Found by the all-powerful Alp...

By soccercrazedmonster

8.6K 172 44

Mackenzie is your typical werewolf teen. She has a best friend Macy, and a enemy the-soon-to-be 2nd powerful... More

There is no point in running, if your caught
Surrending to the enemies

Found by the all-powerful Alpha

3.9K 46 9
By soccercrazedmonster

If you love Vampire books check out hers Alive Again , it's good and trust me it takes a lot for me to like a book!!

PLEASE TELL ME IF I SHOULD GO ON TRUST ME THOUGH A HAVA LOT PLANNED.. its going to be a short story though :).. I think i am going to delete it if I don't get a lot of replies.. EnJoY





Of course, no one took her seriously, considering today is the day for the Mate Ritual, where most of the teen werewolves find there mates, if you don't there is next month, but usually royalty such as the Alpha and Beta do.

She would be out of her mind, to give us detention on such an important day, and of course every 16 year-old would rebel against the cruel punishment.

" UURGGG! Fine have your way!" stressed out Mrs.Bellhop exclaimed, and stormed out of the room.  

" Finally, she gave up" I said, to my best friend Macy. One thing about Macy that pops out at you, so that she is super girlie, even though she will never admit it.

" Omg, I just got a text from Matthew saying he wishes to be my mate" Macy squeled, getting more giddy by the minute. Maci always had a crush on Matthew, but never ask him out, just admired him for a far.

" Eww!! Don't even say the M-word, you might get retard disease! If he is your mate, Macy, don't expect me to be at your marriage" I shuddered, thinking about Matt.

" You know your the only girl in the school who doesn't fall for his good looks" she stated, dreamily probably picturing there marriage.

Matthew Mendely was my life-time enemy. Ever since we were kids, we were always at each teasing,bickering,fighting, and whatnot. 

I at least get that question asked fifty times a day, and I answer the same way " What good looks?"  

" Oh, he is coming over here!! Does my hair look okay?" Macy asked panicking.

" Yea, it's fine" I absentmindedly said, my mind really occupied on why the heck he was coming here.  

" Hey Macy, your looking fine today" Matt coolly said, making Macy giggle shamelessly.

" Uh-um" I said, clearing my throat.

" Oh, hi dweeb, oops I mean Mackenzie! Didn't see you there! You know the Mating Ritual is tonight, man I pity the unlucky wolf who gets stuck with you!" Matt announced, making the whole class snicker.

" Yeah, and I feel bad for the unlucky she-wolf who has to put up with your gigantic ego. You should probably buy a big house, otherwise it might not fit" I replied, honestly.

" Is that anyway to talk to the future-Alpha? After I find my mate tonight, I am the second most powerful alpha! Show your respect" Matt snarled, and while the whole class obeyed I kept my head up.

" I don't fall for under your Alpha mode, remember? I am the only one who doesn't" I smiled triumphantly.

" Soon you will. Man, I can't wait till I get to rule over you, and you my beta have to do whatever I say" he said, making my cheerful mood vanish.

Matt leaned over and whispered " My mom and dad said to give you a ride home, cause there already there with your parents, discussing the Mate Ritual of course. The Beta- I mean your dad, and my dad are discussion the Alpha Ritual so you have to be there."

Yeah, funny how things turned out, huh? My parents are best friends with Matthew's parents, and of course we always met at least twice a week. If the school found out, we would be laughing-stocks.

~~~~After School~~~~

" Okay so Mackenzie so your will be sitting on the left hand side of the table. Matt you will be at the head, and your mate will be at the right. Matt you get up say your oath, and sit down, and then Mackenzie you go. Of course, the alpha female will have to say she is faithful to you, and it's over" my dad said, and me and Matthew nodded.

Matt is going to be one of the youngest Alphas, cause usually the Alpha doesn't give up power until there child is mature enough.

" What if we won't make it?" Matt asked.

" Then it will be rescheduled, simple as that" the Alpha responded.

" I am so proud of you son! Hopefully you will be able to take over, and win power from Alpha Mosey" the Alpha said, smiling.

" You guys should probably go get ready for the Ritual now! Especially, you Mac! You want to look all pretty for your mate" my mom gushed, making me blush when Matt snorted.

" DING-DONG" the doorbell rang, and I volunteered to get it, knowing it would be Macy. When I opened the door, to find Macy with two bags of make-up supplies, and I mentally groaned.

" :Let the torture begin, I thought miserably, as Macy dragged me upstairs.  

