Moonlit Snake // R.L. Maraude...

By dokyeomdotcom

41.3K 1.4K 383

It was Kelsey's fifth year at Hogwarts, she and her friends were all studying and getting ready for their O.W... More



2.3K 63 29
By dokyeomdotcom





Kelsey quickly headed out the door after her sister, Jamie, who I assumed was going to write a letter to their parents, while Regulas' eyes followed after them. The smirk on my face grew even larger as I took a seat next to him. Jame's followed suit and sat with Remus across from us.

"So, I'm going to head after them..." Peter trailed off, running down the train car after them.

"So, Reggy," I began and he raised an annoyed brow at me.

While we get along when Kelsey is here, we both loathed one another. Remus and James will have to keep us from killing one another while she's gone. 

"What, Sirius?" He asked.

"What were you and Kelsey up to, before we showed up?" I smirked wider at him.

"None of your business, except it was rude you interrupted us." He sneered at me.

"Interrupted what?" James pipped up, "You two making out? Not like you're dating, and you're both in the same house, you could do it later." He laughed.

Remus' face changed slightly when James said that, and I raised an eyebrow at him, but he shook his head. Which indicated now was not the time to talk about it. I shrugged at him, turning back to Regulas. 

"Actually, Potter, she and I are dating." It was his turn to look smug, while all of our eyes widened.

"I asked her, just before you idiots came in here." He rolled his eyes. 

"You're joking!" James said, eyes wide with fear now.

"You can't be dating her," I started. "Her parents will kill both of you, and she'd never be allowed to hang out with any of us again. There's no way she would date the likes of you either." I finished. 

Before he could respond the compartment door opened and Kelsey walked in, out of breath.

"What did I miss?" She asked, sitting between Remus and James.

"Nothing." All three of us responded quickly, but Regulas just smirked.

"Well, you missed Sirius telling me you'd never 'date the likes of' me." He shrugged so innocently and I glared deeply at him.

"Oh, would you look at the time! Moony, let's go find Evans and Black, shall we?" James quickly got up and left the compartment.

Remus looked at me sympathetically, before rushing out as well. 

I could feel my face heating up from embarrassment as she glared at me. 

"Kelsey, let me explain..." I started, but she raised a hand at me to shut up. 

"Why would you say that, Sirius? What's the point, especially after what we talked about this morning in the car?" She looked hurt, and I felt bad. 

"I just thought you'd, you know, go for someone actually in the same league as you, not someone lower..." I glared at Regulas and he glared right back.

What pisses me off here is that she knows my family is awful to me and one of my best friends dating my brother does not help.

"You know what," I said standing up and heading towards the door, "it doesn't matter, date who you want, not my place to say otherwise, but when you find out the true Regulas, not the one you think you know, but the one I know, don't come crying to any of us," I said and I left the compartment not bothering to look back.

I ran into Andromeda and Lily talking in the middle of the hallway, both of them were discussing something that clearly wasn't meant for me to hear. Andromeda was the only cousin I truly liked, she was dating a Hufflepuff named Tonks, but no one but her close friends knew. I gave her a hug before Lily asked me something. 

"Hey Sirius, have you seen Kelsey? We can't find her." She asked.

"The first compartment you see on the Slytherin side of the train," I spoke not even bothering to say anything else as I walked past them towards my compartment.

For some reason, I don't know why, but Kelsey dating my brother doesn't feel right and it wasn't because I hated him, but I can't shake the feeling that she was meant for someone else.

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