She Caught The Badboy Eyes

By raah13xx

1M 20K 4.4K

17 years old Alexis Maria Gonzalez has experienced every pain there is to feel in life. Moving away from the... More

Moving in
She's just not that into me?
She's something else
What a Bitch Move
Suprising events
The Unexpected
I'm okay
Badboys Can Cry Too
Back From The Past
What Are You Doing Here
Family Means Everything
Lexi's Story
Battle Cry
I Love You Lexi
Merry Xmas Babe
New Stories

Happy 18th Baby

22.2K 534 85
By raah13xx

Alexi's pov:

With everything that has happened recently, we've all become closer than ever.

We had the funeral about a week ago for Diego and my brother

and to say there was only a few people that turned up, is understatement.

Pretty much the whole of Seattle came as well as our connections from all over the world, to say goodbye to the two men we lost.

*flash back to funeral

"now may we please have the baby sister of Damon and close family friend of Diego come up to the mic to say a few words"

Staring back at the over crowded church, I stood along my elder siblings, that came up to support me.

Preparing myself, I hear a familiar voice "it's okay Babe, I'm right here"


hearing his soothing voice automatically calms my nerves.

"Some of you guys here know Diego as a man with power, some know him as the big scary gang leader and others know him as the 3rd most feared.

Well for me, I know him as the loving and devoting best friend of dad. I met Diego when I was little and at first he looked like a really scary guy.

But when I got to know him, he was honestly the opposite of what he looked like, he was nothing but loving and kind hearted.

From then on I knew dad made a great choice in befriending him, they truly were like brothers.

Diego did dad proud, he really did. I'm going to miss him a lot.

I'm lucky I played apart in his life as he played apart in mine.

We'll miss you Diego, we love you" taking a few seconds to gather myself, before I began with Damon's,

I let Jakes comforting hands hold me by my waist for reassurance.

"You know Damon is definitely one of a kind. He's someone you don't ever want to lose, because you'll never find anyone like him" I let my tears run freely.

"I remember when I was little I used to hate it when my siblings would go off to school, I was so scarred they were leaving me and they'd need come back.

I would cling on to Damon. Every single morning I'd wake up, just in time for me to jump on him and wrap my myself around his leg so he couldn't move.

He used to find it funny though because school was never his forte.

He truly was an amazing guy. My siblings and I are the luckiest to have been blessed with the years we have spent with him.

I really am going to miss him, I mean he was that brother who cradled me in his arms when thunders would so gracefully announce their presence or when my nightmares thought it be great to pay me a visit.

I wish you were here with us! I wish upon a star and my birthday candles that you weren't taken so early.

I'm going to miss you, I already do! I love you so much Damon. I love you so much Dammy bear" looking back at the many faces, all I see is their glistening eyes as they mourn over our loss.
*end of flashback


Jake's pov:

Since we were now back home, Lexi's family and I have been talking about moving to Seatle.

At first I was a little hesitant but then I spoke to my mum and the boys and they said they would move with us too.

I think Lexi's family knew how much their house meant to her so they've been planning on moving into the houses up for sale next door, across the road and-let's just say that we're are all neighbors.

Luckily there were more house up for grabs so my boys were able to buy it.

For me even though this was a surprise for Lexi, it honestly is one of the best things ever.

I mean I get to live on a street with my brothers and my mum, and Lexi gets to leave near her siblings too, if you ask me that's some pretty amazing shit.

Anyways schools is school. Same old drama. Same bitches bitching, just the same old shit at this shit hole of a school.

And to say that we have 5 months left of school, had me drowning in my tears.

Thankfully it was the last day of the week which means the fcuk'n weekend tomorrow.

I'm pretty excited since it's Lexi's 18th birthday tomorrow and apart from her big present from all of us, I've planned a big day for her.

Saturday (Lexi's birthday)

With the help of everyone's, we were able to decorate my place and set it up in under 3 hrs. I mean if you've seen my house than you'd understand.

Right now Sam, Britney and Ceirra were having breaky with my birthday girl, technically they made her breaky in bed.

Which by the way didn't sit right with me, I mean she's my girlfriend, I'm her boyfriend. I am the one that should be making breaky for her special day.

Ugh no thanks to the two troublemakers well I should say three since Ceirra was the one that suggested it, but since she's so cute and adorable, I willingly agreed.

Like seriously Luke's gonna lose all his hair by the time she becomes a teen. She's gonna be the cause of many broken hearts.

