Save me

By sarah122

145K 1K 119

Alice and Connor have just been attacked by rogues, leaving the family behind without a choice, they join ano... More

Save me
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14. My date.. (Part 1)
Chapter 15. My date (part 2)
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Authors note.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32. {End}

Chapter 23.

888 22 2
By sarah122

I woke up the next morning, massive headache and sore, puffy red eyes, I forced myself up. Dragging myself to the bathroom and splashing my face with cold water, I dried my face and dragged my feet out the bathroom. Adam stood infront of the bed, his arms crossed over his chest, he frowns, looking straight at me, I stopped, arms length away from him, looking at the floor.

"Babe.. What's wrong..?" He pulls me closer to him, his arms wrap around me firmly, concern in his eyes.

"Something happened last night..." I choked out, trying to catch my breath, I held back my tears.

"What happened..?" He becomes more concerned, I sucked in a breath and shut my eyes.

"River..." I managed to speak out, but my tears couldn't hold back any longer.

"What about River...?" Adams voice became lower and more serious, I breathed in again.

"He's dead.. Adam.. Rivers gone.." Adams body stiffens and lets out a low growl.

"What do you mean he's dead?! How!" He shouts, the vein in his neck pops out, he was really mad.

"He's dead Adam!! It was the hunters!" I cried out, the tears came bursting out.

"What the hell were you doing out in the woods!" Adam snaps at me, I flinched at his tone of voice, I've never seen Adam so mad at me before.

Adam P.O.V

I can't believe River is dead!! Stupid hunters! They are so bloody dead! I mean, I know he slept with my mate and did a couple of things he wasn't supposed to. But he still was a best pal to me, he was still my closet friend, the anger inside me built up, I better go before I yell at Alice anymore. She's never seen me so mad at her, but I can't blame her for the death of River, she's so upset, the tears won't stop running down her face. It hurts me seeing her so upset, but me yelling at her isn't helping either, I clenched my jaw and turned walking away from Alice. I shifted into my wolf, I didn't care about ruining my clothes, I just ran into the woods, I didn't stop, I pushed and pushed until I puked. It helped getting rid of some anger, I slowly walked into the meadow, I saw a wolf body laying under a tree. I walked over to it, when I got closer, I realized it was Rivers body, I completely froze in my spot, my eyes widen, staring at the body in front of me.

"This.. This can't be.. R-River..." I whimpered.. Small tears dripped down my cheeks, I growled at myself.

I am a man! Men should not cry, I have to be strong.. No! I will not cry, I bit my lip holding back my tears. I stomped my foot on the ground, I turned around walking away slowly, my head was down as I made my way to the camp. I saw Alice sitting outside the door, she was hiding her face with her hands, she was crying, I could feel her pain. I walked into the house, I couldn't bare to see her like that, I went into our bedroom and laid on the bed, I put the T.V on and tried to get my mind off things.

Alice P.O.V

I heard Adam coming back from his run, I couldn't stop crying, it hurt.. River was an amazing person. Now.. He's gone, Adam just walks past me and goes straight in the house, not even a hug or comfort. I stood up and walked into the house, I wiped my tears and went to the bedroom, I saw Adam laying on the bed watching some T.V, probably trying to get his mind off some things. He looks at me, he gets up and grabs my arm, pulling me down on the bed, he wraps his arms around me and doesn't say a word. I leaned my head on his chest, my hands gripping his shirt, we stayed like this for a while, Adam lets me go and kisses my forehead, getting up and walking into the bathroom. I want to know what he's thinking... I worry about him... I know he ran until he made himself sick.. That wasn't good. He needs to stop... I don't want him to do anything more dangerous, he's been in that bathroom for a while.. What is he doing. I got up and walked to the door, I knocked on it and waited for a bit.

"Adam...?" I asked after a while, I hope he isn't doing anything stupid... I'm worried sick.

I started to panic when he still hasn't answered me, I knocked a bit harder, I smashed the door open and saw he wasn't here, where did he go?!.

Adam P.O.V

I went into the bathroom and locked the door, I plugged my headphones in and listened to music, I went to the window and opened it, jumping out and running into the forest. I'm sorry Alice.. I have to be alone for a while, I'll be back.. Just not for a bit... She's probably worried sick about me, I feel terrible... I've just left her alone in that state. I shook my head and continued to walk, I reached a street and went walking down it, I got to one of my mates house and went to his door. Btw he's a human.. Doesn't know about me but we are pretty tight friends, he's really cool, I knocked on his door and waited for him to answer. He takes so long to answer, cause it takes him forever to find the energy to get up and answer his flipping door, unless of course, you text him saying your at his door. He answers his door and gives me a handshake, he lets me in and we sat on his couch.

"So... What brings you here man...?" He takes a sip of his beer and turns his T.V off to listen to me.

He was really great, he turns everything off to listen to people's problems, he's like a counsellor, he's so great at advice and listening to you. He has heaps of friends because of his nature and personality, he's super cool and isn't the player type.. He's been with this girl ever since they were 12 and he's like 18-19 years old now. They are a really good couple together, anyway.. Back to the story!

