Uniquely Three - Larry Stylin...

By LarryWriting

1.7M 46.9K 47K

Harry and Louis have been together nine months when Harry develops a strange illness. Much to everyone's surp... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (Mature, read authors note!)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (mature)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (mature)

Chapter 22

42K 1.1K 706
By LarryWriting

[A/N]:  This chapter is dedicated to vampwolfk17 for making me the adorable pic in the multimedia! :D

[Liam's P.O.V]

"Liam, look at his little nose!" Niall gushed, practically pressing his face to the glass of the incubator. The baby was sleeping, his little first pressed against his cheek. 

"I see, Nialler," I said absentmindedly, stroking his back. I was growing to love Baxter, but the thought of that woman escaping had me a bit preoccupied. Niall frowned, petting the glass one last time before he focused on me instead, his ears slipping into his hair as his tail fell still.

"Hey," he tugged on my sleeve. "Hey... pay attention to me..."

I gave him a forced smile, and he poked out his lips in a pout. Arching my eyebrow, I asked the younger lad, "What?"

"You're upset," Niall said slowly. "Are you upset... at me?"

"No, Prince," I kissed his forehead.

Niall glanced to the teen sprawled boredly on the couch towards the back of the room, "Are you mad at... Kepa?"

I chuckled, "Why would I be mad at Kepa?"

"I could give you a few reasons," Kepa called, but I ignored the lad.

Niall's look suddenly became knowing, "Wait... is this... this is because of Ella, isn't it?"

"Yes," I sighed in defeat. "She's... I don't know where she is. No one knows where she is, and that's why I'm upset."

"You were very angry earlier," he murmured, wiggling up to lean against my chest. "I'm no good at calming you down. Harry calms Louis down so easily, and I just... I'm no good at it."

"You are so!" I disagreed, wrapping my arms around him. "I wasn't... mad, necessarily. Well I as, but... did you know they say that anger is just fear's disguise?"

Niall leaned back to look up at me, "Why are you afraid? Ella won't come anywhere near us, and we both know Louis isn't going to let anything happen to his family. I don't even think Ella knows about Zayn and Chris."

I pushed up the sleeve of Niall's shirt gently, knowing that a little below his shoulder there was a raised pink line, "But..."

"Oh..." Niall said slowly. "That's what's bothering you?"

"Mhmm..." I looked down at my feet, only to have Niall take my face in his hands and press his lips to mine.

"Don't let that bug you... she only took me because I witnessed her taking Harry. She didn't know that Chris and Zayn did, too," he told me softly.

"I don't want you having to go through that again," I whispered back, leaning my forehead against his. "I don't want to have to go through that again... there was so much blood, I didn't know if..."

"That was so long ago, though, Li-Li," Niall soothed. "Everything's better now and Ella won't hurt anyone again."

"And if she does?" I squeaked, feeling a bit silly that I was the one needing reassurance when Niall had been the one kidnapped and nearly killed.

"We'll always find a way back to one another," he offered me a grin.

"No matter what," I agreed, kissing his nose. "Let's let Baxter sleep, and we can go visit our friends downstairs again. I'm calm, now."

Niall said a quiet goodbye to Baxter, blowing him a kiss before he took my hand and we walked back downstairs. Harry had Fionna and appeared to be burping her, swaying slightly in a soothing manner. Louis was seated on the bed and staring at Harry like he was the greatest thing in the world, and Zayn and Chris were towards the back of the room and appeared to be having a moment of their own as Zayn nuzzled against Chris' ear and whispered to him. Niall hurried over to Harry, who in turn shot Niall a look of distrust, cuddling Fionna just a tiny bit closer. The boy's protectiveness made me laugh, and I sidled over to sit next to Louis.

"Feeling better, mate?" he asked me, not taking his eyes off of the curly haired lad.

"I think..." I sighed. "As better as I can get, I suppose. Niall calmed me."

"Harry and Fionna Bean are pretty good at calming a person down, too," he hummed.

"Can I hold her?" Niall was asking Harry desperately.

Harry, however, kept shaking his head, "You dropped my Lucy once, said my Jelly Bean was yours... you cannot hold her yet."

