House of Lust

By red_08

582K 8.7K 1.6K

Sherice Williams is a beautiful 27 year old nurse. She has everything going for her; a great fiancé named Eri... More

House of Lust
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 9 1/2 Snippet
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 1/2

Chapter 7

32.3K 659 170
By red_08

Okayy so this isn't very long, but I wanted to give you guys an update quicker than the last one. ENjoy!




I shook my head and grunted. How stupid could I be! What in my right mind possessed me to try and kiss her?

I sighed and finished cleaning the table off. I’ve definitely lost my mind and probably just made it really awkward between us.

I walked into the kitchen and put the dishes in the sink. I put the leftovers into the fridge and washed the rest of the dishes. Next thing I knew thirty minutes had went by and the kitchen was clean. I turned the light off and made my way upstairs.  I walked past Sherice’s door and saw that it was closed. I shook my head and walked into my room to grab some boxers. I need a shower to clear my mind.

As relaxing as the shower was, I got in and out in fifteen minutes. I dried off in the bathroom and slid my boxers on. I heard my phone vibrating in my room and didn’t’ bother to answer it. No one important is calling me at this time. I sprayed the shower and rinsed it out to make sure it was clean and made my way out the bathroom. I walked into my bedroom and laid on my bed thinking about the events that had transpired. I still can’t believe I did that! I have to apologize to her. I don’t want her thinking I am trying to take advantage of her or anything.

I stood up and walked to my door. As I stepped out I started to get nervous. The closer I got to her door, the more my heart started beating faster. Maybe I shouldn’t say anything; it would only make it more awkward.

I sighed and took a deep breath as I closed my eyes and raised my hand to knock. As soon as I opened my eyes Sherice was walking out her door. “Oh…Dante”, she whispered quietly.

My arms held her as she walked right into them.

“Oh…I didn’t know you were coming out….I’m sorry…”

I was tongue tied. She had a t-shirt and barely any shorts on. My hands wouldn’t leave her waist. Her arms hugged me and it was making me go crazy.

“Oh,’re fine Dante. I…umm…wasn’t paying attention when I was walking out…Were you trying to cum in me? Oh crap! I mean were you trying to come in my room or something?”

She looked embarrassed and it only attracted me to her even more. My man hood was very alive right now. I couldn’t even remember why I came to her room.

Oh yeah to apologize. I licked my lips and sighed. I felt her hands slide from around my body and watched as they slid down to her side. That’s when I realized I was still holding her. I slowly let her go. “Oooh…yeah I wanted to come and apologize about earlier, it wasn’t right and I-“

I was cut off by her mouth. She was kissing me? Am I dreaming right now?

I wrapped my arms around her waist and they roamed down her body. As our mouths connected I couldn’t get enough. Call me crazy, but the fireworks that were going off were explosives. She had the softest lips on earth. Our tongues danced in pleasure and I heard her moan into my mouth. I lifted her up and her legs wrapped around my waist. I couldn’t take it anymore. I turned around and held her up against the door. She was sucking my neck and that shit was making me weak. I moaned as our lips met again. I held her against the door and moved my mouth to her melons. She wasn’t wearing a bra and her headlights were staring hard. She moaned as I took delight in playing with her. I wanted to tear her clothes off. As soon as the thought entered my mind, I picked her up and walked over to the bed and laid her down without letting her go. I laid her on her back and kissed my way down to between her legs. I felt her body shiver and legs wrap around my head. As I opened my mouth, I heard pounding on  the front door.

Wait? What?

I looked up at Sherice and she sighed and laid her head back down. Damn, right now though? Who the hell is at the door?

I groaned and waited for Sherice to release her legs from around my head. My mouth was watering for her taste. I slowly stood up and looked at Sherice. She had a look on her face that I couldn’t describe. I looked away and walked out the room. The banging only got louder.

Who the hell is at the door! The closer I got to the door, the angrier I got. We were so close….we were so damn close….

I sighed and swung the door open angrily. I was shocked to see who it was.

“Dante! I’m so sorry for coming so late but I didn’t know where else to go,” cried Amelia.

She ran into my arms and sobbed. Wth?

I shut the front door and stood there in awe. Why is she here?

“Amelia, why are you here?”

At this moment I was pissed off.

“Dante,” she sobbed and then wiped her nose, “He hit me Dante.”

My heart stopped. I looked at her and lifted her chin up. “What? When did this happen Amelia?”

She pulled away and sat down in the dining room chair. I walked into the living room and grabbed her a box of tissues off the table. I walked back into the dining room and handed it to her. She mumbled thanks and blew her nose. I looked to the top of the stairs and saw Sherice, she glanced at Amelia and looked surprised. Part of me wanted to run upstairs and tell her it was not what she thought.

“I don’t know what happened. I came home late because I was out with Lisa and he started accusing me of cheating and everything else was a blur. “

I was torn. I wanted to go talk to Sherice but I also felt bad for Amelia. I can’t believe that bum put his hands on her.

