Regona City: Tempest (BK3)

By voif1d

217K 14.5K 3.1K

Given the chance to return to Regona, Sahara takes it. Times, however, have changed. Lithium City has stumble... More

The Calm
The Return
A New City
A Fleeting Moment
Unwanted Reunion
Double Trouble
Just Like Old Days
A Moment Together
A Troubling Question
A Seed Planted
A Forced Hand
An Offer of Help
A City Awakes
A Phantom Intrudes
Gain and Loss
A Sacrifice Made
No Boundaries (final)
Author's Note

Decision Point

4.9K 403 91
By voif1d

Sahara let the words sink in. "Regona?" She whispered. Her gaze flew to Noah who shrugged. "Why would they keep her in here?"

"Who knows, maybe they didn't want to risk contaminating Lithium or something like that," Noah replied. "Besides, who would have thought to look for her here?"

"So we can go get her then?"

Marcus let out a short laugh. "Go get her? That's great." His eyes were anything but warm as they watched Sahara. "Terrell, your girl really has no idea..."

"Marcus," Terrell cut him off.

Noah scooted over to him. He wiggled his eyebrows. "Remember what I said about jealousy?"

Marcus swatted at him but the white-haired boy dodged.

"Um..." Regan seemed to have recovered his voice. He fidgeted with his fingers and his eyes darted to Terrell. "I don't need to...bow or anything, right?"

Arden whacked him over the head. "He's an Omega, not royalty."

His twin turned to him. " long have you known?"

"Who're the clowns?" a voice asked. Roman walked in.

Marcus scowled. "Where were you?"

"Picked up something along the way."

Calvin strolled into the room, one hand in his pocket. The Omega glanced around, his eyes stopping when they landed on Terrell. "You have quite the hideout," he commented. "And I thought you weren't someone who liked to show off."

"It is...isn't it?" Terrell ran a hand through his hair.

Calvin's attention turned to the hologram of the two cities. He let out a whistle. "I forgot how big Lithium is..." he walked over and leaned in closer. "Looks like it would be fun to have some races there."

"Hello again!" Glen's cheerful voice echoed as he joined the party.

His greeting wasn't returned. Instead, Calvin turned to him with a scowl. "What happened to splitting up so we wouldn't raise suspicion?"

"Guess I caught up." Glen shrugged. "Not my fault you were so slow to get here." He turned to Sahara. "You two made up yet?"

Noah chuckled while Sahara glared. Glen simply shrugged. "Yo, Marcus my man!" He walked over. "How have you been?"

"Don't act like you know me," Marcus told him coldly.

"Ouch." Glen winced. "None of you look very happy to see me." He twirled in a circle. "Hey, Phantom, if I remember correctly, didn't you have four of these guys around you? I only see three?"

"Our affairs are none of your business, Omega," Roman growled.

Glen raised his hands in the air. "Sorry for asking." He turned his eyes on Terrell. "So, we're here because we heard you had a plan." He sat on the edge of the table, part of the Lithium hologram going through him as a result. "How about you wow us?"

Marcus and Roman glared, neither seeming to like his attitude.

"We're still missing two Omegas and a Phantom," Terrell replied calmly. He leaned back against the table that his board was resting on. "To spare myself having to explain it more than once, I think we should wait."

"Sounds fair." Calvin shrugged. He made a motion and his board floated up behind him. Without another word he sat down.

Reagan squirmed. He slowly made his way toward Terrell.

"Um...Mr. Phantom," he began.

Terrell watched him wearily.

"If you think I've offended you in the past..." Reagan began. "Please take it out on my brother. It doesn't take much imagination to think that he's me..."

Arden groaned. "How did we end up in the same womb?"

Terrell only chuckled.

As a new person entered eyes turned to see Theodore had made it. "Can you stop following me now?" he asked before he entered.

Sahara saw a guy behind him that nodded at Terrell before disappearing.

"What's with the escort?" Theodore complained. "It's not like I can't walk on my own?"

"What?" A leer spread across Marcus' face. "Don't like it? I thought all you Omega's had a second because you enjoyed being accompanied everywhere."

Theodore glared in response. "And who are you?"

"Someone who belongs here," came the reply.

Sahara felt tension crackle through the room. She squirmed as she became aware that she was the only girl in the room.

"Cool it, guys." Noah was the one to speak up. "We're all on the same side."

Marcus' smile grew. "Lucky for them, right?"

