Between Survival & Giving Up

By sydiadenise

85 0 0

"Ciara always know that I was only trying to protect you, and love you as best as I could.", and then she tak... More

Meet Ciara
Meet Brandon
Surprise 2
Aftermath 2
Packing or Crying
What Now?!?
Last Chance
Never Can Say Goodbye


11 0 0
By sydiadenise

Ciara's POV

When I finished unfolding the note I began to read.

Ciara I'm not sure exactly how you feel about me, but what I do know is that I like you very much. Although, I'm not sure if you like me back, but I was wondering if you could come outside with me today after school there's something I want to show you. However, if you don't think your mom would let you, I could come over to Jillian's to see you. So I guess I'll see you maybe after school. -Brandon

I just stared at the words that stood out the most from the note in shock, "I like you very much"... "after school there's something I want to show you.", Jillian sitting next to me texting whoever finally noticed that I was done reading. Jillian tried grabbed the note out my hand before I could realize what happened, I quickly jump down and punch her in her back making her drop the note luckily she reads slow and the only thing she saw was, "Ciara I'm not." before she dropped the note, she looked at me with pain in her eyes and I gave her a look of distrust. Then I guess she was mad at me, because she left the bathroom before saying anything else. I just stood there ignoring the fact that she was mad because I had something else on my mind, Brandon.

I walked back to class, and like always the door was locked and like always Brandon was the one to open it. I walked past him and smiled I sat in my seat and grabbed some paper out my binder, but when I picked up my binder another note fell out. I looked at Brandon to see if he saw it and he did. However, he just shook his head and mouthed that it wasn't him I looked around to see what other person could possibly have put the note there, but the only people around me was Brandon, Jillian, and this other weird guy that I don't know named Malik who sits in front of me. So I opened the note to see who it could be, but when I opened the note it just happened to be the same person I hoped it wasn't, Malik the same guy that is always staring at me in first, third, and sixth period. Malik the same guy who reminds me of the neighborhood pervert the way he just stares, and stares, and stares constantly as if he never blinks. Ever since we bumped into each other in the hall he has been staring at me like he could see right through my clothes, and I've been raped by him every time our eyes met. On the note it reads,

You may not know a lot about me, but I think I'm falling for you. I sit behind you in first period, and in third period, but in sixth period I don't get to see you. So, I wrote this note to hope to get to know you better, and maybe even be able to take you out somewhere. Though, if you don't want to you might regret it, for I am a good guy to hang out with. -Malik

As I finished reading the note a cool chill went down my spine from not only disturbed by the way he wrote the note, but also fear. I got up and tore the note to pieces before dropping it in the trash, and then I saw his eyes rip into my soul. I feel as if I am frozen in place as he glares at me, he's noticed that I have thrown his note to me away, and isn't happy. Then the words fly around my head, "you might regret it." , and the chill comes back, I quickly go back to my seat and push my chair and desk from him as much as I can. I notice Jillian, and Brandon watching me, they both give me a concerned look as if they could tell I was scared. I shake it off and say I'm okay, and then I look over at Brandon and see him looking more concerned than ever. I tell him that I should be okay as long as I am away from him, and I point to Malik who is slightly looking back at me his eyes narrowing at Brandon. Brandon gave Malik a look to say back off, and then that's when everything from that point on went terribly wrong.

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