Pacific Bell High

By YourAphrodeity

1.7K 85 9

Pacific Bell High School. Filled with different cliques and whatnot. Their schedules consist of the same thi... More

Author's Note.
> I <
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> XVII <

19 1 0
By YourAphrodeity

"So you are going to do it, right?" Justianny overheard America Posey ask Ashley Greene.

"I do it every year, America. It wouldn't make sense if I didn't do it this year." Ashley had told her in an obvious tone. Her hazel brown eyes then looked over at Justianny with a semi-hard glare. "I already know who not to invite to my party."

As she looked away, Justianny let out a deep breath. She and the girls from the softball team were sitting inside the dugout, taking their break from softball practice.

Ashley had been talking about a party that she always held on Halloween and was indecisive on what she was going to dress up as.

Justianny would have thought that maybe — just maybe — she had formed some type of relationship with her teammates.

But, seeing the position in which she was in, all alone at the edge of the bench while they were on the other side, she knew that wouldn't happen any time soon.

"I already know Ashley's behind your scowl, sophomore. She's just mad you took her spot as 'captain.'" Andrea had sat down in front of her and leaned her back against the gates. She had just come from running her laps (her Journalism teacher let her out later), and let out a humorless laugh. "Being honest, she never really was one, so I don't understand what she's so uptight about."

Justianny could hear the talking stop and felt the glares that came in their direction. Pretty soon, after a bitter 'Anyways', the talking continued.

"I'm sure—"

"No." Andrea cut her off with a shake of her head. "Don't give me that 'we can be friends at the end of the day' shit." Andrea looked up at Justianny with a hopeless look. "I don't how it is in Cali, but here in Pacific Bell, the bitches are vicious." She rolled her eyes again, "She should also know that there is no 's' in 'Anyway', so there's no need to sound like a snake."

Justianny let out an inaudible sigh and shook her head slowly. "I just don't want to be seen as someone that takes people's positions for fun."

"You're not." Andrea told her as she rolled her eyes. "You're taking them because you're good at them — you're doing a great job at playing the position and you deliver with ease." Andrea's eyes came in contact with Justianny's. "If Coach was to ever take me out and put you in my position, I wouldn't be mad. I'd go straight to the position you were in, shut the fuck up and play."

Justianny gave her a small smile, she knew Andrea was slowly starting to rile up because of everything and decided to lighten the mood. "I can never take your spot, Andrea. I may say that I play every position but catcher is not my strongest."

The anger disappeared from her eyes and a mischievous look now sported her face. "I mean, of course. The catcher's gear looks so much better on me." She then let out a shrug. "Plus, the more squats, the bigger of an ass I get — look at these babies!"

She patted twice on her thighs and Justianny giggled. "Four years of work, sophomore. And I can definitely say that it's done good to me."

"Alright, break's over!" Coach Davids announced as he stood up from the pitcher's mound. "Batting practice now — we're going in the order of the lineup, so Lydia, get your gloves. Everybody else, on the field!"


"Boo!" Martin heard and his head turned towards the side, then he rolled his eyes towards who was behind the failed attempt.

"Not even a flinch, bro?" Xavier asked, feigning disappointment. He laid an arm on Martin's shoulder and said, "I'm hurt."

Martin looked down at his friend's attire. Choosing to ignore what he said, he told him, "I thought we were in gym together. What happened?"

Martin was on his way to changing into his clothes after taking a shower. Xavier had left about ten minutes before the class ended and, although he was curious to know why he left early, he chose to ask him later.

Xavier had been already dressed — crisp clean long-sleeved polo shirt and beige pants. Not the same thing he had left in.

"I was fucking Ashley from the softball team." Xavier responded with a boyish grin. He sat down on the benches and picked on his nails while Martin slipped on his own pants.

As he buttoned them up, he searched through his thoughts, then remembered the hazel-eyed, brown haired girl who always sported a bitch face.

And before Martin could say something, Xavier patted the spaces next to him. "Right in this very spot. You'd be surprised how flexible they are." Xavier finished off with a wink and Martin moved away from the bench, a look of disgust and amusement ran through his face.

"Don't look at me like that! The Taylor sister may be just like that — which reminds me, hurry up and change. We have to do something." Xavier said as he stood up from the bench and walked away from his best friend. "I'll be waiting for you outside!" He called over his shoulder.


Xavier had slipped his arm off from Martin's shoulders and gave him an amused smile before turning to the girl that was rummaging through her locker.

He had raised his hand up and slipped it under her hair, tickled the back of her neck, and smiled when she jumped and turned to face him.

"Don't do that!" She chastised with a frown as she playfully slapped him on the chest. Her eyes flittered over towards Martin and a strike of fear ran through them before she blinked it away.