Glen pointed a finger. "I'm guessing he's the immature one."

Marcus' smile dropped.

"Shhh!" Reagan jumped forward and grabbed Glen's pointing finger. "Is making them mad when you're outnumbered wise?"

"Yeah, you're in our house now, Omega," Roman warned. "It would be good to remember that."

"All the testosterone," Sahara muttered.

Both Marcus ad Roman's eyes darted to her and she immediately regretted it.

"Ohhh...who's the handsome one?" a female voice exclaimed.

Paige had entered the room, her eyes landing on Terrell right away. She took a step toward him when a hand reached through the curtain to stop her in her tracks. Aaron came into view.

"Why did you bring her?" Glen groaned.

Paige's eyes turned on him. "Who are you again?"

"I feel offended," Glen muttered. "One moment a girls is all over you and the next she pretends like she has no idea who you are."

"The other Falcons came," Paige defended her presence there. She drew herself up straighter, grinning when her eyes landed on Sahara. "Besides, I don't think it's fair if you have my Omega outnumbered by guys. Let her have some backup." She winked.

Terrell's eyebrows rose. "A new member?" he asked Sahara.

Sahara ignored him.

"I'll be quiet," Paige promised. She bounded over to Sahara and looped her arm in hers. "You'll never know I was here." She held up two fingers and crossed them. "Promise."


"So...we all here now?" Glen asked.

"If we're gathering the leaders..." Theodore looked around. "Shouldn't Rayne be here?"

"Oh, he's already all caught up," Roman assured him. "Unfortunately he couldn't make it..." his eyes darted to Terrell.

"He's doing what he does best." Terrell waved it off, refusing to explain any more.

"Then...that's it?" Glen tried again.

"One more," came a voice. Troy entered. Seeing Aaron he froze.

Aaron turned his eyes on him. "Why are you here?"

Troy didn't reply.

"Oh come on." Roman walked over and threw and arm around Troy. "It's better to break the news now. A bandage you tear off hurts more now but less later."

Aaron's eyes narrowed.

There was a moment of silence. Troy's eyes darted to Terrell who made no move to help out.

"Troy?" Aaron asked.

"He's with me," Terrell finally broke it.


"Is that true?" Aaron asked. He seemed quite calm considering the situation.


"Oh, the feels," Glen exclaimed. "Let us admit that he fooled you and try not to think about who else out there is with the Phantom. We have business to discuss, do we not?"

"Glad to see our crew isn't the only one where no one is who they say they are," Reagan commented.

"You need to learn to read the mood," Arden told him off.

"Naomi," Sahara turned to Terrell, addressing him for the first time. She wanted to know what was going on. "How are we getting her?"

"That's a great question and all," Calvin cut in, "But I'm also interested in one other thing. Other than rescuing your crew members, how are we getting Lithium off our backs?"

Terrell nodded. He lifted a finger and made a motion. The hologram on the table flew to the side and was replaced by one large hologram of Regona. All throughout it there were areas marked by red dots.

The Omega's moved as one, standing closer around the table.

"What is this?" Theodore breathed.

"That..." Terrell straightened. He walked over to the hologram and placed a hand on either side of the table. "Is how we're going to take back Regona."

There was silence as everyone stared at the hologram. Even Aaron seemed to have forgotten about Troy.

"You're starting a rebellion," Glen breathed.

Sahara's eyes ran over the hologram as she let what she saw sink in.

Terrell shook his head. "Not starting. Finishing."

"Makes sense..." Calvin murmured. "And when is this going to go down?"

Marcus was the one to reply. "Tomorrow."

"No way." Theodore drew back. "Are you out of your mind? That's...there's no way. It's too soon, it's too..."

"Crazy?" Terrell finished for him.

"Madness," Arden whispered.

A smile spread across Terrell's face.

"I don't know what you've heard about us." Roman crossed his hands over his chest. "But not one of Terrell's plans has ever failed."

Noah snorted only to be cut off by a glare.

"If he says we're doing it tomorrow then tomorrow it is," Troy murmured as he avoided looking in Aaron's direction.

"If you don't mind me asking," Aaron didn't seem to notice his second's avoidance. He was as calm as ever. "Why tomorrow?"

"Because..." Terrell began.

Sahara's eyes stayed on the hologram. They had found the one little blue dot that was away from the others. No one had to explain to her what it meant. Naomi...

"If it's not tomorrow they get what they came for."

Noah nodded. "They're moving Naomi to Lithium in the evening. If we don't get them before it'll be next to impossible..."

