An Ardent Vow

By anonymously_anon

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Aairah Sharma is helplessly in love with her best friend - Viaan Mehra. Until the playboy comes into the pict... More

[ Chapter - One ]
[ Chapter - Two ]
[ Chapter - Four ]
[ Chapter - Five ]

[ Chapter - Three ]

756 64 148
By anonymously_anon

Aairah anxiously waited for Aadil to react, to hear him curse or just have an outburst on her but Aadil's face remained blank, which made it difficult for Aairah to read what was going on in his mind.

"Say something." She plead, tears already brimming in the corner of her eyes, she didn't want to lose him.

Aadil sighed and gave Aairah's hand a little squeeze, "I was waiting when you'll accept that in front of me." He looked into her brown eyes.

Aairah's brows knitted in confusion as she gaped at her boyfriend, "Wha- what do you mean by that?"

"Aairah, I am not surprised by your confession, I know you love him. I've known it from the past one year."

To say Aairah felt dumbstruck would be an understatement in itself, "How?" When Aadil gave her a baffled looked, she elaborated her question, "How did you know?"

"Remember when Viaan started dating Sneha last year?" Aadil questioned.

How could Aairah forget that girl. Sneha. She despised her from the bottom of her heart, not that she had done anything except the fact she was dating the guy Aairah loved - Viaan. In the beginning of their relationship Aairah had found herself completely broken, then she had tried to forget about him and move on but it seemed impossible, just like it did now. Viaan was pretty serious for that girl, and Sneha being a bitch just dumped him in the end, which only added to Aairah's hatred for her.

Everyone from their school had that day imprinted in their mind when Aairah had walked up to cafeteria and had slapped Sneha in front of everyone. Sneha had tried to slap her back, but Viaan came in between, being a resistance when it could've easily escalated into a cat fight.

Aairah was against violence herself, but when she saw tears in Viaan's eyes for a girl who didn't even deserve it, she couldn't hold back.

"Aairah?" Aadil snapped Aairah out of her thoughts.

She looked at him sheepishly, "Um, sorry.. and yeah, I remember that. What about it?"

"When Viaan started dating Sneha, everyone could see how hurt you were. I don't know how that asshole failed to notice it, but everyone from our Sports Team knew, at least Kunal and I did and then the way you stood up for him.. it was just an assurance to everything that was going on in our head." Aadil explained, a bit hesitant of how Aairah would react to it all.

She was bewildered, beyond that actually. She didn't know what to think of all of this, she wanted to ask so many questions but couldn't put it into words.

"Why are you with me?" Aairah asked the only question she couldn't find an answer to.

Aadil stared at her, "Because I like you Aairah, I like you a lot, okay?"

She just stared at the guy sitting in front of him, "But how can you be okay when you know I am in love with someone else?" She asked out her thoughts.

"Before answering that question, I have to ask you something and I want you to be completely honest with me, alright?" Aairah nodded and Aadil continued, "What do you feel for me Aairah? Please just tell me the truth."

Aairah was speechless for few minutes but then she took in a deep breath, "If you want me to tell you truth, I'll just give you that, it will be harsh and I will not mind if you judge me on the base of it or call me a bitch, okay?" He nodded and she took the opportunity to continue, "The reason I came in relationship with you was because I wanted to move on from Viaan, I know I was being a selfish bitch but I am not going to lie around this time. Aadil, I want you to know the truth but if you want me to be honest, I also want to confess that in the past two weeks I've started liking you a lot and you have no idea how glad I am that I have you in my life."

Aairah's eyes were still glossy from the tears that she was holding back, but she refused to let them spill. Aadil could see the moisture forming in her eyes, so he stood up and went to sit beside her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders in a comforting manner. Aairah couldn't help but question his gesture. He should be hating her at the moment, yet here he was, trying to console her.

She looked up at him and met his eyes, she could instantly see through the pain he was trying to hide.

"I am sorry." She apologised.

He just gave her a small assuring smile and looked around his surroundings, "Coming here wasn't that good of an idea I guess, do you want to go for a walk?"

