Animals...I Can Handle- Boys...

By muzicluver221

54.6K 1.3K 248

Chloe Jurindy has spent most of her life hiding a secret from everyone. She can speak to animals. Chloe think... More

Animals... I Can Handle- Boys... I Cannot 1
Animals... I Can Handle- Boys... I Cannot 2
Animals... I Can Handle- Boys... I Cannot 3
Animals... I Can Handle- Boys... I Cannot 4
Animals... I Can Handle- Boys... I Cannot 5
Animals... I Can Handle- Boys... I Cannot 6
Animals... I Can Handle- Boys... I Cannot 8
Animals... I Can Handle- Boys... I Cannot 9
Animals... I Can Handle- Boys... I Cannot 10
Animals... I Can Handle- Boys... I Cannot 11
Animals... I Can Handle- Boys... I Cannot 12
Animals... I Can Handle- Boys... I Cannot 13
Animals... I Can Handle- Boys... I Cannot 14 -Alexanders Short story-
Animals... I Can Handle- Boys... I Cannot 15
Animals... I Can Handle- Boys... I Cannot 16
Animals... I Can Handle- Boys... I Cannot 17
Animals... I Can Handle- Boys... I Cannot 18
Animals... I Can Handle- Boys... I Cannot 19
Animals... I Can Handle- Boys... I Cannot 19.5
Animals... I Can Handle- Boys... I Cannot 20
Animals... I Can Handle- Boys... I Cannot 21

Animals... I Can Handle- Boys... I Cannot 7

2.3K 69 3
By muzicluver221

Hey guys, took me a while to post. But here it is! :) More animals stuff is going to happen soon, definitely in the next chapter!!

Well.. Just a reminder the vote button is right there ---> soo please don’t forget to click it :) it makes me write longer chapters and update faster ;)

So here it is chapter 7!!


Matt’s POV-

Chloe pushed me through my doorway and went up to her room. I glared at her back. I always wanted to turn her room into my own personal gym, but stupid Sam had to convince my dad to keep it. Ugh.

The party already started so there were many girls in bikinis and guys in swim trunks running around. I went out to our huge backyard. The first thing you see is the huge in ground pool. My parents are rich, so of course we had to get a huge house. I grinned at the sight of our backyard. We have a small forest right next to it, so my dad went ahead and bought it. Now there’s a path going through it, and my mom made it into a private HUGE garden. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Daniel come towards me, with a troubled look.

“Hey what’s up man?” I asked while checking out some random girl with maybe the best looking ass ever.

He followed my gaze over to the girl and sighed while slowly shaking his head, then smirked. “You know Amanda would kill you if she saw you checking out other girls.”

I rolled my eyes. “Oh who cares. We are just for show. Everyone thinks I don’t know that she cheated on me.” I chuckled. “I have the right to check out any hot girl I see. So why the depressed looking face?”

Daniel looked away from the girl and slowly frowned. Then he shrugged “Joanne’s not coming anymore, sorry bro.”

“What?! Why not?” I raised my eyebrows at what he said.

“I broke up with her.” He said straightforwardly. As if it didn’t matter.

“Why? You guys were so…close.” I said trying to choose the right word to describe them. I mean close is right. They were together almost everyday. He actually looked like he loved her.

Daniel bunched up his eyebrows. “I don’t know. I guess I just lost interest.” He shrugged again.

Something about the way he wouldn’t look in my eyes made me doubt him, but I shook it off. His love life, doesn’t involve me. The real problem was keeping Chloe busy. She will try to mess up the party I know it. She might try to electrocute everyone in the pool or she’ll start some sort of rumor to get a fight going. As much fun as that would be, I just can't stand the fact that Chloe would be the cause. Anyone but her. Anger bubbled in my blood.

That girl just gets me so pissed of. I sighed while running a hand through my hair.