"In the evening?" Theodore looked up, a scowl on his face. "If you want to start this before then...isn't that...?"

"Daytime," Paige breathed.

A grin spread over Terrell's face. "Tell me. Have you ever heard of a thief breaking in broad daylight when the city is wide awake?"

"That's suicide," Calvin protested.

"Not if we all work together." Terrell stood up straighter. "That's why I'm asking you. Can you trust me enough to follow me?"

The Omegas looked up, eyes going to the Phantom.

"For one time. Can you help me?"

For a moment there was silence. Voices drifted in from outside the room as the Omegas stared at Terrell.

"Did Phantom just ask for help?" Theodore asked in wonder.

"We're doing it regardless" Marcus was quick to jump in. His eyes darted to Terrell who nodded in confirmation.

"Let's just say that this is your chance." Roman's lips twitched. "If you're too chicken to join then leave now."


"If this falls you have any idea," Calvin muttered. "We need more..."

"I'm in," Glen cut him off. He crossed his hands over his chest. "I don't know about all of you, but I'm tired of doing nothing. We should have done this a long time ago." He grinned at Sahara. "Also, I remember saying I would help get your family back together." His nod was directed at Terrell. "Let me know what my crew and I can do."

Terrell returned the nod.

"Make that two," Aaron surprised Sahara when he spoke up. His eyes darted to Troy. "Something tells me if there's someone who can make this work then it's the Phantoms."

"As long as I get to take some vengeance on the LCS," Theodore chimed in. "Me and my crew have some scores to settle." He cracked his knuckles. "I'm sure the other crews in my area feel the same."

Calvin crossed his hands over his chest. "Guess I'll look like the bad guy if I say no." He turned to Sahara. "If she's in then add my crew to the list."

All eyes turned to Sahara.

"Do you even need to ask?" She briefly glanced up. "I'll do whatever it takes to get my crew back together." Her eyes returned to the blue dot. We're coming, hold on, she thought.

Terrell nodded to Noah who napped his fingers to get everyone's attention.

"Alright then. Gentlemen, and women." He winked at Paige and Sahara. "Let me explain how we're taking our city back."

Tearing her eyes from the hologram Sahara glanced up to find Terrell staring right at her.

"We're going to get Naomi back," he mouthed.

Sahara turned her eyes away. She wasn't ready to forgive him just yet.

All attention turned to Noah as he began to lay out Terrell's plan to them all. There were only a few interruptions when questions were raised.

The meeting went on for a good while. When all was explained Sahara's mind buzzed with all the information. She wasn't so sure how she should feel about it all. It sounded downright crazy and even dangerous, yet she was past the point of caring. She wanted her crew back together, no matter the cost.

No sooner were they done than she decided to leave. Terrell looked like he wanted to stop her, yet he didn't. It hurt more than Sahara expected it to. Trying to not think about it she left the hideout. The twins followed, arguing with Paige who was tagging along.

"You're not officially part of the crew," Arden informed her.

"Then see me as Sahara's friend who's coming to hang out."

"Don't you have a home to return to?"

"Don't want to."

"Please leave." Reagan tried.


Sahara didn't say a word the whole way back. The sound of the three arguing was strangely relaxing.

Finally the twins gave up and a triumphant Paige entered the warehouse with them.

Orion was waiting for them. "Where were you guys?" he asked.

"Orion!" Reagan bounded over and threw his arms around the perplexed guy. "The only honest person left." He suddenly froze and pulled away, eyes narrowing. "You don't happen to secretly be an Omega, princess, immortal little girl, or from another world, do you?"

Orion raised an eyebrow.

"You're..." Reagan's eyes widened. "Not really a girl in disguise, are you?"

Arden walked past only to pause. He raised his eyebrows and lanced Orion up and down. "A girl...?" He visibly shivered before whacking his twin over the head.

"Abuse!" Reagan screeched as he bounded off in chase after his brother.

"Is it always this loud?" Paige asked as she looked around.

Orion turned to her, forehead furrowing. "Who's the newcomer?"

"Paige." She introduced herself and stuck out her hand. "Nice to officially meet you. I'm a new member."

Orion took it before turning to Sahara. "What's going on?"

Sahara let out a sigh. "It's been a long day."

"I can see that," Orion replied. "Want to talk?"

Sahara nodded. She needed to fill him in anyway.

