Crazy In Love For My Stepbrot...

By Gemi2Mini

55.9K 2.1K 183

A Jock & A Geek. But soon to be Stepbrothers. Gab is a typical geek in school. Always quiet in class but rare... More

Chapter 1 - Moving In With My New Stepbrother
Chapter 3 - Hanging out with my Stepbrother all Weekend (part 2)
Chapter 4 - Spacing Out
Chapter 5 - The Bet
Chapter 6 - Fairy tales?
Chapter 7 - Being Touchy
Chapter 8 - Exams
Chapter 9 - Christmas Party
Chapter 10 - Break UP!?
Chapter 11 - W-why?
♥ Not a Chapter ♥
Chapter 12 - I'm Fine! Okay?
Chapter 13 - O-okay?
Chapter 14 - Does He Even Like You?
Chapter 15 - You Knew It!?
Chapter 16 - Do You Think He'll Forgive Me?
Chapter 17 - What An Eventful Day...
Chapter 18 - Soo...
Chapter 19 - Another Hang Out... With Him
Chapter 20 - Stepbrother?
Chapter 21 - I Hope He'll Like It...
Chapter 22 - Time To Buy Some Gifts
Chapter 23 - Scared?
Not A Chapter
Chapter 24 - Really?
Chapter 25 - You. Saw. NOTHING...
Chapter 26 - Don't You Even Dare...
Chapter 27 - Yah!
Chapter 28 - You Know...
Chapter 29 - How About Now?
Chapter 30 - Best Christmas Ever (Part 1)
Chapter 31 - Best Christmas Ever (Part 2)
Chapter 32 - Best Christmas Ever (Part 3)

Chapter 2 - Hanging out with my Stepbrother all Weekend (part 1)

3.6K 115 23
By Gemi2Mini


☆ Gabriel's POV ☆

          Today's Saturday, I guess. Hmmmm.... what to do? What to do? I mean I can play games in my PC but I do need to take break from that. I got up, yawned, stretched my body then rubbed my eyes. After that, I looked around the room and saw Leandro still sleeping.

          I guess he's tired from playing basketball yesterday. While looking at him, I noticed that he was shirtless. My cheeks started heating up and I can fell myself reddening at the sight of him shirtless. I need to go downstairs before he wakes up and caughts me looking at him while he's sleeping. Kinda stalker-ish.

          I head to the door and went downstairs when I caught a beautiful, sweet aroma coming from the kitchen. After standing there for some time, Aira finally noticed me standing in the doorway.

          "Good morning, Gab. " she said while smiling sweetly at me "Good morning,Aira. " I replied while yawning, I'm still a bit sleepy. "Sweetie? Can you call me mom?" she asked me politely "Okay, mom. There? You happy?" I teasingly asked her with a mischievous smile on my face "Of course!" She laughingly said "So sweetie, did you sleep well last night?" She asked me "A little bit cause Leandro was snoring a bit." I replied still have a smile on my face. "Sweetie, can you please wake up Leandro to come downstairs and eat his breakfast and- OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUSNESS WE'RE GONNA BE LATE FOR WORK, HONEY!" Mom suddenly shouted after looking at the watch. That's gonna be your problem I thought while laughing at her. "Here's some money for you and Leandro. Maybe hang out for a bit?" She said while taking some money from her purse and giving it to me. I nodded a reply. She kissed me on the cheeks and then rushedout the door with my dad behind her. "Bye mom! Bye dad!" I called out to them.

          I glanced up to the grandfather clock and saw that they were really running late. Well, guess it's time to wake up Leandro from his deep slumber I thought while taking two steps at a time going up the stairs. When I reached mine and Leandro's room I saw that he was still asleep. I can't help but look at his 6 pack abs and blushed furiously. Shooking my head,

          I head over to him and started shooking him. "Leandro. Hey Leandro, wake up." I whispered in his ear. "Hmmm later." He muttered as a reply to me "Ahh alright suit yourself but Aira gave us some money so we can hang out in the mall or something." I said then like thunder he shot out of bed "Well what are you waiting for? Let's eat some breakfast first." He said wide awake.

