Prison Chic #1st book of the...

By RedNos

578K 12.5K 1.9K

#26 in Action on 7/3/2016 Joanna Blake is a reckless girl who wished to be normal all her twenty-one years bu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 10-2
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Frienship... Forever?
Chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
A dark, dark Past
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
I Guess I'm Stuck With You
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Death.. and Love
Chapter 25
Chapter 26- part 1
Chapter 26- part 2
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Loyalty is... hard to get
Over and over, your son.
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Final Chapter 55 (Part 1)
Final Chapter 55 (Part 2)
BONUS Ending

Chapter 35

7.6K 158 32
By RedNos

A teeny tiny chap for you lovely people. Injoy! 

Pissed off Julian on your right ;)

“Mark!” Kevin said once mark answered his phone.

“Let me call Joanna.” Mark said immediately.

“Umm, that’s the thing. Joanna isn’t here.”

“What do you mean? You said Sara had her!”

“She did but…”

“Let me.” Sara told Kevin and took the phone from his hand.

“Hi, Mark.” Sara said, her voice completely serious. “Joanna and Julian ran away when the mafia attacked us.”

“What?” Mark snapped and Sara could hear his panicked tone. “What happened then.”

“Well, I wanted to go with them, but your cousin locked me in my truck.”

“Oh my God! Jo.” Mark groaned in the phone. “Sara..” he began again, “please tell me she ran away from them.”

“Well, from the look of it…” Sara said and crouched down at the spot where one of the men who attacked them earlier, Dominic was his name, was before an ambulance took him. She narrowed her eyes at the bloody spot in the street.

“I’d say they successfully ran away.” Sara said finally and heard as Mark exhaled in relieve.

“Thank you.” Mark said and gulped. “Tell Kevin I’ll be there in twelve hours.” He said and hung up the phone.

Sara handed the phone back to Kevin who looked down at her and said, “I still don’t think it’s a good idea for him to come back.”

“I know. But baby, he wouldn’t change his mind no matter what, and you know that. He cares for her so much.” Sara told him softly.

“I know that.” Kevin said as he scratched his head.

“Try to call them again.” Sara told him, referring to Julian and Joanna who had her phone. When Kevin found her in the truck she started to call them multiple time after, but they never answered.

“I don’t think they have the phone anymore.” Kevin told her but made the call anyway.

Still no answer.

Joanna hugged her knees tighter to her chin. She was sitting next to Julian behind one of the dumpsters, hiding from the Chaos that was happening five blocks away.

The phone in Julian’s hand vibrated again and she could see in her peripheral vision when Julian looked down at it and ignored it again.

She could feel his intense look at her, but she kept looking forward as she remembered what just happened. She closed her eyes tightly when she saw it again, Julian going at Dominic squirming body. All the blood, and cries, and the devilish laughs.

But that wasn’t what truly tortured her. It was the fact that she was the reason Julian acted that way. She hated her self, resented herself.

“Anna.” Julian said softly, extending his hand to slightly touch her shoulder, but she tensed immediately under his touch making him retract his hand away from her.

She shouldn’t have gotten into this with him. He could be cruel, true, but being with her would turn him into a true evil. This happened to all the people in her life.

Her mom, her dad, her auntie, Mark. Everyone paid dearly for having her in their lives.

She loved Julian so much, and hated herself more than ever for involving him in her shitty life.

She felt him tense angrily next to her.

“Come here.” He growled between gritted teeth. Joanna shook her head.

“I SAID COME HERE, DAMN IT!” Julian bellowed making her gasp in surprise. She looked around to make sure no one found them yet before she moved reluctantly and sat in the space between his legs, her back to his chest and pulled her knees to her chin again.

She felt as he exhaled to calm himself and started brushing the back of her neck with his fingers tips, ascending up until he was brushing the back of her hair.

“Does it hurt?” he asked and Joanna knew he was referring to when Dominic pulled on her hair before.

“No. I’m fine.” She said quickly. For some reason she felt if she said otherwise he would jump up and go find Dominic again.

He wrapped his long arms around her bent legs and pulled her closer to him. He kissed the back of her head before he rested his chin on top of her head.

“I’m sorry.” He breathed and she felt her heart tighten at his pained tone. “I scared you.” He continued. “I swear I never felt that way before, but I was so scared myself.” He said and she could feel the crack in his voice.