"Well you see... I've just met this girl and she's perfect..." I started off, he nods his head 'and' was he said.

"Well... She's been real close friends with this guy who has feelings for her and he's my close friend as well" I breathed in, he nods his head, he understood, it's happened to him before.

"And well... He just recently got killed... He got attacked by some idiots.. (Lies.) and she's been crying... I've been upset and I left her alone in her state and I feel bad.. I didn't know what to do... So I ran out the house and went to you, hoping you'd let me stay for a bit" I stopped there, I didn't want the wrong things to come out my mouth, he wiggled in his seat and clears his throat.

"Well buddy I see you've had a rough time aye, umm... I really don't think you should have left your girl in that state but I understand that your a bit upset yourself and don't know what to do with this situation, I'll let you stay for a few days but please promise me you'll go see her and comfort her.. Because you can't just leave your girl like that, she's probably worried sick about you, she's probably wondering where you are, thinking are you dead, are you safe... Have you hurt yourself, or at least text her, telling her your okay and that your staying with a mate for a while to sort yourself out and she'll probably understand, just don't leave her like that for a while because its going to eat her alive, damn she might be stressing out right now, and now that she's lost her 'friend' and your close 'friend' she has no one to talk to so they can comfort her... She probably feels so alone now, I know it's hard for the both of you right now, but I believe you two need each other more than ever, because running away isn't going to solve anything, it's just going to make things worse, don't get me wrong, but I think it's better staying with your girl and keeping each other company instead of running off to a friend, I don't know if this helped at all but this is all I can give you right now, I'm sorry about your loss buddy but I'm always here you know that, you can talk to me about anything I'll always help you" He smiles and pats my back, he gets up and walks into the kitchen.

"Want a drink buddy?" He looks at me, I nodded my head and thought about what he said, I guess he's right, well everything he says is right.

But, I think I'll just cool down a bit here first and then see what I'll do after, oh yea, did I mention his name? No? Okay his name is Blake. He comes back and gives me a beer.

"Cheers" I gulped down my beer, he turns the T.V on and just puts the music channel on quietly.

"Oh... Sorry my girlfriend is calling me, I'll be back soon" He excuses himself and gets up walking to his bedroom, I actual found it so sweet, he's been with this girl for like what? 5-6 years.

But I'm happy he's found his dream girl, they are perfect for each other, I just wish humans had mates like us wolves. So that way girls wouldn't get their hearts broken, I hate it when guys hurt girls, it's just not right... But I guess not everything is going to be like that. Shame. It's a real shame, those girls hearts broken. I've never seen a girl cry before, I've only ever seen Alice cry, I've never kissed a girl.. I mean I was dating that girl before Alice, but, I never kissed her.. Okay maybe on the cheek but not on the lips. Alice is my first. I smiled at that, I know I was Alice's first kiss, she's so beautiful, I actual can't believe I have her, I still feel like it's all a dream, that I got such an amazing girl like her. After a while Blake finally comes back, he sits down and takes a sip of his beer.

"Sorry about that, my girlfriend was a bit upset and she needed me to talk to her" He sighs in a worried way, he truly cared and loved her, I could sense it.

"You truly love and care for that girl don't you" I asked him, he looks at me and smiles widely.

"Of course I do, she's my world, wouldn't know what I'd do without her" He smiles, I smiled back, he spoke the truth, I'm 100% sure they will be together forever, I can see it.

"That's so sweet" I smiled softly, he sips his beer and softly smiles.

"I was gonna see her tonight to comfort her, but, I had to tell her, I had a friend in help of me so I couldn't" He was a bit upset, I narrowed my eyes and got up.

"Why don't you go...? I'll be fine, she needs you" I smiled, he gets up.

"Are you sure?" I nodded my head, he smiles and gives me a friend hug.

"Thanks a lot, give me a call if you need me" He grabs his phone and keys, walking to the door, I nodded my head, waving him goodbye.

I stayed in the house for the rest of the night, I fell asleep on the couch, the next morning, I woke up. I groaned rubbing my eyes and getting up, I washed my face and made myself something to eat. I went out for a run, I saw Alice running too, I hid behind a wall, she went into a cafe shop, I sighed and turned back round, I went back to my friends house. I sat back down and downed a beer, I was thinking about Alice, I hope she's okay, I miss her, I want her hugs and kisses, I want to be in her arms. I was snapped out of my deep thoughts by Blake, I looked up at him, he narrowed his eyes, I saw his girlfriend beside him with the same expression.

"Buddy you look like a ghost" He sighs, he was so worried about me, his girlfriend goes up to him and hugs him.

I felt like a ghost, I was so tired, I spaced out a lot and I didn't know what to do with myself anymore. I gave a weak smile and looked back at my hands and fingers sitting on my lap, I didn't really feel like talking and went back to my thoughts.

Alice P.O.V

Adam.. Where are you.. I'm so worried.. I don't know if you're safe or hurt... Please be okay. I sighed, getting out of the cafe and walking around, I think I might go to some houses, asking if they have seen him. I went down a street and walked over to the first house, I knocked on it and waited a while, a tall boy answered with his girlfriend beside him.

"May I help you miss?" He smiles politely, I swallowed and looked down.

