Camp Neptune ⇝ 5SOS

By asdflkjhg5sos

72.2K 4K 3.4K

In which, four boys go to camp CALM ; OT4 ASDFLKJHG5SOS 2016 More

warnings and description
"prologue: no sexual contact"
"two: masturbating in the shower"
"three: fuck off lucifer"
"four: ash you dirty whore"
"five: losers get naked"
"six: don't boss me around"
"seven: like aliens and shit"
"eight: i might spank you"
"nine: i'm a teenage boy desperate for dick"
"ten: what if I sucked my own dick?"
"eleven: a dog is a trusted source"
"twelve: i'm not dead"
"thirteen: you have a nice ass"

"one: gay as fuck baby"

8.6K 476 920
By asdflkjhg5sos

I hope this is okay, please tell me what you think and if you like it and if I should continue or not because I'm tired

Comment and vote through out love you all

Luke looks like present him, so does Ashton. Michael has black hair with the lil bit of blue and red and the cute feather while Calum is like fringy and somewhere new ep time period


Luke got out of his mother's car, shutting the door behind him as he made his way over to the boot. He got out the hard silver suitcase, his mother coming to his side and pulling him in to a hug. "Have fun, Luke." She kissed his cheek. "Have fun."

"I will." Luke sighed.

"Remember make friends, be nice, and I've seen what you packed, so don't be doing what I think you might be." Luke rolled his eyes at his mums words before he hugged her smaller frame again. "Okay, I love you honey."

"Love you too, mum."

Luke closed the boot for his mum, taking the papers he needed, before he walked away to the registration table.

Calum climbed out of his parents car, nearly slipping in his new converse. He retied his plaid shirt around his waist, then fluffing his hair again. He wanted to look perfect for his first day. He wanted to make a good first impression to the boys and girls at his camp.

Calum's mother wrapped an arm around him as his dad got his pink suitcase. "You'll have fun, I promise."

Calum sighed, "When I come home and it was the worst two months of my life; I'm blaming you." He said.

Calum's dad handing him his suitcase, before kissing his forehead, "Love you son." He whispered. His mother gave him his papers before telling him to get along with everyone before Calum walked to the registration tables.

Michael was knocked out of his game by a knock on the car window. He peered up to see his father, and sighed. He took out the headphones, stuffing them in his backpack along with his game boy. His dad opened the door, letting him out.

Michael was handed his suitcase quickly, a kiss to his cheek from both parents, muttering an 'I love you' before they got in the car. Michael pouted to himself before leaving to find registration.

Ashton's siblings bounded from the car, happy smiles on their faces as their mum and step dad, got their bags. Ashton stood behind the two smaller kids as he waited to be given his bag and the papers for his siblings and him to be registered.

When he was handed his duffle bag, he threw it over his shoulder, stuffing the papers in his pocket before he took a hold of Harry's hand. "You ready for camp?"

"It's going to be epic, Ash. We can go swimming, and we can camp, and we can do archery, and football, and painting, and I'm really excited to go rock climbing."

Ashton grinned at Harry, squeezing his cheek. "Well, I'll see you around camp won't I?"

"You better Ash."

Anne hugged her three children, telling Ashton to take care of his siblings before sending them off to registration.

Luke signed the paper on the table, agreeing to the terms and conditions of the camp before he was instructed to follow the arrows to the main hall. He did so, after his suitcase was taken from him and put with a pile of others. As Luke made his way down the brick patted path, he noticed a boy in a short pair of shorts making him suck in a breath. How was he going to survive the summer with his mothers strict instruction of no sex?

Especially with a boy looking like that.

Luke entered the mess hall behind the boy in shorts, noticing he had a crop top on, that revealed his tummy. Luke still hadn't see his face, but if his legs and the small of his back was anything to go off, Luke would be blessed.

Luke found a seat near the back of the room. The hall was large as he looked around, it had carpeted floors and bean bags and sofas going around the sides of the room. Luke had sat in one of the large, comfy beanbags.

Luke's fingers played with the rip in his jeans, pulling at the frayed edges, as he looked around. The room was filling up and Luke had to take a double take at some of the boys in the room, they were so pretty to him. One stood out, a boy with black hair, a small streak of red, blue and a feather in his fringe. He was beautiful.

