My King

By always_clever

667K 28.4K 6.1K

A time when King and Queens lead a whole country and servants was punished to even look at royalty. Akia Buha... More

My King....
Chapter One: My Lord....
Chapter Two: Letter and Wage....
Chapter Three: Breath of Air....
Chapter Four: The Ball....
Chapter Five: Arrangement....
Chapter Seven: Tonight...
Chapter Eight: Queen...
Chapter Nine: Tempting...
Chapter Ten: Heart&Soul....
Chapter Eleven: Whispers...
Chapter Twelve: Cold Green Eyes....
Chapter Thirteen: Taming the Beast...
Chapter Fourteen: Friend or Foe?...
Chapter Fifteen: Daniel....
Chapter Sixteen: Confuss...
Chapter Seventeen: Missing...
Chapter Eighteen: Absent from the throne....
Chapter Nineteen:News...
Chapter Twenty: Long voyage back home...
Chapter Twenty-one: Theodore...
Chapter Twenty-two: Moon...
Chapter Twenty-Three: False...
Chapter Twenty-Four: Kill the silence...
Chapter Twenty-Five: Lifeless...
Chapter Twenty-Six: Delusions...
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Cherish...
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Hope...
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Signs...
Chapter Thirty: Not till the fat lady sings...
Chapter Thirty-One: THE END is only the Beginning...

Chapter Six: Journey...

26.4K 982 379
By always_clever

Akia did not dare to close her eyes last night as she thought about her and Theo's wedding. Where would the wedding take place? What dress should I wear? I do not have a wedding dress. Maybe if Theo give me a day, I can make one. But we do not have a day to spare. Will someone find out? If so, the treaty between Spain & England would be ruined and many wars would start because we was not discreet. I would also be hated by everyone and no one would be the kingdom allies because of ME! Our future children would be labeled as bastards and hated as well.

The thoughts that pondered in her head did not go away during the night. Akia's thoughts made her rethink the marriage; it's making her rethink about everything.

"Do I love Theo?" Akia asked herself as she looked into her vanity mirror to get ready for the morning. Akia has strong feelings for Theo, but it is not exactly love. It is more as lust and in the moment passion. It's living life; as Theo puts it.

Akia shook her head and stood up from the uncomfortable wooden chair. "I must call it off....Yes, that is what I am going to do." After dressing, Akia walked out her chambers and headed to Princess Fran.

Who by the way is freaking out. The day was the day Princess Fran will be traveling to France, so she can meet her future in laws. "Please, pack my dinner dresses." Fran ordered. Once Akia walked into the room, Princess Fran took a breath of relief. "Akia, thank goodness you are here. Please go back to your room and pack."

"Pack?" Akia asked.

"Yes pack. I am going to France and I need you to come with me. I researched that your tribe speaks French as well and I need you to translate for me."

Akia nod in understanding. "I will attend to your journey." But the wedding. Akia pushed her thought to the side before walking to the other ladies who by the way stopped there conversation once Akia was in front of them. "Hello." Akia greeted with a smile. The five ladies in front of Akia smiled and nod before continuing to pack the princess bags.

After getting the princess settled, Akia went to her chambers to pack as well. But once she stepped inside her chambers, there was filled bags on her bed. "I already took the time to fill your bags." A light voice echoed behind Akia; making her turn around to see Lady Adorn standing in the door way with a huge smile on her face.

"Thank you, Lady Adorn."

"You are welcome. Have a safe journey, Lady Akia." The older woman gave Akia a small curtsy before walking out her chambers.


Akia looked out the carriage to see the dark blue sky that had specks of purple in the clouds. The moon was not out yet, but Akia knew it is going to be closer to the earth than normal. From afar, around the large horses that was walking very close the carriage; she saw lightning bugs in the forest. A bunch of them gathered together; making the area glow.

"What are you thinking about, Lady Akia?" His voice made Akia look away from the beautiful nature and to his handsome features.

"I'm just admiring nature, my lord." Akia replied back. But I rather admire you instead. She wanted to add, but she kept her mouth shut. Since Fran was sitting next to her. Akia did not know if the princess knew about them, she gave off small signs, but not big signs that will give Akia a hint of the princess knowledge of the king's affairs.

