She Caught The Badboy Eyes

By raah13xx

1M 20K 4.4K

17 years old Alexis Maria Gonzalez has experienced every pain there is to feel in life. Moving away from the... More

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Lexi's Story
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I Love You Lexi
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By raah13xx

Dante and Lexi ^^^^

Lexi's pov:

Where am I? Why is it so damn dark? Where are the lights?

"Hello?.........Hello is the-" I was interrupted by a familiar voice that had my heart beating a thousands miles.

"Hola mi amor" feeling the sudden presences behind me, I let out a quiet whimper.

I close my eyes and open them, I close them again and open them. Am I in some sought of dream?

Closing my eyes once more, I hear his voice again, "abre los ojos mi amor, enséñame esos hermosos ojos" (open your eyes my love, show me those beautiful eyes"

I'm dreaming this isn't real, this can't be real "turn around princess" following his word, I turn around without opening my eyes.

"Dante?" his name escapes my lip, as I finally open my eyes. Feeling tears escaping the corners of my eyes, without even thinking I throw myself in  to his arms. His protecting and loving arms.

Warning sexual contexts below


"Are you sure about this Alexis, you don-yes I am sure about this, are you sure about this too?" Staring into his dreamy eyes I couldn't help but feel hypnotized.

Taking my hand in his he said "of course I am sure, I want you Alexis. I want you to be my first and my last" seeing his lips twitch into a hot smile I couldn't help but smile myself.

Laying my body down, he slowly crept on top of me. Sending another smile to him, he softly places his lips on mine.

Licking my bottom lip for entrance, I grant him access, we lay their exploring each others mouth, battling for dominance, of course Dante wins.

I soon feel his hand softly skimming against my skin, while I let my hands explore his body.

Reaching down to take my top off, I lift my body up slightly so he can slide it off, repeating his same action, I slowly take his top off him.

Laying back down he hazily smiles at me before moving back into his previous position and kissing me passionately.

He starts kissing his way down to my neck and then licks at the spot that has me moaning for more, I feel his sudden smirk.

Knowing he has my spot he carries on a little longer before licking his way down between the hollow of my breast.

Taking my left breast into his mouth I couldn't help but scream out a moan, moving to my right breast he does the same thing.

Oh dear life, what is he doing to me, this feels amazing. He slowly and teasingly starts brushing kisses down my body, reaching down to my legs he gracefully gets rid of my shorts.

Feeling a sudden blush makes it way to my face, I try to grab the pillow to hide it but Dante being the romantic type stopped me

"mi amor no te escondas de mí (my love don't hide from me) moving closer I hear him softly whisper "beautiful"

with that said, he spread my legs apart and starts kissing from my knees to the inner thighs of my legs.

"Oh my-fcuk!" In a matter if seconds my panties were striped off me and he was giving me pleasure in ways I don't think no other guy can.

The way he swirled his tongue, exploring my sanctuary, left me painting.

When he recovered to his original position, he eyed me over once before speaking

"are you ready my love?" I nod, while grabbing his face between my hands and placing a loving kiss on his lips.

Hovering over me, I felt him position himself at my entrance, hitching my breath when I feel him enter, he was about to pull out but I stopped him.

It was sore, but he waited for me to adjust. Speeding up his pace, he had me craving for more and more.

Our moans became a battle as our bodies craved for more, we went like this for a while.

Exploding from the pleasure, he slows down his pace as we both try to catch our breaths.

Laying next to me he wraps his arms around me, trapping me in his loving embrace. Closing my eyes from this amazing experience he whispers in my ears,

"mi primer y último amor, mía para siempre para sostener. te amo alexis maria gonzale" (My first and last love, my forever to hold. I love you alexis maria gonzale) With that I feel him place a soft kiss on my head

*end of flashback

Feeling Dante's smooth fingers wipe away my falling tears, I take his hand in mine and kiss them.

Smiling back at him, he leads me to a seat looking out at the ocean. Taking in my surroundings, I notice we're now standing on top of a cliff with a beautiful view of the ocean.

Wait this is the place we had our first kiss.

Dante & Lexi

"My love, you need to move on, be happy, have a family"

"We were supposed to have a family, we were supposed to get married and have kids. I can stay, I'll stay with you"

"Baby you have to go back, the others need you. I won't be selfish and keep you from them. I won't stop your happiness waiting for you"

"But I love you Dante I love you so much! I don't know if I'm ready to let you go completely"

"I know my love, I know. It pains me to see you with another man, having the things I can't have with you. But watching you be happy, is worth the pain my love"


"Lexi you have a guy, waiting for you, waiting for you to wake up in his arms. I see the way he looks at you Lexi. I see it in his eyes.

Because that's the way I used to look at you, it's still the same way I look at you now, and forever.

Even from up here I'm still looking at you with so much love and care. You are my everything"

"I love you Dante"

"You are forever the love of my life. You are forever my first and last love. Thank you Alexis Maria Gonzales.

