentes? As in... "You're miss Vivian's and Victor senior's son?" I asked incredulously.

He snorted darkly. "Wow, do they still consider me their son? That's kinda shocking."

I frowned at his reaction. "Well yeah..." I murmured, raising my eyebrow at him. "I mean, why wouldn't they?"

Vic let out a deep, long sigh. "Long story." He said with a shrug. "And you probably don't care enough to listen. Nobody does."

I did though. I was definitely interested enough in wanting to know why the heck these people would lock up their own son in a room. He said he hadn't seen anyone in probably days, maybe weeks? Who knows!

Who does such a thing anyway?

"I'm willing to listen." I told him sincerely.

Vic then chuckled sarcastically. "No you're not."

"Yes, I am." I said, firmly standing my ground.

"Okay then." Vic spoke after a moment of silence. "But after I tell you, you'll probably just leave me like everybody else does." He sounded so sad; I couldn't even begin to understand what could possibly have taken place that led to this as a result. But I was definitely willing to hear him out. 

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