I chuckled, "I was so wrong about him..."

"What?" Louis looked to me in confusion.

"The day you told me Harry was pregnant..." I began.

"You yelled at me," he finished. "And said Harry would never be a good father."

"And that was a mistake," I nodded apologetically. "Look at the kid! He takes such good care of her. There's still a lot of things that he doesn't understand, but he sure does make a fantastic dad. He'd ever let anything happen to her, I'm sure of it. He's holding her so close, the way he still isn't chancing letting Niall hold her since he lost that bet and Niall told him he would take your baby."

"Harry's always been overly protective of Fionna," Louis said lovingly. "Even when she was still in his tummy, he'd eat healthy, he was always so careful. There was always his hand splayed protectively across his belly..."

"I'd be in the kitchen and I'd hear him talking to someone, even if Niall was asleep," I chuckled. "So I'd peek into the living room and he'd be curled up in the recliner petting his belly and cooing to Fionna... well, of course he called her Jelly Bean, at the time. His Jelly Bean, if I do recall."

"He really does love her," the older lad tilted his head. "But it's impossible not to... she's so perfect. My little baby..."

Harry had wiggled away from Niall, coming to sit by Louis, offering Fionna to him, "Niall will not take her from you, he is afraid of you. But he is not afraid of me and I do not want him holding her! Keeps trying to take our baby! You will hold?"

Louis' face lit up, and he gently slipped his arms beneath Fionna and lifted her up close to him, crooning, "Oh hi there, baby girl!"

Niall pouted, sitting on the other side of me, "I can't hold Baxter, can't hold Fionna. I just want to hold one baby, is that too much to ask?"

Harry pursed his lips for a moment, but then he sighed in defeat, "You have to be sitting... and I have to watch you. But only because you cannot hold your own baby yet!"

"Deal!" Niall gasped, and Louis placed a kiss on Fionna's nose before giving the baby back to Harry.

The younger boy looked nervous, but he motioned with his head for Niall to scoot further back onto the bed, and Niall did so, sitting Indian style and waiting excitedly. Harry carefully leaned, wincing as he stretched his stomach, and placed Fionna in Niall's arms. However, his arms still remained tucked under her, "Have to support her head..."

"Okay," Niall nodded, adjusting his arms and looking to Harry. "I've got her."

I chuckled as Harry reluctantly slid his arms out from under Fionna. He looked to Louis worriedly, and Louis stood to step up behind Harry and wrapped himself around the younger boy, his head resting on Harry's shoulder, "She's alright, lovely. See?"

Fionna was in her to-big pink onesie, her pink beanie, and was swaddled in blankets. She had her tiny fist pressed up against her mouth, and her eyes were open slightly, gazing up at Niall. Dr. Shell walked over, peering at Fionna, "She sure does seem content out of the incubator... I wonder if she's already developed the ability to regulate her body temperature."

Chris and Zayn joined us next, and Chris laughed, "You managed to talk Harry into letting you hold her? Wow, Nialler! Harry must like you more than you think!"

Niall stroked Fionna's tiny hand, gently trying to bring it away from her face. However, Fionna wasn't having that, and she let out a loud shriek and then began wailing. Harry and Louis both jumped, and Harry held his arms out for Fionna, demanding, "Give, give, give-"

Niall sadly handed over the baby, and Harry turned towards a confused looking Louis, cooing to Fionna gently in attempts to calm her back down. Dr. Shell stepped up next to Louis, peering down at Fionna, "Oh goodness, Niall, you sure made her angry."

"Is cold, maybe?" Harry squeaked worriedly, stroking Fionna's tiny cheek. The baby quieted quickly, giving an adorable yawn. "Sleepy?"

Dr. Shell chuckled, holding his hands out for her, and Harry allowed the man to take his baby, "Nah, babies at this age don't really yawn when they're tired. You can get yawns out of them by stroking their cheeks, or if they're stressing, they'll yawn to try and relax themselves. As for if she's cold, I'll have a look at her."

The bald man walked towards the door with the child, and both Harry and Louis stiffened as Harry protested, "No, where are you going?"

"I don't think that's a good idea," I murmured, examining the defensive stance Louis had taken up. Chris and Zayn shared a glance, watching the situation before them nervously.