          I nodded and followed him downstairs and in to the dining room and we sat next to each other. "So Gab, I guess I'm supposed to be the little brother here." He said to me while munching on some pancakes. I looked at him "I guess, I mean... I'm older than you in 4 months so yeah. Waaaait but you're taller than me. " I pouted. He just chuckled then continued eating his breakfast.

          After we we're done eating breakfast, I took shower first before Leandro. Showering makes me calm. First of all, I'm glad that Leandro was my stepbrother and second, so we got to know each other pretty well. After that I wrapped a towel around my waist. As I got out from the bathroom, Leandro was waiting for me to come out so he can go next. He walked pass by me and closed the door and locked it. I went to my dresser and picked some clothes to wear.

          After that, I started to think that something is missing. Hmmmm....... oh I remember! I need to message Pamela and tell her whose my stepbrother is. I quickly went to my PC and turned it on. I put the web address and typed in "" I was relieved to see that Pamela was online and I saw 8 new messages for me. Let's see:

*Dgroup for Perps




Well there's a few of them but the rest are all Pamela's messages.



She likes to message me with all caps lock. Thinks that it's cool. I sighed and messaged a reply to her.

"Hey Pam guess what?


"OMAYGAWD FOR REAAAAL?!?! LIKE AS IN LEANDRO, THE ONE THAT YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON? " she quickly typed. Wow she's a fast typer.

"Wow Pam to much information, don't you think?"


"Okay I'll message you late again for more information. Right now, Leandro is taking a shower and we're going somewhere else. "

I can already hear her squealing like a baby with candy.

"Geeez Pam, it's not a date we're just hanging out that's all. Okay?"

Pamela active 1 minute ago

          Wow she's really hyper today. Then again, she's always like that. What does she eat to stay hyper all day? Scratch that. Me and Leandro are going to the mall, I guess. I noticed that Leandro just came out of the bathroom. Wow he must be in there for like 15 minutes or more. I can feel my face heating up again at the sight of him; wearing a towel on his waist and his 6 pack abs are showing. Again. He notices that I was staring at him "Hey Gab can you please stop staring at me weirdly." I snapped out of my gaze at Leandro. Oh my god that was embarrassing. Staring at Leandro for a few minutes makes me feel awkward already.

☆ Time skipped at the Mall ☆

          There are sales. Sales everywhere. I guess there's a sales event. Me and Leandro wandered around the mall until we saw one of our classmates. Lynelle and Shanen. They know my secret because I told them first. They jogged towards us to talk to us.

          "Hi Gab, I didn't know that you and Leandro hang out together." Lynelle said wonderingly. I looked up to Leandro and put a 'make a lie' face, I want to keep it a secret that Leandro is my stepbrother. Knowing that he would tell the truth, I immediately told a lie to cover it up. "Leandro asked me to hang out with him because he wanted to buy something." I told them with a believable tone, hoping that they would buy it. Lynelle looked at Shanen with a smug look on her face, and the nodded together. "Hmmm okaaay, we better get going then." Shanen said walking away from us "Okay byee, you to girls." Leandro said while waving his hand.

          "Thanks for lying to them about us." Leandro thanked me. "No problem.....Leandro." I really don't want other people knowing that Leandro is my stepbrother. I mean that wouldn't be a bother to other people but with him, living in the same house, not so great at all.

          We continued to walk aimlessly around the mall until we spotted a skating rink, ice skating. Man it's been a long time since I have skated, I think it was approximately 3 months ago? I really wanted to skate so much so I then dragged Leandro to nearest cash register for the ice rink. But he stopped me. "Gab I think we have a problem." He said to me, I looked at him with an annoyed look "What is it?" I asked him "Ummm I don't know how to skate." He said rubbing the back of his neck while looking at the floor. "Don't worry about it, I'll teach you how." I said in confidence "O-ok." he stuttered and looked away.

