I'm a 17 yr old teenager, and...

By somethingcorporateNI

6K 94 40


I'm a 17 yr old teenager, and yeah I have to protect the universe; Chapter 10
I'm a 17 yr old teenager, and yeah I have to protect the universe; Chapter 8
I'm a 17 yr old teenager, and yeah I have to protect the universe; Chapter 9
I'm a 17 yr old teenager, and yeah I have to protect the universe; Chapter 7
I'm a 17 yr old teenager, and yeah I have to protect the universe; Chapter 5
I'm a 17 yr old teenager, and yeah I have to protect the universe; Chapter 4
I'm a 17 yr old teenager, and yeah I have to protect the universe; Chapter 3
I'm a 17 yr old teenager and yeah I have to protect the universe; Chapter 2
I'm a 17 yr old teenager, and yeah I have to protect the universe; Chapter 1

I'm a 17 yr old teenager, and yeah I have to protect the universe; Chapter 6

532 8 3
By somethingcorporateNI

~Chapter 6~

"What the hell am I doing", a voice inside my head says with shock, hysteria, and a hint of disgust.

"If she wanted to kill me by now, she would've", is my sinful side's reply.

Oh my God.

Sinful side won though. Considering how we made out for a full 10 minutes after my erm, silent pep talk inside my head.

We've been going out ever since.

So there you have it.

My story on how I met my secret girlfriend Jeylani Aly and the effect she's had on me ever since explains EXACTLY why instead of riding in a car somewhere ON the highway I'm UNDER it, waiting for her. I lean back against the wall, close my eyes, and dream about being normal.

All I want to be is normal.


I look in the mirror in my room and groan in absolute disgust. Someone please explain to me why the hell I had to be BURNT from head to toe. I mean honestly, what a great way to try to impress Adam Wills. Take into account the heavy sarcasm dripping...NO, OOZING in that sentence.

Sure, my mom's deadly potion did help some....but all in all, I'm still burnt. What a way to capture the heart of a guy who just so happens to be arriving at your house in a couple or so minutes.

Oh joy.

There's a knock on my door, "come in," I call out in an anxious, excited voice. Blaze walks in. I sigh, "it's just you." A flicker of hurt shadows his face, but as quickly as it's shown the look is gone.

I probably just imagined it.

Stupid nerves.

"Funny how you looked postively discouraged to see me. Expecting someone," he asks, throwing himself onto my bed. I let him. I mean, why not? He was awake tending to my wounds and my every freakin demand for more than 24 hours already. A suspsion arises in my head, but I tell myself to ponder over whatever the hell the suspsion is AFTER ADAM COMES.

I don't need any distractions.

I sit on what small amount of space is left on the bed. "Yeah actually. I AM expecting someone. But I don't want that someone to come while I'm all...burnt." Blaze lifts his head up, his eyebrows rise in what I can only describe as astonishment.

"Wow. How utterly detailed. Despite the fact that you left out who this someone is." I sigh again, but I don't even hesitate to tell Blaze. Hes my best friend. He knows eveything about me.

One more thing can't hurt.

"This "someone" is this guy I really like. His name is Adam. But he doesn't even know I exsist until today. Just "hi" and "bye" ya know. He's coming over to teach me piano!" Blaze snorts, but yet when I look into his eyes, he seems to be fighting a battle somewhere inside him.

Ah, blame the fire within.

"Last time I recall Will, you KNOW how to play piano. Or was it a ghost playing Choppins in your room two nights ago?" I wink, "exactly. But he doesn't know that. A girl gotta do what a girl gotta do to land the man." He looks up at me, a pained expression vivid across his sharp features. "I think I'll be going now," he whispers, as he gets up from the bed. "I'll be back for dinner." He runs out of the room before I can even say goodbye.

I shrug. He's probably sick and tired and wants to sleep in his own bed. Understandable.

I lay down on my bed with it's disgruntled sheets and close my eyes.

Someone is shaking me awake. "What...what do you want." I open my eyes and gasp in shock.

Oh no!

I leap out of the bed and straighten my *cringe* dress I put on for the occasion. Adam gives me a look, a look of approval. "No one bothered to tell me my student is going to be a hottie."

I look at him with my eyes wide, "are you completely shitting me? I'm BURNT!"

He appears to be....puzzled!

What the hell?

I run to the mirror and hold back a scream of over-the-top happiness. The burns are gone!

I turn around and give Adam my best flirty-yet-playful grin. "Yeah. No one told you because everyone assumed you might back out. Ya know, because you wouldn't be able to take the heat." He laughs, "nah. I can teach a dog how to play piano. Take me to the room we'll be practising in Willow." Call me Will", I say. Adam shakes his head. "No way. Willow is a beautiful name."

I sigh a sigh of appreaciating a romantic compliment recieved.

He thinks my name is beautiful........

We sit on the piano chair as he explains to me notes and keys I already know. Nod my head and ask questions in which their answers I already know.


This game of pretend is sorta fun consdering how I don't really have to pay attention, giving me time to take in each and every mind blowing detail of his.

Who'd ever guess that I'm such a girl? I mean HELLO, I spend most of my time protecting Earth from being taken over by the Dark Four. I don't own either a dress or a skirt, in fact, the one I'm wearing right now was forced upon me by Selena. Guys don't ever take me seriously because allegedly, "I'm one of the guys." Guys want their girl to dress up, look good, lose when they play football. I'm none of that. I get rough and dirty with the guys, and no WAY am I going to lose for the sake of of some guy's ego.

Oh and did I mention I have a passion for kicking male ass?

So here I am, gazing stupidly into the face of Adam.

Oh dear God what I'm doing?

Who's taken over me?

"Willow? You haven't been paying attention."

That's it.

He has hit a nerve.

Actually, I AM pretty annoyed at having to fake stupidity for the past hour.

Screw the "pretend game".

I look up at him, make sure our eyes meet. I need a connection for this to work. Well yeah, it's working I presume since his gray flecked with honey eyes seem to be sinking into my rather dull brown ones.

"I have a confession to make Adam. I know how to play piano. I just signed up so I'd get to meet you. There. That's my confession. You can take your coat and leave now, since I'm sure that's what you want to do." I cross my arms and stare at him with contempt, daring him to mess with me.

He chuckles. "What makes you think I want to leave? And what makes you so damn sure I wasn't dying to meet you either, but blame my nerves chickening out every time I tried? I lucked out today Willow. I finally got to me you. I DON'T want to leave."

I look at him again in utter marvel. He chuckles again at my expression. He bends over I shudder at his breath fanning my skin. "Why so shocked Willow? What guy wouldn't want you," he whispers into my ear. I honest to goodness think my insides have melted. I'm actually on the verge of checking. But before I can do anything of the sort, Adam lightly lifts my chin up to face him and leans into me.

His lips land on my lips ever so gently.



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