Mated To A Jerk |✓

By ranchchips

609K 17K 2.1K

Being mated to the future alpha isn't a breeze, especially for Cassandra. Wanna know why? Because he's a flat... More



16.8K 475 33
By ranchchips


I breathed in the sheets underneath me. I shifted my body a little to sink into the comfortable bed, except this didn't feel the same as home did.

I flickered my eyes open, slowly taking in the light shining through the windows. This room was familiar... too familiar for my liking.

The bed I was laying on had all black sheets. It brought all the light in the room to a lower level, contrasting.

As I looked around the room my neck started to ache, and that's when all the memories flooded in from the dance.

Mother fucking Chase fucking marked me.

He marked me and he didn't want me. Why was he so jealous of nothing? What did he exactly want from me as a mate? It's obvious he doesn't like me at all, never did since he first saw me.

I threw my legs off the king sized bed and stood, my feet touching the cool wood. I tip-toed over to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My hair wasn't in the side pinned hairstyle I had it that night and it was combed through. I wasn't in my dress anymore, leaving me still with my bra and an over-sized shirt. I wasn't wearing pants, so I assumed this person didn't have any that wouldn't fall off my hips.

But what made me uncomfortable was that they undressed me. What creep touched me and got to examine my body? Don't tell me my stalker found me...

I brushed my hair behind my neck and examined my mark that was on my skin. The mark was small and not taking up a lot of room on my neck than I originally thought it would have.

I heard a door click open and swung my head to look behind me. Chase came into view, looking me over like he wanted to see if I was okay, then once he noted that I was he returned his eyes to my own.

"I see you're finally awake." He stated.

"Obviously." Why was I so pissed? Oh yeah, he fucking marked me! And he unclothed me and took me to his room for goddess's sake!

He huffed a laugh at my response.

"Why did you undress me." I furrowed my eyebrows and crossed my arms over my chest. Thankfully he had respect and left my undergarments. And you know what he did? He laughed. Fucking laughed when I should be stabbing his eyes out. No, I want to stab his throat out to end his sexy chuckle. That thinking went in a different direction than I intended it to.

"I didn't. Your friend did it for me." I suddenly felt like an idiot. "I knew you would just be angrier with me if I did that myself."

"Where did you get this shirt? It isn't mine-"

"It's mine." That's why it smelled great. It was Chase's scent.


"Ameth and Mandy took care of your situation when I left you. They got you more comfortable and then I ordered them to bring you here."

"Why couldn't I just go home?" This question obviously pissed his wolf off because his eyes darkened.

"Why wouldn't you stay here?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"It isn't my home."

"It is now."

"I want my home. Not this house."

"It's just the pack house. You're fine here."

"It isn't a home to me at all. I like living with my friend."

"You're living here, damnit!" Chase roared. I jumped, afraid that he would hurt me. He pointed at me.

"This isn't for myself; it's for my wolf. You will live here and that is final." He ordered calmer than before. I swallowed a lump in my throat, but that didn't stop my lip from quivering. All I have known was my friends. I didn't know family anymore, I didn't know love in any other kind than them. All I knew was my friends, and this sudden change scared me beyond anything.

I've never been very easy to adapt to dramatic changes. Like when my family died and I was forced to fabricate a past, I had nobody except Ameth who happened to help me that night.

"I'm taking you to your house to pack your things. I already told Amethyst-"

"I can't stay here." I shook my head.

"Why not?" His expression said it all; annoyed.

"Because I will fall in love with you, and I don't want to." Why did I feel like I could open up to him? He's just a jerk that doesn't care.

He hesitated before answering. Then his look hardened again. "I don't care." Of course he doesn't. Why would I be so foolish to think otherwise? "We're going now." He turned but I put my hand on his bicep to stop him.

"I can't leave without pants on. Yes, this shirt is long on me, but that won't stop it from riding up on my legs." Chase sighed and left my touch to go to his dresser. He pulled out a pair of boxers, and my breathing stopped. Oh goddess this was awkward.

He tossed the boxers to me and waited for me to put them on. Once I slid them up to my waist while fully aware he was checking me out we left and got in his car.