"Oh, I'm looking for a guy, brown hair, green eyes, about this tall, goes by the name of Adam" I put my hand in the air over my head to show how tall.

"Hmmm... Adam..? You mean him" He points to him on the couch, I looked at him and smiled weakly.

"Y-yeah that's him" He moves to the side, letting me in, I walked in and went to Adam sitting on the couch.

"A-Adam..." He slowly turns his head and looks at me, I narrowed my eyes, he didn't look so well.

"Alice...?" He says slowly, he looks at me and gets up, he grabs me and hugs me tightly.

I felt warm tears drip down my face, thank god he was safe, I wrapped my arms around him, holding him close.

"Adam... Where were you? I was so worried!" I cried, Adam looks at me and wipes my tears away with his fingers.

"Alice baby don't cry, I'm sorry I left I was with my friend, I just needed some time to sort myself out that's all" He looks down at his feet, I lifted his head and kissed his lips softly.

He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer, I heard someone clear their throat, I pulled away and blushed.

"Well is this the girl Adam..?" Adam smiles proudly and nods his head.

"Yes this is my beautiful girlfriend" He said it with pride, he was glad to have me as his girlfriend, I smiled.

"Well, she's very lucky, and she's very beautiful" He smiles, I smiled back and looked at Adam.

"Is she your girlfriend..? She's so stunning" I said, I felt a bit self -conscious around girls, specially when they are so gorgeous.

"Thank you, and yes, yes I am" She smiles sweetly, I gave a little giggle, I looked at Adam.

"Are you coming back home...? Adam we all miss you" I narrowed my eyes, he narrows his and looks down at the floor.

"What do you mean they all miss Adam...?" His friend asks confused, I looked at him and then, I realized he's a human, gotta be careful of what I say.

"Oh, I moved in with my brother at Adams house, because, well, I lost my family, it was a murder" I frowned and looked at the ground, a few tears dripped down my cheeks.

"Oh... I'm so sorry to hear" His face became sad and he felt sorry for me, argh, don't do that, I hate when people feel sorry for me.

"Adam...? Please answer me.." I gave him a sad expression, he looks at me and walks away.

"I-I don't know yet Alice..." I bit my lip, should of known, why did I bother, I felt a bit hurt by that.

I growled, and turned around walking out the door and running into the woods, it was dark, great what I need. I put my hoodie up and dug my hands in my pockets, keeping my head down, I continued to walk alone, I knew there was gonna be some sort of trouble on the way, there always is. Right on cue a group of boys were hanging around, they were drinking, they were probably around their 20's, they did look a bit scary. But they are humans, they had knives and guns in their hands, they I'm guessing aren't very nice people.

"Hey there sexy" One of them stopped me in my tracks, the others whistled at me.

I growled at them, I tried to get away but one of them grabs my wrists and pins me to the wall.

"Hey! Let me go bastard!" I snapped, he just smirks, he chuckles and looks at me.

"Don't you remember me, Alice" His eyes trail up my face to my eyes again, I got confused.

"What?" He laughs and looks at his friends, they laughed with him, well this is confusing as hell.

"You can't even remember the people who killed your friend or is he lets say your mate..?" My eyes widen, h-hunters? But how? How did they know I was a wolf? Did they follow me and my brother home without us knowing?

"We followed you sweetheart, I say you're a bit stupid to not even bother to make sure we actually left" He smirked, I'm gonna slap that smirk off his face in a minute.

"You better of not hurt my brother!" I growled at him, he laughs again.

"Oh, you mean him?" He points, Connor had his hands tied behind his back and he had a couple of bruises on his face.

"Connor!" I cried, small tears dripping down my face, I looked at the hunter.

"Please let my brother go" I begged him, he looks at me and smiles.

"Uh... I don't think I will" He smiles again, I growled and kicked him right between his legs, he falls to the floor.

I ran to Connor and rip off the rope without effort, I grabbed his hand and I started running down the street. I opened Adam's friend's house door and ran in with Connor, Adam and his friend stand up, confused and worried.

"What's happening?!" Adam asked angrily, I ran to him and grabbed his shirt.

"Gang of guys after us, with guns and knives" I breathed out, Adam knew exactly what I meant, his friend had a phone in his hand.

"Should I call the police?" He asked worried, I looked at him.

"No, I will deal with them, they killed my friend" Adam looks straight at the door, he was serious, he clenched his hands into a fist.

"I don't think you should Adam, I mean they killed your friend, who knows what they will do to you" His eyes filled with concern and worry, I wouldn't blame him, I agree to what he says.

"You should listen to him Adam, please" I begged him, I gripped his shirt a bit tighter, he puts his hands over mine and smiles softly.

"My friend died because of them, I can't let them get away with it, and besides he was protecting you, so it's my turn to do the same, because I love you" He cups my face with his hands and kisses my forehead gently, he smiles once more and walks outside.


OMG! Sorry I took so long!

I was writing it and I forget to save it, so I had to write it again! >.< I'm so silly, anyway hope you liked it, more coming soon!! Hehe

Vote, comment or fan!!

I love you bunny rabbits!! xoxo

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