          We got up to the cash register to pay for the tickets, we gave our money to the cashier and she handed us our change, $46 each. Wow one ticket is $4 That's fine by me, I thought. We got our skating tickets and went to the rentals to rent some skating shoes. Leandro got his skating shoes and I got mine as well. After we tied the laces of our skating shoes I stood up and walked normally, but Leandro was already having a hard time. I sighed and walked towards him and helped him walk towards the skating rink. That's gonna be a probem.

☆ Leandro's POV ☆

          Skating with Gab. Man, I'm going to have a problem on balancing on the ice. Gab helped me walk slowly towards the rink and I started to lose balance, I'm not really a great skater.

          "Okay Leandro, since this is you're first time skating, I'm gonna teach you some basics about skating." I nodded in reply "Okay so this is gonna be easy but you have to be careful because you need to balance yourself while skating." Gab said to me in with a serious tone in his voice. "Try to skate slowly, like this." I looked closely at him while he showed me how to skate properly. After he showed it to me, he skated towards me "Okay Leandro your turn. Don't worry I'll catch you if you fall." He said cheerfully. Easy for you to say I thought to myself. Gab is in front of me, so maybe that won't be much of a problem. I skated slowly. "Okay good good. Try speed up a little bit." I skated a little bit faster but accidentally tripped because it was slippery. Gab managed to fall too. Ouch. That's gonna leave a mark.

          When I opened my eyes, our faces was inches from each other. I started to blush and looked away. I carefully stood up and helped Gab to stand up too. "Y-you okay Gab?" He just nodded and started to blush ferociously. Wow, that was embarrassing. "O-okay s-so I think you already know how to skate. Just make it faster next time, okay?" Gab stuttered, not looking at me. "O-okay." I stuttered in embarrassment. Man, I almost kissed Gab. I have Dianne. My smart and gorgeous girlfriend. I reminded myself.

          Gab just started to skate all by himself, maybe he wants to be alone for a bit. I just stand at my position and watched Gab, my big stepbrother I guess. He skates gracefully and so calm. I didn't know that Gab was a great skater. Did he take skating lessons? Hmmm maybe I'll just ask him later. But for now, I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to talk to me. I started walking away from the rink and walked towards the lobby. when I got to the lobby I looked for a nearby seat to seat on and found a comfy couch. I'm starting to get bored. So I grabbed my phone from the pocket and opened my contacts and try to start a conversation with some friends. Hmmm who should I call

David: Busy
Dianne <3: Busy
Donn: Busy
Eli: Busy
Johann: Busy
Lynelle: Busy
Mclem: Busy
Mom: No she's at work right now
Piolo: Ahh perfect I'll definitely call him

"Hey, Piolo."
"Hey dud what's up? I haven't heard from you since last night."
"I'm fine and I'm here with my stepbrother hanging out, I was busy last night."
"You're hanging out with your stepbrother. Nice."
"Thanks, Piolo."
"No problem, so whose your stepbrother?"
"Don't freak out, okay?"
"Okay, will do."
"It's Gabriel. One of our classmates that doesn't talk to anyone except Pamela."
"Yeah not what I expected when I got home from our game."
"That's a shocker. I was expecting it to be some random dude but no."
"Why does it sound like you hate Gab?"
"Cause he ruined my chance to be with Mari."
"Maybe he did that with a reason."
"Okay I'm going to go now. Bye dude, talk to you later."
"Okay, dude. Bye."

          Hmmm Gab ruined Piolo's chance to be with Mari. I'm going to need to talk to him later. "Where the hell have you been? I kept skating and you're just sitting here. Wow, nice." Gab appeared out of nowhere "I'm sorry, I was just talking to someone on the phone." I shrugged "Fine....let's go somewhere else." He said while stretching his arms "Okaaaay but first we have to get shoes." I said walkin away "Uggh fine." I hear him say.


Hey Guys,

Hope you all enjoy this Chapter 2. Can you comment down below if you want more... Cause I think I really don't need to work this story. So... Leave a and comment down below on what you think on today's Chapter. While you're here, why not follow me on Wattpad for more update...

~Bye Guys...

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