Just A Borrowed Spouse

By augustinedev

140K 3.7K 406

Lee Taemin and Son Naeun have unexpectedly ended their Virtual Marriage on the We Got Married. They may have... More

We Just Ended?
Virtually Heartbroken
Comfort in Chicken
A Cinderella Moment
The Reason
No no no
An Unexpected Night
The Love Guru
Sisterly Love
Fairy God-Couple?
Long Distance
Officially Missing You?
Home Sweet Home
Puppy Love
Operation: Day Out Disaster
The Unwanted Truth
The Search
Minnie's Owner
Roman-tic Christian
A Walk Around the Block
Family Get Together
No Ordinary Love
A Piece from Our Past
The Letter
Going Solo
Left Behind
Guests' Preppy Time
The Wedding
Single Or Divorced?
The Great Pretenders
A Birthday Treat
A Leap Of Courage
From A Far
Courtesy of Emergency
Just Realized
The Fault in Me
Forget You
His Twin
Walk Away
Just Waiting
Some Night
Diaries and Memories
The Meet-Up
The Stolen Page
First Day Worries
Out and About
Un-Wanted Attention
Big Thanks.
Go On
The Un-scripted Us

Love on Doubt?

1.7K 51 7
By augustinedev

Taemin's POV:
Another day to work in the studio.Life went back to normal.The company will soon officially launched me as SOLO to the public; I'll be busier than ever this time.

Choreography has been set to be made by some choreographer just by my age, Ian Eastwood. I've seen his videos before and he was really good. His style was close to mine, I can't wait to meet him.

"Taemin, you'll be set to leave on the 2nd week of August."- Manager said as he shoved me an envelope.

"Leave? What do you mean?"- I asked.

Manager eyed on the envelope and I soon got the message. I reached for the envelope and found documents there. My passport and a ticket.

A ticket to America.

"Manager, America? I'm flying to America? For what?"- I asked.

"Ian Eastwood can't come to Korea. He still have schedules back there so we had you squeezed in."- He said.

"Squeezed in? Can't he just come some other time? Like next month?"- I asked. Going to America was great but I don't feel like it. Not when I haven't told the members about it.

"No, we can't do that. It's been decided and besides, the company has paid your ticket to fly to America.It's up to you if we could just launch you some other time or buy yourself a ticket?"- Manager said.

Okay, these people are smart. They sure know how to blockmail.

"Never mind."- I said.

The day soon ended, Manager drove me back to the dorm. Thinking about me launched as solo was really exciting and good but how do I tell the hyungs about it? My family doesn't know about it either and Naeun, I haven't talk to her so she doesn't know I suppose.

We reached the dorm sooner than I thought, maybe because of the thinking. Okay, I think I'll be telling the members today.

When I reached the dorm, I found Minho and Jonghyun playing. As usual, they always were busy playing. Their eyes fixed on the television set.

"Hyung? Where is Onew Hyung and Key Hyung? - I asked.

"Onew's at the kitchen and Key is in the bathroom, showering."- Minho replied.

I eyed on Manager to get Onew.He went and called Onew hyung which I assume is eating again. I sat down between the two and watched as they played along.

"Do you want to play?"- Jonghyun asked as he offered me the controller.

"No, maybe later."

"Taeminnie, what have you been doing lately? We barely see you here. The guys say you're always at the studio."- Minho said.

Onew appeared as he brought his food to the living room. Now all we have to do is wait for Key.

I stood up and waited across the bathroom door.Key stepped out of the bathroom after 5 minutes. He looked startled as all of us had our eyes glued on him.

"What?"- He asked. "Is there shampoo left on my hair?"

Ugh. This guy is freaking hygienic.

"Hyung, could you take a seat? I have something to say to all of you."- I said.

He sat between Minho and Jonghyun. The television set was now turned off and soon the members turned their attention on me.

"So why did you gather us, maknae dear?"- Onew asked as he munched to his food.

"Yeah, why did you have to gather us all? Couldn't you just send us a message?"- Key asked.

I eyed on Manager and he gave me a thumbs up. Giving me some encouragement and confidence.

"You see hyungs I..."

"What?!"- They all asked.