Luke was knocked out of his thoughts when someone poked his shoulder. "Hey, can I sit here?" Luke looked up to see another attractive guy. He had bright hazel eyes and short brown hair.

"Oh yeah, sure." Luke smiled, before biting his lip nervously, his tongue playing with the inside of his lip ring.

The doors of the hall closed finally and everyone looked to the small stage, someone standing in the centre of it in a red shirt that had the name of the camp on it:

Camp Neptune.

"Hey everybody! I'm Cody Jones, the camp leader. And welcome to another year here at Camp Neptune. We all assume you've read through the rules in our email earlier in the year and you'll get a repeat of the rules in the packs your cabin leader will give you. Each leader will assist your needs and/or queries." The person on stage ran a hand through their hair and sighed. "The younger years are in another hall, as well as they will be on the other side of the cabin."

The boy beside Luke cursed, making him look at him. Ashton noticed Luke stared and smiled, "My siblings are ten and twelve, they're across the camp apparently now. I'll barely see them."

"I'm sure you will at some point." Luke smiled, liking the way this hazel eyed boy looked at him.

They listened to the camp leader talk a little longer before they were told to  go find their cabin leaders.

Luke checked the piece of paper he was given at registration, seeing the name Louis Tomlinson.

"Who've you got?" Ashton asked the blond.

"A guy called Louis."

Ashton grinned, "Same bro, I'm Ash by the way. Looks like we'll be in a cabin together."

"Go me." Luke grinned, "Let's find Louis then shall we?"

The two looked around the mess hall, eventually finding the Louis guy. He already had two others with him, and Luke swore when seeing who it was.

The boy in short shorts and the cute haired guy.

Luke knew he was cursed with the attractive cabin, he also knew he'd be using his hand a lot of the next two months.

When Luke stopped in front of Louis, he looked down at the brown haired boy. "You sure you work here lima bean?"

Louis rolled his eyes, "Fuck off." He crossed his arms over his chest, trying to look bigger than Luke, but with Luke's broad shoulders, he never would. "Well guys, these are your cabin crew for the next two months. Get along and be nice. I'll show you to your cabin now."

The five of them left the mess hall, heading down the brick path and towards a long line of cabins.

Luke and Ashton walked behind their two other cabin members, Luke not so subtly staring at the girly boy's legs and bum, he glanced at Ashton, licking his lips before sighing. "I've got to hit that by the end of the summer."

Ashton chuckled making Luke smile.

"Maybe you will." Ashton shrugged, "Maybe we all will." He smirked making Luke chuckle.

As they approached the cabins, Luke noticed they were in the shape of triangles, as they arrived Luke noticed how the front of the entire cabin was glass. This must have been an expensive camp to attend. And Ashton brought siblings?

Louis tugged the lanyard off his neck and scanned it against the lock on the cabin. "You'll all get a lanyard with a pass on it so you can go in and out. Your individual pass only opens the halls and work areas and your cabins, no one else's." Louis said, giving Luke a look.

"What?" Luke asked.

"I can already tell you'll be a trouble maker." Louis said, shoving open the glass door. "Your bags were already brought here." he said.

The four boys looked around the cabin. It was all wood and so homey looking but also kind of modern. It had an upstairs, which held the bunks. The downstairs was open, a picnic table underneath the balcony, which had a large window that over looked towards the next cabin over. On the other side of the cabin were some sofas and a small tv, that had a games console hooked up to it.

"The wifi password is by the tv, it turns off at eleven, which is lights out also. Light will turn off on their own at that time." Louis instructed.

There was a bathroom to the side near the tv stand, Luke knew he'd spend time in their having to distract himself from the three beautiful boys in his cabin.

Louis then turned to the boy in the shorts, "Now Calum, I'm giving you this whistle because boys are going to be all over you." Louis grinned, handing a whistle to the boy. "Don't let blondie in your pants."

Luke's mouth fell open, "Dude, that's rude."

Louis rolled his eyes before he handed out the packs, "In the packs are the rules etcetera, and other stuff along with the activities you can do. At the end of each day, you'll choose the next day's activities." Louis explained. "Inside the packs are your lanyards as well. Now it's three o'clock and dinner is at six, so get to know each other and bond." Louis grinned before he said goodbye and left the four boys in the cabin.

