Under The Deep Blue Sea [Fuka...

By axdtks

617 20 11

New story for Wadanohara and the great blue sea!(I just love this game so much!) Fukami's new love story. Rea... More

Chapter 1


346 9 2
By axdtks

"Even if the world scatters you apart, I'll be the one to find you and make you whole again. Because, you're a part of me too."

"Hello there, we meet again it seems."

A beautiful girl with long brown hair tied in two braids and gray eyes, dressed in a navy blue outfit smiled.

"Don't you remember me? I'm the sea witch."


"I always knew you would come again."


"Hehe, is that so."


"The moonlight makes the sea more beautiful, don't you think?" She closed her eyes.


After a short silence, she spoke. "Since you're here, shall I tell you another story I've heard?"


"My my, don't be so impatience."


She giggles, "Now...This story is about a certain young boy who never thought he would fell in love again with a mysterious young girl...."


It has been a long years since Samekichi's reunion. Wadanohara and her familiars are having a great time in the deep sea.

Except for Fukami.

Even though he decided to moved on, he's still in love with Wadanohara. It was pure, unrequited but forbidden love. Just standing side by side with her was more than enough he could ask for.

Until one day...

It was another normal peaceful day. Wadanohara, and her familiars including Samekichi decided that they're going to have a picnic at the Star Isle to change the pace. They had prepared some foods and drinks and put in a basket.

"To the Star Isle!" Memoca shouted excitedly as they all got into the boat.

Time changes, but something's still remains the same.

They keep sailing and chatting happily along the way. Fukami, however, just standing alone and watch the ocean's waves.

In a short while, they arrived.

"We're finally here! Oh, what's that?"

Memoca points to something that's lying on the sand near the shore. Looking closely, it's a girl with (hair length), (hair color) hair with a smooth (skin tone) skin. She has some bruise here and there but overall she looks fine. In fact, she look magnificent from her beautiful features. One's heart would skip a beat at the sight for sure.

Fukami's heart skips a beat literally.

"Is she dead?" Asked Memoca.

"Definitely not! ...See? She's still breathing!" Samekichi yelled.

Before they can discuss on how to help her, she slowly opened her eyes due to the loud noises the group made. Carefully sat up, she turned her head towards the loud noise she heard. She slowly speak.

"...Who are you?"

"A-Ah, I'm sorry for the-"

"Who am I?"

Silence is all can be heard after that.

The mysterious girl tilted her head, then got up and dust off the remaining sand on her clothes. Looking around herself, she started wondering where on earth she was and how does she get here. Confusion written all over her face.

"...Can someone please tell me what's going on?"

"You're in the Star Isle and my name is Wadanohara. Nice to meet you" She smiled.

"I'm Memoca! And that dolphin over there is Dolphi!"


"I'm Samekichi."


The unknown girl stared at all of them, confusion still visible in her eyes "Hello, nice to meet you..." she started, "I...can't remember my name or how am I here actually."

'I'm lucky that I actually remember how to speak' she thought to herself.

Wadanohara, being a kind person she is, offered "Why don't you come with us and have a picnic? You can think about who you are or how did you get here with a full stomach and a pretty view. I'm sure the others don't mind, right guys?" and starring innocently at the group.

"Well, as long as Wada is fine then I'm fine too!"

"It's alright I guess."



And so the mysterious girl tag along.

Star Isle really is beautiful. The fresh scent of sea mix with flowers scents and star fruits make it more relaxing and calm. The girl stopped walking once in awhile to smells the flowers, with Fukami watching her closely from behind. When she noticed him starring at her she smiled shyly.

"S-Sorry. The flowers, they smell really nice..."


His silence made her began to get nervous.

"...There's more isle with a lot of flowers." He finally spoke.

"Really? That's sounds nice, I wish I could go there someday."

Even though she didn't remember her name yet, she found herself quite fond of flowers. The picture of mysterious girl with them made Fukami's heart skips a beat again.

'I didn't even know her name' he thought.

Soon, the group arrived at their destination.

"Alright! Let's set things up."

The unknown girl offered to help them unpacked, she start to learn a thing or two about each person and get along with them quite well.

"Try the star fruits, they're delicious. But don't have too many or you'll be hallucinating."

Wadanohara offered her one, then the girl took a bite.

"It's delicious!" She exclaimed.

She then felt something in her pocket and immediately dive her hand to reach it. It's a pocket watch with an antique design. Flipping to the other side, she saw a very delicate carving.


"...(Name)" she spoke, "I think my name is (Name), at least it's what this pocket watch told me."


How was it so far? I just wanted to write this 'cause the game was so good! Plus, I haven't written any story in a long time.

[I do not own any of the characters! They are belonged to Deep-sea prisoner/funamusea. I just own the plot.]

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