Chim - Whole Lotta History

By cryingonthemetro

40.4K 460 13


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
The Epilogue

Chapter 25

678 10 0
By cryingonthemetro

Chapter 25: Kim’s POV

We got into my car in silence and I started it up to drive to the restaurant, ‘So whats wrong’ Cheryl queried, I glanced towards her, ‘Nothing’. She raised her eyes at me, ‘Kimberley, I know you well enough by now to know that somethings wrong’. I rolled my eyes, ‘You’re just being paranoid’. Cheryl sighed heavily, ‘So basically im depressed, crazy and now paranoid? Anything else you want to add to my list of problems’ She raised her voice. ‘I didn’t mean it like that’ I snapped. ‘So what the f***s wrong’ Cheryl snapped back. I sighed heavily before pulling the car into a layby and turning off the engine. ‘You and Nadine were looking cozy’ I snapped before turning to look out of the window. ‘For *Duck* sake Kimberley, she is my FRIEND’ Cheryl groaned in response. ‘Well you were FRIENDS with Emily before you f***ed her and continuously S***ged her for 10 years’ I yelled back.

Cheryl sighed in frustration and turned to look at me before grabbing my face to make me look at her, ‘That is completely f***ing different and you know it! She was an Xfactor contestant, this is Nadine we are talking about. We were in a band together, we’ve known eachother for years, she is one of my bestfriends! She was one of yours too! I won’t cheat on you again! You have to believe me! Whats the point in starting this relationship again if you don’t trust me! A relationship is nothing without trust’ she screamed at me. I tried to blink back the tears that were soon falling down my cheeks. ‘You still f***ed her before’ I cried, ‘For f***s Sake, we were drunk’ Cheryl yelled in frustration. ‘Yeah and that’s what you said about Emily too’ I continued to cry. I had planned such a nice date and because of my stupid trust issues it had turned into an argument. ‘If you are going to be like this, you can just take me home’ Cheryl snapped before turning to get out of the car. I leant forward in my seat putting my head in my hands crying silently to myself.

I looked up out of the window to see Cheryl sitting on the embankment picking at the grass and crying. I sighed before making my way out of the car. I walked over to her and sat next to her. ‘Im sorry’ I whispered before putting her arm around her. Luckily she didn’t push me away and just rested her head on my shoulder instead. ‘Yeah well I can’t be dealing with this on top of everything else’ Cheryl mumbled back. I kissed her on the head. ‘I know baby, im sorry’ I whispered again. Cheryl turned to look at me and I wiped the tears from her cheeks using my thumb. ‘You have to trust me Kimba otherwise we will never make this work’. I nodded before wrapping her in a hug, ‘I am so sorry Chez, I am going to work on it, I promise’ I mumbled into her ear before continuously kissing her all over her face. Cheryl giggled in response, struggling to get away as I finally planted a kiss on her lips. ‘So do you still want to go on this date’ I bit my lip, worried of the reply. ‘Of course, come on’ she said, as she got up and held her hand out for me to take.

Cheryl’s POV

I sat across from Kimberley in a gorgeous candle-lit Chinese restaurant down-town. Kimberley played with my hand across the table as we ate. ‘I love you’ I whispered, Kim smiled a huge smile, ‘I never get tired of hearing you say that’ She giggled before bowing her head in an attempt to try and hide the blushing. ‘Hey don’t hide from me’ I whispered, Kim raised her gaze to meet mine. ‘I love you too’ she whispered as we continued to eat our meal.

Whilst Kim paid the bill, I nipped to the toilet. As I was coming out of the toilets I bumped head on into someone ‘Oh sorry’ I spoke as I turned to look at them. I gasped as my eyes met theirs, ‘Emily’ I said in shock. ‘Hey Cheryl, who are you here with’ she questioned. ‘Just Kimberley’ I smiled. ‘Cool, so do you fancy meeting up for a coffee or lunch or something this week?’ Emily asked. I grinned an infectious grin. ‘Sure, that sounds nice, you’ve got my number’ I smiled. Emily brushed her hand down my arm, ‘Wicked I’ll text you’ She smiled before continuing to walk into the toilets. I ran a hand through my hair before continuing to walk back over to Kim. ‘Hey, you ok?’ Kim asked as she helped me put my jacket on. ‘Yep, Perfect’ I smiled as she took my hand and lead me out of the restaurant.

We pulled up outside Kimba’s house and both got out of the car, walking up the path. Kim let us both in and led me into the lounge. Nadine was sat on the sofa with Summer and Kara looking through an old photo album. ‘What are you still doing here?’ Kim spoke with a questioning look. ‘Hanging out with my two nieces’, Kim raised her eyes, ‘What, So they need a babysitter now?’ Kim snapped. ‘No we were just talking but now im leaving so no worries’ Nadine smiled, grabbing her coat. ‘See ya later girls, bye Chez’ Nadine smiled before leaving through the front door. I sighed in frustration as I turned to look at her, raising my eyes. ‘Just get over the jealousy Kimberley’ I grumbled showing her by my tone that I wasn’t happy. Summer and Kara glanced at eachother before making a swift exit. ‘Im going to bed’ I mumbled before making my way upstairs and into the spare room, shutting the door behind me.

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