Uniquely Three - Larry Stylin...

By LarryWriting

1.7M 46.9K 47K

Harry and Louis have been together nine months when Harry develops a strange illness. Much to everyone's surp... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (Mature, read authors note!)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (mature)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (mature)

Chapter 21

38.9K 1.2K 688
By LarryWriting

[A/N]: :D Cliffhangers are so fun to leave I can't even that was the second one I've left in this fic and I love it :D Okay, this chapter is dedicated to VildeJaneTomlinson for making me the adorable picture in the multimedia! Wooo! Let's get this started!

[Louis' P.O.V]

My mind was racing, and before I knew it I had closed the space between Dr. Shell and I, grabbing the man by the collar of his shirt to yank him so we were eye level, "She escaped? What the hell happened to taking her far away, how the fuck did she escape?"

"Louis!" Harry gasped, slipping up behind me and tugging at my shirt. "Louis do not say bad words!"

I released Dr. Shell and reached behind me, gently moving Harry so that he was against my back. Dr. Shell was wincing, still rubbing at his stupid bald head, "She was far away... about five hours away, actually. On a small island on a lake in the middle of nowhere. And now four of my guards are stuck on that island because she took the boat."

"So she knows her way back?" I hissed.

"Apparently..." Dr. Shell murmured.

"Damn it!" I cursed, grabbing a cart and shoving it as hard as I could towards the bathroom.

"Louis!" I twisted to look at Harry to find his eyes were wide and concerned, and I felt my face soften. Ever so gently he reached up and stroked my cheek, "Will not let her break you again, my Louis..."

The boy's selflessness made a strong surge of protectiveness sweep over me. Ella had taken him away from me and nearly killed him, whereas she'd only broken my arm. Yet, he was still more concerned about my safety, which was so Harry. And it made me want to protect him from harm all the more. I spun back around to face Dr. Shell who, unlike Harry, cringed away. Then again, I would never hurt Harry, and Harry knew that. "Find her. Find her right now, if she comes anywhere near Harry, Harry or anyone I know for that matter, I'll-"

"They're looking for her," Dr. Shell soothed. "I have men that aren't trapped on the island searching all over for her. Look on the bright side... she doesn't know about your baby."

My blood ran cold, and Harry was suddenly scurrying away from me and over to the incubator, "Cannot find out a-about her! Cannot!"

"We won't let her find out about any of us," I agreed, rushing over to Harry as well. "Liam and Niall moved, we've moved... she won't know where to look."

"Oh dear..." Dr. Shell murmured.

I looked to him in irritation, "What? What else have you screwed up?"

"She knows where my lab is..." he said quietly.

Harry was then opening the incubator in a mad scramble, and quickly but gently wrapping Fionna in a blanket. Her little feet were kicking as Harry carefully scooped her into his arms, holding her as close as he could in a one armed cradle. He then took my hand in his and began pulling me towards the back of the room. I realised he was trying to hide us, and I stopped so that he would as well, pulling him and our baby close and wrapping my arms around them.

The younger boy automatically burst into tears, "B-but my Louis s-she b-broke you before! H-hurt my Louis, t-tried to kill! Will not l-let her do it a-again, a-and she cannot get my Fionna! M-might break her, o-or... no! Do n-not want to t-think! Fionna is s-so tiny, to s-small to stop Ella! E-Ella would g-get o-our baby and b-baby could n-not even stop it!"

"I'm not letting that happen," I told him firmly. "She won't get you, she won't get our Fionna Bean."

Harry pulled back sniffling, "And my Louis? Will not get my Louis either?"

"She won't get me," I said slowly. From between us, Fionna gave a loud wail. Harry and I looked down at her instantly, and I stroked her fuzzy head. "It's okay, baby. Are you hungry? Or you're probably getting cold again."

Harry whimpered, "Do not want to put her down..."

"She's safe," I assured him.

