By prettymuchbasic

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"They betrayed you," Sasha had said. "They left you for dead." After the tragedy that took place in Lady Iren... More

Disclaimer // Information // Author's Note
Prologue: Flowers for Your Grave
Chapter I: Shadow Knight Reborn
Chapter III: Familiar (and Hated) Face
Chapter IV: Evade and Escape
Chapter V: Flashback
Chapter VI: Return to Phoenix Drop
Chapter VII: Recognise
Chapter VIII: Sasha's Request
Chapter IX: Right Place, Wrong Time
Chapter X: A 'Cat'astrophic Situation
Chapter XI: Shadow Knight's Rage
Chapter XII: The One to Blame
Chapter XIII: Journey to Scaleswind
Chapter XIV: Twisted Love
Chapter XV: Tired
Chapter XVI: Sleep-Deprived Mistakes
Chapter XVII: Calm Before the Storm
Chapter XVIII: Questions to Answer
Chapter XIX: This is Not a Dream
Chapter XX: To New Lands
Chapter XXI: Shadow Knight's Restlessness
Chapter XXII: Repent and Repeat
Chapter XXIII: Plans
Chapter XXIV: Interrupt
Chapter XXV: Apology Accepted
Chapter XXVI: Half to Death
Chapter XXVII: Murderer's Mistakes
Chapter XXVIII: Casanovas and Confused Ladies
A/N: A Question to All of You
Chapter ¿: Then and Now
Chapter ∞: Shadow Knight's Rest
A/N: The Story's Over

Chapter II: Where Your Loyalties Lie

4.8K 134 48
By prettymuchbasic

Arabella didn't talk much after Sasha left her alone with her thoughts. Actually, she didn't speak at all. All she did was sit in silence and think about what had happened.

First off, Arabella unknowingly became a Shadow Knight while she was still unconscious (well, technically, she wouldn't be a complete one until she kills the person she loves the most, or a few innocent people--same thing, though, right?). How did that make her feel? Still confused and overwhelmed, Arabella didn't know what to think of that. However, ever since she woke up from that ritual (which was literally a few minutes ago), she felt... stronger. More powerful. Deadlier.

Second, although Arabella outright admitted her feelings towards Phoenix Drop, she couldn't help but feel something, like her lost sense of humanity, tugging at her sleeve, screaming at her to wake up and realise that the Shadow Knights were not kind people. Arabella shoved these thoughts into the back of her mind and shrugged them off. Honestly, it was much easier to believe Sasha than want to go back to Phoenix Drop. She made it an effort to loathe her old village, and still, there was a part of her that didn't believe it.

In any case, there was no going back now. Arabella was a Shadow Knight. End of story.

Sasha walked into the room to find Arabella in the exact same position she was in a few hours ago. Deciding not to give it much thought, she said, "I'll show you around. Come on."

Arabella nodded halfheartedly, but she followed her anyway.

"This, obviously," started Sasha, "is the Shadow Fortress. It's basically the main area of the Nether and the place where all operations are carried out. Well, almost all operations." Sasha sounded like she tried to keep everything as vague as possible, but Arabella didn't question it. As they stepped into a balcony-hallway sort of area, Arabella noticed that underneath the orange skies was a large and orderly gathering of people--no, things--dressed in hellish armour, as if waiting for commands. It was an entire army consisting of monsters from the Nether, all of which were loyal to the Shadow Lord. Even though Laurance had described how terrifying it was, seeing it up close was ten times more horrific.

"Those are all our troops," explained Sasha, noticing Arabella's intrigue in them. "They do whatever we say, whenever we say it. Of course, we had a lot more--nearly twice as much as we have now--but..." Sasha started grumbling something about a traitor. "We don't speak of him. Anyway, the main commander of the Shadow Army is someone who is eagerly waiting to meet you."

Arabella wondered who could've been so excited to see someone brought back to life a few hours ago. (Actually, when it's phrased like that, it seems totally believable.)