“Were you busy Dante? I can leave if you want me to…”

My manhood screamed “hell yeah” but my mouth couldn’t say it. She looked pitiful and my heart went out to her. This was my wife just several months ago.
I sighed and kneeled down next to her. “No, you’re fine Amelia. You can stay here tonight on the couch, but tomorrow you need to go to the police and file a report against him. He needs to go to jail.”

Amelia looked at me and nodded. “Yeah you’re right. Thank you so much Dante…” She hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek. “You’ve always been there for me.”

I nodded and stood up. I walked upstairs to go to the hallway closet to get some blankets for her. I glanced at Sherice’s room. Her door was cracked open. I walked over to it slowly and peeked in. For some reason my heart dropped as I saw that she was laying on her stomach with the light out asleep. “Sherice,” I whispered. She didn’t move and I heard her breathing slowly. Dang, she was asleep. We definitely need to talk about what happened tonight, hopefully we will tomorrow.

I shut her door quietly and walked to the closet, grabbed the blankets and went downstairs.


“Babe I’ll be here for the weekend, I promised her that.”

I parked the car and turned off the ignition and waited for Shawna to stop yelling. “But babbby, you said we would spend my birthday together! I will never forgive you if you don’t make it.”

I sighed and shook my head. How am I supposed to get this money from Sherice if I can’t even spend time with her. Shawna is expecting too much from me. I promised Sherice I would spend the weekend with her.

“Look babe, I’ll see what I can do. Okay? I love you and I will try to make it before your bday is over. Now I have to go. I’ll talk to you later or when I can. Love you.”

She sighed and said “Alright Eric. Try your best, I love you too boo. Bye.”

I hung up the phone and sighed. I can’t be superman.

I got out the car and walked up to the apartment. Sherice knows I’m on my way. As I raised my hand to knock on the door it flew open. It was her roommate. He didn’t look at me, he just walked right past me and down the stairs.

I slowly walked into the apartment and Sherice was coming downstairs. I grinned and her eyes widened. “Eric? Heyyy, I didn’t know you would be here so soon…”

I smiled and opened my arms for her to run into them. Only she didn’t. “Well leave me hanging why don’t you Sherice.”

She looked back at me surprised. “Oh baby, I’m sorry. I just have a lot on my mind. I mean the dress will be here tomorrow and work is really demanding-“

I walked up to her and kissed her in the middle of her conversation. She smiled and hugged me tight. “I’m so happy you’re here Eric...” She rubbed my face and said “I’ve missed you so much. Thanks for coming.”

I smiled and kissed her again slowly. She let out a low moan and grinned against my lips. She pulled away and walked into the kitchen to get a drink of water. There’s something different about her and I can’t put my finger on it.

“So are we still going out to eat,” I asked.

“Oh yeah if you want to. What did you want to go get?”

I walked onto the living room and sat down on the couch. “Well I was thinking maybe some spaghetti or Lasagna. I haven’t had that in a long time.”

Sherice came out of the kitchen and had a weird look on her face. “You know what babe, how about something else. I just had that for dinner.”

I nodded and thought about where else we could go. “Alright, how about the Cheesecake Factory. You love going there.”

“Umm, no let’s eat somewhere else. I’m not in the mood for cheesecake...”

I rolled my eyes. She’s being really picky tonight. “Okay well I’m out of ideas. We can just order some pizza and chill if you want to.”

She walked over to me and sat on my lap. “That’s exactly what I want to do.”

I smiled and pulled her mouth to mine.



I woke up with a banging headache. At least I was at home this time. I sat up and looked at the clock. It was 2 in the afternoon. It’s a good thing I didn’t have to work today, because I don’t know if I would have made it in.

I sighed and looked at my phone. I had 13 missed calls. I scrolled down the call list and read Alice, Alysse, Porsha, Trish and Lauren but no Nika. Damn, I need to call her.

I took a deep breath and dialed her number. It rang six times and I was about to hang up as soon as she answered.

“Hello, Nika?”

“Hey Kevin…..what’s up?”

I noticed she sounded down and I felt some type of way about that.

“Are you okay Nika? You don’t sound too well.”

She sighed and said “I’m just a little under the weather right now. I think I’m getting a cold.”

“Oh…okay. Well I just wanted to see how you were doing, I haven’t seen you at work and you haven’t returned any of my calls.”

I heard her sigh and I waited for her response but she never gave me one.

“Nika, you still there?”

“….Yes I’m still here Kevin. I can’t believe you’re just now realizing I’ve been gone for over a month. That’s so typical of you. You’ve been so busy with your hoes that I wasn’t even given a second thought. I’m so sick of this. So I’m guessing you didn’t get my letter either.”

My mouth dropped open. Why is she tripping so hard core?

