Sweet Submission

By MiraHeartWild

1.2M 25.7K 3.5K

Skyler Sweet is a young man with a sad past. Skyler is finding his way back into the world of BDSM after mour... More

1 Needing Release
2 After Care
3 Sensory/Sensation play
4 Be safe... tempting the beast
Author's Note
5 Wounds Secrets and one last Order
6 Working the stress away... couple of reasons
7 A Meddlesome DJ... and a Promise
8 Rabbit Hole... and a Breakdown
9 !Vincent's POV!
10 !Isaac's POV!
11 Trust... and a Change of Luck
top 100 gay erotica amazon
Authors Note Final

12 Surprise

24.8K 1K 143
By MiraHeartWild

/// trying something different, don't freak out. \\\

Vincent's POV

Don't push. You already scared him. Asking to come home with the boy? Idiot. You know better than that. What the hell is wrong with you. Youre not some wet behind the ears beginner! You know the rules. Get ahold of yourself goddamnit. Vincent was berating himself for asking to go home with Skyler earlier. He knew it had been too soon and he wasn't even a potential Dom of Skyler's. He had no right.

So why had he opened his goddamned mouth? Let it slip. The boy had twisted him in knots. He was not in control anymore. He realized this and he wanted to rip himself apart.

Watching Skyler sit in the booth drinking a soda slowly and watching the crowd of dancing people on the main floor he wondered if he had already screwed up.

Screwed up what? He is to fragile. He's still hurting from the loss of his love and Master. Would he even be open to taking the long journey of letting a Dom court him?

Vincent leaned back in his seat and took his eyes off that pale skin and pink plush lips and soft white hair and perfect blue eyes. Was he really thinking of trying to court Skyler? He hadnt courted a sub in a very long time. Hadnt felt the need to . He was happy with his life as it was.

He was a well respected Dom here in the community. He had earned his reputation as a Dom that followed the code of the old guard. He had friends that were Dom and Sub alike. He was able to fulfill his needs here at the club. And was also able to help other subs and even doms sometimes here as a House Dom.

Did he want to complicate everything by chasing after this beautiful sub? Skyler was so affectionate starved... The way he leaned into Isaac's touch. It made Vincent burn to touch him. Vincent was not the kind of man to want to pet and caress and softly run hands over skin.

No he was the kind of man that hungered to grip and pull and bite and lick and suck. Mark and devour that sweet tasting skin. He was the kind of man that could spend hours happily using his mouth to cause his partner to cry out over and over in ways they never experienced before.

Many subs here that he sated himself with called him a beast. Danny had even gotten him a shirt to wear around the club that had #BEAST on the front.

So... what future did he had with a sub like Skyler. Sky flourished when being touched gently. The way his eyes would slip closed and the small almost non existent whimper that would slip from his lips showed how deeply a simple caress through his hair or across his neck or cheek could effect him.

Vincent wasn't used to touching like that. He devoured. He didn't cuddle.

Vincent let his deep blue eyes slid over Skyler again. He remembered the way he came to life under the flogger. He remembered the way his body wriggled and writhed. The sounds he made. Gasping and groaning as he rose higher and higher until finally Vincent was able to get him to fall into Subspace.

The way he fell was beyond beauty. The way his body relaxed and didn't even jump or arch or beg, no it just accepted everything he gave it. The way those perfect blue eyes slid to half mast and a look of pure glazed bliss showed on his face. Those pink lips parted breathing so steadily and deep...

Could he enjoy Vincent's domination of him in a sexual way? Could he accept the beast that waiting hungry and wanting inside him? Could he handle the intensity or his hunger?

Would it scare him? Would he reject him? What if he scared him?

Could Vincent survive looking into those gentle eyes and seeing fear directed at him?

Vincent felt sick. He stood up and walked away as fast as his feet would carry him from the table with the fragile little angel with perfect blue eyes.

*Isaac's POV*

Vincent is getting more and more riled up. Isaac can see him pushing himself into a corner. Damn that boy was so damn stubborn. He needed a wake up call.

But then as Isaac watched Vincent look at Skyler in that confused and cautious way... Vincent was being more vulnerable than he had seen him in years. Ever since Victoria had passed.

The look in Vincents eyes was suddenly changing from confusion and frustration to something that he had never seen in his long time friends blue depths before.


Suddenly Vincent was out of the booth and walking away fast. He was running. Damn.

Isaac looked over to Skyler seeing the confusion on the little pups face he gently wrapped his arm around his waist and told him "It is okay Pup. Nothing to worry about."

