is it still a joke now?

By oh-dear

2.8M 94.5K 16.3K

The utter most inner thoughts and feelings of one who has but no other way to express them and therefore with... More

is it still a joke now?
this is because of you
a society that is dead
no one will ever truly understand
Enie Meanie miniey mo
Mary had a little lamb
deathly silence
if only-
Thankyou :')
not ever
do you know
I don't care

so she did

140K 6.1K 713
By oh-dear

she counting all the time away

every second even hour

waiting till the time is right

her face is pinched and sour

she playing with her fingers

and tapping on her desk

just waiting to go home

so she can finally rest

people pull her hair

and trip her up on purpose

she gets called countless names

and told that she is worthless

she looks into the mirror

and just guess what she sees?

an ugly worthless peice of shit

that's what she's come to believe

the bell rings out behind her

she dashes from her seat

she runs the entire way home

the pavement pounding beneath her feet

she grabs a pack of pills

and twists off the lid

they told her she should die..

so she did

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