"I don't want to leave." I whispered to Ameth who was helping me pack up my room. Chase was downstairs, waiting.

"I don't want you to leave either, but it isn't something we get to choose." She put some more of my clothes in a box. I breathed in slowly to calm my nerves.

"The room isn't even decorated nicely. Plain white walls, all black bed, a dresser, plain ass bathroom, and messy closet."

"You're just scared and trying to distract yourself with all of these details about his room. Ask if you can make it a little better and that will help get your mind off things." Ameth sealed the box she was packing all my clothes into.

"You're right. It's just that I can't adapt to these things easily when I've gotten so used to this. You know that." She sighed and looked at me with sympathy.

"This isn't too easy for me either. I've gotten used to this too, but we knew at one point this would happen." I nodded at her response. Maybe I'm overreacting.

There was a knock on the door. Ameth stood from the ground and opened it to reveal Chase.

"You don't need all this shit. I have a bunch of crap already and all of this isn't a need. Just hurry up and pack what you need."

I sighed and stood, walking to the bathroom and opening my sink cabinets. I started filling the empty box I left in here with all of my bathroom essentials.

Chase came in the open doorway, leaning against the frame.

"Need help?" He asked. Wow, probably the only nice thing he said today. I shrugged as a reply. Instead of going away he squatted down to my level on the ground and carefully put things in the box.

I eyed the tampons behind all the other products I had. Should I just distract him and then throw it behind me or just man up and put it in the box?

Of course he knew women nature, but the subject around the opposite gender was always awkward for me.

Instead of trying to man up like I knew I never would do I distracted him. I looked past him with wide eyes. He saw and tuned his head. I quickly grabbed the package full of pads and threw them behind me.

Chase snapped his head back, eyeing me suspiciously.

"What are you hiding from me?" He asked. Oh goddess, he wasn't suppose to ask anything.

"I'm not hiding anything." I bit my lip, and his eyes lingered there.

"Then why did you throw something behind you?" He asked standing and looking past me. I felt my face heat up.

Chase grabbed the package and read it. Once he understood what it was he just threw it into the box.

"Wow, okay then." He chuckled.

"What?" I was annoyed with his reaction.

"Do you think I care about that crap? I know what happens on that special week of the month, it's not like I didn't know you didn't have periods." How did he know I started? He seems to understand my questioning gaze. "Every girl this age has started, I don't stalk you." I nodded at that.

"Well now that that is over I think I'm done packing." I wanted to change the subject. He nodded and stood, sealing the box for me and then carrying it. Ameth was finishing up packing my makeup and jewelry.

"Thanks for helping me, Ameth." I said. She stood after sealing the last box and hugged me.

"Even though we still are seeing each other this is a pretty big moment for us." She laughed into my hair. I didn't answer, I just took this all in.

A throat cleared behind us, making us break away. I smiled and grabbed all my boxes, walking out.

I had already finished unpacking and was already changed into my actual clothes, and I just finished dinner that I made for myself.

I made my way up the stairs leading to my new room I shared with Chase. He wasn't in the room when I came in, but a black box was sitting on my dresser.

I slowly walked over to it, expecting someone to fly out and kill me, but I made it safely to my dresser.

I slid the lid off cautiously.

There was a photo of me in Chase's bed, still in slumber from being marked. I looked so peaceful, but from an unknown person who took it, the photo looked a little creepy.

I put that aside and grabbed the note.

And I thought you were saving me a dance at the party, but you were taken away before I got to ask you.

I put the note back and put the box underneath all of my underwear in my dresser where I hid the others. Chase wouldn't go through that. Without any other thought I went to the bathroom and got in the shower.


I opened the door to my room and noticed the shower was on. My wolf howled at me to go inside and join her, but that was wrong right now.

I sighed from exhaustion and took my shoes off. Seeing all of Cassandra's belongings in here made my wolf happy and feel relaxed from knowing she was safe living with me.

When I passed her dresser I spotted a photo left on her dresser. Curiosity bit me, so I made my way to her dresser and picked up the photo.

What I saw unsettled me. It was a picture taken of her sleeping form in my bed when she was still knocked out from the mark. Who got into my room and took that?

Better yet, who put this in here and why?


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