I looked up just then and saw some bulky looking guy come up to her. He covered her eyes from behind, and she freaked and tried to punch him, but he dodged it in time. He turned her around and she looked shocked at first, but then she laughed and jumped up to hug him around the neck.

I looked at the guy trying to figure out who he was. Definitely not someone who goes to our school. Then I looked back at Chloe and saw her smiling and looking happier than ever as she touched his arm.

I started grinning, whoever he is, I hope he keeps her busy for some time.

Chloe’s POV-

I was standing in the backyard, right near the door, when all of a sudden someone’s hands covered my eyes. I freaked out and tried to punch the creep. He dodged it and turned me around real quick before I tried to attack again.

When I saw who it was, I started grinning. “ZACH!!” I shrieked. I jumped hugging him. He was very tall.

He chuckled. “Long time no see Chloe.” He let go and smiled down at me.

I looked up at him and was completely shocked. “Long time?! It's been forever Zach!! Look at you!” I exclaimed while touching his arm. I looked back up at him. “You grew!! You're huge! What did you do to the innocent little Zach I knew?!”

Zach Lynsie used to be my best friend before he moved and I met Joanne. He used to be a small kid with no muscles at all. He was scrawny and played soccer. Now he was all bulky and taller than me! I looked at him. His dark blonde hair was shaggy. It was still short like always, but still looked different. He looked at me with his light gray/blue eyes and smiled. His teeth, let me just tell you, looked like they belong on TV.

He moved away right before 6th grade started because his parents divorced. He had to move with his dad to Maine. Now I can't believe i'm seeing him here. In California! In Matt’s house. I gave him another hug and felt happier than ever.

He looked me up and down and whistled. I gave him a weird look. He laughed at it. “Damn Clo! I don’t think i'm the only one that grew up. Look at you..” He took my hand and spun me around. I thanked god I still had my tank and shorts on. “You look great! You're not the little Clo I knew either.” He winked at me.

I laughed and hit him in his bicep, I don’t even think he felt it. I didn’t change much. I still have black long hair that is almost up to my hips. The only good thing about me are my dark green eyes. “Why are you even here Zach?”

By now we were already walking down the path in the forest next to Matt’s backyard. This way no one could interrupt our reunion. No one really comes out here for fun.

“My mom invited me to visit her. I heard the party was today and decided to come see if you were here. I never thought these types of parties are your thing Clo.” He bumped me in the shoulder and I locked my arm with his.

I rolled my eyes. “They’re not. I was forced here since i'm going to be leaving for college next year.”

He chuckled again. I felt the vibration of the chuckle. And it made me chuckle too. “Chloe.” He looked at me this time with a frown. “I can't stay long. My mom moved to Los Angeles, and I have to help her move her things. I'm sorry Clo I really wish I could stay so we can catch up on things.”

I frowned too. I thought I’d have more time to talk to him. “Well we still have time, so lets not waste it sulking about you moving.” I said as we continued walking.

“You know, this place hasn’t changed much since last time I was here.” He looked around. Whenever Sam babysat me, I used to beg for her to let me bring Zach along. Sometimes she’d let me and we would always hang out in this forest. I smiled at the memories.

“You know I really missed you Zach. It may not look like it but much has changed since you left.” I looked at one of the flowers planted by Matt’s mom. It was a deep purple and stood all alone amongst a bunch of pink roses. I felt like that one flower stuck in between a bunch of brainless stupid pink flowers. I rolled my eyes and looked at Zach who was looking at me with an amused expression.

“Are you trying to tell me you’re friends with Puntler now?” He smirked.

I let go of his arm and gave him my most shocked face. “Like I would ever be friends with that mutation!!”

Zach burst out laughing, and mocked wiping away a tear. “Good, well since you said a lot has changed, I thought that’s what you meant, since you’re here at his party.”