Dr. Shell had went upstairs to talk to Kepa, probably telling him to watch Baxter. Harry reluctantly went to put Fionna back in her incubator, and I followed closely behind him. Just as Harry had gotten her unwrapped and snuggled her close one last time to place a kiss on her head, the sound of multiple footsteps came down the stairs. I wasn't sure how long ago Ella had escaped, but I was suddenly very suspicious about whoever was about to walk through the door.

"Who is it?" I called, and Harry squeaked, instantly pulling Fionna back into his arms from leaning to place her on the soft surface of the incubator.

There was no response, so I went to stand next to the door, preparing to kick it closed if it swung open. And then it did swing open, but someone was already walking through it. Instead of kicking it closed, I launched myself at the intruder and sent us both sprawling onto the floor, a deep "Oof" emitting from the person beneath me.

"My Louis!" Harry cried out, but then he gasped. "Oh."

"Louis?" Chris coughed. "Why are you on me?"

"He only let's Zayn lay on him like that," Niall snickered, and I heard Zayn protest.

"Sorry," I gasped with a blush, scrambling to my feet and offering to help Chris up.

The taller man took my hand and allowed me to pull him into a standing position, and Zayn came over to help dust him off as Harry scurried over with Fionna to take me by my arm and lead me away from them. The boy still moved a tad stiffly from his stitches, but luckily he didn't have to bend to pick things up much. He just had troubles sitting down, laying down, and getting up. I put Fionna in the incubator for him so he wouldn't have to, and he leaned his head sadly against my chest, "Tummy hurts..."

"Your stitches?" I asked him softly.

"No," he said sadly. "Just... does not feel good."

The four lads came to join us by the incubator, looking in at Fionna. Liam chuckled, "Look at her little legs go..."

"For someone so tiny and weak, it makes you wonder where she gets the energy to do that," Zayn agreed. "So... Louis? Why did you tackle my boyfriend?"

"I didn't know who you guys were," I defended. "Dr. Shell was upstairs, and he does not sound like multiple people coming down the steps. I asked who you all were, and no one answered. So I tackled the first person who walked in."

"We texted you!" Niall laughed.

"My phones dead!" I replied. "My mum keeps calling me for what she calls "Fionna updates", and my charger is at the flat. I didn't exactly have time to get everything I thought we would need."

"Oh," Liam's brow furrowed. "Sorry, I should have put that in the bag of clothes I packed you. I didn't even think about that. I can bring it back by later?"

"Just whenever you come back tomorrow or something," I waved a hand, and Harry peered up from my shoulder.

"You have been feeding my Lucy?" he asked Liam.

"I've been feeding her," Liam agreed. "She sure does want attention, since she's been alone for a few days."

"My poor Lucy..." Harry sighed.

"I still want to know why Louis was so worried about who was coming in," Zayn chuckled.

"Well, I guess it does kind of involve all of us, so..." I began slowly, looking down at Harry who rested his cheek against my shoulder again. "Dr. Shell sent Ella away, yeah?"

Liam's face darkened, "Yes."

"Well... she... I guess he sent her to some island five hours away in the middle of a lake or some nonsense like that, but she fucking-" I began.

"Louis..." Harry murmured. "Fionna..."

"Freaking..." I corrected myself, bringing a hand up to stroke his hair apologetically. "Stole the boat and left the guards on the island. So long story short, she escaped."

"She escaped?" Liam bellowed.

Liam was the last person I figured to get mad, because he could generally keep his cool. But he was obviously seething, his hands clenched into fists as he sucked in large gulps of air. Zayn bit his lip nervously, "So... should we stay off the roads? What about her brother?"

"I don't know anything about her brother," I said softly. "He never told us what they did with him."

Liam was pacing angrily while Chris wrapped a protective arm around Zayn's waist, and Niall examined his hands. Liam paused as Dr. Shell slipped in through the door, and then he was turning on the man, "You! How could you let her escape? If she comes anywhere near any of these boys I will-"

"I know, Liam, Louis gave me the run down... and nearly ran me down..." Dr. Shell frowned.

