Sterek One-Shots:Book Two (Bo...

By adult_disneyprincess

1.2M 37.7K 5.1K

This is the second part of my one shot book! Feel free to leave requests in my inbox if you want. Enjoy my wr... More

Need To Know
Stiles Stilinksi's Terrible Guide To Wooing Derek Hale
A Whole New World
The Mechanic (Mature Content)
Gasping For Air
One Cold Day
Once Upon A Dream
Prince Stiles and the Seven Pack Mates
Derek Hale And The Awful Wooing of Stiles Stilinski
Bullet Wounds
Laugh Lines
Still Waters
We Rob Banks
Fine Doesn't Mean Fine
The Wolf and The Deer
Lazy Sunday (Mature Content)
Flu Bugs And Clingy Pups
Friday Night (Mature Content)
Uninvited Guests
Muscles (Mature Content)
18 Candles
Derek In Wonderland
Derek Loves Stiles Who Loves Derek (Mature Content)
Never Bet Against Scott And Stiles (Or How Stupid Idiot Is A Term Of Endearment)
Reunions (Or The One Where Derek And Erica Never Dated)
Comic Books
Supernatural Supernanny (Mild Mature Content)
I Hate You (And Other Annoying Things Preteens Say)
Stiles and Derek's Secret Lives (Mature Content)
Cats Don't Glare
First Meetings (Part One of the Man On The Train Series)
The Full Moon (Part Two of the Man On The Train Series)
Building The Pack (Part Three of the Man On The Train Series)
Let's Get Physical (Mature Content)
Stiles and Derek In The Wild West
Rising From The Ashes
Author's Note
Blue Bloods
Truth or Dare (Or The One Where Matt Is The King Of Bad Touch)
It Hurts (Mature Content)
It's Not Funny, Derek.
Once Upon A Timey-Wimey
It's Always Been You
The Guardians
Hey, I Just Met You And This Is Crazy But That's My Ex So Kiss Me Maybe?
Writing Tips!!!!
The Sacrificial Hart
Into The Woods
Sweet and Sour Wolf (Mature Content)
Lost In The Sand
The Circle of Life
Cellos and Basketballs
Ink My Skin With Your Name
The Hale's Run Beacon Hills
Coffee and Cakes
Werewolf Protection Program
Take Me Into Your Loving Arms (Kiss Me Under The Light Of A Thousand Stars)
Somewhere Between Fuck You and Fuck Me
White Eyes and Sharp Claws
Daddy's Boy (Mature Content)
The Road Less Traveled
The Tower (Mature Content)
Aching Hearts
Stiles Hale's Home For Sexy Teens
Three's Not A Crowd (Mchalinski)(Mature Content)
D.U.F.F (Or The One Where Derek Is Sick Of Everyone's Shit)
Feels Like Belonging
Durmstrang's Do It Better
Wannabe (Drabble)
I Know You (I Walked With You Once Upon A Dream)
Clairvoyance Isn't A Crime
Wandering (Part One of The Wizard and The Werewolf)
Found (Part Two Of The Wizard and The Werewolf)
Sucker Punch
The Curse
Means to an End
Mysterious as the Dark Side of the Moon
That's Captain Stiles, Derek. (Drabble)
On a Monday
Back to December
Somebody Told Me
Relax (Sterek+Parrish)(Mature Content)
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Halloween (Everywhere You Go)
Cora and Glue
Dude, Let's Get Married (Or Aces in Love)
Derek in Neverland
Don't Lick Me (That's What Weird Kids Do)
Corpse Wolf

That Boy is a Tramp

8.1K 221 8
By adult_disneyprincess

This is a Lady and the Tramp!AU. They're not animals. Have any of you seen that movie? Did you know that the reason that they're freaking out about the rat coming into the crib is because in that time, especially in the urban cities, that rats would eat the fingers and toes off of infants? They did and that's also why the crib was box looking: to keep the rats out. So next time you bitch about the WiFi being slow or something just be glad that you don't live in a time where you would most likely have your appendages eaten off by rats. 


Derek is lounging around the house, bored out of his mind but he doesn't mind since he'll probably go for a walk soon, and he smiles at his parents as he walks out of the door. He likes his house, it's the largest in the neighborhood, and he walks around the block. His parents have been acting weird lately, they're acting so secretive, and it's bothering the fifteen year old. Derek's father always tells him everything, or at least everything that he asks about when he feels like it, so he knows that when they're ready they'll tell him. He's hoping that they're not moving or anything like that, Derek is sure that he would have heard about a new job or something that meant that they were moving, so he just puzzles to himself.