"Sure." She replied.

Together they stood up and left the cafe. There was a park just down the lane from there and they walked in silence towards it. Aadil had felt Aairah's hand brushing with his, and taking the opportunity, he interlaced their fingers.

Aairah was surprised as she looked up at the guy, she wasn't expecting him to talk to her let alone be so calm and hold her hand while walking.

"Thank you." She said when they reached the park.

The park was mostly empty, with not many people around since the school just got over, and children came to play only in the evening time.

"Aadil, you didn't asnwer my question that I asked you earlier." Aairah spoke after they had took over a bench in the park.

Aadil frowned at first but then it striked him what Aairah was referring to, "But how can you be okay when you know I am in love with someone else?" She had asked.

"Aairah, I -"

She raised her hand and cut him off, "Before you speak anything, please be honest about whatever you're going to tell me."

Aadil nodded and scooted closer to her, "It's fucked up actually, I know I shouldn't be having feelings for a girl who loves my own best friend but I cannot help it, okay? I know if anyone knew this situation, they'd think I am an asshole who wanted you for myself even after knowing that you love somebody else but that is not the point here. The fact is that I took this step of confessing my feelings to you when I was completely sure that Viaan feels nothing for you, and in a very fucked up manner it is a way I want to help you move on from him, see that there is someone else who can reciprocate such feelings for you." Aadil ran a hand through his hair, this was more difficult to explain than he had thought it would be, "Aairah, if you want to break up after this, I wouldn't really question your choice but I just want you to know that I am willing to make it work, to make us work."

Aairah just stared at Aadil's face, she was feeling confused, more than that actually. It was a lot to take in but when Aadil could accept her even after knowing the truth, so who was she to back off?

She didn't feel like responding to him, insteah she wrapped her arms around his torso. He gently returned the gesture and kissed the top of her head.

"Does this means we're good?" Aadil asked, doubt lingering in his voice.

"Yeah, we're good." She said and looked up at him, placing a peck on his cheeks, "I don't know how to thank you for being so understanding and patient."

Aadil beamed at her girlfriend, "Mmm, I can think of something as a thank you payback."

"And what exactly is it that's going on in that head of yours Mr. Gupta?" Aairah smirked.

"I would've kissed you right here, but it's India and more specifically Delhi, people wouldn't really appreciate the sight."

That made Aairah laugh, "You kissed me back in school though." She teased.

"Yeah, because no one was there until your best friend showed up."

Aairah frowned, "Aadi, don't talk about him like that, he's your best friend too."

Aadil gave her an amusing smile, "I know babe, I was just teasing you."

Aairah just nodded and a comfortable silence took place between them, it was a fine day and Aairah felt more than revealed that she was over this confession thing. She had expected Aadil to put on a fight, but he turned out to be exactly opposite of how she had thought.

Aairah looked deep in thought as she spoke up, "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Have you ever felt jealous of Viaan?" She blurted out, and it was when the question was hanging in the air she realized that how stupid of a thing that was to ask.

"Yes, but I let it slip, you guys are best friends and I can do nothing about it." Aadil shrugged and Aairah nodded in understanding, she hadn't expected him to answer in the first place.

"I think we should leave now, my mother must be waiting for me." Aairah said and Aadil nodded, getting up from his seat.

When they got back to his car, Aairah was extremely silent which made Aadil question her, "Is something wrong?"

Aairah sighed, there was a lot going on in her head and she couldn't help but wonder what would happen if they end up in worst circumstances, she spoke out her thoughts to her boyfriend, "I am afraid."

"Afraid? Of what?" Aadil asked, they were still in the parking area and he didn't make a move to start the engine either.

"Nothing, we had enough of this today. We'll talk about it someday else." Aairah said and dismissed him with a wave of hand.

"Okay." Aadil sighed and turned on the engine, making his way to her place.

The rest of the drive was spent in silence, Aairah still trying to grab her thoughts while Aadil focused on driving. He knew he really liked her, and he could let a few feelings of insecurity slip just to give their relationship a try.

