Diggy Simmons | Someone Like...

By jjewelxo

56.6K 1.3K 254

Diggy meets the girl of his dreams, Hazel Williams. She has hazel eyes to match her name, medium skin toned a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

1K 31 5
By jjewelxo

So I'm finishing this story up for ppl that wanted me to continue. This is especially for @DamiAdesoji because she really wanted me to and I also want to have at least one finished book on my profile.

Okay a little recap of the older chapters (I lowkey had to reread some of this story smh lol); Diggy and Hazel meet at Star Nightclub where her and her best friend Paris work and at the time has a girlfriend named Jonna (who's a model). Hazel's boy best friend is Jelani and he asks her out on a date, they lowkey start almost kinda dating blah blah and Jonna gets into an accident and  Diggy goes to her  in the hospital and sees Jelani there to find out that she was cheating on him and that Jelani was cheating on Hazel. so then they're finally single and start almost dating (but then he lied and told Hazel he broke up with Jonna but he didn't until like way later) and then some girl from Dig's past (Kiara) contacts Hazel telling her she wants Hazel to model with her but really Jonna wanted Kiara to tell Hazel that Diggy didn't break up with Jonna when he said he did...Hazel and Dig fight...they make up...they went to the BET Awards...and now we're here. Hope that jogged your memory!

Hazel's POV;

"Good morning gorgeous," A low raspy voice spoke. My eyes fluttered open to see Dig looking down at me as I lied on his chest.

"Ew, you're totally witnessing my morning face," I quickly got up from the bed. "I'll be back." I rushed to his bathroom quickly, grabbing my purse on the way.

I was immediately alarmed by my reflection in the mirror. Make up was smeared everywhere and my hair was in a knotty, frizzy mess. I sighed, grabbing some wipes from my bag and removing the make up. "Can I use your towel and rag?" I shouted to Dan.

"Whats mine is yours bae," he called out and I smirked to myself before I began undressing to shower.

After my shower and dressing myself in Diggy's sweats, I noticed he left the room and sent me a text saying he'd be downstairs.

I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen where I saw him cooking. He looked so determined and skillful...it was so attractive. He was shirtless and had his grey sweats on. He noticed me standing in the archway and instantly smiled. "Hey cutie."

"Hey handsome," I smiled back and walked over to him. "Watcha cookin?" I asked, standing slightly behind him and  wrapping my arms around him.

"Eggs, turkey bacon, and french toast."

"Smells and looks good," I said, glancing at the sizzling bacon, french toast and scrambled eggs on the stove.

"You smell and look good." He said turning to kiss me on the lips.

"For you," I stood on my tippy toes to kiss him again.

Diggy's POV

"Ew!!!!!!!!" We heard a small voice. Miley stood at the archway with Russy behind her who was laughing. "Hazel, you can't kiss Diggy, he's a boy!"

"You're right, what was I thinking!" Hazel walked over to Miley and stooped down to her level. "Hi, pretty,"

"Hi Hazel!" Miley said cutely. "Me and Haley thought you guys were boyfriend and girlfriend, now I know you are." She said.

"Yes we are," Hazel giggled. Her laugh is probably the cutest thing under the sun. She's just so sweet and so perfect. Just hearing her laugh reminds me that I am beyond lucky to have her.

"Ooo, Diggy and Hazel sitting in a tree, k - i - s - s - i - n - g." Miley giggled uncontrollaby and Hazel laughed too. It was great seeing those two interact...she's so good with kids. And people in general.

"Hey, I don't think we've met before," Hazel stood up and stuck her hand out to Russ.

"No, but it feels like I have. The lovely Hazel, nice to meet you." He shook her hand. "Russy." He said.

"RusTY!" Miley joked.

"Miley, thats not very nice." Hazel said, holding back a smile.

"Little rascal loves to tease," Russy smiled and ruffled her hair before he left the room taking her with him. "Nice meeting you, Hazel!"

"You too!" She smiled.

All of the food was done and I placed them on plates. "Chef BoyarDiggy!" I cheesed, showcasing the food I made.

"You're so silly," She giggled grabbing a plate to get some food.

We both got our plates and sat on the red stools in the kitchen. "Its so good," She said, her mouth stuffed with food. "Sorry thats rude," she giggled.

"Thank you princess." I smiled at how adorable she was.

After we finished our food, Hazel spoke.
"You do know that we need to talk about what happened right?" She said softly. "I mean, you're forgiven and all of that but we need to talk." She said.

I looked at her and nodded knowingly. "Whatever you want baby."

"Okay. So that day when you had me drive you to the airport to break up with Jonna...what happened in there? You just decided not to?" She asked, her eyebrows stitched together and her face scrunched up.

She is the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life, I dont know how I lied to her like that. I sighed. "No...I had it all set in my mind what I was going to say but she looked so...I don't know...Like I knew for a fact I no longer had feelings for her, but I still didn't want to hurt her. But I wanted you. So I told you I did even though I didn't. But I messed up bad." I admitted. "And I'm sorry." I said sincerely.

She looked at me for a moment and nodded. "Okay." She said. "Old news," she smiled. "And you're sure that there are no other secrets or anything I should know?" She said half jokingly.

I thought for a moment about Kiara Henderson, but decided not to. I mean when Kiara and I...you know...I was with Jonna, not Hazel, so I don't think its necessary to tell her. And Kiara seems to like Hazel so I'm sure she'll keep her mouth shut. "Yup." I smiled. "I promise you that there are no other secrets." I said.