"Do not terrorize my friend, Theo." Fran said with a huge grin on her face; a sign of teasing. "She does not want to be harassed by your manly ways, big brother."

Little do you know, young Fran. Akia thought once again. "The king is not terrorizing me princess Fran."

"Akia, you do not have to defend him. He's just a man after all." Fran joked, knowing calling Theo a simple man makes him angry. Like every king, Theo does not consider himself as a simple man; to him it means a man that sells meat and vegetables. Theo is definitely more than simple; powerful, royalty, a nobleman.

"Do not listen to my little sister Akia. I'm still your king." And lover, of course.

"And brother, I should add. Speaking of brother, why is George not attending the journey with us? Isn't he the one that sets up the gatherings."

"George is fine in the kingdom."

Fran sighed. "Oh no, you all are fighting again. What is the fuss about this time."

Me. Akia adverts her eyes from the king and looked back out the carriage to see empty land that held a abandoned cottage.

Theo noticed her change of attitude and cleared his throat. "The war techniques I suggested was not to his liking. He believes the Portuguese will win."

"Darn Portuguese." Fran spat, earning a glare from her brother.

"Fran, ladies do not swear. It is very unladylike."

"Sorry brother, but how can I express my frustration? By knitting in a rocking chair. Besides every Queen swears, even that damn Spaniard. Why do you have to marry her Theo? She is wrong for the throne and you know it!?"

"Shh. Keep your voice down." Theo ordered. "I do not have a choice, we need there troops and gold for the war."

"Who cares? We have France, once I marry the prince we will have twice the troops."

"To defeat Spain? If I do not marry Sophia, they will rage and tear my kingdom to the ground. There troops are three times larger than our and France troops combined, we need Spain; not for their troops but for their land."

"We already have Asia and Africa. How much land do we need?"

"All the land on this got damn planet!" Theo yelled; making Akia jump in shock and fear from his out burst. But Fran was not effected from his yelling. "Ladies should have their mind on birthing children, instead of war."

The choice of words from Theo's mouth made Fran and Akia angry. Birthing children. Will he think of me as a sex doll that give him bastard children. Akia thought.

"Men should have their minds on drinking ale, scratching their ass and fucking woman! Stop the carriage!" Fran yelled. Of course the carriage stopped from her orders. "Lady Akia, we are leaving this carriage."

"Where will you sit? There is no horses nor carriages available." Theo stated.

"We will walk if we have to." With that Fran's feet touched the damp dirt. Akia slowly stepped out the carriage and turn to Theo with a dirty look; telling him his words hurt her as well.

"Princess Fran, I advice you to get back in the carriage. The land we are traveling on is very new to us and we do not know if their scavengers lurking in these woods." General Abraham informed.

"Give us a horse then. I do not want to sit in that carriage with a fool!"

"Fool!?" Theo was now out the carriage with a red face. "You, sister is the fool!"

"No brother, you are the fool who thinks women are only used for sex. We are ladies not dogs that gets fucked over and over again."

Theo growled in frustration. "I ordered you not to swear."

Fran huffed and clenched her fist in anger. "You are not my King."

Everyone gasped at her choice of words. Saying that to the king was like a form of treason, no matter who you are.

Theo was of course angry and hurt from his sister words. "What?"

"I mean, you are my brother, I'm not one of your subjects that you can order around. You must treat me with respect."

"How can I treat you with the type of respect you want, if you're acting like a child. A little princess."

Fran stepped to the king with confidence. "If I am a little princess, you are a big queen. Brother."

Their was silence between the two, until the general intruded on his high horse. "My lord, we must leave."

"Yes, we must." Theo answered, with looking away from his sister. "Give my sister a horse."

The general nod. "She can take mine."

"Excellent. Akia, join me in the warm carriage." Theo looked up at the young lady. Akia nod.

Without any further delays, there carriage finally made it to the France kingdom; where Fran future husband is waiting. Since it was late and past supper, Akia and Fran went straight to their chambers.

As Akia changed into her nightgown, a piece of paper slide under her chamber door. Akia slowly picked it up to see perfect hand written cursive that read: My love.


Fran in m/m

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