Chim - Whole Lotta History

By cryingonthemetro

41.5K 460 13


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
The Epilogue

Chapter 14

751 8 1
By cryingonthemetro

Chapter 14: Summer’s POV

Kara dragged me into yet another clothes shop, I was already holding large topshop and new look bags aswell as a river island bag. So far Kara had picked me a couple of new dresses, a skirt, some new jeans, a couple of new tops and a new pair of shoes. When she told me that she was taking me shopping she meant it. She had even gone as far as getting me some make up (I never wear make up). She had also decided, she was taking me out that night to get me a boy friend or girlfriend. She seemed to think that aslong as she was with me, mam would temporarily forget she was grounded. How she was planning on getting us into this club is beyond me. It wasn’t as if she knew anybody in England.

A couple of hours later and the two of us are sat in a starbucks on one of the main shopping streets. I sip at my frappucino whilst she drinks from her caramel latte. ‘You ok’ she smiles towards me.’Yeah, I am actually’ I smile back. We continue to make small talk whilst we finish off our drinks before making our way out of the coffee shop and towards the tube station.

Cheryl’s POV

Apparently the press had already managed to gather some pictures of me with Kimberley the night before and therefore, when we left the house that morning to head off to meet the girls, we were greeted by newspaper articles galore. ‘How the hell did it become public knowledge so quick? I wasn’t even aware that you guys were still in the public eye’ I screamed. ‘Chez, calm down, they were gunna have to find out sooner or later’ Kim spoke calmly. ‘Yeah, well I was hoping for later’ I snapped. I didn’t want to start an argument but I was p***ed off. ‘Oh so we are back to that stage of our relationship again’ Kim questioned with a slight frown on her face. ‘What relationship Kimberley, we havn’t been together for 10 years so why would I want it thrown straight back into the limelight again now? We both agreed we wanted to take it slowly and not rush anything or was I the only one there at that conversation?’ I snapped back, in quite a fowl mood by now.

 I could tell from Kim’s face that id hurt her feelings and upset her but I was in too much of a mood by now to care. That was the end of that discussion because Kim wouldn’t even look at me, let alone talk to me for the rest of the journey and by the time we got to the restaurant you could cut the tension with a knife.

Kim pushed her way through the front door, totally ignoring me and not even holding the door for me. This was always the problem for me, my temper and moods would always get the better of me causing me to take stupid things out on kimba, causing stupid arguments. Looks like I had a lot of making up to do that night.

I followed Kim over to the table where Nicola and Nadine were already sitting. Kim conveniently placed herself between the two meaning that I didn’t even have the choice to sit next to her. I seriously didn’t think it would upset her that much. Nicola raised her eye at me and I just shrugged in response meaning that I didn’t want to talk about it. I watched as Nadine placed a comforting hand on Kim’s thigh and looked towards her requesting an answer to her silent question. Kim nudged her head in the direction of the toilets before they both stood up making up excuses for them to leave for the toilets.

I let out a huge sigh and just looked down at the table. ‘Whats up?’ Nicola asked, ‘Am I the biggest *Female Dog* or what’ I replied. ‘I mean, why is she even giving me another chance? I was such a *Female Dog*, We argued so much in those last few months and it was all my fault, I take all my bad moods out on her, im forever p***ing her off and I ruined everything. It will only be a matter of time until she gets bored and realises why things ended the first time round’ I continued rambling on to Nicola who just waited patiently for me to finish. ‘Babe, number 1, I think its Kimba you should really be talking to here about your doubts but also that’s ridiculous, its Kimberley for crying out loud, she wouldn’t have forgiven you if she didn’t think you were worth forgiving and she loves you so much. She would literally do anything for you and you know it. She is so serious about being with you again so you need to get rid of these doubts in order to make it work otherwise you’ll be back to square one!’. I looked towards Nicola and smiled a genuine smile. ‘Thanks babe, you’re right. I just neeed to do lots of grovelling and talk to her’ I smiled, feeling a lot better now that I’d had that chat even if it wasn’t with kim, herself.

Kim’s POV

I walked into the toilets, shortly followed by Nadine. She looked at me expectantly, ‘Whats going on?’ She queried, ‘I thought you were happy’ continued Nadine. ‘I am, I was, oh I don’t know Nadine, Things were going so well and then it’s as if we are back to square one and the first 9 years went out the window’ I cried. ‘Oh Kimberley, just imagine how shes feeling, shes still slightly confused as to why you’ve forgiven her so quickly, she still blames herself, you just need to make her realise that your serious. Just give her time babe’ Nadine explained. ‘She doesn’t even want the press to know that we are back together though Nadz, Its as if we are back to that part of our Relationship 20 odd years ago’ I went on. ‘Babe, just think about it. The press printed so much sh!t about her back then, it was due to the press that you found out about that night and most of it was lies so its only natural that she wouldn’t want to tell them straight away, they put her through so much sh!t’ Nadine said calmly. ‘And what about me Nadz, they put me through so much sh!t too, would she of even told me about that night if they hadnt have done it for her’ I questioned. ‘Yes she would have done Kimba, I swear to you. She loves you, she feels so guilty and she wanted to tell you herself I swear’ Nadz exclaimed. ‘You just need to talk to eachother rather than get angry at eachother because im guessing that Chez doesn’t fully understand what shes done wrong. You need to talk babe coz if you don’t, your relationships gonna get unhealthy and we want you both to be happy’ Nadz continued.

‘Come here’ Nadine said as she pulled me into a hug and wrapped her arms around my waist. I hugged her back as I cried. ‘Come on, lets get you cleaned up’ Nadine said as she started to wipe my face with a make-up wipe. ‘Thanks’ I replied. Suddenly the door burst open and Sarah practically ran in, ‘Omg, im bursting’ she screeched before running into a toilet cubicle. A few minutes later she reemerged and started to wash her hands. ‘You ok Kimba, it’s like a funeral out there and id say that Cheryls been crying but what do I know and shes denieing it so…’ Sarah continued. I just nodded my head before answering;’Yes, Im ok now thanks to Nadz’.

‘Come on then, im thirsty’ screeched Sarah before grabbing hold of my hand and dragging me through to the restaurant. Sarah dragged me to the table and practically pushed me into the chair next to Cheryl. I giggled at her persistence. ‘Right what do you want to drink? It better have alcohol in it’ Sarah screeched. ‘Im guessing you’ve already been on the alcohol’ I said as I raised my eyebrow at Sarah. She giggled in response, ‘What Can I say?’ she shrugged. I rolled my eyes at her before looking at the drinks menu. ‘Just a vodka and lemonade please’ I replied to the earlier question. ‘And for the girlfriend’ Sarah asked, ‘She can order for herself you know’ I laughed. ‘That’s more like it, put a smile on your face though didn’t it’ Sarah grinned.

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