I'm Always The Ugly Friend

By MrColdLove

24.1K 634 233

"What’s wrong beautiful?" I heard that voice and shivered. My eyes went wide open and I started to move my he... More

Chapter 2 (Mysterious boy)
Chapter 3 (Crazy moms this days)
Chapter 4 (Couldn't get any worst?)
Chapter 5 (Big news?)
Chapter 6 (The Macoy's)
Chapter 7 (You don't know me)
Chapter 8 (When the lights go off.)
Chapter 9 (Keep this a secret?)
Chapter 10 (Spotted)
Chapter 11 (A date?)
Chapter 12 (Deja vu)
Chapter 13 (Sooner or Later You'll Fall for me)
Chapter 14 (She crossed the line)

I'm Always The Ugly Friend

10.8K 118 33
By MrColdLove

Hey all! I am so excited for writing this first chapter, I really hope you guys support me during my journey of writing this book! Hope you enjoy. Kisses.

Chapter 1

"Sofia, wake up!"

Oh my bed is so comfortable.

"Sofia, wake up. SCHOOL TIME! LETS GO!"

"Get off my bed you moron! Can't you see I'm exhausted." I pushed my little brother who was jumping and running all over my bed.

He looked at me with those devil eyes of his. "Get up or I will suck your blood."

Here he goes thinking he is Dracula.

I rolled my eyes being annoyed.

"I'm a vampire and I came here to suck your blood!" He got on top of me and started sucking on my neck, holding both of my arms down. "Are you going to get up?"

"Never." I answered.

"Oh well then." He took a deep breath. "TIME TO SUCK SOME BLOOD!"

I was laughing so hard. I'm really ticklish when it comes to my neck. "Stop it!"

He took out a packet of ketchup from his pocket and spread it all over my neck. My lungs are going to explode of laughter. "DYLAN STOP."

"Are you going to get up, I said?" He licked the ketchup from his mouth.

"Fine I will." I crossed my arms. "Now get off of me."

"Well, enough blood for today." He got off my bed and started walking to the door. "Get ready. If you don't want mom to do some Kung fu panda on your butt."

And there goes my little brother, Dylan Mathew. I love my little brother Dylan or how I like to call him 'Didi'. He is eleven years old, blonde, green eyes, he is a really cute little boy. I love this boy with all my heart. His jokes always make me laugh, I think it's the only thing that makes me laugh. He reminds me of my father who died five years ago. It's like my father left but he is still here.

''Damn. School. I hate that place." I stretched all over my bed not wanting to get up. But I know if I don't my mom will kill me.

My sigh is blurry, I wonder where are my pair of glasses? I can't see crap without them. I started to slide my hands all over my bed. "Damn glasses! I wish I had a magic wand or something. Do glasses fly? Because every morning is the same thing with this stupid glasses!"

I got off the bed and started crawling all over my room. "Oh darling. Where are you? Come to me kitty glasses . Oh kitty, kitty, kitty." Wait I'm trying to find a pair of glasses, not a cat.

I'm not a normal person.

I lay down in the floor, "darn I can't find this glasses. Annoying."

I was laying on the floor, like Jesus did on the cross. I started to make an angel in the floor, like if it was winter in my room with all the snow.

Yeah I'm always in my imaginary world.

I heard the sound of my door open, yeah it really does an annoying awful sound. "Sofia, honey what are you doing?" The person who just woke me up from my imaginary world said. I knew it was my mom because I could recognize her voice.

I can't see without glasses damn it!

"I'm looking for my glasses mom. And I don't think I'm doing a good job finding them." I gasp with my voice sounding defeated by a pair of glasses.

I seriously have problems. Someone please help me...

"Sophia. Honey, your glasses are next to the pillow." My mom told me. Her voice sounding like she's about to laugh.

Sometimes I think even my mom laughs of me.

I went crawling to my bed and started to move my hands all over the bed. "AHA! GATCHA!" I took it. And when I put it on the world looked so much clear now.

I glanced at my mom. "Good morning mom." I stretched then starting walking towards her to give her a hug.

She gave me a big warm hug. "Now get ready for school miss. And why do you have ketchup all over your neck?"

"Dylan." I said it like of it was obvious. She laugh and left the room.

I wish I could spend the whole day with my mother. She understands me, she love me, she is like the perfect friend.

Well is not like I have many friends.

My mother's name is Andrea Samson. She is beautiful, kind, long black hair, like 5'5 feet tall. No wonder my dad fell in love with her. Like even Satan will become good to be with my mother. She is hot! But since my dad passed away she is always working.

But me I'm, I am-

"Mom Sophia is still not ready." My brother Dylan yells from his room breaking my thoughts.

"Stop being such a snitch." Arrogant little boy.

I took my towel that was hanging on the door knob. And ran to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, and took a fast shower.

I got out of the shower and kicked the door like if I was Jackie Chan. I was wetting all the floor with a towel on my head.

"Sophia hurry up or you and your brother will be late." Darn woman.

"I'm almost ready mom."

I ran to my closet like fast and furious. 'What should I ware? Story of my life.' I Took the first shirt I saw it said krabby patty and it had a sponge bob cooking design, I took a pair of shorts regular blue shorts and a pair of blue vans shoes. I was ready to go.

I ran downstairs. Took my morning cappuccino. Mom and my little brother Dylan were waiting for me on the minivan. They started to horn the minivan.

Disturbing my cappuccino.

Damn I better hurry up. Got my backpack. ''Okay now I'm ready to go." I closed the house door. I went walking towards the minivan but my eyes got distracted by this hot six feet tall guy, black perfect hair... Well I could hardly see him, he is crossed the street.

His eyes suddenly meet mines.

