Life of the changing.

By DaaBest

419 38 7

On Bens 18 birthday, secrets are revealed, mystery's solved, and new people met. He is confused and scared, b... More



30 4 0
By DaaBest

(Warning! This book contains violence. If you are very sensitive please do not read.)
Chapter 1
It had been 2 weeks since they arrived to the island, and they spent every moment together.
Jasmine was happy and she felt wanted. Ben finnaly found the love of his life, and he enjoyed how he woke up beside her.
She had showed him everything on the island. It consist of 4 other buildings, 4 pools, 3 tents, and 2 food bars.
It was now the third week that they were on the island. It was getting dark out, and they were sleepy.
They walked to the room together and laid on their separate beds.
Ben laid in thought, he wondered about his parents. Or his kidnapper's. He couldn't make himself believe that their love was a lie. To him, it felt so real. How she squeezed his cheeks and called him, her baby boy. How the man lied about how Ben was an only child. But the main thing he thought about was, his brother, Asarth. He thought that the King and Queen tried to recreate him. But they failed and created Asarth. He wanted to know the truth. So he leaned up from his bed and looked towards Jasmine's bed.
"Hey, Jasmine. Are you up?"
She groaned and flipped towards him.
He stared at her as she yawned.
"Can I ask you something?"
She leaned up and sat on the edge of her bed.
"Sure, anything."
"Who are Asarth's parents?"
She shifted in her seat as if, she was uneasy.
"Are you sure you want to know." She didn't make eye contact.
"Yes." He stood, walked over to her bed, and sat beside her, "Why would you ask? I it because it's bad?"
She started to play with her hair.
"In a way."
Ben looked at her, but she wouldn't look back at her.
"Asarth is the King and Queen's son. A year after you were kidnapped they wanted another son. They thought that they would never find you, and after Asarth became evil, and demonic, they thought that then it was really no hope."
He sat there to take it all in.
"So they wanted to create another me? And when they failed, then they choose to send someone to get me?"
"No Ben. It's not like that-"
"Then what is it like!" He stood up and forcefully ran his hands through his hair, "Why would they even bother to find me!"
"Ben calm down." She tried to touch him, but he snatched away.
"I just want to know, who I belong to. I want to know who my mom is.... I want to know who my dad is. I want to share some type of connection with my brother. Even if he is evil, even if  she died, even if he's gone."
Jasmine wrapped her arms around him, and rubbed his back.
He hugged her back.
"You have me." She pulled back and looked at him face to face, "You always have."
They smiled at each other and finnaly went to bed.

Chapter 2
Ben woke up from the sun shining on his pale face.
He stretched and yawned as he scratched his head. Jasmine was surprisingly still asleep, she was twisting and turning and the sun finnaly reached her temple.
"Jasmine?" Ben sat up and looked at her.
She didn't answer. So he figured that he'd just make some breakfast.
He walked out of the room, and towards the food bars.

It had been a while since he had made anything, like food or drinks. Because somehow everyday the snack bar would refill itself.
When you took a candy bar and closed the door, another would appear in the same place.
At first he grabbed a coconut for milk but instead, he picked a few banana's and berries to make a fruit salad. From the distance he heard strange clashing at the islands edge, for him nor Jasmine ever heard noises there.
In fear he sat the trays down and walked around the shelf to peak around the corner. He eased to where an inch of his face hung out, and in the distance standing in the water he saw Asarth and his army.
Spartak was laid on the ground either unconscious, or dead. Ben wanted to check on him, but he knew that if he left that spot, the army would kill him with ease.
He carefully walked to the room, and woke up Jasmine.
"Get up." He whispered while shaking her arm.
"Ummmmmmm." She moaned while stretching.
"We need to leave now." He was now packing food inside a toddler sized bookbag.
"Why?" She asked while sitting up.
"Asarth. He's here." He stopped packing and looked outsode to see if he was near them.
She frantically helped him pack.

After they had enough food to last them how ever long they ran to the food bar shelf that recreated food and packed it into the bag.
"Is Spartak okay?" Whispered Jasmine as she crouched beside him.
"I don't know. I think they knocked him out."
She ran to the food bar and peaked around to see if Asarth was still there
"She got what she deserved. To rot with the rest of her filthy peasants." Said Asarth as he balled his fist.
Ben bit his lip to fight back the words he was desperate to say.
"Now she'll see what's its like to be... A.... A, a replacement." He said the words as if they discussed him.
They examined the army that Asarth brought there.
The army contained multiple men, they were muscular and perplexly build. The men were gray and pale. Their skin was grotesque, and cracked. It looked like an army filled with zombie's.
Jasmine stared at a man in the very back as if he were familiar. She gasped inwardly at the sight of it.
"That's....." She swallowed spit, "that's my Father.

Chapter 3
Ben was surprised to see the father of a girl he was falling for, in an army filled with people set out to kill him. He was even more worried about the condition the man was in, and how Jasmine would react.
" That's your dad?" Ben asked.
She didn't answer, she just stared at his face, thinking about how long he'd been gone.
Asarth suddenly looked at the food bar. His eyes widened and his right hand short up, balled in a fist.
"You three." He pointed towards three men in the back, "Go check the island for any signs of the brat." He lifted up his left arm and pointed towards Jasmine 's dad, "You and Jalli stay put. And the rest of you follow me." He halfway smiled and walked forwards, "I want that twerp in one piece," he chuckled, "So I can rip em' apart."
Ben folded his body to where he was not seen behind the shelf. But, Jasmine just stood there. Starring.
"Jasmine!" He whispered loudly.
She jerked her head to the side and looked back at him. In fear she ran back and stood beside him, accidentally stepping on a coconut shell, as it cracked.
"What was that?" Asked a round man standing behind Jasmine's dad.
"I don't know." Said Jasmine's dad.
"Imma go see what it is. Keep cover."
He shook his head. And Jalli walked towards them.
In utter fear Jasmine jumped out and kicked him as soon as he stepped behind the corner.
She was face to face with him now, he gulped and blinked twice.
"Eruki, call for back up!" Yelled the man.
Eruki stared at Jasmine in disbelief.
She looked at him in disgust.
"You remember me now."
She grew down the man and Ben grabbed him but his shoulders.
"I always have. And I always will." He started to walk towards her.
"Now that its been 15 years, we happen to bump into each other and you want to hug me!"
Tears ran down her cheeks as she looked at him harshly.
"No, it now like that, its just-"
"Don't you even try to tell me what its like! What its like to wake up an wonder when daddy's coming home. To sit and wait every night until your 9 and you mom had to carry you to bed! I've been looking for you since you left!" She wiped away tears and sniffed, "because I do. I know what it feels like, I know how hard it is to deal with it. And trust me its not easy."

Asarth was right behind them the whole time. His army stood at attention as they waited for his command. He stepped forward, and slowly clapped.
"Well, well. Look at what we have here." He smiled.
"I didn't know you had a daughter." He shook his head disappointedly, and pulled a bow and arrow from his bag.
Eruki stepped back further away into the water.
"We don't need to do this."
"Your right." He smiled, "because I do." In an instant he pulled back the arrow, and it shot forward. Directly into Eurkis heart.
Eruki laid stiff on the bouncing waves, as Jasmine broke down in tears.
Ben slowly let go of the man and ran to Jasmine. He craddled her in his arms, trying to keep her from running to the body.
The army started to surround them, as their lives began to flash before their eyes.

(If you liked it or have any questions just write it in the comments.)
The next part is coming soon, be sure to tune in.

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