I can definitely say, to whoever her future man may be, 'good luck man, cause you're definitely gonna need it'.

Sam's pov:

I miss my brother so much, but I know mourning in guilt isn't something he'd want us to do.

Rushing through the isle of the grocery store, I accidentally bump into a red head. Actually she bumped into me cause now her ass is on the floor.

Reaching down, I help her up, while she gathered her footing. Judging from her appearance I was expecting a whole lot of bitchyness from her, but to my surprise she ended up flirting with me????

Well I'm not saying anything but I do have that effect on people, yes I am bisexual, and yes I'm not ashamed of it.

I get a lot of disapproving looks as well as a whole lot of bullshit from guys.

But honey, Don't judge me cause you don't know me, don't be jealous cause I chose a chick over your dick and don't talk smack cause you ain't gaining.

In other words I don't give a fcuk but what you gotta say.

"Hey sorry I didn't mean to run into you" Aww sweat she sounds so cute. "It's okay sweat cheeks" Aww she's blushing, I was about to say something when suddenly my phone started ringing.

Sending her an apologetic look, I answered it between gritted teeth.

"What d-where are you?" Ugh shit! Zoning out halfway through what ever Britney was saying she ended the phone call, which actually snapped me out of my daze.

"So who was the on the phone?" staring back at the red head I said my sisters best friend.

Watching her ease from jealousy that I assumed was taking over she boldly asked me out to dinner.

Accepting her request we exchanged numbers and went our separate ways.

"Finally, what took you long?"-"oh sorry mother dearest" I smartly answer back.

For a few seconds we were laughing then quietened down when Cierra hushed us from making to much noise.

Well then let's start making our birthday girl the best breaky ever.

Carter's pov:

I got to say decorating a house as big as Jake is possibly the most stressing thing ever.

Honestly!!! and who knew Jake was a fcuk'n perfectionist. Like literately all you here is 'no I want it here' 'nope put it over there' hang it here' yata yata yata!

Hanging the last set of balloons I send a text to my girl telling her we're all set to go.

Seconds later I receive a message saying they're just waiting for Lexi to get ready. "Bro they're just waiting on Lexi to get ready" I couldn't help but smile as my brothers face lit up at the mention of his girlfriend.

Remmy's pov:

Looking at the way Jake was directing everyone with what their part was, I couldn't help but feel happy that all of this is for my baby sister.

She truly deserves to be happy and I know with Jake she is.

Jake's pov:

Dam she looks beautiful!!! And she's all mine. Walking up to her, I wrap my arms around her and peck her lips, then say "happy birthday my baby" Aww damn her blush always gets me.

I was going to say something else when all of a sudden I was shoved out they way by her siblings and my boys.

WTF?? Uhm hello couldn't you guys wait your asses?!? Fine you guys can be with her now but tonight she's all mine.

Not jealous at all, just smile Jake. Be calm.

"Haha bro stop being jealous" I cut Kaiden off and say "well maybe if you guys stop being so greedy then I, her boyfriend wouldn't be jealous"

apparently everyone thought it was funny, cause right now they're all on their asses laughing like fcuk'n idiots.

I was about to walk off when I felt the warmth of familiar arms wrap around my waist, feeling myself calm down.

I open my eyes and see her standing I front of me, how the fcuk does she do that. She's so sneaky, but I love it.

"Thanks Jake, but may I ask if half of these people are from school, cause I'm pretty sure I don't know any of them" she softly chuckles.

"Yeah sorry I though it's be cool to invite a whole bunch of people, sorry" she frowns a bit then says "don't be sorry it was a great idea, I love it. Now come let's go talk to people"

Pulling her into the study room I gave her a tiny box, she opened it with out question and started crying.

Oh shit that wasn't supposed to happen, "baby please don't cry I'm sorry I didn't know it'll make you cry" she cut me off by kissing me on the lips. Oh gosh the sweet taste of her lips.

Pulling away she wore the biggest smile I think she's ever worn. Looking me in the eyes she says "thank you so much, thank you thank you I love it"

I tuck a fallen strand of her hair behind her ears and kiss her on her head. "Baby it's a gift from all if us, I love you" hearing all the 'awws' and 'cute' I lead her to our secret gets away.

2 months later

Lexi's pov:

Surprisingly it turns out that Pixie bats for both team, and let's just say that made my sister a very happy chick since she had the hots for Pixie, okay well they both have the hots for each other.

