I Never Knew Romeo Was A Gang...


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I Never Knew Romeo Was A Gangster
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 5 part 2
Chapter 5 part 3
Chapter 6
Author's Note
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
NOt a chqoter but must be read
Chapter 14

Chapter 7

674 15 2

This has not been profread....

I was sitting on this massive bed fit for a king. Richard gave me new clothes to wear for bed, instead of my tore black dress I had on a pair of sweat pants with a purple wife beater. Even though I slpet for 12 hours, I was still tired and sleep was soon to come.


But paranoia got ahold of me.


What if they killed me in my sleep was all I kept thinking about. Every creak, every sudden noise would send me off in a frenzy. I would curl up under the covers, like a little girl hiding herself from the monsters under her bed-- But instead of the monsters being under my bed, they were outside my door with guns!


I swear I saw one hanging out of Richards pockets, I was tempted to snatch it out and shoot him... but I'm to muxh of a punk to do that.


I let out a yawn. "Someone's still tired." I jumped out the sound of some mans voice and slid all the way under the cover.


"Calm down Princess, it's just me." I peaked from under my cover, it was Roonie holding a plate food and a glass of water.


Yeah like he made it any better. It was dark but I manged to get a good look at because of the door he left cracked. His jaw was still messed up and badly bruised. It was turning purple and blue.


I sat up and crawled to the foot of the bed. "Does it hurt?" I asked in an calming voice, slightly touching it-- He cringed.


"Sorry." I mumbled pulling back.


"It's ok. Look boss wont be to happy if you don't eat so... here." He shoved the plate and cup in my face. I took it from his hands and sat them down on the nightstand next to the bed.


"Why do work for him? He seems...."

"Crewl?" He finished off my trailing words.

"Yeah, that... Crewl." It amazed me how he could talk about this without cringing or showing any signs of hatred for his boss.I mean his boss just just bust his jaw without any remorse!

With that thought I began to think about, boss to what? Does he own some business or something? Richard didn't give me any detail about where I was and who he was, so I was completely left in the dark.

I wonder if Luke could help me find my answers. "Luke, who is he? What does he want with me?" I asked him, taking a sip of my drink.

He sighed and plopped down next to me."Those are questions you have to ask him your self princess, boss doesn't like us twlling his business."

"Luke, I was kidnapped and stuffed in a fridge... I desrve some type of answer." I pleaded, he gave me a remorseful look and gave in.

"Anything I say stays in here, Ok?" I nodded. " Have you ever heard of the mafia, the Mob, Etc?" He asked me eyeing me intently.

He can't be serious! There is no way I was kidnapped by the mafia! They don'r ecxist, only in movies like the 'God Father' or 'Scareface', even those movies look like budget cut.

Anyway, there is no such thing as a mob or mafia. I looked at Luke and laughed out loud.

"Ha ha ha, so what you're saying is I was kidnapped by mafia hit men, and you're one of them! Ha ha ha." My laugh was cut short from the dead-serious look on his face.

"You're serious arent you?"

"Serious as Breast Cancer babe.'' He told me. "Sorry to tell you but, you're in allot more trouble than you realise-" I conversation was cut short from the sound of Richards voice, from the sound of it he's not that far.

Luke stood up. "Look I gotta go, sorry I couldn't answer all your qeustions." Was all he said before he rushed out of the room.I felt bed for Luke, he was really scared of Richard. You could tell by thw way he would tense up at the sound of his voice and start to panic.

Richard was no one to play with, you could tell by the way he carried hisself, and by the way he demanded respect. Yeah, he screamed mafia boss. But what I'm wondering is what would he want with me?

I guess I'll have to ask.


I know it's not allot but be patient please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! School is totally kicking my butt.

So 23 vote! If it could happen.....

Please vote comment or fan........... Love all my Little Gangsters!! MWAH (Air kiss)

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