Aadil stopped in front of her house and she grabbed her backpack from the backseat and leaned over to give him a short hug, "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay." Aadil said but before Aairah could step out or even open the door he turned her around and gave her a short kiss, in the form of a sweet gesture.

Aairah found herself smiling as she stepped out of the car and then entered her living room.

"I guess it worked out, huh?" Her mother's voice surprised Aairah as she jolted.

She placed a hand on her chest to steady her breath, "Mom, you scared me."

Aairah's mom gave her daughter an amusing smile, "It isn't my mistake that you were lost in your happy thoughts and didn't notice my presence here."

"Sorry." Aairah apologised, sheepishly.

"It's okay honey, so did it work out?"

Aairah smiled a genuine smile, "Yes, he was so patient and understanding. I was so wrong about him, but I am glad everything's fine."

Aairah went and sat beside her mother, wrapping her arms around her in a warm embrace.

"Is everything alright with dad these days?" She asked out of curiosity since she hadn't heard their yelling from a while.

"Yes, he's busy with this new business deal so that doesn't give him time to bicker over everything with me, and I am trying to be patient since he's already busy with his business thingy." Aairah's mother explained and she nodded.

Aairah shared a good relationship with her parents, but she didn't get to converse a lot with her father because either he was too busy with his business deals or too occupied fighting with his wife, but despite everything she loved him.

"Do you want to call all of your friends for dinner sometime?" Aairah's mother asked.

Aairah seemed amused by the idea as she looked up to her mother, "You can just directly tell me that you want to meet him."

"I am just curious to meet this guy who is fascinated by my daughter." Her mother shrugged.

"Okay mom, I'll ask them." She smiled and then stood up from the couch, "I am going to take a nap now, I've to meet Viaan in the evening." Aairah's mother nodded at that and Aairah made her way to her room.

While Aairah was happy that for once her life seemed sorted out, Viaan was having a hard time as he acknowledged his own feelings.

He was laying flat on his mattress as he gazed at his ceiling fan, trying to make a sense out of his emotions. If he was aware of one thing, he knew this was just not protectiveness working it's way down here, it was more.

He tried again and again to shake off the image of Aairah's lips on Aadil's but he couldn't. It was imprinted in his mind like a permanent tattoo and no matter how much he tried to rub it off, it wouldn't go away.

The moment he had found two of them making out, he had felt a weird feeling tugging at his heart, almost like jealousy. He shook his head off with that thought.

I cannot be jealous, not of my two best friend's relationship. He thought to himself and then distracted himself from this entire topic.

He was curious as to what was such a big deal that Aairah and Aadil had to talk alone just after school but then he was happy that he was going to meet her in the evening.


Aairah felt someone tugging at the end of her comforter and she groaned.

"Aairuu baby, wake up. It's six in the evening." She heard the very familiar voice of her best friend but ignored it anyway.

"Aairah, you have drool all over your pillow and your face, did you dream about my naked body?"

She shoot up from her lying position, eyes wide open as she rubbed her hand near her mouth, "There's no drool, you ass." She glared at Viaan who just laughed.

"I had to wake you up some way or another."

"I hate you." She grumbled.

Viaan amusingly looked at her, "Love you too, now get your ass off that bed."

Aairah felt familiar flutters in her stomach when Viaan said those words, but she ignored it. She kept in mind that Viaan was only her best friend, nothing more.

"Can we just stay in today?" She yawned.

Viaan pouted, "I wanted to try this new chinese corner."

"We can always order."

"Fine." Viaan agreed and pulled out his phone to order food.

After it was done, Aairah moved to side to give Viaan enough space to be comfortable in bed.

Aairah turned on the television and took out her pen drive from the side drawer, then turning to Viaan she said, "Connect it."

Viaan nodded as he took pen drive from her hand and walked up to the flat screen television in her room, he then connected the pen drive and made his way back to her bed.

"I'll be right back." Aairah stood up.

"Where to?" Viaan asked out of curiosity.

Aairah smirked, "Bathroom, you wanna join?"