"Sofia what are you waiting for? Get inside the car!." My mom yelled at me waking me up from my fantasy word.

Holy ships. Did he just wink at me? Nah, I must be day dreaming. I got inside the car not looking at the guy because he is distracting much. My mom started driving us to school.

We arrived at Dylan's school. Yeah we are in separated schools, thanks God.

"Good bye honey. Have a nice day at school."

"Thanks mom." Dylan replied. He was getting out of the car.

"Honey aren't you forgetting something?" My mom put a finger on her cheek.

"No mom not here." Dylan blushed.

"What honey are you embarrassed on giving your mother a kiss on the cheek. Shame on you." My mom crossed her arms putting a puppy face.

"But mom-." Dylan tried to speak but my mom interrupted him.

"But mom nothing. Give me a kiss."

He gave her a kiss really fast. "Bye mom. Bye Sofia." He closed the door of the minivan.

"He reminds me so much of your father." I looked at my little brother getting inside his school.

"Yeah he does mom."

Well my mom started driving me to this little place I call hell 'School'. Don't get me wrong, I like to study I am kind of a geek. I don't hate teachers or the principal. I hate the stupid little learners. What are they called? Students.

This is my senior year and it's supposed to be the best year ever. But the last good school year I had was in kinder garden. When you didn't care about anything, where you had all the friends in the world, where you didn't have to care about your appearance, just be happy, laugh, play and joke around with the other kids.

But my whole 'high school year' has been a living hell for me.

"We are here Sofia." My mom told me stopping the car in front of my school.

"Yeah I guess we are." Every time I see my school, I feel empty.

"Have a nice day my love." My mom kissed me in the cheek.

"I'll try." I fake smile.

I got out of the car. And started walking inside. It's funny because girls in my school wear heels, dresses, make up. But me I just wear some sneakers, jeans or shorts and some regular shirt.

I could hear whispers, all around the hallway I feel like the central of attention but in a bad way. Nothing new by the way. Sometimes I wish I had a shotgun and shoot them all. People are always talking stupid things about me.

"Like what the hell is she wearing?" A girl in front of me said, talking with another girl, acting like if I wasn't around.

"I know right she is the definition of ugly!" She yelled pointing at me. And everybody laugh.

I just closed my eyes not wanting to cry. Looked down and started walking to my locker. When I opened my locker my books were all wet, another prank I guess. I closed my locker feeling angry.

The bell rang but I did not want to go to class, I just feel like crying. I went to the bathroom and nobody was inside. I saw myself in the mirror thinking why me? Why can't I be pretty like the other girls? Why can't they accept me as who I am?

I got out of the bathroom because I don't like being late for class. I took a sit in front of the class because the mean girls always sit in the back.

Damn the teacher is still not here.

"Move out of my desk." Vanessa the miss popular girl of the school said, slamming her books on the floor like if she wants to fight.

What Vanessa do you want me to take your earrings too? God she is annoying.

"Vanessa leave her alone." The teacher said entering to the class. Thanks God.

"Don't worry I will get revenge when we get out of the classroom." Vanessa whispers in my ear.

Class was over but Vanessa didn't do any actions on me. I headed myself to the cafeteria to get some lunch. I got a slice a pizza delicious. I sat with a group of people I call 'friends.' Yeah I actually do have friends but I can only hang out with them in lunch.

"What up Sofia?"

"Not much Alfred. Just same people bothering me all the time." I answered while I was sitting at the table.

"Why don't you ever defend yourself Sofia?"

"Since my dad passed away. I don't feel like arguing with no one Grace. And you know the reason I don't like to argue."

"Yeah I know, I know, I am sorry for remanding you that." Grace apologize.

I smiled. "No worries."

So here we have Alfred and Grace. My two best friends since kinder garden. Alfred is a cute boy, he is actually one of the most popular boys, Alfred is HOT! But I only see him as a friend. He accepts me as who I am and that's what I love about him. He likes to smirk a lot and hit on girls. I think that's like a hobby for him.

Then we got Grace beautiful, loving, caring, and nice girl. She is really girly. But sometimes her attitude is really strong. Boys are always after her. But she just ignores them. She is always telling me story's about party, that she got drunk, that she kissed this hot guy... But me I haven't even had my first kiss.

Well Alfred, Grace and I ate and laugh.

Finally something good.

And then the bell rang. "Well girls see you later." Alfred blew a kiss in the air.

"Goodbye." Grace and I smiled.

"Well Sofia let's get going, to class."

I nodded.

On our way to math class. Vanessa appears in front of me.

Darn girl.

"So why you didn't get out of my desk when I told you too?" Vanessa pointed at me.

"Because she didn't feel like it." Grace respond.

"Grace don't argue with her." I whispered.

"You know what?" Vanessa took my glasses, leaving everything around blurry. "You don't need this miss four eyes."

"Oh no you didn't." Grace said.

They started to fight. I don't actually know what happen in the fight because I couldn't see without my pair of glasses.

But I was crawling in the floor, trying to find my glasses why they were fighting.

I just heard people screaming "Fight, fight.."

And Vanessa saying "You are ugly Sofia. UGLY!"

And Grace was cursing all the bad words that you can imagine.

Somebody helped get up. "You are really beautiful." It was a guy, but I can't see him darn glasses. It was the first time a guy ever told me that in my life. I blushed but I really wanted to see him. He collocated my glasses slowly, "there you go. Now you look even more beautiful."

I froze when I saw who it was. It was the guy I saw this morning. His blue eyes made melt.

"So I saw you this morning. Tell me what's your name?" He asked me.

Authors Note: Hey I am excited! This is my second book! Do you love it, hate it, like it... Tell me always leave your opinion, vote or follow me. Thanks :)

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