blood bounded

By ecugirl360

303 14 4

Eleanor McAllister is a normal 16 year old girl with a normal life. who could say that a day at the mall cou... More

blood bounded
The New Boy
is it a coincidence?

knowing each other

25 2 1
By ecugirl360

we got to the play room and played all during encore. when the bell rang we put everything back.

"so can I sit with you at lunch ?" he asked.

"sure we sit at the middle big table" I told him before we had to part away to our core classes.


"soooo how did it go?" jenny said.

" how did what go?" I said

jenny rolled her eyes."

well if you asked me el I would thoink she is talking about the new.. " I stopped listening because I saw Joey coming toward the table and he was close then I realized that Stefanie was still going on about how cute he was.

"Stefanie stop talking!" I told her quite urgently but she just went on ignoring me.

"johanny please shut her up look!" I semi yelled nodding my head toward Joey's direction.

understanding crossed her face and when she saw how close Joey was she reacted on instincts covering Stefanie's mouth with her hand.

"hi" joey said looking quite amused looking between me Johanny and Stefanie telling me that he had a pretty good guess of what we had been talking about.

hearing his voice Stefanie's eyes widen and she shot me a apologetic look.

"hi" I answered and I know my cheeks are pink.

"so can I sit with you guys?" the girls and I share a look and give him a glare.

" do we look like guys? last time I checked I wasn't one or an I jenny?" I said getting my sass out.

" humm I think you look like I pretty girl I don't see a male trait."

understanding lightens joeys eyes.

"I mean gals no girls ugh why are ya so complicated?" he stumbled out.

me and the girls burst out laughing.

" we accept both answers come on sit down." I said as I scoot over.


Joeys POV :

she was beautiful Eleanor she would make a perfect mate for me at the moment she was showing me her friends.

"this is jenny she pointed to the short dark haired girl she was pretty but not my type in fact i haven't found a girl my type for 117 years until Eleanor.

" this is Stefanie she was pointing to other girl with raven black hair and chocolate brown eyes. again pretty but not my type. "this is Johanny" she said. she had shoulder length darkish brown hair with dark red lights and brown eyes but lighter than Stefanie's eyes.

they all wave hi at me and I wave back. bit the only one I am truly focuses on is Eleanor with her beautiful brownish reddish curly mid length hair and bright green eyes. they say it is dangerous to fall in love with mortals in the council I came here with a perpose and I think that if I get more attracted to Eleanor McAllister I am going to fail and I have only done that once...


the were cougar had been following us for months but i guess it finally made its mind and started to hunt us down. me and Rebecca kept running through the woods with our inhuman speed. it was the year 1896 may the 14th and the were cougar was closing up on us i knew he had a pack and that we didn't have a chance only out running them would save us. finally he pounced on me knocking me to the ground I managed to push him of only thinking about Rebecca but I was already to late. I see everything in slow motion. while I was on the ground the pack pounced on Rebecca. her magical power was mind controlling which was quite rare but with were's being our only enemy it didn't work with them. I saw how the tore her to pieces and before her last breath she made eye contact with her and saw the pain and torture but also the love and affection she had for me. " I love you please save yourself" she mouthed at me before they completely shredded her. I ran ran like crazy i was going to complete her last wish although it hurt like hell. I could still see her emerald green eyes begging me to save myself and filled with pain and torture.

End of flashback

Eleanor's POV:

clearly Joey zoned out he was very stiff and his face looked like he was in pain his eyes filled with pain, hate and regret to be completely honest with you it scared me. I have been waiting not wanting to interrupt him knowing that whatever it is that caused him to zoon out was personal but he had been like that for fifteen minutes and I seriously wasn't patient.

"joey are you okay?"

Joeys POV:

"joey are you ok?" I heard Eleanor say I opened my eyes to meet her green eyes

"yeah I'm fine I said as I get up hey um can I meet you tomorrow at the park here at five?" I asked her.

"sure" she said as she smiled but still looked worried.

"good" I said as I gave her a smile.

as I walked out I kept thinking i wasn't going to fail but I wasn't going to kill her like I was told to do. I was going to turn her.


so how did you like the chapter? what do you think Joey is cause he isn't human I can tell you that.






IG: niallsgirl360


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