"He did run me down," Chris spoke up. "He full out tackled me..."

"Sorry," I blushed.

"Ah, you were just looking out for your family," Chris said forgivingly.

"What about her brother?" Liam snapped.

"Well, we actually tried to kill him that first day we had him," Dr. Shell rubbed his hands together nervously. "But we didn't..."

"I thought you were going to kill both of them!" Liam groaned.

"I'm not a murderer, Mr. Payne," Dr. Shell huffed. "Don't stereotype me because I'm bald."

"You're the one sterotyping, he never once said anything about bald guys being murderers!" Niall defended.

"Just go upstairs and see Baxter," Dr. Shell sighed.

"Deal," Niall nodded. "Liam?"

Liam looked to Niall, and then he was slipping a protective arm around him and nodding, "Sure, Prince... we'll go see Baxter. Lucca, you're lucky. I'd much rather be violent."

The two lads hurried up the steps, and Dr. Shell raised his eyebrows, "Not once have I saw him that angry."

"When Liam gets angry he's hard to calm down," I sighed. "Unlike me, who gets angry very easily, and-"

"Takes forever to calm down unless you're Harry," Zayn interrupted. "Louis can be angry, we're talking raging mad, one minute, and then Harry just has to touch his arm and look at him and he's instantly weak and pliant and just a big softie in general."

"Yes," Dr. Shell murmured. "I saw that earlier."

"Um..." Harry spoke up from my shoulder. "Lucca... my Fionna is needing fed."

"Okay, Harry," he nodded, turning to go wash his hands and retrieve the necessary things to feed my and Harry's baby.

Chris and Zayn stood, cooing to Fionna, and Harry pulled me to sit down on the bed, "Tummy still hurts..."

I cuddled him closer, "Is this okay?"

"Silly Louis, why would it not be?" Harry sighed happily, leaning his head against me again. "Love to snuggle with you."

"That's because you're a Kitten,"  I kissed him between his ears. "I just was asking if how I was cuddling you was okay on your tummy."

"Yes," Harry nodded. "Does not hurt when I sit... just when I move around. Like walking, sitting down... picking up baby.... but I love picking up baby and I do not want to stay in bed. Plus it is not bad. But I was meaning my tummy hurt because... because I do not know why? It is not my stickeses."

"Is it because you're worried?" I asked him softly.

"Yes," he said thoughtfully. "I am... worried..."

"What about?" I snuggled him closer.

"My Louis..." he said quietly. "Our baby..."

"Ella won't get us," I promised him. "She can't, that's impossible. We have each other now, we have our baby, and we're a family. You and I are going to get married, and we're going to live happily ever after."

"We are not wearing our rings," Harry murmured, grabbing my hand and entwining our fingers.

"They're on our nightstand," I nodded. "We left the flat in a bit of a hurry, hmm?"

"Fionna was coming," Harry giggled.

"And now she's here and entertaining Chris and Zayn," I chuckled. We looked to the couple, who were now pointing and fawning over Fionna's tiny toes.

Dr. Shell came over with a feeding tube, "Louis, I believe she might need a nappy change. Then you guys can eat breakfast... or lunch, rather, while I feed Fionna."

"I can try?" Harry asked, and I nodded, climbing off the bed first to help Harry to his feet. The younger lad wiggled his way between Zayn and Chris by the incubator, even though the other side was open. "My baby..."

Chris and Zayn laughed at Harry's protectiveness, sidling out the way so Harry could get to our baby. I slipped up behind Harry, maybe a tad protective myself. While Harry changed Fionna's nappy and cooed things like, "Such a good baby, my baby Jelly Bean! So lovely, my tiny Fionna!" I nuzzled against Harry's back and stroked Fionna's fuzzy curls, humming softly. I wouldn't let Harry's bitch of a mother get in the way of what I had. My Kitten, and our baby. My family. I'd always protect my family.

[A/N]: Short again, I know, I'm a loser D: But hey :D No cliffhanger!

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