She Caught The Badboy Eyes

By raah13xx

1M 20K 4.4K

17 years old Alexis Maria Gonzalez has experienced every pain there is to feel in life. Moving away from the... More

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Suprising events
The Unexpected
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Badboys Can Cry Too
Back From The Past
What Are You Doing Here
Family Means Everything
Lexi's Story
Battle Cry
I Love You Lexi
Happy 18th Baby
Merry Xmas Babe
New Stories

She's just not that into me?

66.6K 1.3K 360
By raah13xx

Lexi pov:

Lexi's Dream:

Tilting my chin with his soft caressing hands, he looks me in the eyes "You look beautiful as always, so beautiful Lexi baby"

my cheeks glow a deep red as I blush from the comment he gave me "thank you, you look handsome as always" he chuckles giving me a peck on the lips.

He slowly pulls away bringing me closer to him as I lay my head on his chest.

End of dream

*Beep beep beep slamming my hand down on my alarm, I slowly get up making my way to the bathroom.

Running my hand through my freshly cut hair I take in my new appearance.

Searching my eyes for the happiness it once held all I find is a cold stare of pain looking back at me,

my eyes no longer tell the happy stories of all my memories but the pain and hatred I feel.

Sighing I step into the shower, letting the water wash away my thoughts.

After my shower I walk back to my room heading into my wardrobe, deciding on what to wear.

I pick a pair of denim jeans, grey sweater and my white canvas shoes also adding a grey beanie and my fake glasses for the nerdy look I grab my bag and lock my door on my way out.

I walk out of the building and head towards my car, blasting my music I drive off towards the school.

This is my last year in school and my plan is to hide in the shadows and to pass school with no trouble.

Finally coming into sight of the school, I park on the side of the road not wanting to draw any attention to myself.

I hop out of my car hanging my bag on my right shoulder while putting my beanie on and making sure my tattoos aren't showing,

I push all my nerves down to the pit of my stomach and take my first step towards the gates, damn this is actually scary.

I shrug the feeling off and walk a fast paste to the front doors not stoping at the curious looks thrown my way.

While the halls start to fill with the harsh whispers made about me obviously, I roll my eyes.

Relief washes over me as I make it to the office without any trouble.

I smile sweetly as I tell the office lady my name, shortly after she enters my name in the computer she prints out my timetable and hands it to me.

Thanking the bell that just alarmed students the Beginning of form room, I walk into the hallway that is no longer booming with whispering and glares.

Mentally kicking myself I come to realize that I forgot to ask the office lady for directions to my class.

Well I guess I'm getting a detention on my first day of school dammit, just what a wanted (note the sacarsm)

well let's just say I missed form period and now I am currently 10 minutes late for first.

I find my class with the door slightly open. I knock on the door trying to get the teachers attention only getting a grunt in response,

taking that as an awkward invitation I slowly walk in with my head down.

"Why are you late to my class" <teacher,

giving him a blank look like wtf are serious? I'm a new student here stupid, wtf do you think? Man it's always the old English teachers that are cranky

"sorry Sir I'm new here and I wasn't given any directions to class" I say back trying to hold my anger in

"well that is why you have a mouth to ask" he stands up holding his hand in the air silencing the students.

Looking at me he tells me to introduce myself, I look at the waiting faces, some with disgust, annoyance and boredom.

"Are you gonna introduce yourself or just stand there like a freak" some bitchy red hair yells in annoyance,

taking that as my que to start I introduce myself as Alexis.

After telling them a little about myself which isn't true nor is it a lie I take the seat he assigned me to.

Noticing the glares I'm getting from all the girls in the class I feel my anger starting to build, wtf are they all staring at, shit have you never seen a spanish girl before Ugh

Keeping my head down and ignoring the stares I pull the chair and take a seat.

Half way through the class I notice that all the other tables are loud and talking to each other whilst my table is dead silent.

Peaking through the gap of my hair covering my face I quickly take a look at the people at my table,

only now realizing that I'm seated at a table full of guys, 6 guys that are giving off the bad boy vibe.

I can tell that they are silently communicating with each other by using their eyes, so I take the chance to study them.

Looking them over I start with guy on my left, he has light blond hair with a tint of brown coming through and sky blue eyes, so I'm calling him blonde,

the guy slightly in front of him has jet black hair with brown eyes similar to his twin sitting next to him,

the only difference between the two is the one sitting closer to me has curls and the one further away has dead straight hair, from now on I'm calling them thing 1 & thing 2, I think the nicknames fitting.