“I will get it if you wanted to run away from me.” Julian leaned his forehead on top of her head. “But I don’t want you to.” He said so softly she almost didn’t hear him.

That killed her. he was blaming himself when she was the one who made him into this.

“Julian,” Joanna started and tried to turn to see his face. He wiped most of the blood from his face with his shirt earlier, but there was still some in his forehead and chin. She saw his glassy eyes look away from her.

“No, please,” she said and held his face in her hands, turning it to make him face her. “Look at me.” She ordered softly.

“I love you Julian. I don’t know why, but I’m so selfish to let you be.” She said when she realized she couldn’t let go of him.

“When I saw you back there, I thought,…” she had to stop to swallow the lump that formed in her throat. “I thought it was better to let you go, because if you stay with me, your life will only get screwed up more and more. That’s my curse.” She said and couldn’t help the whimper that escaped her mouth. “But I can’t let you go. I need you Julian.” She felt two large drops fall out of her eyes.

Julian looked at her eyes finally and leaned to press his forehead with hers. “You are not a curse, Anna.” He told her and shut his eyes. he chuckled with no sighn of humor. “If anything, you are a spell I can never get enough of.”

He opened his eyes and stared at her deep green ones, “I don’t want to loose you. Back there….” He started and pulled away to look at her face.

“When I was captured by those guys, and saw that ……” he cursed at remembering Dominic running after her.

“I was going to give up and fall in their hand, it was enough for me that you were able to runaway. But then I heard you scream, and I…. something just snapped.” Julian swallowed slowly.

“I don’t regret it.” He said finally looking down at her.

Joanna repositioned her self and stood up on her knees, her head towering his. She looked at the cut in his forehead that had dried blood over it and her heart hardened at his pain. She leaned down and kissed the wound, receiving a hiss from Julian.

“I will never leave you.” Joanna told him before she kissed his forehead. “I don’t think I can.” She laughed bitterly and kissed his wet left eye, holding his face between her small hands.

Julian pulled her down quickly and claimed her lips hungrily.

“I love you, my sweet, sweet Anna.” Julian breathed against her lips before he took them again.

Joanna wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to deepen the kiss.

She loved him too. So… very much.


Julian looked at the phone in his hand. 21 missed calls from Dear K. he knew Kevin might be going ballistic at their disappearance. But he thought he should confirm his plan with Isaac first.

But he didn’t call them yet.

He looked down at Joanna who was sleeping soundly in his arms. He couldn’t believe how he lost control earlier. Every time he remembered how she was looking at him then, he would punch himself inwardly.

She was so terrified. Terrified of him.

When he beat up the four guys who were holding them after She ran away and Dominic followed her, he ran to her and heard that bastard almost telling her that he was the one who told them, the mafia, about her.

Something snapped inside him at her finding out. He worked so hard to gain her trust again and he wasn’t about to loose it because of that prick.

He would guard that ugly secret with his life.

Joanna moaned softly in his hand and he instantly started stroking her hair. She will have a lot of nightmares in the next few days for what happened in the past twenty-four hours.

He was so tired, but he wouldn’t have a blink of sleep until he secured their escape.

The phone buzzed in his hand and he looked at it, mentally threatening the phone that if it were another phone call from Kevin he would crush it to the ground.

It wasn’t Kevin; it was Isaac’s number.

“Hello!” Julian said quickly once he answered.

“Julian!” Julian could hear his friend’s relieved voice. “Oh, God. I thought you were caught by those people or something.”

“Almost, but no.”

“Are you ok?”

“don’t worry about this now. Do you have the car now?” Julian asked urgently.

“Yes, I’m so sorry it took me long.”

“Where are you right now?” he asked him.

“Are you kidding, don’t move. I’ll come to you.” Isaac ordered him and Julian told him where they were.

“I’ll be there in a minute.”

Julian hung up the phone and exhaled in relieve. He looked down quickly at Joanna and saw her eyes open.

“Isaac is coming?” she asked in that adorable sleep-rasped voice of her. He stayed up at night in prison wishing to hear it when she woke up from one of her nightmares.

“Yes, sweetheart.” Julian said and bent down to brush her lips in a soft kiss. “We just need to wait a little more.”