Derek walks down the street to the neighbor's house, two siblings live there by the name of Erica and Isaac that he's quiet fond of, and he smiles as he waves at them. "Derek, hey." Erica says, fanning herself as Derek walks to the porch to sit with her. Her twin, Isaac, is playing in the dirt as he builds dirt piles. Sometimes Derek likes to do that with him but mostly he likes to sit and talk with Erica, Isaac teasingly calls him a girl but Derek just doesn't see the appeal of playing in the mud and dirt in his clean clothes, so he just sits next to her. "Did you find out why your parents are acting so strangely?" Erica asks him, and Derek sighs as he shakes his head.

"Not yet. I think that they keep wanting to tell me something but they never actually say anything to me." Derek tells her, and she frowns along with him. The twins are younger than him by a few years, maybe that's why Isaac still likes to play in the dirt, but they're old enough to be his companions and peers so he doesn't want anyone else with him. "I think they'll tell me when they have too. I hope that we're not moving. I'm almost finished with school, and I'd hate to leave the house." Derek tells them, and they nod in agreement. He's sure that they wouldn't want him to leave anymore than he'd want to go.

"I'm sure it's nothing. We would have heard about it if your dad lost his job or if you were moving. Our fathers work together and Father would have said something to us about it if you were moving." Isaac supplies, and Derek sighs as he nods. He reaches forward to brush some mud off of his cheek with a soft sigh. He hopes it's nothing, but it's obviously something so he's just going to have to worry about it until they tell him.

Isaac and Erica's mother call them in for lunch, and Derek sighs as he stands. Before they can offer to have him for lunch, Derek politely shakes his head. "No, thank you. Not today. I think that I'll head home and try to see if my parents are around. Plus, I have lessons this afternoon." Derek explains, and the twins nod their heads as they head inside. Derek sighs to himself as he walks home, all the while wondering what it is it could be.


Stiles laughs loudly as he tosses a piece of fruit to Scott, and he sits down next to him to eat what he stole for them. He's fifteen, or at least he thinks that he is since he was twelve when his parents died and that was three winters ago, and he's tall, with moles, and wild brown hair with eyes to match. "You have to be more careful. Do you want to get thrown in jail?" Scott asks him, smiling at him while he eats. Stiles does all of the scrounging for them, not wanting his friend to get caught and since Scott doesn't have as much practice. Scott has a mother, she's just always at work and doesn't seem to care about him, so Stiles is the closes thing to have he has most of the time.

"I'll never get caught. I live on the street, I'll die on the street." Stiles tells him, grinning at him while he eats his food. "This is the life for me. So much better than living in a stuffy old house and having people tell you what to do." Stiles says, and Scott nods his head in agreement. Stiles does like this life, he misses his parents but they're gone and he doesn't want any other ones, and he looks up when he hears something. "Uh, the police. Let's get out of here." Stiles says, and Scott moves to run with him towards the alleyway where they spend their days.


Derek is in the parlor, his mother smiles at him while she waits for Derek's father, and Derek is tempted to just beg her to tell him what they have to say to him already. "Ah, here's your father." Talia says, smiling at him while Derek nods his head. Derek turns to give his father a smile, it's really a grimace, and he waits for them to talk to him. "Derek, as you have noticed we've been acting differently towards you and each other." Talia explains, and Derek nods his head as he fights the urge to make a hurry up motion with his hand. "So we decided to wait to tell you." Talia adds on, and Derek nods his head.

"Mother, please. I'm mature enough for you to just tell me." Derek tells her, brushing imaginary lint off of his pants as he looks at her. Talia gives him a gentle smile as she runs her hand over her stomach for a second, Derek just thinks she's soothing her dress down, and she beams at him.

"I'm expecting another child." Talia tells him, and Derek looks at her in confusion. He's not about to say that his mother is too old to have children, she's not even forty yet but his father is in his forties and he wonders why they waited so long. Weren't they happy with him, Derek wonders. He doesn't say this, but his mother's smile starts to fade some as she looks at him. "Derek? This is a happy thing." Talia tells him, and Derek doesn't want to disappoint his mother so he gives her a smile.