Looking across from thing 2 the guy opposite him has a mix of dark and light brown hair with piercing blue eyes you could get lost in, I think i'll call him nice eyes,

anyways next to nice eyes on his left, is a guy with dark brown hair matching his eyes and cute dimples, hmmm I like the sound of that dimples, looks like I'm calling you dimples

and next to dimples is the guys that's on my right, I stare at him the longest, he has dark brown hair with light brown eyes, tattoos peaking out of every corner of his top

and by the looks of it he has the darkest edge to him compared to the other boys, I'm now guessing I'm sitting next to the leader. Could my day get in better (note the sacarsm)

After successfully studying them without getting caught I think I may have figured them out.

So blonde to my left seems more mature than the others, he's probably the one that keeps them in line.

Thing 1 & 2 they seem like the pranksters of the group with the goofy grins plastered on their faces.

Nice eyes over there, well it's hard to say he wears a smirk to hide his feelings but clearly when you look him in the eye,

you can see the guilt swimming around. Other than that he seems like a chill kind of guy.

Ending with the leader, he seems cold, his tattoo tells the story he can't describe in words and his eyes, those eyes holds all the emotions he can't express.

Looking at these boys once more I can tell that they've all been through some shitty things in their life and truthfully they may not be family at blood but they're family at heart.

Suddenly I feel my phone vibrate in my front pocket of my jeans, sighing I take my phone out and hold it under the table. I open up the text

Text Messages
L=Lexi S=Sam

S: hey lex, I wish you the best for the first day of school baby girl!!! I miss you so so much!!! I love you xo

Moving slightly so I can hide my phone
I reply

L: hey Sammy, thank you! I miss you too, I hope you have a great day, I love you xo

S: when do you have break? ring me I miss your voice! I miss having my baby sister here with me. All the boys miss you so much too!!! I hope you're okay? You will tell me if you're not right? Xo

L: I promise I'm okay and yes I will tell if any things wrong, I have to you're like my older sister! You are my sister!!! At heart!!! I have to do a few things at break but I'll call you later on tonight, is that okay?

You and the boys make a Skype so I can Skype yous whenever I can and can you Please tell the boys I said hi and give them the biggest hug for me!!! I love you Sammycakes!!!! Xo

S: okay baby I'm always here for you okay no matter what! You better have put me on speed dial Alexis! Oh that sucks I was hopping I could talk to you sooner :( I guess I have to wait till tonight :'(

okay I'm making one now, the boys are here so we can Skype instead of calling I just told them to make one and I showed them the text. They said they miss and love you to Lexi <3 What's your Skype name I'll add you now ily XO

L: okay that sounds like a good plan. My Skype name is LexiMG, I got to go the teachers staring at me and he's a dumb shit!!!

S: haha oh baby girl, well have fun and don't forget our plans for tonight OKAY, I love you baby sis XO


*brinnng brinnng End of class already? Picking my bag up off the floor and placing it on my right shoulder I make my way out of class, merging my way through the crowd.

Hopefully I have better luck finding my Art class. Making it just before the end of warning bell, I walked straight to the teachers desk reading her name before speaking

"hello Mrs Forrest, my name is Lexi and I'm a new student" smiling sweetly at her "hello dear it's nice to meet you, there's a spare seat at the back. I hope you enjoy art sweetie"

She sends me another welcoming smile before she begins to tell the class I'm a new student and to treat me kindly with welcoming arms,

Aww she's so kind she's already my favorite teacher, well actually favorite person here.

Without properly looking at the group of people at my table I sit down in the empty chair pulling out my sketch book.

I put my earphones in my ears to block out the outside world and patiently listen to the lyrics of the song and begin to sketch.

I don't know what I'm sketching at the moment, so I just focus on the lyrics and let my hands move to the rhythm of the beat.

Half an hour into class lesson Mrs Forrest asked to look at my work, smiling down at me she tells me I'm truly gifted,

she continues looking over my sketch work taking in all the details while I stare at my pencil in my hand.

Feeling the stares of curious eyes I look up and come face to face with 6 pair of familiar eyes

ugh shit I have this class with them too??? Why? why must I be in the same class with them???

Slightly annoyed that they were looking at my work I ignore their questioning looks and asks Mrs Forrest if I could have my work back so I can continue with it.

She hands me my sketch book and goes back to observing other students work.