“Good.” She said and moved to set up. “The smell is killing me.” She smiled up at him and Julian laughed softly.

They waited a couple more minutes before a white Camry stopped in front of the dumps they were hiding behind.

Isaac stepped out of the car and pushed his sunglasses up his nose.

“Isaac.” Joanna exclaimed softly and hugged him. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you now.”

Isaac blushed a little. “It’s alright, I’m sorry for being late.” He said and she pulled away from him.

“I brought you another cloths and a new wig.” He told her and gestured to the back of the car. She nodded a thank-you and went to the back of the car.

“Thank you, man.” Julian said when Joanna got inside the car.

“Whoa, dude, what happened to you?” Isaac took off his sunglasses quickly and stared at Julian’s face. He was surprised at his expression more than anything else.

“Something I’m not so proud of.” Julian said quickly looking away.

“Oh, no. Julian, did you kill someone?” Isaac asked.

“I was this close.” Julian said, gesturing with his index and thump.

“Are you ok?” Isaac asked him when he saw the wound in his forehead.

“It’s nothing.” Julian said and looked passed Isaac’s shoulder at Joanna who was changing inside the car.

“I would do anything to protect her.” he said absently, mostly to himself.

Isaac’s eyes softened at his friend. “I know.” He said.

“Now, there’s no time to waste. I got you new cloths and hats. There’s water and tissues inside so make sure to wipe up your face good. Alright?” he told him and Julian nodded. He looked so unusual.

“I was able to wip up some fake IDs for you both. It’s not your pictures though, so make sure you don’t get caught.” He explained.

“Thanks Isaac, you’ve done too much.” Julian said sincerely and Isaac couldn’t take his serious attitude anymore.

“Snap out of it, man!” he exclaimed at him and Julian’s eyes widened. “Look at her.” Isaac gestured with his hand to the car and Julian saw Joanna slumped back in the car seat happily. She was wearing a brown shoulder-length wig.

“She’s happy. I haven’t ever seen Joan this happy since she first came to our prison. Doesn’t that tell you anything.” Isaac continued and saw as Julian frowned and looked down.

“You did some shitty things to her, true, but I know that she’ll forgive you.” He looked at Julian who looked not convinced at all.

“She fucking loves you man!” he exclaimed angrily at Julian. He looked up with pained eyes at Isaac and breathed, “I know.”

Julian shook his head, “that what makes what I did ten times more horrible than it already is.” He hissed to his friend.

“Let’s get you out of this mess first then worry about this, hmm?” Isaac said softly to Julian who was tiered, hurt and deeply resenting himself.

“Hey, you guys. We need to hurry.” They both looked at Joanna who rolled the window down.

Isaac looked back at Julian and saw his face filled with determination. “Yeah,” he smiled at her. “Let’s get going.”

He looked at Isaac one last time. “Thank you.” He said and it sounded so genuine than Isaac have ever hear him in his life.

“Could you say that again?” he told him pleadingly and received the usual devilish smile his friend was know for and had to smile at it.

Julian walked around him and got inside the car. Isaac followed him and rested his hand on the base of the rolled down window at Joann’s side.

“My probation will finish in a week. I’ll be able to get out of the state.” He told them both. “I’ll come to Carson once I get my clearance paper.”

“In this bag is the instructions to the apartment I secured for you. You’ll find the keys in the mail box of that apartment.” He explained.

“I also got you new untraceable phone, you can throw yours.” He said referring to Sara’s phone.

“Ok.” Julian said.

“Isaac!” Joanna said suddenly when Isaac stood up to leave.

“What?” he returned.

“Umm can I ask you a favor?” Joanna asked him with a sweet smile.

“Anything for you, pumpkin.” He said charmingly.

“Psh’ pumpkin?” Julian muttered as he poured water on some tissues and started wiping off his face.

Joanna told him what she wanted and Isaac was happy to tell her that he will. After that, Julian started the car. Joanna thanked Isaac once more before the car moved, leaving the ex-lawyer standing there in front of the dumpsters.

It’s time to hit the road, and get through it in the process.

P.S. to readers:

Hello folks. I hope you liked this teeny tiny chapy. I tried to write every brake I get, so here goes!

Btw, next chap will take a while; sorry about that, and it’ll be a special one. Still haven’t decided on which Character I should write. Thoughts, anyone?

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