I glared at him. “I told you I was forced!.. By his sister. That’s not what I meant. I meant like everyone has changed and found their places in life.” I almost told him I could speak to animals, but I bit my tongue before it slipped out. I told him once when we were like 6 but even I didn’t believe myself back then. I want to tell him, more than anything, but I don’t want him to look at me like i'm some sort of freak, and I didn’t want anything to happen.

I told someone once. It was my cousin, Jake. I was really close to him. He accepted it like it was nothing. He thought it was really cool. I told him when we were about 13. But not even a year later he was riding with his family in their car, and a deer came out of nowhere. He was the only one that died. Ever since then I blamed myself. It scared the hell out of me. I feel that if I never told him, he would’ve never died…

“Chloe. Hellooo?” A hand waved in front of my face. I looked up at Zach and he was staring at me with a worried expression. “You okay? You looked like you were about to cry.” He frowned then hugged me. “You were thinking about Jake weren’t you.”

I smiled sadly. He knew me so well. I was definitely not going to tell him about my secret. I don’t want anything to happen to him.. Matt on the other hand, hmm maybe I should see if my secret will kill him…

“Yeah…” Zach was really close to Jake too. They were almost like brothers. When Jake died, Zach and I locked ourselves up in my room and wouldn’t come out for 2 whole days. We both took it the hardest. Zach and I went through the acceptance together, and i'm glad he was there. “But you know I think I finally accepted it.” I looked up at him.

He smiled sadly too “Yeah same here. I couldn’t have done it without you.” He tightened his grip around me.

“Same to you tOo.” I stepped back and smiled a real smile. “Hey! Race you to the Carp!” I shouted at him right when I started running towards the Carp.

“Hey! You cheater!” He laughed behind me. He was catching up pretty easily too. I tried speeding up but he caught up to me. He grabbed me from behind and we both ended up at the Carp at the same time.

We were on the ground laughing. The Carp looked the same as always. It was a rock that looked weirdly like a Carp. We named it the Carp ever since we found it. Zach rolled off of me. When he grabbed me, I tripped and we both went tumbling over and he landed on top of me.

“I haven’t laughed like this in a long time.” I sighed making myself comfortable in the grass.

He turned to me and leaned on his elbow. “Same here. It makes me pissed off that I cant stay longer.” He was playing with a strand of my hair, the way he used to do when we were little. We talked some more about the last 6 years of being apart. It felt good to have an old friend back. Joanne’s great but it's not the same as having a best friend since you were practically born.

I got up and took his hand. I read the time on his watch and sighed. 4:30. It was about time for him to go. Boy does time fly when your having fun. He saw the time too and stood up. I took his outstretched hand. He lifted me up like I weighed nothing.

We laughed some more when I tripped again on some stupid rock. “Come on Clo, get on my back.” He said while kneeling so I could get on.

I got on and sighed. Just like old times. The whole way back, we joked around and just acted like complete morons. Some people gave us weird looks but that made us laugh even more.

When we got near the pool, he put me down. “I'm sorry Clo, I wish I could stay. I promise to come visit soon after I help my mom move.” He bent down and hugged me again. I didn’t want to let go. My best friend was leaving, and it felt like I wouldn’t see him for another 6 years, but I have to trust him, that he will visit. He kissed me on the cheek, smiled, and left without another word.

I smiled sadly for the millionth time today. Im actually glad that Sam forced me to come today.


Im laying on a folding chair right where the sun is shining. By now I have my tank and shorts off, and im just enjoying the sun with no distractions.


Spoke too soon!

I took off my sunglasses and looked to my right. 3 chairs away, Matt cringed at the nickname. Amanda comes and jumps on his lap. He gives her an expressionless face then smiles. I bit back a laugh.

“Hey babe, what’s up?” He said while rubbing her bare thigh. She looked like she just came from a strip club.

She turned and glared me down while saying “Those guys over there were trying to swim with me. I told them to back off because I have a boyfriend, but they just won't stop.” She pouted and faked a sniffle. I rolled my eyes at that.