Thank you for making me the happiest guy in life. I love you so much. Don't you ever forget that my love"

He places his lips on mine then softly whispers "mi primer y último amor, mía para siempre para sostener. te amo alexis maria gonzale" opening my eyes I see his figure disappearing in the distance.

Looking out towards the ocean, I close my eyes and listen to the waves crashing.

Relaxing under the warmth of the sun touching my skin, I lean back into the chair and smile at my many memories with Dante.

"Hello dear, may I take this seat?" The familiar voice catches my attention. Staring at Diego I feel fresh tears fall.

"Diego, I'm sorry" before I could finish my sentence he cut me off by hugging me, pulling away from the hug he told me it wasn't my fault.

"Like I have said, you are perfect for my son and I couldn't be any more happier to know that he is In love with my best friends daughter, take care of him for me Lexis"

Jake loves me? No he doesn't, does he? Only then do I notice that we've been walking for a while and now we're surrounded by trees.

Stopping underneath a big oak tree he stops talking and stares at the tree lovingly, I hold back my question when something catches my eyes,

walking towards the tree I see a heart surrounding two names engraved. Looking back at Diego, he nods his head as if saying it okay go ahead.

Smiling when I reach it, it is only then do I realize the two names engraved in the middle of the heart is, 'Diego & Davina' with a few words written along 'forever in each other's heart'.

"This is where we had our first date.

I asked your mother for advice, so she suggested somewhere secluded, somewhere Davina wouldn't be shy by everyone's curious eyes" he let's out a chuckle but I don't speak,

I patiently wait for him to carry on, taking a seat on the padded grass, I watch him lean against the tree.

"She was the first person I told about my life. I remember the day clearly, I was so scarred I was going to lose her, that she was going to leave me because of what I do.

But that's just one of the many reason why I love her so much, she never judged me in anything, she accepted me for who I was.

She sat here leaning in my arms while I confided in her. Once I finished she hugged me and kissed me, I was shocked at first,

but when I fully registered what she had done I pulled her back in for another kiss. She took my first kiss and I took hers.


"Diego, do you have a pocket knife?" Looking at her with curiosity Diego ignored it and handed her over his pocket knife he keeps on him for safety reasons.

Running over to the tree, Davina started carving something on the side, curious as to what she was carving in the tree Diego quietly walked over not wanting to disturb her concentration.

Leaning over her body he whispered into her ears "sweat heart what are you doing?" Diego watched as his beauty's smile widened as she spun around,

now facing him she gave his knife back and moved out of his way, giving him a clearer view of her art work.

"I carved a heart with our names in it" she spoke with such care and love. Smiling with glistening tears, threatening to spill.

Diego brushed his fingertips of their names, suddenly Diego had a an idea.

Carving out a few words underneath their names he managed to fit in the heart, he pulled away and let a curious Davina to see his master piece added.

Reading it out loud, had the happy couple blushing crimson red "Diego & Davina forever in each other's heart" they both loved the sound of that.

*end of flashback

"That was one of my best memories I have with Davina" he let his body drop in a big slump, while his tears escaped. Minutes passed before anyone of us spoke, Diego was the first to brake the comfortable silence.

"Lexi I have been watching over my son for all these years, I have seen the person he became after my disappearance, I have seen the things he has done.

And yes don't get me wrong, I am very much disappointed with how he dealt with everything, but it is I who is to blame for his behavior.

He just-he became a troubled boy. But then you came along, you found your way into his heart without even knowing it.

You have given him hope and something worth fighting for. He has changed, he has become a better person and that's thanks to you.

He loves you and I know you love him too. And I knew you both are scarred to admit it because you both no longer want to feel pain. But you see that's
where people got it wrong about love.

Love isn't pain, love doesn't hurt you.
Rejection causes you pain, it is that who hurts you.

Abandonment causes you pain, that hurts you a lot. You see when it comes to pain and hurt, love is left out of the equation.

Trust me Alexis, take this step into love with Jake and see what's in store for your future" Hugging me one last time, with a kiss to the top of my head, I watch him disappear with in the big oak tree.

I take my shoes off and walk along the smooth grass, stopping when I come into view with a similar lake, I break into a sprint towards the cave.

Smiling when I see the little handprints along the walls, I run my fingers over all of them till I reach mine and place my hands over them.

"You were only five when you discovered this cave. I remember you running off from the picnic, you were so upset, with our school principal" *haha


"No, that isn't fair" stomping my little feet on the grass, I run off into the Forrest. Ignoring my family calling and screaming my name.

After a while I slow down. Coming to a halt when I see a lake, I stare at it in wonder.

The lake was so beautiful, it was only then when I looked closely did I notice a small cave on the side. Running over to the cave, I stepped in and explored.

Exploring through the cave I exited through a little tunnel which turned out to be kind of a slide into the lake.