"I'll be back," the man soothed. "I'm just running upstairs with her really quick because Kepa has what I need. I'd let you two come with me, but we need to be away from distractions in order to check that she can regulate her temperature."

"That doesn't make any sense," Louis objected. "Lucca..."

"I'll have her back in five minutes," Dr. Shell soothed. "You can keep time. If I don't, you're more than welcome to come see what's taking me so long."

"No!" Harry protested, and Harry's distress only seemed to bring out more of defensive Louis. The lad had already started stepping towards Dr. Shell with Harry pressed to his side. "No, give me her back, w-want her back!"

"You should probably give her back," Chris murmured.

"I'm going to bring her back..." the man reached for the door.

"Lucca," Louis said lowly.

"Do not!" the younger boy seemed panicked now, trembling from head to toe. "G-give me my b-baby!"

"Fine," he sighed, turning and allowing Louis and Harry to rush forward, and Harry was quick to snuggle Fionna into his arms. "I'll run upstairs and bring what I need down in the elevator... Kepa will need it later for Baxter, and I'll just have to take it back up there. Which, is what I was trying to avoid. But if you don't want me leaving the room with your baby, I'll respect your wishes."

Louis stood and pressed a soothing kiss to Harry's hair, and the younger boy leaned into him as he nuzzled his nose into Fionna's hair, "Do not want anyone taking you, my baby... Dr. Shell is nice, I hope, but I just want you with me. Want to always know where you are to see that you are safe."

Louis led Harry to the incubator, placing Fionna in the incubator once more just in case she was getting cold. It did seem as if she'd been out of the incubator for quite some time. Harry kissed Fionna on top of her head, and Louis did the same before he whispered something softly to the tiny baby girl and closed the lid.

Niall looked to me, "I want to be able to do that with Baxter..."

"We will be able to," I promised. "He's ours, no doubt about it. We'll adopt him. We just need him to get a little bit bigger and healthier."

"And then we can be a family, too," Niall grinned.

I pecked his lips, "What are you talking about? We already are a family."


[Louis' P.O.V]

"I am going to go to the bathroom," Harry pecked my lips and carefully stroked the glass of the incubator. "Watch our baby?"

"'Course, love," I soothed.

Liam stretched, "Well... Niall and I are going to go get some lunch."

"Aww, I'm sorry... we ate sandwiches a few minutes ago, I should have brought you two up one," I frowned.

"It's fine," Niall said quickly. "Liam's taking me out to eat!"

"I actually have to work," Chris sighed, signaling that he was leaving as well.

"And I'm accompanying him," Zayn grinned.

"Harry and I are staying here with our Fionna, obviously," I chuckled.

The other lads said their farewells, and Liam pointed to me, "I'll bring by your phone charger tomorrow. Stay safe, yeah?"

"You too," I told him, waving to them as they departed.

Harry came walking a tad stiffly from the bathroom, patting at his hair, "I might be needing another shower soon... but do not want to leave baby. So it can wait."

"Okay, Kitten," I opened my arms for him, and he came and leaned his head against my chest. "Mmm, you still smell good, though."

Harry giggled, nuzzling his nose into my neck and breathing in deeply, "My Louis always smells good... I like how our Fionna smells, too."

"I think Dr. Shell puts baby lotion on her," I explained. "She can't have a bath, so this lotion keeps her clean, but it doesn't make her cold. She smells... well, like a baby. Like a good baby smell."

Harry lifted his head to gaze at Fionna, "Dr. Shell makes me scared when he has our baby sometimes... because... he was not always nice to me when I was little."

"He's nice to Fionna, though," I looked in at our lovely baby as well. "Plus, I won't ever let him be mean to you again. I don't think he wants to anyway. He likes you. If he was mean to my Kitten again, or to our baby, I would have beat him up by now. "

"Almost did, earlier..." Harry giggled. "When um... he was talking about her."

"Yes..." I nodded. "I was just scared and worried, so I took it out on Dr. Shell."

"But she will not come here?" Harry said slowly. "Because... she knows about Dr. Shell's guys."