"I won't mind, actually." Viaan winked at her and saw as colour rushed to her cheeks and she turned red in seconds, "You're blushing." He stated the obvious.

"Best friends are not allowed to flirt with each other." She said, still trying to hide her blush.

"I was not flirting."

She rolled her eyes, "Sure, you weren't."

"Anyway, who made that 'Best friends are not allowed to flirt with each other' rule?" Viaan air quoted with his fingers.

"I did, and we should stick to it." Aairah said as she turned the doorknob of the attached washroom to her bedroom.

"Whatever you say, best friend." Viaan teased and she laughed.

When she came and stood in front of the mirror, she almost gasped at the sight of her reflection. Her hair looked worse than a bird's nest and her spongebob pyjamas along with her white plain tshirt weren't really helping with her appearance at all. However, she did notice the colour in her cheeks. She had been trying to get rid of this feeling, but she couldn't, if anything such feelings made her feel high on his love - and she absolutely loved it.

She thought of changing her clothes but decided against it, she wasn't going out and Viaan had seen her in worst conditions of all - this was much better. She just pulled her hair into a bun and rushed back to the room.

Viaan had already started a movie, "Which one is it?" She asked.

"Blue Lagoon or something." He replied and she nodded, she hadn't seen it before but it must be good since she had it in her pendrive.

They both watched the movie in silence for the next fifteen minutes until the doorbell rung and Aairah went to grab the order.

"I am not letting you get away with the bill so easily, you either take the money from me or I leave." Viaan said when she stepped in her room with dishes and Chinese food in her hand.

Aairah laughed at his typical behaviour, "Viaan, door's that way.. you know this won't work with me."

Viaan rolled his eyes, "At least take half of it."

Aairah snapped her eyes at him, "My house, my rules, my money.. who are you?"

"Your best friend." He replied cheekily.

"Good thing I love you otherwise I would've kicket you out of the house after such an annoying behaviour." Aairah teased and Viaan laughed but he felt something really good - a comforting emotion - when Aairah said I love you.

"Whatever." He shrugged and soon they were both devouring their food.

"Mom asked me invite you guys to dinner." Aairah said, as she finished gulping down her cold drink. Her eyes were fixed on the television in front of her as she sat crossed leg on the bed.

"You guys as in?" Viaan asked, looking at her intently.

Aairah shrugged before responding, "This whole dinner thing is an excuse to meet Aadil actually."

Viaan again felt that anonymous emotion taking over him as he heard his name rolling off Aairah's tongue. "Okay." He said, trying to keep his voice steady, "How did your talk go with him after school?"

Aairah immediately stiffened at his words and he noticed her body language as she shifted uncomfortably in her place, "It was fine." She said in a dismissive tone.

"Is everything okay?" Viaan asked, feeling genuinely concerned.

"Yeah." Aairah nodded and then stood up to clean the mess that they had just made.

After she was done, she again jumped in her bed, covering herself from comforters as she half sat and half lied on her bed.

Viaan didn't know if it was right of him but he scooted closer to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Aairah stiffened at the touch and looked up to meet his eyes, they held confusion as if Viaan was having an inner battle - which he surely was with his feelings but he didn't want to show it to her so he just gave her a small smile and kissed her forehead.

Aairah immediately relaxed in his arms and they continued watching the movie, any of them barely interested. Aairah could only concentrate on the butterflies that she could feel around her stomach from such a close proximity with Viaan.

As if on queue, Aairah's phone beeped in the side drawer. She looked at it and there was a notification indicating she had a message from Aadil.

Hey babe, what's up?

Aairah wasn't aware that Viaan could clearly read the messages since his head was on top of her. Viaan cringed at the use of word babe, but decided to let it slip. He had promised Aairah not to intervene in her privacy with Aadil, and even though he was right now doing just that - he didn't want her to know.

Aairah immediately typed back a response.

Viaan is here, we're watching a movie.

Aairah patiently waited for a response and in seconds her phone beeped.

Okay sweetheart, enjoy. And please maintain your distance.. you know what I mean.