I can sense their impatience as the tone of their voices went high pitched.

"These days I have been busy because I have been practicing."

"Then what?"- Minho asked.

"I have been practicing because..."

"Because what!?"- They all shouted.


The members'faces were fixed. They didn't look surprise at all,they just sat still as we stared right through each other.

"Is that what you're going to say?"- Jonghyun asked.

"Yes, that's all."- I said.

The members snorted out a laugh. Why were they laughing?

"You gathered all of us for that?"- Key asked as he laughed.

"Why? What's so funny? Do you think I'm joking?"-  I asked. I felt a little insulted by the way they laughed.

"No, of course not.  Actually, congratulations Taemin!"- Minho said as he stood up and shook my hand.

"Why did you tell us this? We already knew."- Onew said.

"You knew?"- I exclaimed.

How did they know? I mean, nobody knew except the company people and I. The real question here is, who told them?

"Hyung, when did you know?"- I asked.

"A long time ago actually."- Minho said.

Long time ago?So they knew all along...

"Ahhh. So who told you about it?"- I asked.

I wonder who told them this when they weren't suppose to know about this. It was a little prohibited for me to tell anyone.

"Manager did."- They all said as they pointed out to manager.

"Hehe."- He said as he sat on a corner.

He told them? Seriously? The person who told me not to tell anyone just did it. Wow. Manager, really wow!

"So you told them huh?"- I asked as I walked towards him.

"Ugh. I guess so. It slipped. Sorry."- He said.

"What do you mean slipped? He didn't say it that way."- Key said.

"It's nice of you to do that for me."- I said as I tapped his back hardly.

Ugh, Manager. He told me himself not to tell anyone,not even the members and my family.  Seriously, can he tell what he jusy did?

Ugh. What to expect from Manager right? Wait. He might as well told my family when he even told my members? Oh well, Manager. Somehow I just never doubt him.

Naeun's POV:

It's been a week since it was Taemin's birthday.A week that I have actually seen him, talk to him and feel him once more. It feels like it has been a very long time till now.

That day, seems like a thought away. I remember  that I gave him a kiss. That thought just makes me cringe and embarassed. And that time I had nothing to give him, I figured he has to have something  from me.

As always, something he wouldn't lose. We were alone or I hope we were? Because if we're not then the media would have known right?

As soon as I pecked a kiss on his forehead, the car appeared out of thin air. By their reactions, they didn't seem like they saw it. What a relief.

It was too late for us to have a last chat, all that was left was for me to say goodbye. It was just  a short time, I even forgot to ask if he read my letter since I got his.I wish I could've stayed longer. Aside from him being there, his members were fun too.

"Naeun, let's go! The service is waiting."- Bomi said.

Ugh. Right, we were filming Apink's Showtime today. I wonder where we were going to shoot, showtime wasn't much of a hassle show it was more of "chill" and "cool" type.

We all walked out of the dorm and soon hopped off to the service. Our first stop was a coffee shop, everyone wanted to go and so we are on the way.

I decided to update my twitter while the others had their business. What would be a good thing to say? I wonder.

"Naeun, did you know?"- Chorong asked.

"What? Why? What's happening?"- I asked

"Taemin's going to be launched as solo."-Chorong said.

"Solo?!"- The girls repeated.

"Yes,solo!"- Chorong said. "Why didn't you tell us Naeun?"

Oh. I didn't know that. He didn't tell me. I mean why would he tell me? I'm just a person he knows in his life. Nothing more than that.

"I actually don't know that he was going to be launched. We don't keep in touch really."- I replied.

"Really?"- Hayoung asked. "That can't be true right?"

"We're idols and more than that, you know how contracts come in handy with having any relationships going around."- I replied.

"What's wrong with that?Keeping in touch and relationships are different things right?"- Hayoung insisted

"Hayoung, it's just complicated."- I said

"Oh well. He must be really good to be launched as solo."- Namjoo said.

Yeah. He is good. No doubt about that.

"Aren't you proud of him Naeun?"- Eunji asked.

The girls all eyed on me, as if they were waiting for an important answer.

Proud? If I had the right to be proud of him, I will be but what we are or where we will be heading is still a blur right now.