“Can I go swim with them, I don’t think they’ll stop and I don’t want you to get jealous for me being with other guys.” I stifled a laugh, and she glared at me while I put a hand on my mouth to not laugh out loud.

Joanne and I had to stay late after class last year, and went into our science class for detention. Don’t ask. Then we saw Amanda and some random guy practically doing it on the lab table. Before she bolted she threatened us not to tell a soul. I haven’t told anyone not because im scared of her, but because I have no reason to tell anyone. My best friend already knows.

Matt looked at her and shrugged. “Go ahead. I'm not stopping you. Just don’t have too much fun.” He said with a wink.

“Thanks Matty-kins!!” She kissed him and left. She started practically dry humping guys right when she jumped into the pool.

I burst out laughing right there and then “Matty-kins?!” I had actual tears in my eyes. Matt glared me down and told me to shut up. But I continued “Oh i'm sorry, Matty-kins… I.. I didn’t realize that the name bothered you.” I sat up straighter with a smirk.

He just stood up and left me laughing there like an idiot. It may not seem funny to you, but to me it was freaking hilarious. When we were little I found out he hates being called anything that made him seem little, and Matty-kins just takes that to a whole new level!

The second I stopped laughing, a shadow loomed over me. I squinted up and noticed Amanda standing in front of me, glaring.

“What do you want?” I said getting up. I glared right back.

“What did you tell Matt? You better not have told him about that thing last year.” She hissed.

I laughed “And what if I did?” I challenged.

She leaned forward. Then she did something only a 3 year old would do. She bit herself so hard it left a mark. I stared at her in shock. What the hell? What kind of moron would bite herself?

Then she flew back, as if some force pushed her. She showed the crowd, that formed to watch us, her wrist. “Look! Look what she did!! This witch bit me!!” She looked at me in horror.

My eyes widened, and my cheeks burned with anger. I took the whole witch name to heart, considering that I do have some "powers".  “Why the fuck would I bite you!! I don’t need your fucking Aids from sleeping around with so many guys! Don’t try to hide the fact that we caught you in action last year!! He already knows!” I shouted referring to Matt. I may not have told him, but i'm no idiot. It's clear to everyone that he found out a while back. Everyone except Amanda.

Before I could give her the chance to reply, I turned on my heel and left. When I got my things, I checked my phone and headed out the door.

13 missed calls from Joanne, 1 from Zach, and 1 unknown. I sighed and turned off my phone. I'll call them back later.

 As I was walking down the street, preparing myself for the next 3 miles I heard Sam calling my name. I ignored her and kept walking. I'm too pissed off to talk to anyone. I was so pissed off I felt like kicking someone in the face. Some kid walked past me, and im not going to lie, I considered it. I considered kicking him. Good thing I restrained myself before I did.

Out of no where I heard, a car turn sharply on the corner, and saw Matt driving with Sam practically falling out of the car's window. She has to have Matt drive her everywhere because she had her license suspended.. Again.

“Chloe! Get in the car. It's dark, we are taking you home!! If someone kidnaps you I will never forgive myself."

“No! I will not die Sam!” I answered just as I turned into an alley where cars can't fit. I heard tires squeal and started running home. I stopped when I saw my house and sighed.

When I got to the steps, I took out my keys and heard something rustle in the bushes. I almost freaked but called myself stupid for being paranoid. When I was about to open the door, someone grabbed me from the bushes and pulled me into them.

I tried to scream and kick but this kid had a good grip.

“Please stop struggling.” Said a voice behind me.

Yeah right! That’s what all the freaking kidnappers say!

“Chloe! Im sorry! Please stop struggling, I just want to help. I know about your secret!” He said in a hushed voice.

I stopped.. He knows… about my secret..?


Phew!! Longest chp ever!! Whose the mysterious kidnapper!!?? Vote and fan to find out in the next chp!! don’t you guys love Zach? I think I want him for myself ;) so anyways comment and chow till next time!

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