Aairah sighed, she knew exactly what he meant - he wanted her to move on from Viaan, not fall deeper in love with him but she was doing just the opposite right now. The thought striked her and she immediately parted herself from Viaan's embrace who scowled in return.

"Are you okay?" He asked, still confused over what Aadil could possibly mean from his text.

"I -um, yeah. I am alright, just a bit sleepy." She responded, faking a yawn.

It was just eight in the evening, and Aairah had just woken up two hours before, she didn't feel sleepy at all but there was no other excuse she could make at the moment.

Viaan frowned, "If you want to sleep, I can leave."

Aairah's eyes immediately met his and she regretted saying that, she didn't want him to leave, "No no, I'll just get a glass of water and come back," she gave a small smile to him, "Do you need anything?" She asked, and he shook his head.

Aairah silently left the room and made her way to kitchen. She filled in a glass of water and within seconds gulped it down, trying to calm her nerves.

"Something wrong?" She almost shrieked at the sound of her father's voice.

"Are Mom and you on some plan to give me a heart attack?" She joked, as she stepped forward to hug her dad.

"No sweetheart, nothing like that. Are you okay?" His father asked, concern lacing his voice.

Aairah gave a small smile, "Yes, how're you by the way? It's funny how less we see each other regardless of the fact we live under the same roof."

Her father chuckled, "You know I stay busy with my business, you don't really have to taunt me."

"Okay dad, I was just messing around." She laughed then looked up to meet his father's eyes, "Are mom and you getting along these days?"

His father gave out a genuine smile at that question, "Sort of."

"I am glad dad, I want you people to stop fighting over small things now. I know I behave like it doesn't affects me as much, but trust me I don't remember the last time we had a family dinner together."

Aairah's father had only one weakness, it was his daughter and now seeing her like this, complaining and pouting, he couldn't help but blame himself for not being a responsible father.

"I heard your mom asked you to invite your friends for dinner?" He brought it up.

"Yeah, she did." Aairah scowled, his father was never around when such things took place and though she wanted to ask him to join them she couldn't, she knew his father had his business to deal with.

"Okay." His father nodded.

"Viaan must be waiting upstairs, I'll see you tomorrow?" She asked, unsure of whether she'll even get a glance of him the other day or not.

"Okay, tell Viaan I said hello." Aairah nodded, giving her father a quick peck on the cheeks and then rushed upstairs.

As soon as Aairah turned the doorknob she heard Viaan, "Took you long enough to have a glass of water."

"Yeah, actually I met dad in the kitchen and we had small daughter-father reunion." She tried to joke but Viaan could clearly see the emotion lingering in her voice.

He didn't want to point it out so he let it slip with a nod of head.

"Do you think a get together over dinner is a good idea this weekend?" Aairah asked out her thoughts.

"Yeah, but what about Aadil's party?"

Aairah frowned, "Fuck, it completely slipped from my mind."

"Ask him to cancel it, he'll do anything for you." Viaan suggested but Aairah dodged it, she wasn't even that selfish.

"Isn't his party on friday night?" She asked and Viaan nodded, "Good then, dinner is fixed for saturday." She clapped her hands in excitement and Viaan laughed at her cute behaviour.

"At least ask him if he'll come." Viaan said.

Aairah gave him a look, "A minute ago you said he'll do anything for me." Viaan couldn't help but laugh at that, he didn't mean it literally. Aairah caught onto it and picked up her phone, "I'll actually just ask him."

Viaan wanted to tell her to call him later when he left but Aairah had her phone already pressed to her ear.

"Aadi." She shrieked in the phone and both Aadil from the other line and Viaan from beside her laughed.

"Yes, babe?"

"How much do you like me?" She asked, a frown set on her face.

"A lot." Aadil replied, grinning.

"Okay, so my mom invited Viaan, Ruhi and you to dinner on saturday night and you have to be here." She ordered, she knew he would've made up excuses if she had asked him politely.

"But - "

Before he could speak further, she cut him off, "I am not listening to any excuses."

"Okay darling, I'll be there."

Aairah gave out a victory smile smile, "Okay, bye now."