Isaac saw the worry and confusion swirling in to soft sky blue pools and he leaned over and kissed the boys forehead. Soft and just a little peck. He leaned back after getting a sweet tease of that sweet scent and saw those pale cheeks go pink and the way he looked down and he chuckled down at the boy. "Sorry I shouldn't have done that without permission little pup. Don't worry I will be good." He leaned down whispering into his ear slowly "Even though you tempt me to be bad. Sweet Pup" Isaac heard him gasp and it nearly made him lean in to taste that sweet skin on the boys neck. But no he would stay in control.

*Skyler's POV*

Suddenly he forgot about Vincent walking off so suddenly as Isaac's breath tickled his neck and the words the man whispered into his ear had his blood heated up so fast and his body shivering as he gasped.

Skyler had a feeling that Isaac liked to tease subs into a hot needy mess before he took them. Not that Isaac wanted him. Because he totally didn't. He was just teasing.

There was no way either of these amazing doms had any interest in him. Vincent barely touched him. Kept his distance at all times. And Isaac ... well Isaac was a tease and a flirt. It was just the way he was.


They were just being nice to him. They probably just pitied him. Poor lost boy, us big strong doms have to help you.

He was not being courted. He paid for both of them to dominate him in a safe sane and consensual way and in a safe neutral setting. They were not interested in him.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm his suddenly quickened body. It felt so good to be brought to arousal again by another person. Someone that wasn't a memory.

He felt Isaac's fingers caressing the small patch of skin that was bared between his shirt and his jeans. Right above his hip bone.

It made his mouth fill with saliva. Fuck. Sometimes he hated how sensitive he was. The feeling of the rough pads of his fingers caressing circles into his skin made his body slowly go hot and a soft tingling was felt up and down his spine.

Swallowing the excess saliva and his adams apple bobbed as he did. Taking another breath the room slowly fades away. Oh god those fingers are under his shirt. They are caressing over his ribs. Just touching. He was holding back from panting. He was no longer seeing anything that was going on around them. He was only able to feel the those rough fingers softly graze up to his chest over a nipple and then someone made a raw keening noise.

Skyler realized that he had made that noise. His mouth was fallen open and he was panting and trembling and he was dripping. His entire body felt alive and tingling.

His vision was hazy and sounds were muffled as the blood was rushing in his ears as those calloused fingers grazed over to his other nipple and caressed it in circles.

Head falling back and biting his lip to keep his noises quiet he trembled and shook and tried to control his panting. "P-p-please...d-don't tease me... P-p-p ahhhhh" He felt a pump of precome leave him as those fingers slide across his sensitive flesh as Isaac slid his hand from under his shirt and away from him.

Isaac was appologizing or something as Skyler trembled on the edge of a orgasm that snuck up on him.

He hunched over the table and shook as he shook his head and tried to fight against it. But it was too late. With his mouth open saliva drips onto the table top as he feels the orgasm sweel up like a ocean wave made of heat and pleasure then crash through him so suddenly that it ripped through him.

His mouth open in a silent scream as his body jerked and he gripped the table as he felt the tingling blast of heat and searing pleasure rush through down his spine and out of him through his twitching member.

He drowned in the pleasure. Until he finally took a ragged raw breath and felt his entire body shudder as he turned his face into the cool table top and hid as he came back to himself.

It had been out of his control. He could not hold back. He had tried. Fought it. But it had overtaken him so fast. He stayed where he was as his hearing slowly came back to him as the sound of his own pulse faded.

"Pup. Its okay. Its okay Shhh. Its okay I wont touch you again. I wont tease you. Shhh its okay. Are you okay? Pup can you look at me I need to see your eyes." Isaac was speaking to him.

Slowly he obeyed. His body sluggish as he forced his face to turn and his eyes to open to look over at the Dom that had just made him cum in his pants.

Skyler looked over Isaac. What would his lips taste like? Would his stubble be soft or scratchy? What would his cum taste like? What noises would he make as he came? Would he-

Skyler suddenly jolted up and litterally climbed up out of the booth by climbing over the table and jumping to the floor and ran. He ran for the door. His lungs suddenly gasping for air and his legs carrying him as fast as they could away. He pushed past Subs and Doms who called out or yelled for him to watch out.

But he didn't hear any of it. He just ran. Not from Isaac. Isaac didn't scare him.

He was running from himself. Jumping into his jeep he spun out of the parkinglot, his tires squealing and his heart pounding against his ribcage. He sped off and his entire body was shaking. Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit.

(to prove that I'm still alive and planning on coming back here is one more free chapter :) )

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