~~~~~ 2 hours later~~~~~

" Wow" I thought as I stared at myself in the mirror.

Maci was wearing a gold dress, that brought out her blue eyes, and her auburn hair was professionally done by Maci. Her mask was a sparkly gold, and wore white heel.

I wore a dark blue dress that brought out my light blue eyes, and my honey blonded hair was half up and hlaf down. I wore dark blue heels, and I half blue and half white mask.

" Whoa you girls look stunning! Hopefully today is the day for you! Considering you will probably go to your mate's house, Matt is going to drive you" my mom said, and my happy bubble was bursted.

" What? No" I stubbornly complaint, but then an-all-too-familiar honk, came from my front door.  

" You better wake me up, if I end up falling asleep before the full moon!" Macy whispered, and I agreed.

" There he is, go!" she said, and pushed us out the door.

The full moon possesses the powers that make us find our mate. We get a sudden surge, that lead us towards our mate.

I went to the back seat of Matt's BMW and decided to ignore him and not even look at him, for the whole rid.

" I wish I was the most powerful Alpha. Alpha Mosey doesn't deserve it! No one likes him anyway" Matt said half way through the car ride, and I was surprised when I saw Macy look uncomfortable.

" Like dad always says to us, he is cruel, and way too young" Matt said, with a scold.

The Mosey's are suppose to be the most powerful family in the world. Matt's family the Mesi's are enemies with them, and they often had wars against each other, for power but the Mesi's lose. Considering my parents are friends with the Mesi's we decided to join there side, even though we still have to listen the Mosey's.

Every one was terrified of the Mosey's, and no one would even dare to mess with them, other wise the consequences are severe.

When we finally got to the pack's house I was giddy and excited. This is the day all werewolves look forward to. We immediately jumped out of the car, and walked to the pack's backyard/forest.  

After what felt like hours of mingling and talking, I felt anxious for the moon to come up.

I immediately heard a horn blow, and looked up to see Matt, up on the stage with a microphone.

" We are gathered here today to find our mates. Most of you are apart of my pack.. the Warriors, but some of you are part of others. We welcome all.The moon is about to fully rise in the air, in exactly one minute. A pull will lead you to your mates, your soul partner, and whether you want to follow the pull or not the choice is yours. As your new alpha, I would like you to respect my mate, and respect every member in this pack... I should stop talking, now" Matt added, making people laugh.  

He disappeared, probably to put on his mask. He does it later for people know it is the soon to be Alpha.

" 5.....4.....3....2.....1" people chorused, and then the moon was up.

I immediately felt a pull, and I realization dawned over me.

" This is it" I thought, and I followed the pull.

Strangely, the bond pulled me towards the pack house,my anticipation high, my anxiety and adrenaline racing.

I followed if towards, a spare room, and I slowly opened the door, to find a guy sitting on the bed, with his hands on his forehead, and elbows on his knees.

I saw that he had black hair, and he surprisingly gave off a powerful dominance radiance.

As if sensing my presence he looked up, and I took in a ragged breathe, taking in his beauty.  

Our eyes connected, leaving me breathless as I fawned over his beauty. He was absolutely perfect, as my wolf howled in response.

The next thing I knew was salmmed against the wall, with my mate hovering above me.  

His finger trailed down my lips, as a shiver passed down my spine.

" What's your name?" he asked me, gently.

" Mackenzie" I managed to say, and I felt him lean forward our lips inches apart.

" My name is Mikey" he whispered and gently pecked my lips.

( who thought it would be Matt?lol , yeah I might created another one later with Matt becoming her mate)

The sensation was addicting and I felt a millions of sparks explode in my mouth.  