"Of course it is, Mother. I'm so happy for you and Father. I look forward to being an older brother." Derek tells her, and Talia gives him a pleased look. Derek stands up to kiss her cheek as he excuses himself from the room. He's not sure what he should think, his father was beaming with pride, and he sighs to himself as he walks down the street where the twins are outside. Derek walks over and he sits next to Isaac in the dirt, not caring that he has his nice clothes on, and Isaac watches him curiously.

"What's the matter, Derek?" Isaac asks him, building a pretty impressive house out of the mud and clay like earth around them. "You look upset." Isaac says, frowning while Erica walks over to find out what's wrong with him. "Are you moving?" Isaac ask, a bit upset since he doesn't want his friend to leave.

"No, no. My mother is pregnant." Derek tells them, and Erica gasps happily while Isaac nods his head at him. "I'm not sure how that's going to change things, but I think that it will." Derek tells them, and they all hear a chuckle coming from the gate. They all turn to see a boy around their age, his clothes look a little dirty and his hair is a mess, and Erica and Isaac frown at him. "What's so funny?" Derek asks him, curiously. He's a little intrigued by the stranger.

"You know what happens when there's a baby in the house. The baby stays, and the oldest goes." He tells him, and Derek's eyes widened.

"Where would I go?" Derek asks him, and the boy laughs softly while Erica rolls her eyes.

"He's lying to you, Derek. You're parents wouldn't make you leave, he's just a bum." Erica tells him, and the boy snorts as he walks into the garden.

"I might be lying, but just wait and see. As soon as the baby's in the house, you'll be off to a boarding school." He tells him, and Derek looks at him in horror as he shakes his head rapidly. He doesn't want to go to boarding school and he doesn't want to leave his home. "Why don't come with me? I'll teach you how to live on your own." He says, and Derek looks at him curiously before he nods his head.


Against Erica and Isaac's vehement protests, Derek goes with Stiles. What kind of name is Stiles, but apparently it's the one that the boy gave himself. Stiles lives on the streets and with friends when he can, and he loves it. Derek doesn't think that he'd like it all that much, but he figures that he could learn to with Stiles. They go throughout the city, Stiles shows him good places to sleep and where to hide from the police if he would need to. "Thank you for this." Derek tells him as they walk back to his home. Stiles laughs as he nods his head, he enjoyed spending the day with Derek even if he's a rich boy, and Derek waves at him while he goes inside.


As Derek's mother pregnancy progresses, she gets more and more short tempered with him. It's the worst when she's almost due, and Derek comes home with mud on his clothes. He argues with her that he didn't know he was dirty, and she yells at him. She instantly apologizes, but it still hurts his feelings. He has to go stay with his uncle for a few weeks, he can come back when the baby is settled and it's just like Stiles says Derek thinks sadly, and he goes with his uncle. He likes uncle, he just wants to be home with his parents, and he unpacks his room. "Just as long as your here at night, I don't care what you do." Peter tells him, and Derek nods as he goes to find Stiles for some fun. Or at least to get his mind off of the baby. He's too old to be jealous, his father told him that, but that doesn't mean that he's going to like his new sibling.


Derek walks down the road to where he's learned that Stiles likes to stay by and he hums to himself as he waves at some of the people that he's meet. He excepting them to be dirty or even mentally ill, but most of them were nice and treated Stiles like their family. Derek couldn't imagine losing his parents like Stiles, but Stiles seems to be doing okay for himself so Derek doesn't think he minds. Derek turns a corner and he stops when he sees Stiles talking to another boy, and they're laughing about something. Another wave of jealousy hits Derek, it's worse than earlier, and he frowns. The boy Stiles is talking to see him and points him out, making Stiles turn around, and Stiles smiles as he jogs over. "Who is that?" Derek asks, jealousy clear in his voice.

Stiles laughs loudly as he turns towards the other boy. "That's just a friend." Stiles tells him, and Derek crosses his arms over his chest as he looks at him. Stiles smiles at him, with his stupid eyes and his stupid smiles that makes Derek feel like he's the only person in the world, and Stiles chuckles softly. "You're jealous." Stiles tells him, and Derek makes an undignified sound.

"Of course I'm not. I'm just tired of being with you. You're a bore and tramp, apparently." Derek lies, and Stiles does the unexpected and kisses him. It takes Derek's breath away, it's not even a deep kiss but it is his first one, and Derek ends up smiling at him while he kisses him back. Derek smiles at him while he pulls away, and he smiles at him.