"Hi, Martin." Ashley said, breathlessly. Martin didn't respond to her, only looked at Xavier in slight question.

"Ashley, baby." Xavier started as the same hand that gave her wonders caressed her. Her eyes flittered towards him and an almost star-struck look was on her face.

"You still doing the party for Halloween?" He had asked and she raised an eyebrow at him, a smirk slowly formed after.

"Of course I'm doing it. And you already know you're both invited." She looked at Martin when she said 'both', then back towards Xavier.

"Great." Xavier said, then brung himself closer to Ashley. Martin stepped backward and crossed his arms over his chest. The students around him rushed to class or took their very time as they conversed with friends.

"I'm going to need a favor." He continued, and Ashley nodded her head, her brown hair was soft like silk between his fingers while he combed it. "Invite Justianny to the party."

Ashley's eyes became dark and a sort of jealous look ran over her face. "Taylor? For what? For who?" She inquired.

Martin looked at Xavier with a questioning look, All of these questions and she's not your girl? He also wondered why he asked for Justianny to come to the party. What was he trying to get at?

But Xavier still kept his boyish smile and aura focused on her.  

"One of my boys is trying to talk to her." Xavier said and relief washed through her features.

"Oh, I was about to say. . ." She trailed off, then raised her chin up defiantly as she placed a finger on Xavier's chest. "You're not one I'd like to share."

Martin could feel the discomfort Xavier felt from the line itself. Xavier was never one for commitment. Even when he was with Mia for three years, he was still talking to (or having sex with) other girls.

"But," Ashley continued after, "yesterday I kind-of told her she wasn't invited to it."

Xavier bit on the bottom of his lip and Martin almost walked away before the blonde haired boy grabbed onto her jaw and pulled her down for a kiss. Martin slightly widened his eyes in amusement and watched his best friend pull away from her.

"Use that charm, baby. For me?" Xavier asked in a softer tone. His yellow eyes seemed to have kept her in a daze after that kiss. She nodded slowly and Xavier smiled before letting go of her and walking away with Martin.

"You have that type of affect, bro?" He had asked him as they walked down the hallways. The students parted as they did, making them seem like two kings that owned the school.

"You can, too." Xavier had answered with, his infamous smirk plopped onto his face and Martin chuckled dryly.

"So, what's with the request?" Martin had asked and Xavier gave him a flat look.

"I'm only going to tell you a thing or two." He turned away with a smile; a champion smile. "You and Justianny. Start of your plan. End of story."

Martin looked at Xavier, who gave him an offering look.

He thought about her long brown hair, how hurt she looked after he told her that she was too good for him, how sad she looked after he let her go.

He had told himself to do so, but, then again. . . Maybe it would have been better to take advantage of that. The quicker everything could happen, the better. He'd have Ciara at a quicker pace and as for Justianny. . . Well, he wouldn't know what to do — he didn't care in the moment anymore.

He mirrored Xavier's smirk and Xavier let out a cheerful sound before swinging his arm over his shoulders.


"I can't do it."

Mr. Lowe looked up at Michael and quirked his eyebrows up. He folded his hands and brought them up to his chin, then asked, "Can't do what exactly, Michael?"

Mia hadn't been in class, and Michael was grateful for that. When it ended, he decided to go up to Mr. Lowe and tell him how he really felt about the project.

"I can't stay partners with her." He said, drawing out the last word. He was beyond infuriated. It was distracting him, knowing that he'd work with someone who enjoyed degrading others. Someone who kept pulling him in then pushing him back. Playing with his heart and mind. . . just toying with him.

Mr. Lowe sighed and shook his head slowly. "I won't be able to do anything about it Michael. I've already told you, you don't change partners once assigned."

Michael's eyes narrowed and he shook his head violently. He proceeded on to saying something he'd never believe he'd tell anyone. "What don't you understand about that? I can't stay with Mia. Nothing is happening and I wan't a change in partners."

He didn't know where it came from, but he knew he was fed up. He just didn't want to be with her.

Mr. Lowe's eyes had slightly widened at Michael's sudden response, then looked over to where Mia had stood at the doorway. She had entered just as Michael had started talking and looked at him with narrowed eyes.

Mr. Lowe then looked back at Michael, who was still oblivious to her entering, and placed his hands back down.

"I've told you already." Mr. Lowe told him with finality. "Now, if you have anything else to say, you can go to Mr. Dawson and speak to him, but I'm letting you know now that he doesn't interfere with my way of teaching."

Michael clenched his jaw and turned to walk out of the classroom. When he saw Mia, he froze for a moment and they glared into each others eyes. He then cut his eyes away from her and stormed out of the room.