My eyebrows lifted, and I nodded, "You've got a good point, Kitten. I hadn't thought about that."

"Just do not want her finding out about my Louis being here," he whispered. "Or our baby... just... just love her so much, my Louis! More than everything and I am wanting her to be happy and safe!"

"She will be," I promised. "I know, I love her, too. In massive amounts. And she already is safe and happy because you're her dada."

"Safe and happy because of you, too," Harry nodded. "Since you are such a good daddy... she loves when you sing to her... I love it, too."

"I love you," I told him softly, rubbing my nose against his in an Eskimo kiss.

At that moment, Dr. Shell came in through the door, carting several strange looking tools. He walked over to us, peering into the incubator, "Ah, I'll let her sleep if she's tired. Wouldn't want her getting sick from being passed around so much."

"That can happen?" Harry paled. "B-but I let Niall hold her... c-could have made her sick?!"

"No, no," I soothed. "Dr. Shell means like... if you wake her up and move her around when she's trying to sleep. She'll get fussy and ill feeling. You haven't done anything wrong, and you only gave her to Niall and Dr. Shell, lovely. For the rest of the time you or I were holding her. Cuddling her is alright... if she's kept warm, of course."

"Right you are, Louis," Dr. Shell pointed. "I'm going back upstairs to chat with Kepa about this Ella subject. Just call up the stairs if you need me."

 Harry pulled me to snuggle on the bed with him, my arm wrapped around him as we shared his pillow. My free hand rested across my chest, and Harry traced patterns on it with his fingers, gently brushing over the fading scar from when I'd been run off the road so many months before, "My Louis?"

"Yes, my Harry?" I turned my head so we could gaze at each other.

"Um," Harry began. "If Harry was nicer to Ella... do you think she would have been nice, too?"

"I don't think so," I shook my head. "She would have wanted you to go with her no matter what. And since you wouldn't go willingly, she took you forcefully."

"Just wish she would not have broke you," he sighed.

"I wish she wouldn't have taken you," I snuggled him closer. "I hated that so much..."

"Was so happy when Niall called you and we were at Ella's," Harry admitted. "Just knew you were going to come get me..."

"I was scared," I kissed his cheek. "I didn't know if I was going to get to you in time."

Harry moved his hand away from my scar, entwining our fingers instead, "We are making each other sad... lets talk about our Jelly Bean instead."

"Okay," I chuckled. "Should we talk about how perfect she is, or how lovely is?"

"Is so tiny," Harry giggled. "Her fist does not even take up half of... this part of my hand."

Harry tapped his palm, and I pulled his hand up to kiss it, "I bet she'll be tall like you."

"Tiny like my Louis," Harry disagreed. "And will be so, so lovely."

"She'll certainly be lovely," I chuckled. "We did make a lovely baby."

"And Niall said we could not!" Harry grinned triumphantly. "Told me... when we were looking at babies before and I said I wanted to make one with you... that we could not make one! Because we were both boys. And you did make one with me, only it was an accident... but now we have our Fionna and even though she made my tummy have hurt spots, and I had hurt spots other places sometimes, too, I am so glad that we made her because she is our lovely baby and I love her so much!"

"I loved watching you grow our little Fionna," I hummed. "Our little Jelly Bean. I got to saw you get bigger everyday with our baby, and you hardly ever complained when your back or feet hurt. You were always so excited, and that just made me all the more excited as well. Plus, you sure did need me a lot. I really liked that part as well... how worked up I could get you with simple touches. We had our benefits and we had some scares, but overall this has probably been the best thing that's ever happened to me. You and Fionna. And I love you both more than anything. You're more important to me than my own life, and I'll do anything for you two."

Harry's eyes filled with tears, and he twisted to burrow his head into my shoulder. I wiggled slightly so I could press my face into his curls, my nose nuzzled against his fuzzy ear, and we stayed snuggled together like that for quite a long time, only getting up when Fionna began to wake up hungry.

[A/N]: Sorry if it seems that I'm updating a tad slow D: I am, really! And my updates are really short! I think I'm going stir crazy... maybe if I get out of my house, I can come back and write longer chapters xD But for now, I'll have to leave you with this... sorry if it's not the best. xx

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