Chapter 19.

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Adam uses his arms to support him up and he stares into my eyes, my hands gripping his shoulders. He leans in kissing my lips softly, he kisses my neck, down to my collarbone nibbling it.

"Adam..." I gripped his shoulders tighter, he growls, he grabs my wrists with his hands, pinning them beside my head.

"You're mine Alice" He growls, I moaned as he continues to kiss down my neck, my body was starting to heat up.

He lets my hands go and he trails his hands down my body, he groans as my hands went down his back. I ripped his shirt off, feeling his big chest, I traced my fingers down on the lining of his abs. He groans again shuddering, I shivered beneath him, he smirks, nibbling the skin of my neck. My nails dug into his skin, he growls, grabbing my hands again and pinning them with one hand. I bit his bottom lip, I felt his lips stretch to a smile, he kisses across my jawline. We kissed for ages, it's like his lips were so intoxicating, it was like a drug, so addicting. We heard a knock on our door stopping us from our little make-out session, Adam groans.

"What?" He growls, I giggled, he looks at me and playfully snarls at me.

"Son.. It's me your mum, I need to talk with you and dad it's important please..?" He frowns, but doesn't answer his mum, he stares into my eyes, licking his lips.

His mum walks in, her eyes widen and she gasps, Adam looks at his mother, quickly jumping off me. He scratches the back of his head nervously, looking away from his mum.

"Adam!" She growls, she storms to him, grabbing his wrist and pulling him out the room.

I laughed at him being pulled away, he growls at me, I stuck my tongue out at him. After about 20/40 mins later, Adam finally comes back to our room, he groans, dumping himself on the bed beside me. I giggled, rubbing his head slowly, he puts his arm over my stomach, staring at me.

"Did mummy tell you off for being naughty?" I smirked at him, he frowns at me, he pinches a bit of my stomach, I yelped.

He chuckles at me, I frowned and slapped his shoulder.

"No she didn't, my mums an impatient person so she just took me because she needed to talk with me and dad and because I didn't answer she walked in" He smirks at me, I nibbled at my bottom lip.

"That's nice Adam, seriously.. pinching my stomach that hurts" I pouted at him, rubbing my stomach, he places his hand on my stomach, sending hot tingles through my body.

"Sorry baby" He smirks, he kisses the side of my neck, nibbling at the skin.

I slapped his shoulder playfully, he chuckles getting up, he grabs my wrists pulling me up. I poked his bare chest, he chuckles again, I felt the vibrations rumbling through his chest. He goes behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, I giggled and walked to the living room, him still holding my waist. We saw the boys, I smiled even though River was being strange, I still kept him as a friend but if he tries anything then he knows it's the end for us. I sat on Adams lap, I smiled to River and Connor, they smiled back, Connor sits beside me and River goes to the other side of me. I leaned back on Adams chest, he wraps his arms firmly around me.

"So what you guys been doing?" I asked, looking at Connor and River, they both smiled.

"I just came back from my mates house" Connor smirks, I giggled, playfully hitting his shoulder.

"I was playing football with the guys" River smiles, I smiled, poking his arm muscle.

"I never knew you could play football River" I giggled, he smirks, chuckling and looking away.

"Well I don't have these guns for nothing" He flexes his arm muscles, winking at me and he smirks, I giggled, playfully rolling my eyes.

"Well.. Anyone wanna join me in a race..?" I jumped off Adams lap, looking at them, they all stared at me.

"Nah I'm good" They all said, I giggled, I cocked my eyebrow up at them and smirked.

"You guys are not going only because you know I can kick your asses" They all stood up and growled at me.

"Bring it!" They all growled, I laughed, walking out behind a tree.

I quickly stripped my clothes off and shifted into my wolf, I stretched my wolfs legs. All the guys joined me after a few minutes.

"Ok last one to the end of the meadow is a rotten egg" I laughed, looking straight ahead, I dug my claws in the soft ground.

I launched forward and raced down the forest, I looked back and saw the guys a few feet away from me. I turned my head back and picked up the pace, I raced like lighting. I reached the meadow, I smiled when I was near the finish line, Adam jumps on top of me. I fall down, I growled, wiggling from under him, I whimpered at him.

"Adammmm" I moaned at him, pouting at him, he chuckles as Connor and River crossed the finish line.

"That's not fair" I pouted at them, they laughed at me.

"You're saying that cause you lost" My brother smirks, I growled, I huffed at them.

"I would have won, but you just had to pounce on me and stop me because you knew I would have beaten your asses" I growled at Adam, Adam shakes his head at me, he smirks at me.

"But you didn't baby" He purrs in my ear, sending hot tingles down my spine, I shivered.

"Fine" I mumbled, I looked away from Adam, he nuzzles my neck.

I looked at Adam and gently pushed him off me, I got up and started walking back to the camp. The boys behind me, I stepped on a piece of glass.. That's weird, there shouldn't be any glass around.. I whimpered, lifting my paw up. The blood drips on the ground, Adam races up to me, checking me over.

"Alice..? Are you ok..? What happened?" He gets concerned, his eyes narrow, I smiled at his worried face.

"I'm fine Adam, I just stepped on some glass" He shakes his head, frowning, he licks my paw gently.

"You're bleeding and what is glass doing here..? Have humans come here.." Adam picks his head up, looking around, he lets out a low growl.

"We need to move and fast!" Adam picks me up and puts me on his back, I gave him a confused look, tilting my head to the side.

"What's wrong Adam..?" Connor and River stand next to us, our heads tilted to the side.

"It's hunters.. Wolf hunters are here.. I can smell them, we need to move before they find us and hunt us down and our pack" Adam says, looking around the place, his ears up and him on full alarm.

We all nodded, Adam and the guys raced down to the pack house, Adam howls, telling the others to stay as humans. We went behind our trees and quickly put our clothes on, Adam walks over to me, putting his arms over my shoulders.

"Father hunters are here!" Adam shouts, bursting through the door, his father stands up quickly, nodding his head.

Me and my brother are confused hunters..? You mean there are people that believe that us wolves are real and want to hunt us?. Wow.. I thought they weren't suppose to know we were real, maybe they saw us when we were running or when we were at the waterfall. What if one is here right now.. What if one of them is hiding and waiting for the right moment or what if they sneak up on us when we are asleep. This is annoying.. I frowned, I'm thinking too hard, gotta get my mind off it or I'll get paranoid and over think. Like I'm doing right now...


Sorry if I take forever to update guys

=( well you already know why Ahahaha...

I'll try my best for my amazing readers ^.^

Thank you again for all your votes and comments I really do appreciate it. =)

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Love ya bunny rabbits xoxo

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