Luke turned to the small group, "I'm Luke." He smiled, waving his hand.

Calum giggled at Luke behaviour, "I'm Calum, just call me Cal."

"Can I call you princess?" Luke asked, smirking slightly as Calum blushed.

"You can call me anything you like sugar." Calum giggled, "Right you two?" He asked the two others.

"I'm Ashton, or Ash." Ashton smiled.

The three of them turned to the black haired boy, waiting for a name. "I-I'm Michael."

"Can we call you Mikey?" Calum asked, and once Michael hesitantly nodded, Cal grinned. "How about we get all out stuff away and check out the cabin before we sit and get to know each other?" The boys agree fed before going to their bags.

Luke carried Calum's up the stairs for him, setting it down. Calum rolled it to the rest of the way to the bunks, "I dib the top." He said, tapping the top bunk.

Luke took his chance and dibbed the one under Calum, sighing softly. Ashton and Michael got up the stairs, Michael taking the bottom bunk.

Calum sat cross legged on the floor, unzipping his pink suitcase and letting it hit the other floor, making Michael flinch at the loud sound.

Calum mumbled a sorry, before he unzipping the two compartments. He pulled out his clothes, subtly hiding the lace panties and stockings but Luke saw them. Luke bit his lips, picking up his own underwear and flinging it at Calum. "Don't hide the underwear princess." Luke smirked, seeing Calum's blushed cheeks.

Calum stood up, picking up his underwear and socks and opening one of the four drawers, "Fudge." He mumbled, "Can I take some of someone's drawer? I don't have enough room." He pouted.

Luke instantly said he could, making Ashton laugh at him from across the balcony, under the window. The light shon on Ashton perfectly at Luke's angle, making Ash look very pretty.

Calum shoved his underwear in the top drawer, before opening the one underneath and shoving his socks in there. "Lukey, you'll have barely any room in here."

"It's fine." Luke stood up, and put his boxers in the drawer, picking up a pair of Calum's socks, they were pink ankle socks. "Cute." Luke winked before he moved to the side and opened the wardrobe. At the bottom was a box of hangers, so Luke hung up his jeans and shirts before shoving the rest in the drawer under his bed.

Luke was the first to finish, Ashton and Michael following. Calum was taking too long so the boys went down the stairs and sat at the picnic table, Ashton sat beside Michael, Luke opposite Ash.

When Calum finally came down, he sat down next to Luke and smiled. "Okay so let's start off with why we came to camp. I'll start. I came because I wanted to make new memories this summer, that and it was this or church camp." Calum giggled making Luke stare at him fondly, Ashton did too, while Michael stared at the table. "I'm coming again next year."

"What about you Michael?" He asked the black haired boy.

"M-My parents think I should leave the house. So they found this place and said to make friends and have fun." Michael shrugged feeling uncomfortable under their stares. He just wanted to go home, crawl under his bed covers and play his video games. That or record a new video for his YouTube channel and his hundred thousand subscribers.

Luke smiled at Michaels explanation, "I came because it's family tradition. My parents met here at camp, and apparently I have to send my own kids here." Luke shrugged slightly. "Ash?"

"I wanna get laid." Ashton said shrugging, "That and I have to take care of my siblings."

Calum frowned, "But the rules say no sexual intercourse."

Ashton smirked, looking over at Luke, "I'm sure there's a few people who would break the rules with me." Ashton said, biting his lip.

Luke chuckled, "Yeah, I've been banned from sex." Then Luke stood up, running up the stairs. The other boys were confused until four boxes fell to the floor from the balcony.

Calum walked over to the boxes and laughed seeing they were condoms. He picked up the boxes, reading the labels. "Okay so they're all large. One is flavoured, one is ribbed, one is glow in the dark and one normal." Calum finished off, giggling. "Do the flavoured ones actually have a flavour or?"

Luke smirked, leaning on the balcony. "Find out yourself princess."

All the boys watched on as Calum opened the flavoured box of condoms, pulling one out and ripping it open. He smelt it, "Don't smell like it." He licked it making Luke burst out laughing along with Michael and Ashton. "Strawberry!" Calum giggled cutely.

Luke ran down the stairs, picking up the condoms before throwing the boxes up and over the balcony. He helped Calum up off the floor before they sat back down.

