William & Emma

By JustPeaceMusicNLove

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Emma is a successful Hollywood actress and William is our everyday hero. Can this Hollywood actress and this... More

First Sight
Flight 135

Relationship Status

197 1 1
By JustPeaceMusicNLove

Emma woke to complete silence. She looked at her alarm clock and it was 2:00pm. She couldn't believe she had slept so much. She quickly rose and brushed her teeth. She started making her way to the kitchen when she caught eye of William when she was passing through his room. He was shirtless sleeping soundlessly. Emma stopped and stared, she couldn't look away. She was admiring his perfectly muscular back. She then caught herself and started making her way back to the kitchen. Emma loved to cook but was bad at it. But she could whip up scrambled eggs and bacon with toast with no problem. 30 minutes later she was finished.

"Good afternoon"

"Hey" Emma replied with a smile.

"I can't believe I sleep so much. When did you wake up?" William asked

"About 30 minutes ago"

"Uh well now I don't feel so bad." William replied with the smirk that Emma loved so much.

Emma looked away immediately. "Want some break-fest?"

"Love some"

"It's not as good as yours but I try." Emma handed him his break-fest and some orange juice.

"Can I get water instead. Orange juice does not do well for me with my first meal." William said

"Sure" Emma handed him of cup of water


"No worries" Emma replied 

"So tell me. Why don't you have a boyfriend?" William asked as Emma had started eating her break fest.

"Umm well I don't know. Maybe guys don't like me" Emma replied, the question had caught her off guard.

"Ha!" William laughed "That's impossible, your smart, have a great personality and attractive. What's the problem?"

Emma blushed and then replied."Well, I'm also famous. I think I might intimidate man."

"Well if men are intimidated by you and that's the reason they don't ask you out. They're not men, they're boys. A real man wouldn't be intimidated to go after the woman he wants. If he is he wasn't worth your time anyways." William replied but also realized that he wasn't taking his own advise. He wasn't going after the woman he wanted.

"Thanks. That makes me feel lot better." Emma replied with a half smile then said, " Why don't you have a girlfriend."

"Well, I've dated many woman and have had many one night stands but it didn't fell like it suppose to, you know."

"Yea actually I do know what you mean." Emma paused and then said with a smirk, "I see that your quite the flirt."

Before William could answer Emma's phone rang. "Hello" Emma answered. "Hey Ems, I have great news."

"Hey Jane, what's the news." Emma replied anxious to know what Jane was so excited about.

"I'M GETTING MARRIED!" Jane shouted

"Jane that's wonderful. Mathew proposed?"

"Yes, yes he did. Emma I'm so happy. OK listen I don't have much time but where getting married in a month."

"In a month, that's pretty soon." Emma cut her off.

"Yea, I know but I can't wait. We dated for two years and a half."

"Yea, I guess your right."

"Anyways, where getting married in Paris but I need you to come to Paris with me and help me prepare."

"Umm yea sure,  but I don't finish The Perks of being a Wildflower until next week."

"No problem Ems but I need you to stay until the wedding."

"Okay Jane no problem you know I love Paris. Oh Jane but I have to bring my bodyguard William. It's a long story."

"No problem. I'll see you soon."

"Okay bye Jane"

"Who was that? William asked with a concern look

"My cousin Jane"

"Oh okay"

"William... I know you said that I'd have to keep the "Going Out" to a minimum but Jane is getting married.. in Paris.... and I... we have to go help with the wedding." Emma said very slowly.

"I can see that your going to make my job really difficult." William said with a firm look.

"I'm sorry." Emma replied

"Don't apologize I understand. When are we leaving?"

"Next week." Emma replied with a smile on her face

"Why are you smiling. Don't be smiling at me." William said with a playful smile.

Emma ran up to him and gave him a hug. She had to stand on her toes to be able to wrap her arms around his neck.

William responded by holding her tight to his body. He could smell her hair. He couldn't describe the smell but he was hypnotized by it.

Emma could feel his heart beat on her chest. She felt it suddenly accelerate. Then, She felt him whisper, "What was that for?" in her ear.

"I don't know." she replied and suddenly felt his lips on her cheek. "What was that for?" Emma asked

"I don't know." he replied

Ringggg! They suddenly heard William's phone ring and they both let go of each other at the same time. The hug had lasted longer then either of them expected it to.

"Hello... oh hey mom." Emma heard William say.

"I'm fine mom. Yes mom I do remember that Jessica's graduation is in a month and a half. I already told you I'll be there." William motioned he was going to go to his room to talk to his mom. Emma nodded.

Once William was in his room Emma couldn't stop thinking about that hug.

She did't know what she felt but whatever it was, she knew she wasn't feeling it alone. She had never been held that way by a man before. The kiss on the cheek he gave her revealed alot more then she thought he wanted it to. She was aware that whatever she was feeling she had to shake off but she wasn't sure if she could.


Hey hey! How's everybody doing. I love this chapter and I hope you guys do too. Please please vote, fan and please please comment. I would like to know what you guys are thinking of the story. If you all have not noticed I changed the cover. Hope ya like. Oh and I was wondering what famous person do you guys think looks like William. Send me the URL to the pic. Oh and I almost forgot. The official song is, Papa Roach - No Matter What. I would like to know what other songs do you guys think might go with the story. THANKS, Love you all! :) 

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