While Paige looked around and twins argued Sahara shared everything with Orion. The boy listened in silence, not interrupting once. It took a while, and by the time Sahara was done the twins had decided to crash on one of the mattresses. Reagan was already snoring. One arm and leg were sprawled of his less fortunate brother.

"That's quite the plan," Orion murmured.

"I know..." Sahara leaned back. "Think it'll work?"

Orion didn't reply right away. "Sahara..." he finally began. He turned to her and Sahara saw something she couldn't quite place flicker within. The next moment it was gone. "I never got to say thank you."

"For what?"

"For trusting me..." Orion looked down at his hands. "For letting me be a Falcon."

A smile spread across Sahara's face. "There's nothing to say thank you for." She put a hand on Orion's shoulder. "I should be thanking all of you, for letting me find a family."

Orion looked up at her, a smile coming to his face. It didn't reach his eyes.

"Family," he repeated. He seemed to be staring at something in the distance. The look disappeared and he got to his feet. "Thank you," he repeated. "For everything. It's been fun."

"It's not over yet," Sahara told him softly. "We'll all be back together again tomorrow, I'll make sure of it."

Orion shot her a pained smile. "Goodnight, Sahara." He turned and headed to the door.

"You're leaving?" Sahara called after him in confusion.

Orion paused. "You'll see me again tomorrow."

"Oh...ok." Sahara watched him leave.

"He's a hard one to read."

Sahara turned to see Paige standing in the kitchen area, a mug in her hand. The girl's eyes were filled with thought. They turned to Sahara. "I've always been told I'm good at reading people...but that one..." She put the mug down and walked over. "I don't know...there's something about the atmosphere he gives off..." she shook her head and a smile appeared, making the worry disappear. "Mind if I go ahead and sleep?"

Sahara shrugged.

"You should get some rest too, you'll need it for tomorrow," Page told her.

Sahara shot her a smile. "Don't worry, I'll sleep."

The other girl nodded. She turned to head for a mattress before she paused. "I'm not using you, you know that, right?"

Sahara hesitated. "I know," she said softly. "I trust you."

Paige turned, looking surprised. "You trust someone that quickly?"

"I know, right?" Sahara chuckled. "But don't you think that trust is what this city needs?"

Paige nodded, looking thoughtful. "That's one way to look at it." She hesitated. "But what if that trust is broken?"

"It hurts so much I feel that I can't breathe."

"You'll break one day if you keep that up," Paige warned.

"Maybe," Sahara agreed. "But I'm surrounded by people who'll help me put the pieces back together."

A smile spread across Paige's face. "I see I'm in the right place." She paused. "Out of curiosity, Sahara, most people in Regona don't trust because they fear that trust being broken. You say you have others that'll help you heal. If that's the case, then what does scare you?"

Sahara blinked. She hadn't been expecting that question and yet she knew the answer almost instantly. The image of someone walking away from her in the rain flashed through her mind again. Her earliest memory, she had never been able to get rid of it. "Someone abandoning me...being left behind." She looked up. "I hate to be left alone."

"Hmm..." Paige nodded. "That is a scary thought..." Her eyes cleared. "Sorry for bringing that up."

Sahara shrugged.

"I'll go sleep before I ask anything else that seems even mildly depressing."

Grinning, Sahara watched Paige head for a free mattress.

Not feeling sleepy quite yet, the leader of the Falcons moved to the couch. Her mind drifted off to what they had planned the next day and her stomach flip flopped. It'll work...right? She tried to ignore the worry gnawing at her. Everything will run smoothly...we'll get Naomi back. Alegra will come back. We'll all be together again. Her eyes darted to the second floor where Terrell's mattress was. She had hidden her way home under it.

There was a meow and a moment later soft paws landed on her lap. Sahara smiled down at Mo.

"Hey there," she murmured as she rubbed the cat between his ears. Purring, he sat down. "You think it'll all work out, right?" Sahara whispered.

Her bracelet vibrated. Sahara glanced down at the ID. Exhaustion washed over her as she saw who is was. She leaned back, stroking Mo as the bracelet continued to vibrate. After a while it ceased and Sahara shot a glance down at it. It was blinking blue, signifying that a message had been left. Sahara's fingers went to it, yet moments from touching the accept button they curled back. She wasn't ready to talk to him yet. Maybe in the morning.

Yes, in the morning.

"Tomorrow," Sahara whispered. She closed her eyes. "Tomorrow we'll all be together again. Things will go back to the way they used to be."

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