I get back into my zone finishing it, looking at it I smile a heartfelt smile. I sketched one of my most memorable memory I wish I could relive.

Sadly I can't.

I take the time to look over at all the little details I added, the way I used the blue to create the lake,

the way I added the white blending it in to get the effect of the moons reflection,

the little odd colors I added to the lake to give it that realistic look and lastly the two bodies embraced in each other's arms.

I smile once again at the happy memory. Signing the bottom with my name I debate on whether i want to take it home or leave it,

deciding that I should leave it in class, since it is school work it needs to be marked.

"Lexi may I see you for a moment after class?" <Mrs Forrest

"Sure Mrs Forrest" packing my bag as the bell goes I walk up to her desk and take a seat waiting patiently as the students scurry out of class for break.

"Lexi dear your art work is amazing, are you interested in the art competition placed here at school?" <Mrs Forrest

"Uhm not really Mrs Forrest, I don't wish to show my art work to anyone else apart from my teacher or marker" <Lexi

"oh okay dear, I just thought with your talented skills you should join, anyway what picture did you use?" <Mrs Forrest

"Errm I didn't use any, I just have a very imaginable mind" she smiles at me sweetly before letting me go.

I really like that teacher, I hope the rest of my teachers are as nice as her. Strolling through the empty halls I decide to look for my other classes so I can make it on time.

Okay so far I now know where my English, Art, Dance, Music, Physics, Biology, Chemistry but I can't find my Maths class???

I swear this school is even bigger then my old school times two. I turn another corner which leads me to more classes, why can't they use arrows or something???

Walking down the new found hall I finally find my Maths class. Looking down at my drawn map I fold it and put it in pocket.

I decide to make a quick call to Sammy seeing as I have 15minutes left.

Phone call
L=Lexi S=Sam

S: "I knew you couldn't resist me" haha she laughs into the phone

L: "I swear you have the biggest ego ever! Haha I laugh into the phone aswell, I've missed her voice so much!!!

S: "Is everything okay, I thought you couldn't ring, I mean I'm not complaining it's just that you..."

I cut her off quickly letting her know that I was only in search of my classes since I was late to both my morning classes and missed form.

She just laughs as I tell her how my morning went leaving out the bitchy red and Mr grumpy pants,

I don't want her getting all protective older sister because she'll tell the boys straight away and then all hell breaks fcuking loose and trust me it ain't a pretty sight.

S: "So baby sis any bitches I need to hit up?"

Well there goes that plan in not telling her, damn she knows something's up I can tell cause she always does that clicking thing with her pen. Just lie smoothly.

L: "Nope non plus you know I can take care of myself  Sammy" sigh

S: "I know Lexi, honestly I do I've seen it all first hand and I couldn't be any more prouder of you, but you said it yourself you're laying low key,

and well you're disguised as nerd which means you're most likely a target to be bullied and just thinking about that hurts,

Lexi you're more than just my best friend, you are literately my baby sister and I don't want anything happening to you especially when you're all the way over there and we're here, I'm here.

It just scares me Lexi, it scares me knowing that you're not here with us, I love you so much!"

I barely hear her make out the last few words as her voice cracks and she softly lets out a whimper.

It honestly breaks my heart when shit like this happens. Feeling my eyes start to water I softly speak through the phone

L: "Sammycakes, please don't cry I hate it when this happens. I know you guys care so much about me and I care so much about you guys too.

You guys are my family not by blood but by heart! Thank you for always being there for me Sammy you're the best big older, crazy, funny, protective and loving sister I could ever ask for! I love you so much too"

we just stay on the phone comforting each other like we used to except now I'm not wrapped in her warm embrace,

feeling more tears slip down my face knowing I need some Lexi&Sammy sister bonding time I decide on skipping third and forth.

I walk outside passing the school gate and running over to my car I quickly get in, speeding off to a diner Brad recommended me,

using his words specifically he said 'their foods are amazing' which he was 100% right!

Their breakfast meals were so good and their dinner meals are amazing as for their desserts omfg they're beyond amazing and well now

I'm trying out my first lunch meal and the cool thing about this is the diner is literately a two minutes walk from my apartment.

Taking a seat near the window I tell Wonder my order, she's a lovely lady in her mid forties always smiling and brightening up peoples faces.

Moments later my food is being served, my mouth waters over my spicy buffalo wings, triple cheeseburger with hot chips and iced coffee.

