Even the Stars they Burn

By flawlesstwist

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Her job was to make them say, "This has been One Direction." And she succeeded but what happens when everyt... More

Even the Stars they Burn
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's Note.
Chapter 7 (after my long hiatus!)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12

Chapter 11

62 1 0
By flawlesstwist

(Harry’s POV)

It’s been a month since I have been awake. Let’s just say that some people are still here to support as even if we messed up our comeback interview. But you could also say that we are nearing the end of One Direction.

Media has been nonstop about the interview. We had been bugged every day of the week through almost everything. I just can’t deal with this anymore. It’s like I want to give up already.

On another note, management had been kind of enough to extend the deal. They have given us another month to fix everything but they are letting us on our own. I do not know why. Maybe they had faith in us. Maybe they care. Though they’ll still fix our appointments, we would be nowhere if they let us handle that one.

It’s my turn now to visit Steff. Yes, we had organized who visits her at specific days and today is my day. I’m quite happy seeing her again even if she’s still asleep.

I took a seat on the chair beside her bed and watched her.

“Please come back Steff,” I whispered to her. I know she can’t hear me but I want her back so much.

I miss Steff so much. I miss seeing her dark brown eyes that are full of life. Her heart warming smile that she always manages to paint on her face. Her beautiful laugh that even anyone hearing it will laugh. We all miss her but I miss her the most.

When Taylor and I broke up, she was the first person who had comforted me. She didn’t judge me. She just understood me. It’s like she knew what was going on with me. Well, you shouldn’t really underestimate her. She’s more than that meets the eye.

She’s just like 16 but she was already finished with her studies and she’s a part time music critic. She just amazes me. She never fails to surprise me with her skills. On a short span of time we had spent, I can say that I am indeed having strong feelings for her. She’s just so perfect.

Steff has been asleep for 10 months now yet there are no changes. It’s still her constant breathing pattern and the constant beeping of the heart monitor connected to her. It scares me that one minute she could be breathing but on the next second, everything can stop and end her life. I wouldn’t want to see that. I can’t. Not when I have not told her what I wanted to say.

“Steff,” I breathed out before shaking my head. This is stupid.

“I know you can’t hear me but I’m gonna say this anyways because there might be a chance that you can hear me,” I said before chuckling.

“We miss you. We are all terrible without you. We are lost. You have made us stay down to earth. You are like an angel sent to heaven,” I said before stroking her cheek. She’s undeniably beautiful.

I chuckled hopelessly. This is stupid. She’ll never hear me. She might never wake up too.

“Harry?” Steff inquired as she stirred from her position and looked me in the eyes.



(Julia/Steff’s POV)

It’s been a month since I woke up. Adjusting after a coma is really hard especially when you had to recover while flying out to different countries and continents almost everyday.

I can’t sleep without having the fear of falling into a coma again. I think it’s fair to say that I am terrified. But the lads, especially Harry, were kind enough to help me adjust. They helped me a lot. I don’t know how I could thank them enough.

It’s a windy Tuesday morning and I’ve decided to see what my boss needs to tell me. Hopefully, the boys have not figured out anything yet. If they do, I’m screwed big time.

I dialled a familiar number. It rang for a while until someone answered, “Hello.”

“Is this Mr. Taylor?” I asked politely before drinking the glass of water in front me.

“This is him. Julia?” he inquired.

“Yes, sir. I’d just like to know what happened when I was asleep,” I said awkwardly. When you fall into a coma, you do not want speaking about it. It just gets really awkward.

“Of course. Well, first and for most, congratulations! You did it,” he said happily.

“I did what?” I asked as my eyebrows scrunched up.

“You got One Direction down,” he said in a whisper.

“How?” I inquired.

“When you fell into a coma, things started falling apart. Now, all you need to do is fly to America, claim the money, and live undercover,” he announced.

“What happened if I may ask?” I asked before sipping all the contents of my glass.

“Niall was in a major car accident and he killed the driver of the other car,” he said softly.

“What?” I raised my voice.

“You heard me right. Isn’t that what you wanted? A revenge?” he said lowly.

“I’m sorry for raising my voice. Uhm, when do I leave?” I asked, changing the subjects.

“After their last concert,” he responded.

“When is that?” I asked.

“The day after tomorrow,” he replied sternly.

“Where will it be held?” I asked shortly.

“In Paris, France,” he said.

“Okay. Thanks,” I said before hanging up.

Why didn’t the boys tell me that it’s their last concert tomorrow? Why didn’t Niall tell me that he killed someone? What else did the other boys do?

Niall wouldn’t lose control with his vehicle. He was always a safe driver. What did really happen?

I guess I’ll just have to ask them.


“Can I talk to all of you for a moment?” I asked as I felt nervous with what was about to go down.

“Niall, is it true that you killed someone?” I stammered. Niall froze. Tears began welling up his eyes. Oh no!

“I guess it’s time to say the truth,” Louis muttered.

“What truth? So you’re saying that you guys haven’t been honest with me?” Harry asked, taken aback. They must’ve kept it to themselves.

“It was for your own good!” Louis argued.

“How is it for my own good if all everything I believed in was lies?” Harry asked. Hurt was obvious in his tone.

“Let us explain first,” Liam said.

“Fine,” Harry sighed.

So then, they explained that they have all drunk nonstop when Harry and I were in a coma. That they lost all control especially Niall which ended him almost ending his life. They lost control almost every night that it was creating a big damage. So, management made them go on a break for eight months and a month to see if they can still earn them money but it only made them earn more damage. Media have sold this and earned billions of money about this story. The lads begged Simon to have a bit of extension but they all failed to comply with the conditions so the day after tomorrow will be their last concert.

The final concert.

After all this story telling, we decided that it’s best if we call it a night. But Zayn insisted that he stays with me. Zayn and I have been close after me waking up.

I was currently lying on my bed while Zayn was beside me and playing with my hair.

Wow! I never thought I’d ever make One Direction go down. I never thought. All it took me was a coma. But why do I not feel happy about this? I should be happy that I got revenge on them but no, my fucking self just needed to confuse and mess up all my feelings.

“Why do you think Niall did that?” I sighed.

“It wasn’t intentional, Steff. I guess it all just have something to do with feelings and emotions,” he replied, still playing my hair.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well, Niall likes you a lot and I guess he was just too devastated because there was a 50:50 chance that you’ll not wake up,” he breathed out.

“You sure?” I asked again.

“A 101% Steff.”

Niall likes me?


Hope you like it! I’m very open for a feedback.

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