“Hold on Nika, I did realize you weren’t around as much. I just figured-“

“Figured what Kevin! That I was avoiding you? I see that you obviously didn’t get my note. Forget it, when you realize what you want to do about us then call me. Until then I don’t want to hear from you.”

I opened my mouth to speak but all I heard was the dial tone. Damn, a nigga actually thought he was missing her. I don’t know why she was trippin so hard though. Okay so she’s been gone for a month, but to where?

Oh well, I’m not gonna stress about it.

I shook my head and stood up. I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I sighed when I noticed the bottle of pills on the sink. Damn….I forgot all about yesterday’s news. I can’t believe I have Chlamydia….How in the hell did I get like this. I was fine with just having Nika until I got that freaking promotion. I let that job title get my head all big and now I’m suffering the consequences of it. Mann, I gotta get myself together and stop messing around with these females. I miss Nika and need to quit frontin like I don’t. Now I just need to figure out what this letter is that she’s talking about.


I snuggled closer to Eric and closed my eyes. It felt so good to be in his arms again. It’s been so long. I’ve been trying hard as hell to get Dante and last nights events out of my head. I thought my eyes were deceiving me when he leaned forward to kiss me after dinner last night. He was attempting to do what I wanted to do all night. Thank God for my alarm on my phone going off to stop what was going to happen. Then again I guess that didn’t really matter since we did something anyways. I seriously don’t know what the hell came over me when he came to my room last night. He came to apologize for trying to kiss me and next thing I knew I was kissing him as passionately as I could. Everything was such a blur, it all happened so fast. I know one thing, his manhood is something I will never forget. It was like an alert lil tiger just ready to attack…The way he lifted me against the door…and then laid me on the bed. Damn he was strong and fit and just yummy….Good lord, when he kissed my stomach down to my center, my legs were on their own. I couldn’t control how easily they wrapped around him. I was literally shivering under his touch. My body was on fire, I’ve never felt like that just from a kiss…and his lips were just sooo juicy and soft and-

“Babe did you hear me,” Eric asked rubbing my nose.

My eyes widened and I realized I was dang near fantasizing about Dante…ooh shoot.

“No, I’m sorry I was umm…dozing off. What did you say babe?”

He tightened his grip on my waist and kissed my forehead. “I was thinking babe, that we could put all the money we have saved for the wedding into one account. I mean we’re going to be married in a few months. Why not combine it now?”

I frowned and looked up at him. “Oh. Really? I didn’t think of doing that. I guess that would be smart since we’re both paying for it anyways. You’re so smart.” I tickled his side. He leaned towards my face and said “That’s why you’re marrying me isn’t it.”

I chuckled and pinched his cheek.

I turned back towards the TV and I heard the front door shut. My heart started beating quickly. Dante is home. For some reason I wanted to see him.

I yawned and stretched out of Eric’s grip, then stood up. “I’m going to get a drink, do you want anything babe?” I asked Eric trying to play it off smoothly.

He shook his head and kept his eyes on the TV. I happily slid my house shoes on and practically raced down the stairs. I looked in the living room and he wasn’t in there. I quickly made my way around the corner and bam!

“Aaah shit” I yelled.

“Are you okay?” I looked up into Dante’s eyes. God he’s beautiful. I realized his arms were around me and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Yes, I’m fine. I’m sorry for bumping into you.”

He grinned and slowly let his hands go from my waist. “We’ve got to quit meeting like this,” he said seductively. I smiled and squeezed my legs shut. Why did I come down here?

“Ha. Yeah we sure do. Listen…um about last night-“

He cut me off and said “No, wait Sherice. I want to apologize for my behavior. It was out of the ordinary and if I can help it, it won’t happen again….Oh and there was nothing going on between me and Amelia…just in case you wanted to know…”

My tongue was stuck. Did he just apologize? Why would he do such a thing?! If anything I need to be the one apologizing.

“No you’re fine Dante, it was all my fault. I was just caught up in the moment and honestly my hormones were on an all time high….and when you came to the door in nothing, I just kind of reacted ya know. Sorry about that…”

He grabbed my chin and brushed his fingers across my lips. “Damn,” he whispered, “If only you knew…”

I was stunned and didn’t know what to do. Before I could react, he mumbled something about having to go and he walked upstairs with his briefcase leaving me standing there like a cat in heat. What just happened? Wait! What am I doing?!

I sighed and sat down in the chair at the dining room table. I never thought I would ever cheat on my boyfriend and here I was doing it right under his nose. I can’t believe this. Why am I so confused about what I want?

Alright, what did you think?! Did you like it?! lOl. I tried hard on this chapter even though it is short. Well leave your thoughts and vote and comment if you'd like. You guys got such an early update because of all the votes and comments. I couldn't leave you guys hanging after all that Love!! So thank you guys for voting and commenting, it really does encourage me to write. So keep it up, I appreciate it! Thanks :)

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