Saying my pray I tear into my food while talking to Sammy. I can hear the boys laughing at me as they know how hungry I get and how much Food I need to feel satisfied,

well what can I say I love my food!!! I was so engrossed with my food and my conversation with Sammy that I didn't notice the bad boys walk in.

Taking a seat at a table not far from mine, I quickly finish up and make my way up to the counter asking Wonder if I can get a chocolate mud cake to go,

I pretend like I didn't see them, thanking Wonder by giving her big hug and a peck on the cheek as she returns with my cake saying chef Ralph said its on the house,

I yell out to chef saying "you're the best Ralph" hearing him laugh a hearted laugh he shouts "you're my favorite customer T-Rex" I smile at the nick name he gave me.

I remember the first time I came here I met Wonder then she introduced me to here husband Ralph,

at the time I didn't know he was the chief but when I told him I loved the food and hope the chief never leaves he broke into tears and laughter,

after calming himself down he told me he was the chief and I was now his favorite customer even Wonder said I was her favorite. Yah me!!!!

Getting into my car I make my way back to school and decide to park in the schools parking.

Turns out I didn't just only miss third and fourth I also missed out fifth and sixth, great first day huh? right now I am currently in dance,

sitting on the polished wooden floor while taken in everything Mrs Wood is saying.

Coming to the end of her speech she tells us we have to come up with a routine for a solo and present it to the class by the end of the third week.

Yah I can't wait I love dancing it makes me feel so free! Hoping she gives me a good one I smile as she gives me contemporary.

Through out the lesson I ignore little red and her minions, engaging myself with the soft music playing in the background luckily I have music last so I can work on a good track for my solo.

After school at home

Setting my laptop up on the coffee table I place my dinner on the side, I'm so happy with how the apartment looks now.

Over the weekend I went shopping and now my once empty apartment is nothing but a warm and comfy home.

Making myself comfy on the couch I click vid call and wait to see the familiar faces I have missed so much.

With a total of six hours speaking mostly to the boys I say goodnight clicking end call before closing my laptop.

Hoping I have a better day tomorrow, I have feeling that I'm going to be seeing red and her minions a lot, slowly closing my eyes i drift off to sleep.

Jake's pov:

Beep beeeep beeeep "okay okay shit man let me just have a quick shower!"

"Well if you got up early like you should your ass would already be in the car, so shut it I don't want to hear any of your shit!" Damn I hate it when he's right it's so annoying.

Practically running in then out the shower I chuck on some clothes from the clean pile and race down stairs, I make my way to Carter who's leaning on his car.

Giving him a bro hug we than hop in the car and make our way to school.

Parking in our spot we get out of the car and meet up with the rest of the boys, walking through the front entrance together,

wearing my famous smirk that has girls begging on their knees, it automatically drops along with the boys as we notice no one is paying any attention to us,

not even Pixie the school slut. Reading my thoughts Kaiden speaks up "wtf is happening?"

Shrugging I look back at the crowd following the direction their heads are faced. Huh? A new chick???

I nudge Carter in the arm, nodding my head in her direction, Carter puts on a sly grin.

Looking over at the boys "well boys looks like we found our next victim"

oh no I didn't mean like kill her, no I meant as making her beg on her knees for our attention haha, this should be fun.

*skip to 1st period
I hate English, especially with Mr Grumpy pants and his mood swing, you'd think he's a chick on his monthly cycle.

Talking amongst my boys about Carter's upcoming fight out of no where we hear a soft knock on the door. Grabbing all our attentions the new chick comes into view,

I shamelessly check her out along with my boys. She looks nice, a bit too geeky for my liking but she's pretty

"are you gonna introduce yourself or stand their like a freak" of course that had to be Pixie, does she ever shut her mouth.

"Hi I'm Lexie, ermm I like reading and andddd oh and I love food" she says in a sweet voice more of a whisper.

Hmmm Lexi, I like that name it suits her. I watch her as she makes her way over to our table taking a seat in the empty chair between me and Carter.

Nodding at the boys we all look at her, five minutes past and she hasn't even looked up at us??? Does she not see how lucky she is sitting at a table with us???

Half way through the lesson I grew tired of waiting for her attention, wooow did I just say that I Jake Blackwood was waiting for some geeky nerds attention??? wtf is happening to me?

A few minutes pass and I see her reach into her jean pocket bringing out her phone, not being nosy at all I try to get a glimpse of her text.