Mia rolled her eyes and walked up towards Mr. Lowe's desk. Michael had emailed her a two page paper about himself and wrote in the subject line: 'Change to your own words'.

She hadn't gone to Mr. Lowe's class today because she decided to cut today — she wasn't in the mood for seeing that nerd after what had happened the day before.

Even seeing those blue eyes of his for five seconds riled her up. That's all she was thinking about when she was in the locker room, laying across the bench and glaring up at the ceiling: Michael, and how much she hated him.

"What have you done to the kid, Mia?" Mr. Lowe asked as he pursed his lips and shook his head slowly. "I almost switched partners after he told me all of that."

Mia wished she could glare at Mr. Lowe, he was the reason behind this whole mess! Instead, she answered with, "What did I miss today?"

He shook his head once more before pushing himself back and opening one of the drawers at his desk. He pulled out a crisp paper and handed it to her. She read the header of the paper and frowned upon it.

First project: due Sunday, November 15 @ 12:00 A.M.

"You will either have to choose to write an essay based on a documentary you have seen, or read a play and summarize it in your own words." He explained to her as she read the other words on the paper. "I'll explain more in class tomorrow."

Her eyes looked up from the paper and latched on his own. "Do we have to do this together?"

"You are partners for a reason." He deadpanned and Mia grimaced. She shivered as she turned away from him and walked off.

"Ew, can you not say that word?" She asked over her shoulder and she was only answered by a chuckle.

With the paper in her hand, she went on a search for Michael. Luckily, since it was now Lunch, the hallways were empty besides school aids passing by. Yeah, maybe she didn't want to see him, but he was the only thing standing between her and her grade.

She found him, stuffing something into his locker roughly, and breathed out deeply. She didn't know why she took that breather or why she felt nervous when she came closer to him.

She knew he could see her from his peripheral vision, and had crossed her arms over her chest, still clutching onto the paper in her hand.

"Listen," she started slowly, then jerked her head sideways to flip her hair back, "I was thinking that it'd be better if we read a play and wrote an essay on it." He was still fixing something in his locker, his jaw still tense. "I know this really good one called—"

Michael slammed the locker door shut and Mia slightly jumped in surprise. He glowered down at her and lowly — very lowly — told her, "I'll email everything."

He then turned around and walked off into a new direction. Mia's jaw decided to drop at that moment and shook her head slowly.

Stupid nerd! She thought to herself as she started to walk towards the girls bathroom in the opposite direction that Michael went. He should be happy if I'm considering to speak to him or not.

"Gah!" She said as she splashed cold water on her face. Here she was, staring at her reflection, thinking about someone who she had just finished seeing a few moments ago.

The sound of a door opening and slow clapping got her attention and Mia made contact with whoever decided to come in and—

Her heart began to beat wildly fast and she began to blink multiple times.

He entered the bathroom and closed the door, she clenched her teeth and looked at the door, then back.

"Xavier, what are you doing here?" She breathed out as she spun around on the heels of her feet and grabbed onto the sink's edge with her fingers.

"Awe, baby—"

Mia shook her head slowly. "Don't call me baby. I'm not yours anymore."

Xavier continued to walk towards Mia with a secretive smirk and Mia's breathing started to go haggard. There was no way out and he was now right in front of her.

His hand reached up to caress her face but she looked away. He grabbed onto her jaw and made her face him.

He still smelled the same: woodsy, but with a tinge of expensive perfume. It used to be her favorite smell, but not anymore.

His eyes were still beautiful – well, it was once to her — and they still held that mocking yet relaxed look to it.

"Baby, I saw the whole thing." He whispered out with a smile. His eyes trailed down to her lips and he licked his own. She backed away from him, but then he made contact with her again, causing her to freeze.

"You're just like me, baby—"

She shook her head quickly. "I am not like you."

He smiled again, "You're right. You're worse." He let out a small chuckle. "Look at the performance you've made. You've basically messed up somebody's life. Somebody who's never done anything to you."

Then, he laughed. "And I've never done something like that to someone. Or you." His laughter came out more mocking and Mia's eyes trailed down to the floor. The tears threatened to come to her eyes but she tried hard — very hard — to keep them down.

He placed a tender kiss on her forehead and tilted her head up. After caressing her face one more time, he dipped down and rubbed his nose against her own, gushing out the words, "I love you."

He let out another laugh before he let go of her and walked out of the bathroom like nobody was watching.

Mia turned around and let out a breath, she turned on the cold water and started to breathe steadily through her nose.

But, it wasn't going to work in the end, because soon, one tear fell down, and then another. . .

Until she couldn't hold it in anymore and a river started to form.


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