Sasha led Arabella through yet another maze of hallways, until they reached a giant door guarded by more Shadow Knights like the ones in the army. With their red, pointed helms, they began to intimidate Arabella. Arabella tried backing away, only to be dragged into the room by Sasha.

This room resembled almost all the rooms in the Shadow Fortress, but it was much more grand and lit up with glowstone rather than simple fires. At the back of the room, behind a dark-coloured table sat someone, presumably a Shadow Knight, but he was more than that. Despite the black hair and the look of evil on his face, this Shadow Knight seemed to resemble Dante greatly. Arabella couldn't put her finger on it.

"Gene," said Sasha, looking at the blue-eyed Shadow Knight seated at the back of the room, "this is the one I was talking about. The one in Irene's Dimension, remember?"

"Please, Sasha," started Gene, whose voice was just like Dante's, except darker, with a hint of malice in it. "I recognise one when I see them." He turned to Arabella with interest in his eyes, except, it was more like a scientist being pleasantly surprised by their successful experiment. "Arabella, isn't it?"

"You're Dante's brother," pinpointed Arabella. She'd only seen him once before, and that was when she last entered the Nether to rescue Laurance.

A distasteful expression took over his face. "Well, yes," he said, "but that's beside the point. I am Gene, head commander of the Shadow Army, and I am more than pleased to see a new Shadow Knight here after, what, ten years, or so? Nonetheless, I'm pretty sure Sasha has given you a full tour of this place."

"Not really," snickered Sasha.

Gene rolled his eyes. "Well, most of it is just lakes of lava and mountains of nether-rack infested by demonic creatures, so it doesn't really matter."

Sasha shrugged. "I've got to go now to, er... check on potions. Yeah."

There seemed to be a silent conversation going on between Sasha and Gene that Arabella didn't understand, and on that note, Sasha left the room.

Gene turned to Arabella. "Now, for the main reason you're here." Arabella suddenly felt panicky. Something felt wrong. Nonetheless, she forced her feet forward as Gene ushered her to do so. Seating herself in front of him, Gene started the discussion.

"You of all people should know how a Shadow Knight ritual goes," said Gene. "First, the ritual, then, the sacrifice of your most beloved, and finally, the gaining of your true power. You've successfully gone through the first step, so we need to move on."

Uh-oh. Arabella knew exactly where this was going, and she didn't like it. She gulped. She didn't think it would be a good idea to bring up this subject, and maybe, the Shadow Knights forgot about the incident and reminding them will make them vengeful once more. Oh, well. It was too late now. "I think I've already done that, long ago."

Gene's eyes turned stormy, but his expression didn't change. He knew exactly what Arabella was talking about. "Killing Caspian right before he claimed his true power doesn't count, since that happened before your ritual. And no, we're not going to hold you to it."

Relief spread over Arabella. At least they'd forgiven her for what happened years ago, even before Arabella had joined the guard of Phoenix Drop.

"That is why," continued Gene, the evil in his tone getting more apparent, "you need to kill the person most beloved to you."

After a few seconds, Arabella replied, "The second we step foot into the Overworld, I'll finish off Aphmau, or whoever the new lord of Phoenix Drop is."

She thought that would've settled it, but Gene merely chuckled. "Usually, a guard's most loved one is their lord. Usually. Tell me, why did you come after Laurance in the Nether? Aphmau surely wouldn't have sent you without back-up, or send anyone at all. You came at you own will, but would you have done the same if Aphmau took Laurance's place?"

Arabella paled. "I--I don't know what you're talking about."

Gene shook his head. "The guiltiest liar is one who lies to themself, Arabella. It isn't that difficult to see how you feel about Laurance. Now, killing Aphmau won't do you any good. To completely become a Shadow Knight..."

Gene stopped pacing around the room and faced Arabella. "You need to kill Laurance."

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