She got a text from some dude Sam saying 'hey lex, I wish you the best for the first day of school baby girl!!! I miss you so so much!!! I love you xo'

suddenly Feeling a pang of jealousy run through my body I try to get a better view of the texts but she moves her body slightly, blocking the view of the screen leaving me with only the side to stare at.

The boys gave me questions looks as to why I was shooting daggers at the side of her phone. Giving them the 'I'll explain to you later' look,

they went back to their little bantering. Zoning out, Carter lightly punches my shoulder saying class is over.

Finding Lexi no where to be seen i drag my feet over to art class. Even though I hate school, I'm pretty happy that majority of my classes I have are with the boys.

Walking into art class is different, it has a great feeling to it, everyone in this art class are pretty chilled and the teacher isn't a bitch, she's understanding.

She's one of the teacher that doesn't judge and I respect her for that. Sitting out our table the boys and I wait patiently for Mrs Forrest to give us instructions.

Seconds before she gets up from her seat Lexi walks straight up to her and they exchange a few words. Mrs points to our table, then do I realize that Lexi is sitting with us.

I see Lexi tilt her head a little peaking through her hair as it shield her face.

Once again she walks to our table, taking a seat while pulling out her sketch book along with her pencil and a few coloring pencils, ignoring us completely.

Then she places her ear phones in her ears and begins to sketch, through the whole time not once did she look up to acknowledge her appearance.

Drawing my attention back to Mrs Forrest as she tells us to sketch anything that comes to our mind I take out my scrap book along with my pastels and begin drawing.

Half an hour later Mrs Forrest walks over to our table and asks Lexi if she could look at her sketch,

I watch as Mrs Forrest face grew into a look of awe as she takes a hold of Lexi sketch I grow curious as to what Mrs Forrest is praising.

Getting a good look at the sketch, I too stare at it in awe, it's so beautifully detailed.

The lake, the way she used navy blue for the darkness from the night fall, but in the centre of the lake she added a bit of white to create the reflection of the moon slowly,

blending more in to form the light of the moon to get the light blue then at the bottom center you see two bodies holding each other in each other's arm.

Honestly it's amazing even the boys were staring at only snapping out of it when Lexi asks for it back.

*Skipping to break

Heading outside the front entrance me and the boys hide in a little corner where no one goes and the cool thing about is you can see everything but others can't really see you.

Lighting my cigarette up I chuck the lighter over to Kaiden. We Talk about Carter's upcoming fight and the fight I had over the weekend.

While the boys congratulate me on my win Brody cuts in saying "hey do you guys reckon the geeky chicks quite pretty? I say she is"

"OMG did you guys see her sketch it was fcuking amazing" <Kaiden

"oh yeah that's right dude why we're you shooting daggers at her?" < Carter

"yeah that was actually weird I mean she didn't annoy us like other girls she actually ignored us" Aiden says while shrugging his shoulders

"If you must know I was reading her text, I read something I didn't like and when I was trying to continue reading it she moved so her body was covering the phone, there!" The boys all look at me blankly

"well are you gonna tell us what you read" <Lucas

oh shit I can't tell them I was mad cos she was talking to guy that called her baby girl, okay I'll just make up a lie

"she was saying shit about us" shit why fcuk did I say that for, good one

"ugh what a bitch, just when I thought she was different" <Brody 'but she is different' I quietly say in my head.

I hear the others mutter a few curses, before we hear footsteps coming from the front entrance.

Shortly after, Lexi appears running down the stairs and walking out the school gates??? Isn't she a nerd?

Looking closely at her face I could see a trail of dried tears running down her right cheek.

Still Trying to register what just happened Carter grabs my elbow dragging me with him and the boys as we make our way to the cars.

We patiently wait and watch as she gets in her car speeding off. "OMG did you just see that! That was fcuking awesome, that was so hot" <Kaiden

"it looked like she was crying" Carter points out "she probably got dumped or some shit" Lucas says

"well how do you know she has a boyfriend? We don't even know her" <Aiden

I found myself saying "she has a boyfriend that's who she was texting" immediately the car ride falls silent minutes later we stop at a diner.

We watch from the car as she strolls in taking a seat near the window. "Damn this girl can eat" <Kaiden

"yeah well now I'm hungry let's go in" <Lucas

We walk in taking a table a few seats away, laughing to see if we can get her attention but she doesn't bother,

instead she gets up and walks to the counter exchanging a few words with an elderly couple then walks out the door, looking over at the boys.

There's only one thing I can think of Damn this girls just not that into me!

I hope you all are having a great start of the week

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