"Remind me to ask you for one of those when I need it." Ashton said, smiling.

"Okay, how old is everyone?" Luke asked next. If he was fucking any of his cabin, they had to be legal.

"I'm sixteen." Calum smiled.

"Seventeen." Michael said shyly.

"Eighteen." Ashton grinned.

"Eighteen." Luke said before high fiving Ashton. "Okay Mikey, you pick a question."

Michael licked his lips, his mind going to the first question he wanted to ask once he saw the pretty boys he'd spend the summer with. "What are your sexualities?"

Luke smiled, "I'm gay as fuck, baby."

"I'm pansexual." Calum said, his chin resting on his palms as he stared at Michael who had bright pink cheeks, contrasting against his pale cheeks. Calum thought he was beautiful.

"I'm bi." Ashton shrugged. The boys looked to Michael who shrugged.

"I don't have a label to it, but I know I like boys as well as girls, I prefer boys actually but I-I'm asexual."

All the boys frowned. If they were planning on anything sexual, it was out of the question to have it near Michael.

"Have you had sex before?" Luke asked softly.

Michael nodded, "Once, I hated it so much I broke up with my girlfriend because looking at her and remembering that night made me cringe so much. But I-I think when I find the one, I want to do that with them. I'm repulsed by the idea of it but if it's romantic and nice and with the love of my life, I can do it." Michael gently smiled at the boys. "Don't think I'm weird please." He begged quietly.

Ashton threw an arm around Michael's shoulder, tugging him in to a hug. "We don't think you're weird, it's okay to not like it."

Michael nodded and smiled, leaning in to Ashton's touch before sighing. He felt Calum's sock clad foot wrap around his ankle and he smiled brightly, catching Calum's eye, who giggled.


The four boys went to dinner with their land yards around their necks, the pass clipped on to the end. They took their seats in the large cafeteria, a tv being on against the wall, it was playing Neighbours.

"I need to have my insulin." Ashton mumbled, swinging his legs over the seat, standing up. Luke heard what he said, looking up at the hazel eyed boy in confusion.


Ashton nodded, "Diabetic, wanna come with me?"

Luke stood up, telling Cal and Mike they'd be back in a few minutes before they walked over to Louis who was sitting with three boys. "Hi." Ashton smiled, "I, um, need my thing Louis."

Louis nodded, kissing a boys cheek beside him, and telling the two boys to follow him over to a door. "Your passes don't let you in here." Louis told the two of them. "So just ask me or anyone in a shirt."

Ashton was handed a small bag, thanking Louis before they left again. They went back to the table, Calum and Michael still not having been called up to get food. Ashton set the bag on the table and unzipped it, taking out the cool metal tube. He took off the lid, removing the white tip to keep the needle clean before he set it, before he lifted his shirt a little.

Luke had to look away as Ashton pushed the needle in to his stomach, before pressing the top of it. Ashton pulled it out before putting the lids back on. He put it back in the bag before looking at his friends. "What?" He asked, noticing they were staring.

Luke shivered, "Don't do that around me, I hate needles."

"W-Why do you need it?" Michael asked, confused.

"I'm a diabetic, I need an injection before my meals. Helps my blood sugar and stuff stay normal." Ashton shrugged, "I have to do it a lot. If I get low, go get Louis or someone." He instructed softly. "Or I'm going to be extremely ill."

The boys nodded, "We will."

The boys finally got their dinner, which was pizza and chips, Calum getting a salad with his because he  wanted to stay a little healthy at least.

After their dinner they went to the mess hall--or as Luke wanted to call it, bean bag space world, which had made Calum giggle. The four sat in the corner, against a sofa, Calum leaning his head on Luke's chest, who's fingers ran through his brunette locks. A group of six lads walked over to them, sitting with them.

They introduced themselves as Alex, Jack, Zach, Rian, Coby and Cory. The last two were identical twins but Luke instantly could tell them apart, Cory had a mole under his chin.

The camp put on some films but the boys in the corner barely paid any attention as they chatted quietly, so they didn't disturb anyone. Michael snuck in his headphones and phone, connected to the wifi and watching YouTube videos. He was friends with a few of the big gaming youtubers--he'd once met PewDiePie, or Felix.