What seemed like minutes later the voices of my family grew closer. Hearing the worry in their voices I answer my mother and just like that my whole family were inside the cave with me.

*end of flashbacks

Damon & Lexi

"I was so furious with your principal. I didn't want you guys going on the school camp trip. Haha I wanted you guys at home with me, I hated the idea of you guys leaving me"

"Haha you got to admit it was a little funny, our baby sis telling the principal off"

"Bro I was really upset with him wasn't I"

"Haha yep.  Not to forget it was always a mission for mum and dad, every time we were going to school you would always cling on to us"

"Especially you"

"Yeah especially me"

"I wish you didn't have to leave Damon, I'm going to miss you so much" I held tightly onto my brother. I'm going to miss his warm hugs.

"Lexi bear"

"I know Dammy bear, just a little longer"

"I like Jake baby sis. I know from previous conversation I've had with him.

That he was ahhh what would call it? A lady mans? But since he had meet you, well actually before he had met you.

He changed he's old ways to win you over. I know for a fact that he holds you in his heart.

I'm so proud of you Lexi. Keep fighting for our family and for your future. I love you so much baby sis"

"I'm so sorry. I love you too brother. I wish you didn't have to leave"

"Lexi I would do anything for you, just like the rest of our family.

You're our baby sis, it's our job is to protect you with our lives and love you with our heart"

"te amo hermano" (I love you brother)

"te amo hermanita" (I love you baby sister)

I let go of my brothers hand and walk him to the cave we always hung out in. I walk over to the water and close my eyes, breathing in the fresh air, a sudden smell appears.

I turn around and follow the delicious smell and end up outside my front door.

Walking inside I follow the smell of my mothers delicious home made lasagne.

"How big do you want your slice hunny?" I heard her voice before I saw her, spinning on my feet I see my beautiful mother serving me a plate of her famous dish.

Wearing the biggest smile on my face I ran over to her and hugged her with all my strength, "te he extrañado tanta momia" (I've missed you so much mummy) hugging me back I hear her say

"yo también mi bebé" (I also my baby) Finally letting go when I hear the voice of my fathers questioning tone "Dónde está mi abrazo" (where is my hug) I race over to my dad and tackle him into a hug.

"te he extrañado tanto daddy"
(I've missed you so much daddy)

"yo también amor" (I also love) my parents lead me into our family room, with me siting in the middle of them.

"estamos muy orgullosos de usted bebé" (we are so proud if you baby )

"te has convertido en una mujer joven hermosa" (You've become a beautiful women ) I smile at my fathers comment and watch him look lovingly at me mother and say "al igual que su madre" (just like your mother)


"Let's not forget your big, caring and loving heart like your fathers) my mother adds. Feeling the sudden guilt couldn't get rid of, I faintly whisper,

"lo siento que no pude dejar de Marco"
(I am sorry I could not stop Marco)

"Hey, hey mírame. lo que pasó no fue tu culpa, me oyes?!" (Hey, hey look at me, what happened wasn't your fault. You hear me)

"pero he podido de" (But I could of) my mother interrupts me before I could continue, "Could of what Alexis? You had a gun pointed at your head. For what it's worth I am the one that's sorry.

Sorry I couldn't do anything to stop him from hurting you my baby" she said with so much sadness in her voice.

"Your mother's right sweat heart. You couldn't do anything, even if you tried.

I am so sorry sweat heart, you should have never been put in that position, I know you feel guilty for what happened, but sweaty what happened wasn't your fault.

I can not tell you how truly proud I am of you. Both me and your mother are proud of you"

"Oh not to mention that handsome young man you've been hanging around with" oh gosh I roll my eyes at my Mothers childish act.

"Yeah sweetie, I say he is quite a catch. And no I'm not just saying that because he is my best friends son, well kinda, I mean no.

I have seen his past and to be honest with you. You guys have more in common than you think.

"Hunny, it's time for you to go now, I love you so much my baby" looking up at my mother.

I see her tears threatening to spill, kissing me softly on my cheek, she stands giving me and my father space.

"You have always been my pride and joy. I remember the day I brought you into this world.

You were very impatient, that your mother gave birth to you in our very home and I was the one that caught you in my arms.

I can tell you that it was one of the most happiest days of my life.

I love you so much baby girl, so much. I want you to be happy okay. I love you my baby girl" this is the first time I have seen my father in tears.

I hug him with all my might as he places a fatherly kiss on my head. I lift my hands up to wipe away his falling tears and place a kiss on his cheek, "I love you to daddy"

I let my tears fall uncontrollably, till I feel my eyelids getting heavy, closing my eyes, I softly whisper "I love yous"

Waking up from my dream I notice that I'm in hospital? Wait wha-oh that's right. I try moving but found that I was trapped,

looking down at the person who held my body, a smile crept it's way onto my face.

Hey guys I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

Thanks raah13xx

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