Chapter 1

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Everyone all said in unison, at least now they know her name.

"Does your name help you remembered something, (Name)?"

Wadanohara placed her hand on (Name)'s shoulder, hopeful look in her eyes.

"I..." (Name) closed her eyes, trying to remember anything from it. A long moment later, she opened her eyes and sigh.

"No, I don't."

Memoca then placed her wing on (Name)'s other shoulder. "That's alright. At least you know your name."

(Name) give them a sad smile.

By the time she knows her name, the sun is now already setting. Soon it will be nighttime. Realizing she has no place to go, she asked Wadanohara a favor.

"I know we just met and you barely know me, but do you have any place I can stay? Until I got my memory back or I can afford my own place. I promise it won't be long time."

Memoca beamed "Let her stay, Wadda! She's fun to play with!"

"I don't mind. I like her company." Dolphi added

Wadanohara smiled back at (Name).

"Of course, (Name). I wouldn't leave you alone out hear. Besides, my house is big enough to add another extra person.

(Name)'s face lit up. "T-Thank you! I'll be sure to help all your houseworks"

"Yay! Our personal servant!" Memoca shouted, which makes Dolphi smack lightly on her head with her fist.

"Ow! I'm kidding, kidding! Geez, so mean..."

"Aren't you gonna ask about my opinion?" Samekichi glared. 'Not that I mind though.'

Fukami who has been quite for awhile felt something in his stomach that he hasn't felt it for a long time. Like something crawling in his stomach.

Happy? Excitement? Thrilled? Worried? He himself couldn't describe it either.


"Welcome to the Deep Sea town."

(Name) widened her eyes in surprise as she watch all kinds of fish, octopus, jellyfish and mermaids swim together. Maybe she had been here before, being underwater and surrounded by the sea dwellings makes the foreign girl feels a bit calmer and she doesn't know why. And she doesn't feels cold at all, in fact, it's more relaxing and so...familiar.

Like she has experienced it before.

"What do you think? Pretty right?" Memoca asked excitedly.

"Y-Yes, it's beautiful."

"Hehe, I'm glad. but this is just the small part of our sea." Wadanohara who walks besides (Name) added.

"Oh, that's Tarako." Samekichi said, and somehow has a weird face.

Tarako turned around to see the group and immediately swim to Wadanohara.

"Wadanohara, you're back!...and Sakekichi."

"It's SA. ME. KI. CHI."

"Whatever Sabakichi."

Tarako then noticed an unfamiliar girl standing next to Wadanohara.

"Oh? And who's this?"

(Name) introduce herself shyly. "I-I'm (Name). Nice to meet you, uh..."

"Call me Tarako, are you Wadanohara's friend? Are you here for a vacation?"

Under The Deep Blue Sea [Fukami x Reader]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя