Just one last breath

By cuteLITTLEpants

538 81 20

why? that was the question wasn't it? why was this happening to him? to me? to us... what we had was perfect... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Authors note
chapter 11
chapter 12
thank you

chapter 7

30 6 0
By cuteLITTLEpants

I ran out of the hospital towards the parking lot but got blinded by the light as it was the first light I had seen in almost three days. After searching, I found my car.

I clicked the button and heard the car doors unlock.

The heat and smell hit me as I climbed into the drivers side. Obviously it had been standing too long in the sun.

I slowly drove under the mechanical arm of the entrance, as the worker waved a 'good bye'.

"Where to go?" I thought as I continued down the road. I needed to go somewhere that reminded me of him, before all of this happened.

An idea worked its way through my mind as I knew where too go..

The drive took about 30 minutes, because the place I was headed, was all the way across town.

I slowly pulled up onto the green grass of the park. It was now a gray colour as the sun was fading into the horizon.

The sky was lit with reds and oranges and the shadows of trees walked for miles on end.

There were rusty swing sets creaking as they were being used by small little children.

I sat there for a while, taking in the scenery.

I then reached out and unlocked the door, swinging it open. It was windy outside, but not cold.

I turned on the CD player, and went to song number 5...

He turned the car engine off, taking out the key and putting it in his pocket.

This was our seventh date, because things were going really well.

He looked at me and smiled, then opened his door.

I looked out the window, and then opened my door too.

I climbed out onto the grass that was in desperate need of a trim. And walked around the car, towards him.

"I like your choice of date destinations" I admired.

"Well when I was younger, I use to love the park! Some of my best memories came from here" he said.

"And since this date is special, I wanted to bring you somewhere I felt matched the occasion"

I looked at him "special?"

He laughed "wanna come swing" he said, running towards the child sized play set"
I laughed and ran after him.

We spent hours swinging, seeing who could go the highest. Then we slid down the long yellow slide, and lastly we played a game of touchers under a large oak Tree.

I was proud at myself for remembering the name of the tree.
I had heard it from logan on our first date.

He really liked trees, and nature.

I sat in the long grass watching him play with this little girl we had met. She was quite mature for her age though.

It was so funny watching him pretend to fall. As she would die of laughter at his silliness.

After a while the little girls mother came to fetch her so that they could head back home.

Logan walked back toward me planting himself in the grass.

"Looks like you had fun?" I giggled.

"She is quite fit" he said, out of breath.

We sat there, when all of a sudden he started coughing really loudly.

"Logan? Are you okay?" I said, worried at his struggle to inhale air.

He slowed his breathing and smiled, "yeah, I'm fine" he said slowly panting.

"What was that?" I questioned out of worry. It wasn't a normal cough, it was much worse.

"Oh, it's nothing, I just have a bit of asthma, nothing to worry about. I have had it since I was a small baby"

I didn't know much about the illness, but it wasn't fatal ,right?

"Seriously" he laughed at me, "stop looking so worried"

He stood up and walked towards his car. "Are we leaving?" I asked.

"Not just yet" he replied, opening his door.

I sat there wondering what he was up too, when I heard the CD player come on. And a smile crossed my face.

He walked back towards me, "may I have this dance?" He asked.

I blushed, lifting myself up. He then took my one hand and put it on his shoulder, then my other hand he placed on his hip.

His one hand was holding my back, and his other rapped around my waste. Then he slowly started moving along to the slow music.

"Number 5" he said.. I looked at him in confusion. "The song, it's number five on the CD, it's my most favourite song ever!" He said.

I hadn't heard it before, but he wasn't wrong. It was really good.

The leaves blew past us as we slowly moved left and right in the spotlight of the car lights.

"Can I ask something?" He said, and I assumed he was talking about the 'special' thing he had planned.

"Anything" I reassured him, and smiled into his eyes.

"We have been together for quite some time now, and I really enjoy our dates. I also don't plan on letting you go anytime soon. So I was wondering, if you would do me the honour of..." he paused, slightly blushing. "...Of...being my boyfriend"

I looked up into his eyes. Boyfriend was such a stupid term, something a school girl would use, 'oh Kenn, be my boyfriend...sure barbie'.

I giggled in my head, thinking about my barbie comment, when I realised I still hadn't answered Logan

"I would absolutely, positively, love to be your boyfriend!" I giggled.

His eyes lit up at my answer. "Thank you so much!" He said, as he kissed me.

He removed his lips and giggled. "What now?" I asked.

He looked at me, "nothing, boo" he giggled again, as he emphasised the word 'boo'.

Oh Logan, what would I do without you....

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