After fifty minutes or so, Ashton was handed a clip board. He furrowed his eyebrows before he found his name and a list of activities. He grinned, looking over at the three boys and decided they needed to get to know each other a little more. So he put the same activities for the four of them tomorrow.

Then he handed it over to Alex, who had his arm around Jack.

After a few films, everyone had to go back to their cabins. When the boys got back to theirs, Calum had slipped to the bathroom with his toiletry bag in hand. He brushed his teeth, his toothbrush in his mouth when Luke walked in with his own things.

The two brushed their teeth together before they went up the stairs to their bunks. Ashton was taking off his shirt as they got there, making them stop and stare.

Ashton leaned down and picked up his pyjama shirt, before noticing the two boys. "What?" They asked.

"You're hot as fuck." Luke said, "I prayed I wouldn't be put with hot guys and here I am, surrounded by three of them." Luke muttered before going to the drawer under his bunk and getting out his shorts. He didn't sleep with a shirt on, he just got too hot in the night.

Luke climbed in to bed, grabbing a book from the small stack he had on his small window in his bunk. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury was his choice as he lay back and opened it to the page he was at, his book mark was a guys number he got a few months ago. He forgot to call him back.

Luke's eyes were distracted from the book when he saw Calum taking off his shorts. Underneath he wore some pretty blue panties that complimented his skin tone and Luke had to bite back a comment about Calum's cute little bum.

Calum pulled on some pink frilly shorts and swapped his shirt for a larger one with Pink Floyd on it, before he climbed up the ladders to his bunk about Luke.

All the while Luke stared before he sighed to himself. Camp was going to be hard, for many reasons.

Ashton and Michael disappeared to brush their teeth before they came back. Michael sat on his phone, on Twitter, telling some of his "fans" how his camp was so far--he basically ranted about how hot his fellow cabin roomies were.

Ashton was above him on his own phone, texting his sister who sat across camp with a loud group of girls she didn't really like. She was complaining to Ashton about swapping cabins, or sneaking in to Ashton's.

Ashton wanted to laugh and tell her he'd never let her in here, especially when Ashton was thinking of doing so many things to Luke and Calum. Ashton wouldn't mind wrecking Calum's pretty little bum. Luke would wreck his. He would no doubtedly let Luke ruin him; dominate him in every way possible.

Ashton sighed to himself before the lights in the cabin suddenly turned off.

"Fuck." Calum muttered. "I haven't done my moisturiser yet. I need--"

"Do you have a light on your phone?" Luke asked.

Calum mumbled a yes, before the room was lit with Calum's phone. Calum put the moisturiser on his cheeks and forehead, rubbing it in before he put his night mask over his head. He lay back, staring out of his own small window that looked to the next cabin seeing a group of girls laughing and running around before he sighed.

"Stop sighing Calum." Luke said, shuffling around in his bed.

"I'm in the middle of no where and I forgot my favourite eyeliner." Calum pouted, "And I need my whale sound machine thingy to help me sleep."

Luke bit his lip beneath Calum, "Come sleep with me." He suggested.

Calum furrowed his brows before smiling a little. He got out of his bed, dropping to the floor before he crawled in to Luke's bunk.

Luke grinned, pulling Calum as close as possible which erupted a giggle from the kiwi boy. "God you're so fucking cute baby boy." Luke mumbled, letting Calum dip his head down to rest on his chest.

"Thank you." Calum blushed. "Night Lukey."

"Night princess."

"Night Ash. Night Mike." Calum called out, his hands gripping at Luke's bare waist, he was warm against Calum's fingertips.

"Night guys." Ashton mumbled, plugging his phone on to charge, seeing his phone light up as his lockscreen of him, Lauren, Harry and their dog.

"Night." Michael called quietly, rolling over and tugging his teddy in to his chest. It was a average sized teddy, a lion, with a fluffy mane and that smelt like home.

And Luke thought as he cuddled the cute feminine boy to his chest, he knew camp was going to be amazing.


Fucking bow down to me because it took me three straight hours to write this

and I'm proud of it

4K works too fuckers

yes, Luke is going to top, everyone

Michael will not be having sex, not until he's sure he loves the boys

now as its 5am, I hope you all sleep well and you're life is good and that you get to marry your fav

Except Luke, BC dibs

I mean what

Ok goodnight guys love you all

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