"Well, I think I can say I'm happy for him."- I said as I gave them a weak smile.

"Yah, there's an article about him and his album thing."- Namjoo said.

"Actually, it has a little bit of his dating life."- Hayoung said.

I quickly grabbed the Ipad from Namjoo and read it for myself. This article was created when he appeared on KBS 1 vs 100.

I couldn't believe what I was reading.

"It would be a lie if I never had a girlfriend. I've even kissed."

He was asked when he had his first relationship and he said he had it back in elementary and his first kiss was when he was in kindergarten?

I knew about the relationship thing and that got me jealous before. It still got me jealous now but hey, first kiss? I didn't know that. I'm not upset about the kiss, I'm upset because he said he haven't had any kisses before. So he lied to me? Again? Exactly how many lies are there?

"Many people think, I would like to date but actually I don't have that desire. Dating is bothersome.Maybe it's because I've been filming We Got Married and I've experienced a lot of things."

Okay. This article even mentioned me and We Got Married. I don't know how to feel.

Is this the reason why we never call our state as dating? Dating is bothersome? Or maybe I was bothersome to him? Was I that frustrating to make him say those things?

Ugh. What do I do?

He has experienced a lot of things in We Got Married and so did I,his pranks, the threats among fans and all. He finds it bothersome because of what he experienced, then what does that make me?

"Naeun, are you okay?"- Eunji asked.

My face couldn't control my expression. I could tell by the way Eunji asked.

"I'm okay." - I said as I shoved the Ipad back to Namjoo's arms. Their expressions were quite startled as I handed it back to them.
I saw Eunji reaching for the Ipad. I suppose she was going to read the article herself.

We reached the coffee shop in no time, we all hopped off the car. As soon as we entered, the girls took their orders while I went to the restroom. I wanted to hide my face from them.

I washed my face and looked at my mere shabby reflection at the mirror. What has this done to me?

See this is the reason why I never wanted love, why I kept mum about how I felt when I liked someone because in the end it was just me who had this one sided love.This was exactly why. The fear rises inside me.

The very thought that Taemin was different was now a complete mess. What if all I knew was a lie? Was everything just what I thought? Was everything that matterred to me meant nothing at all to him?

Tears came strolling down my face. I can't control myself from letting it flow. They came and so I let it run through me.

"Naeun!"- Someone called from behind. It was Eunji.

" I know you'd be here."- She said as she closed the door behind her.

My eyes were now a little stuffy from crying, my face were of tears. How can I hide this state?

"I've read the article."- She began. "are you alright?"

"Honestly, I don't know if am okay."- I replied
as I wiped off the tears and smudges of makeup on my eyes.

"You're upset,aren't you?"- She asked.

"Yes, I'm really upset about him. The more he talks like that, the more I feel confused, irritated and  upset about everything."

"Why don't you talk to him about it? About what you're feeling, don't you think he needs to know about what you feel? If you don't tell him about this, then this would become bigger. This would tear you two apart."

"I don't know Eunji.I don't know why he needs to know about how I feel, when we both know that we were once just a couple. I have no claim, no rights to feel this way."- I said.

"Then I don't know Naeun, this is up to you now. If you can't tell him how you feel as someone who loves him then at least give him the truth as a friend.Tell him how you feel, he can't read you. He deserves to know."- she said.

I couldn't help but tear up as she held me closer to her. A sisterly hug was definitely what I needed now. Even if I need not say it, Eunji always knows what to do for me.

If there was one thing I didn't know; handling heartbreaks, sad moments and all the sad things were always the hardest things to handle.

"I'll be going out now, okay? Fix yourself before coming out.- She said rubbing my back.

"Okay, I will."- I said. Soon she left the restroom, I watched her closed the door before I turned myself back to normal look. I couldn't help but stare at my reflection. I shouldn't be like this, not now, not ever.

I'll talk to you Taemin, I know I should when I know it's the only way to clear all these thoughts.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, it's been a while since I updated. Got myself injured. Sorry. Anyways, I'll be updating really soon.

Watching Apink's Showtime and knowing the real dates of Taemin's solo to make up a realistic story. Some sort of timeline huh?

Thanks for reading guys! Love lots.

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