"Come on, fancy. I know a place we get some pasta." Stiles tells him, and Derek smiles at him while he takes his hand to let him led the way.


Derek is looking around the street as they walk hand in hand, it's a nice part of the town that's he's never seen mainly because his parents never would let him go that way, and Stiles is telling him a story that he's not really listening to since he's too busy staring at Stiles since he's so handsome. Derek looks up when he hears a siren, and Stiles' grip on his hand tightens. "Come on! We have to leave!" Stiles tells him, and Derek gives him a look of surprise before Stiles is dragging him towards the alley way. "Come on, Derek! We can't let them change us!" Stiles yells, and Derek runs with him as they go down the alleyway.

Derek doesn't hear the siren anymore when they stop running, the only sound he can hear his panting and Stiles' wheezing panting, and he looks around. "Why were they chasing us? We haven't done anything wrong." Derek mumbles, and Stiles shushes him gently as he looks around.

"Okay, I think it's okay to leave." Stiles tells him, and Derek walks out with him and they run straight into the police officers.


Derek doesn't say anything as Peter paces in front of him, he's really hoping that he hasn't told his parents since they should be focusing on his little sister that was born two days ago, and Derek looks up his uncle. "I shouldn't have left Stiles there." Derek says, and Peter looks like he wants to hit him. Stiles had assured him that he would be fine, it wasn't his first time in a jail cell and that he had friends that would pay his bond, but Derek was still worried.

"Derek, you are fifteen years old. You will be going to college in a few years, you have better things to do than hang around with ragamuffins." Peter tells him, and Derek sighs as he looks away.

"You didn't tell Mother and Father did you? I wasn't even arrested." Derek says, and Peter sighs as he shakes his head. Derek sighs out in relief as he looks at him and he hugs his uncle tightly before he goes upstairs to his room. He knows that Peter will eventually tell them, and he'll be in lots of trouble but he hopes that they'll be too busy with the baby to do anything about it.


It's been a month since Derek has since Stiles, he misses him so much, and he sighs as he rolls over in his bed. Peter did eventually tell his parents and they were furious with him, especially when Derek accidentally blurted out that they had kissed, and he sighs as he looks out at the moon. Father said that if he saw Stiles again then he wouldn't be able to come home, so Derek wasn't allowed to leave the house since he came back from his uncle's.

His little sister, Cora, is sweet and Derek doesn't know how he could have thought he wasn't going to love her. She's a good baby, hardly cries, and she always likes it when Derek holds her which he likes too. He doesn't know why his parents waited so long to have children, but he doesn't asks that. He's almost asleep when he hears Cora's loud cries followed by a loud crash that makes him flinch violently. Derek jumps out of bed, hearing his parents do the same, and he runs towards her room.

Derek isn't prepared to see Stiles in his little sister's room, the other boy is holding his little sister a bit awkwardly and the shelf that Talia had to put all of Cora's things is toppled over the crib and it's crushed to the ground. "What have you done?!" Talia screams, taking her baby away from him and Stiles looks shocked.

"I was looking for Derek's room and the shelf was leaning against her crib, and I just grabbed her and it fell!" Stiles stutters out, and Derek looks at him while he moves to hug him. Talia looks like she wants to hit him and her mouth opens and close as she tries to voice her rage.

"Talia, look at this." Derek's father says, and he's holding a rusted nail that was about to fall apart. "The installers said they used new materials. That's what they charged us." He adds, angrily and Talia turns to look at where Derek is hugging Stiles tightly. "Thank you." Derek's father adds, and Stiles looks surprised as he nods his head.

No one says anything for a second until Talia has calmed down Cora, and she turn to where Derek is leaning against Stiles. "Would you like to join us for a late night snack, Stiles?" Talia says, and Stiles smiles at her as he nods his head.


A Few Months Later

Derek is laughing as he passes out Christmas presents and he turns towards Stiles before he jerks his head to the side to get him to follow him. Stiles passes Cora to her mother, he's been staying here since that night he saved Cora and Derek's parents politely ignore the fact that he crawls into Derek's bed at night, and he hands Stiles his Christmas present. "I know that this is the first Christmas you've had in a few years, and I wanted it to be special." Derek says, and Stiles opens the present which is a family portrait that had made a few weeks ago with Stiles.

Stiles smiles widely at him before he leans over to kiss him, and Derek kisses him back until his father is clearing his throat. 

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