Always my Hero ~Greyson Chanc...

By acoots98

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Always my Hero ~Greyson Chance~
I'll Be Waiting for Your Return
This Won't be Our Last Goodbye
Our Big Change
Butterflies Fly Away (Greyson)
Message Never Recieved (Chriscy)
Crazy But True (Greyson)

I Missed You (Greyson)

239 2 0
By acoots98

I put my hand on the window and watched Chriscy soon become out of view. It hasn't even been like two minutes and I already want to jump out of this car and run back into her arms. This time I couldn't hold them in, the tears came strolling down my face as her face came out of view.

"Greyson, are you okay?" My mom asked.

"No, I just don't want to leave her." I said truthfully.

Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrate. Chriscy had texted me.

I miss you :(- Chriscy.

I closed my eyes, I missed her to much already. When you've been friends with someone as long as we have, you wouldn't want to leave them either.

I miss you to. A lot actually. :(- Greyson

That's it, I couldn't take the pain anymore knowing Chriscy would be here alone with out me. I flipped the door to unlock and I opened the door.

"Greyson!" My mom shouted.

Too late, I had already jumped out of the moving vehicle. Onto the hard concrete ground, I didn't really care that I had a little blood on my legs. That didn't matter right now, all that mattered to me was getting to Chriscy. She'll probably yell at me for jumping out of the vehicle and not going to California. The only thing was, leaving her here alone; broke my heart. I sprinted over to her house and found her sitting in the driveway with her head in her arms. I cleared my throat and I saw her look up.

"G-Greyson!?" She semi- screamed as she pulled me into a hug.

"Hey Chriscy."I smiled.

"Not that I don't want you here but, why are you here?" Chriscy asked.

I intertwined my fingers with hers, "Even being in that car for like five minutes, I already missed you. Chriscy, I don't think I'd be able to spend a whole year without seeing your face in person."

She smiled up at me, "I-I don't know how to respond to that."

"Then dont, and just do me another favor." I smiled.

"What would that one favor be?"

"Let me kiss you and ask you to be my girlfriend."

"You dont need to ask for any of those two." Chriscy smiled over at me.

My smile grew wider and I leaned down and kissed her on the lips. With more passion than the first one was. Suddenly, we saw a flash and pulled away from each other.

"Awe, this is so cute!" Chriscy's mom said.

"MOM!" Chriscy said in embarassement.

"Hey, we'll each have a new profile picture." I smiled down at her so she wouldn't be embarassed.

Chriscy laughed, "That is true."

"Greyson! Are you okay? Why the heck would you be stupid enough to jump out of a moving vehicle?" My mom asked.

"Mom, I just can't leave Chriscy here and go to L.A. she's my best friend and I love her. I don't know what to do."

"What do you say to us moving to L.A. with you guys?" Chriscy's mom asked.

"I'm in love with that idea." Chriscy and I both announced at the same time.

"Looks like we're going to moving to L.A." Chriscy's mom smiled.

I couldn't believe this was happening to us, best day of my life.

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