Aadil scowled on the other line, "Wait - what? Why?"

Aairah giggled, "Because I am with my best friend and I want to spend some time alone with him." She looked over at Viaan who was looking at her curiously.

"Okay, have a nice time." Aadil said, and hung up on the phone.

Viaan grinned at the girl in front of her, and it amazed her how much special she could make him feel by doing such a small thing.

Aairah had gone through everything in her head but now she felt sick of it, she wanted to live her life without having to overthink everything.

"What are you going to wear at the party?" Viaan asked, trying to put his thoughts somewhere else.

"Umm, I don't really know yet." She frowned, "Will you help me select?"

"Sure." Viaan smiled.

Aairah went to her closet and pulled out a red slim fit dress, which had lace on it's neck.

"How about this?" She asked, looking over at Viaan.

"Nope, the colour is too bright." Viaan pointed out.

Next, she pulled out a royal blue dress, it was one of her favourites and she grinned at the sight of it.


"Nope, it's too short and I don't know how many drunkards will be there at the party, go for something else."

"I am a big girl and can protect myself Viaan, I am wearing this." She said, finalising it in her head.

Viaan shot her a glare, "Aairah."

"Viaan." She mocked his serious tone.

"You're not wearing that dress, you have plenty more.. go for something else, please?"

Aairah grumbled when Viaan made a puppy face, it always worked, "Fine." She huffed and turned towards her closet, "Wait, it's just tuesday.. the party is on friday, why am I selecting my dress so early?"

Viaan wanted to laugh but held in, "Because we are bored and have nothing else to do."

"Okay." Aairah agreed and then they started debating over every dress.

In the end Aairah huffed and got stubborn over wearing the royal blue dress that she loved so much, Viaan after a lot of inner debate finally gave in. By ten, he left and Aairah immediately drifted off to sleep.


The week had passed quickly and before Aairah could realise it was the day of Aadil's party. She was beyond excited to attend it, since Aadil would be busy Viaan had promised to pick her up from her place, along with Ruhi.

Aairah did her make up, and then helped Ruhi with hers. Ruhi, Viaan and Aairah had been to many parties before so this was a usual thing for them to do. Aairah didn't bother much with her hair, she was gifted the most beautiful kind of hair, straight and silky that ran past her shoulders. Ruhi on the other hand had curled her hair and then left them loose.

Aairah was wearing her favourite royal blue, cutsleeves dress, which fitted each and every curve of her body, stopping mid thigh. The attached neckpiece to the dress hung just above her cleavage portion and when she turned around, half of her back was exposed due to cut style. She was proud of her looks, but today the confidence filled her veins as she looked at herself in the mirror.

Ruhi on the other hand, was wearing a black lacy dress that had quater sleeves of net, it was deep neck which almost showed her cleavage but she liked it. Her dress flowed down a-line from her waist, giving it one of the cutest looks. Ruhi wasn't much into make up products, she always went for the lighest shades.

When both of them were ready, Aairah stepped into her blue pumps and Ruhi went for her black wedges.

Viaan hadn't bothered to come inside, he had just called them to inform that he was waiting. When Aairah stepped out of the house, rushing down from the porch Viaan looked out through his tinted windows and almost gasped at the sight in front of him.

Aairah unlocked the passenger door and sat beside him while Ruhi sat in the back seat. Viaan couldn't help but stare at the sight in front of him - Aairah looked beautiful. The way her dress clinged to every part of her body made every hidden curve of her expose to his eyes. He almost got possessive over the fact that others were also going to witness this sight but he kept his demeanour cool and cleared his throat.

"Ready?" He asked the girls.

Aairah winked, "More than ever."

The ride was twenty minutes long but it wasn't uncomfortable as all of them argued over stupid things. They soon reached Aadil's place. A lot of cars were parked in front of his house and after Viaan found a good place to park his car, they walked to the front door.

Aairah rung the doorbell but Viaan knew better than that, he just turned the doorknob and entered the house. Aairah's jaw almost hit the floor as she took in her surroundings, his house was huge. It didn't look that different from outside, but it was double the size of Aairah's own house.