"Okay." She smiled. "And Im sorry too. For, you know...accepting all those gifts you sent and everything-,"

"I know I know. Its okay." I said. She had no reason to feel like anything was her fault. She was the definition of perfect and I just mess things up, but I'll do better for sure.

Hazel began coughing loudly and I looked at her with concern. "Hazel," I called out as she coughed into her hand. "Are you okay?"

"I've been feeling a little sick lately." She said. "But Im okay." She smiled. Shes always so positive no matter what. I love that about her. Shes so childlike...not childish, child like. She has the innocence and pure heart of a kid. Its so adorable.

"You sure?" I asked.

"I promise," She cheesed as her phone buzzed. She looked down at it. "Jelani. I think you guys should get to know each other. You know, put all of this craziness behind you?" She offered.

"Yeah...no baby," I shook my head.

"Please! Deslite everything that happened with Jonna, you two really should  have nothing against each other. Yeah, he was the guy Jonna kinda cheated on you with...kinda, but that's all past us and I think my guy bestfriend and boyfriend should be cool."

"I don't know Hazel," I shook my head.

"It will make me happy!" She smiled adorably.

"Youre lucky I'm love with your face." I said.

"I'm in love with yoursss." She cooed, tapping my nose with her index finger.

"Im in love with yo- yodeling," I stammered, feeling embarrassed for what I was about to say. "Yo de lay he ooo!" I yodeled to cover up my slip up. I dont think it was time for me to tell her that I loved her yet...I need the moment to be right for my baby.

"You're so weird," She giggled. "And your yodeling is bad."

"Your hair this morning was bad," I shot back.

"Hey! I just woke up!" She punched my arm.

We both laughed and I leaned towards her face, us still laughing with our faces an inch a part. We were so close that I felt every time her eyelash would flutter against my face.  I studied her beautiful features, "Im joking babe. I swear you look more gorgeous than last night at the Awards. You don't need an ounce of mascara or whatever it is you use or a flat iron, you don't need anything," I told her and puckered my lips to kiss hers.

She smiled into the kiss and mumbled, "Ive missed you so much." She said sweetly.

"Ive missed you so much," A male voice called out, mimicking Hazel's voice in a girlish squeal. I looked to see Roger standing at the doorway with his hands clasped together by his face pretending to ve all lovey dovey.

"Go home Roger." Bae and I both said at the same time. I looked at her and smiled, I swear we're so in synch. We high fived each other as Roger made his way to the fridge.

"What we got, what we got," Roger rubbed his palms together hungrily as he stared inside of the fridge.

"Paris is one lucky girl," I said sarcastically.

"Dig," Hazel nudged my side and giggled.

"Where is my best friend by the way?" Havel swiveled the chair to face Roger who's back was towards us as he scanned the fridge.

"About to get this- Uh, she's at home and I'll be on my way over there soon, I just wanted to stop by to see my boy," He patted my  shoulder.

I watched as Hazel's eye's got wide at the "about to get this" part. Her mouth made a little 'o' and she grabbed her phone probably to text Paris about it.

She had put the phone up to her ear and hopped off the stool motioning that she'd be back.

"I already know how that conversation is gonna go," Roger said, shutting the fridge that he just got left over pizza from. "Oh my gosh girl, what have you and Roger been up to, he just said you gonna get this, get what?! You better tell me everything girl!" He mimicked a girls voice, with his hand on his hips. This guy's a fool.

"I didn't know you and her were..." I drifted off.

He gave me a look as if to say duh. "You and Hazel are too right?"

"Hasn't really come up," I shook my head.

"Damn. You love her." Roger said, taking a bite of his cold pizza. "I mean, I...really like Paris. But its more than that with you and Hazel. The topic hasn't come up...once?" He asked in disbelief.

"Not really." I shrugged. "It will happen when it happens," I said as Hazel appeared in the kitchen again.

"What will happen when it happens?" She asked, sitting back on the stool.

"Uh, my next mixtape" "His album" Roger and I said at the same time.

"My album and my mixtape." I said.

Roger nodded his head, "Yeah that." He said.

"Um, okay," she giggled.

"Welp, Ima holla at you two lovebirds later," He said.

"Bye," Hazel smiled, looking down at her phone.

When Hazel wasn't looking, Roger stood at the archway and humped the air, insinuating sex. I laughed at how childish he was and he took another bite of his pizza before he was out of sight.

"Whats funny?" She looked up.

"Nothing baby." I kissed her quickly. I quickly glanced at her phone seeing Kiara's name there. "Kiara?" I asked.

"Yeah! I DM'd her asking if there were any other modeling opportunities. After that first shoot, I was sort of interested in modeling," She smiled.

"I mean you are gorgeous so it makes sense." I smiled. "Go for it babe." I encouraged. I knew Kiara wouldn't say anything about our past, so I was cool with it.

"We're shooting next Saturday! Can you make it? Its in Brooklyn."

"You know I'm there baby." I smiled.

She returned the smile when my phone buzzed. An unknown number popped up.

Hey Dandan. You can block me but its not like I dont know your number by heart and can text from other people's phones. I saw from Kiara's tweets that your  little wanna be model girlfriend wants to shoot. She wants to be me so bad. She is NOT MODEL TYPE. Just beware of Jonna next Saturday. Have a nice day.

"Who's that? " Hazel asked.

"Just Roger." I told her.

I cant let Jonna get inbetween us any longer. Nahhh Jonna, you  better beware  of Diggy.


there should be about ten more chapters left after this, sorry for the wait & let me know if you want the next!

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