I deepened the kiss, enjoy the sensation, but pulled back, panting.

" Your so beautiful.. you know that?" he murmured against my lips, making me blush.

" Your not that bad yourself" I said, which was the under statement of the year.

Then I felt Mikey pull away, taking deep breathes trying to control his wolf. ." Mikey? I need your touch" I demanded, my wolf going crazy. The next thing I knew I was slammed against the wall, with Mikey kissing me again.

" I can't hold much longer" he said his voice raspy, his wolf on the verge of taking over.

I responded by kissing him again, confirming I was okay with it.

Mikey let out a ferocious growl, and then I knew his wolf took over. He trailed his lips down my neck, sending another shiver down my spine.

He roughly kissed my lips again, his eyes a dark gold, and then licked a spot on my neck, where I was going to be claimed.

Without a notice, Mikey bit into my skin, and I let out a terrifying scream.

" OW! It hurts Mikey!" I screamed, not prepared for the pain.

" Shh, it's okay" Mikey cooed, his wolf disappeared, and now it was just Mikey.

" Is it suppose to hurt this much?" I whimpered, the pain getting to me.

" For Alpha-females it hurts more, the more powerful the Alpha the more it hurts. I will probably go away by tomorrow.. Your going to have to live with me from now on, and deal with my pack, you ready for that?" Mikey asked, and I tried to nod.

" Good, I am going to carry you to the car, I think pain medication will work" Mikey said.

" N-no I will walk" I protested, as my cheeks blushed red, but Mikey just picked me up as if I weigh nothing and carried me out of the room.

"Who did you come with?" Mikey asked, protectively.

" Oh, a kid named Matt" I replied, and I felt Mikey immediately tense.

" You will NOT be with him anymore" Mikey growled, possessively.

" I can do whatever I want. Your not the boss of me" I scoffed not liking this side of Mikey.

" I command you not to see this boy Matt" Mikey commanded, and I had no choice but to obey

" Who are you to tell me what to do?" I asked angerly, when we reached outside.

" I'll tell you when we get home" he said, and placed me in the back of his Porshe, where I was laying down.

" What is that suppose to mean ?" I thought, confused.

Mikey sat down, and turn the engine on, and started to drive away. My pain subsided a little, but whenever I moved it, it hurt a lot.

" So, what position is your dad?" Mikey asked, but I just ignored him.

" C'mon Mackenzie! I am sorry okay? It's just that your MINE, no one elses, and I can't help being possessive.. all Alpha's are" Mikey admitted, and I immediately softened up.

" Mikey I will always be yours... Why the hell do you think I am going through all this pain? Cause I just love to suffer?" I asked sarcastically, making Mikey chuckle.

We finally arrived at Mikey's house, and I was amazed at how filthy rich he was.

" Whoa" I said, star-struck as I looked up as Mikey's house.

" Yeah.. Let's talk in my room.." Mikey said, picking me up.

The inside of his house even more grand, with two stair cases leading up stairs, and a magnificent chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Mikey immediately took me upstairs into a room which is probably his.

They were posters of bands, and the room was very messy with clothes every wear. but I didn't care. Mikey placed me on his bed, and layed down next to me.

" Let me get the pain med" Mikey said and left the room. All of a sudden, I felt a wave of nauseous hit me, my head throbbing. I closed my eyes, hoping the pain would go away, as a yawn escaped my lips.

" Stay up Mac, wait till Mikey comes back" I demanded to myself, but my eyelids wouldn't obey, as I felt them getting heavier and heavier, and the next thing I knew I drifted off to sleep.

*Mikey's POV**

I entered my room, to only find Mackenzie peacefully sleeping. I put the pain medication down knowing she would need it for tomorrow. I took off my shirt, and laid down next to her.

" I couldn't of asked for a perfect mate" I thought, satisfied.

" Please please take the news right.. Mackenzie... Please don't leave I can't take it.. if you leave" I said vulnerably.

" Mikey" I heard her whisper, as a smile formed on her face.

"Your going to be the death of me" I replied, and on that note drifted off to sleep.

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