Music was buzzing through the whole house and Aairah cringed at such a loud noise.

"His neighbours don't mind?" Aairah thought out aloud.

"Every neighbour has one or another party every weekend, they have some sort of agreement among them not to complain and shit."

"Woah, that really doesn't happen here in India." Ruhi remarked.

Viaan shrugged, "Rich people problems."

All three of them stepped in what seemed like living room to Aairah, but it looked more like a pub with bar in one corner of the room and people dancing in the centre.

"I'll go get you drinks." Viaan announced and disappeared.

Aairah turned towards Ruhi, "Wait here, I'll be right back."

"Where to?" Ruhi frowned.

"In search of the host of the party." Aairah winked and Ruhi nodded.

Aairah made her way from the living room to the staircase leading upwards. She had already looked for Aadil in the living area but he was nowhere to be found, even his phone was out of range.

Aairah climed up the stairs that led her to the hallway with a lot of doors. She found many couples making out and almost cringed. She went to the first door and pressed her ear to it, making sure there were no moaning sounds coming from in there.

However, she was surprised to hear Aadil's voice. He was talking to someone, and his voice was clear enough for Aairah to hear. She didn't want to eavesdrop until she heard the voice of another guy taking her name.

"Why didn't you tell Aairah the day she confessed?" The over voice spoke.

Aairah had to cover her other ear to block out the sound of music, but then she heard Aadil's voice, "Dude, I never expected her to confess in front of me that she loves Viaan, alright?"

"But she is loyal to now, you too should have told her everything.. it doesn't matter really now that you like her, but then the seed on which your relationship is growing is filled with a lie."

Lie? What could he possibly lie about? Aairah thought.

Aairah's curiosity got the best of her as she turned the doorknob only to witness Kunal and Aadil standing in the room. Kunal was Aadil's other best friend and she knew him since Viaan and Kunal were close too.

"Hey, babe." Aadil immediately covered his nervous expression with a smile.

He took a step forward towards her, ready to wrap his arms around her but Aairah held her hand up to stop him from making any movement, "I want to know what you guys were talking about." Aairah stated, gulping down the knot that had been formed in her throat.

"Aairah, I -"

She knew it was going to be bad, and the thought itself made her feel sick in the stomach, "I need the truth, no more lies please." Aairah begged the guy in front of her, someone she had started admiring so much.

"Aairah, can we please not do this now?" Aadil begged, "I have a party to handle downstairs."

"Tell me whatever you've been hiding and you can go."

Aadil shot a murderous glare to Kunal who was standing awkwardly in one corner of the room.

"I'll meet you guys downstairs." He said and left the room, closing the door behind him.

Aairah stood in front of him, arms crossed over her chest, glaring at Aadil.

"Babe, you look really hot." He took a cautious step toward her but she stepped back.

"I already know that Aadil, I want to know what I don't know." She taunted.

Aairah was trying to come out as strong, when she was breaking from inside trying to think of what could he possibly hide from her.

"Are we really doing this right now?" He asked, exasperated and she nodded in return. He spoke again, "I want to tell you how all of this thing started between us, okay?" She nodded again.

"Okay," Aadil took in a deep breath and started, "It all began with Kunal and I started messing around with Viaan, teasing him from your name, often about how he was whipped for you but it was mostly to get a reaction out of him, but we never got any. He remained neutral and just kept telling us that he loved you as a best friend but nothing more than that and trust me, all this while I thought he was just putting on a show in front of us, trying to hide his feelings so just to hit the last string that I knew would work if he was really into you.. and I am sorry for doing it, just remember that it was a month ago and now I genuinely like you, okay?"

Aairah sucked in a breath, "You lied to him that you like me, didn't you?"

Aadil didn't need to answer it, his expressions were enough of an answer for her.


I was supposed to update yesterday! I am sorry for the late update, but then I made a chapter little longer to make up to it! :D

I have a question, who do you ship Aairah with? Viaan or Aadil?

Hope you enjoyed reading, have a good day!

Please, please VOTE AND COMMENT. x.

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