Oh and I know for a fact that Pixie loves Sammy because, when she saw me holding Sammy's hands her face was the color of Jakes face when she punched him,

screaming 'ugh I thought I couldn't hate her anymore when you chose her.

You Jake, is obviously doing a shit job at pleasuring her since she is now jumping on to my women!

For fcuks sakes Jake you would think that you would know how to keep a women's needs satisfied! Ugh' that was such an interesting day.


I couldn't hold my laugh so I ended up bursting into uncontrollable laughter,

seriously what she said to Jake was funny, even though what she said was totally incorrect, I mean that boy is something else when it comes to the bedroom.

"What are you laughing at? You sound like a dying walrus!" Snapping out of my dirty thoughts, I look up at the fuming Red.

I was about to answer, when Sammy answered with narrowed eyebrows,

"what did you just say to my baby sister Pixie?" Confusion was written all over Pixie's face till recognition came across,

"wait Alexis is your sister? So when you said you had a baby sister you were talking about Alexis?"

Nodding her head Sammy was about to speak but was cut off by Pixie. "So you're saying the chick that took my step sister from me,

the guy I used to have the biggest crush on and now comes to think of it I don't know why, when at the back of my head I was totally batting for the other team.

Anyways I'm blabbering so what was I saying, oh that's right. Out of all the females in the world you had to be sisters with that bitch!"

Oh shit, to late. I tried reaching for Sammy's arm, but failed when she stood in front of Pixie with fuming rage.

"Never again will I ever hear you say such things about my baby sister like that!

From what you have told me is nothing compared to what Lexi has been through in all her years of life.

I for one, know for a fact that Lexi is the most loving and caring person on earth and for every pain she has been put through, she always fights here way back.

You do not get to stand here and judge her based on what you think you know.

If you truly love me like you said last night, then you will make a mends, put what ever hatred you have down.

Trust me, when you get to know the real Lexi, you'll love her like a sister and when you hear her stories you'll look up to her like an idol"

*end of flashback

From that day on Pixie showed her true colors too. She stopped with all the bitchiness and let's just say we've become close friends,

and honestly who knew she would be so overprotective with me, especially after we all told her our past.

She cried along with all of us and apologizing to us too.

Now her and Britney are like true sisters, she's became one of my close friends, that's dating my older sister.

Our lives had all change after everything and now it seems like everything's falling into place.

Heading into my bathroom I get ready for a much needed shower. Opening my cupboard I notice something, something that basically has me shitting bricks.

Sprinting to Britney's room I slam the door open and jump on her. Ignoring a sleeping Carter I shake Britney to wake her up.

"Lexi. Did you really have to jump on me?" I sweetly cut her off "yes and no sorry, okay I need your help, please come with me now" I pout my lips and give her the doggy eyes and yah she's getting up.

Grabbing her hands I rush us out of her room and sprint to mine, dragging her into the bath room with me I stare at the item.

She stares at it blankly before realizing the meaning of this, turning to me with big eyes she says

"I'm going to be an Aunty ain't I? Omg I'm going to be an Aunty and Carter's going to be an uncle.

Omg you're going to be a mummy, Jake going to be a daddy. I'm so excited I'm so happy for you leelee.

Wait why aren't you smiling? What did-oh ohhhh shit you're fcuked! He doesn't know yet does he-wait does that mean

I'm the first omg yah-what owwww that hurt Lexi" I slapped her slightly in the arm from her crazy outburst before saying

"yes you are the first, no I haven't told him cause I just realized I've missed my period for a month or more actually I'm not sure,

and also I haven't done a test to be certain and I was smiling till I realized that if I am pregnant, honestly I don't know what to do" at the end my voice broke a little.

Over the time I have spent with Jake I have grown to love him more and more and I know he has told me he loves me numerous times,

but I couldn't help the feeling of him not wanting to be a father and having a family with me. 

Pixie's pov:

After getting to know Lexi and hearing hers and the others stories, I couldn't help but feel the need to protect her.

I honestly felt so ashamed of myself for becoming this kind of person I had become.

But thanks to them and my beautiful girlfriend Samantha I got rid of my trashy attitude and now I'm actually happy with my life.

I have my beautiful girlfriend, sister in law/best friend and my actually sister even though we're step.

I'm finally happy.

Oh and the fact that Sam asked me to move in with her back to Seattle, I was over the moon.

I was even happier when I found out the others were all moving there.

Heya guys. I know this has taken a different turn then what I originally had plan, but I do hope you guys like it.

Thank you! For reading my story. Truly means a lot.

Lots of love Raah13xx

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